Hezbollah chief: Extremists harm Islam more than cartoons

The Park 51 atrocity has absolutely nothing to do with a longtime existing synagogue in Lebanon----the one which
survived islamo Nazism in Lebanon out of hundreds. Park 51 is a new monument dedicated to the GLORIOUS DEED OF THE ISLAMO NAZI MUJAHADEEN in manhattan in service of the allah "god" and his friend t muhummad,
9-11-01-----to wit the murder of thousands of americans
A better example would be-----jews building a synagogue in
the erstwhile "Medina" in commemoration of the genocide
against jews carried out by the murderer of mecca---muhummad----after which the city was renamed medina-
and later on the carcass of the dead rapist murderer was
buried in that once jewish city

Perhaps Mr. Tin will make the arrangements-
I noticed that Tinmore sputtered on about Park 51 as an islamist "Cultural Center". It just shows the dishonesty and deceit that he and his islamist heroes will spew.

There is a putrid odor of deceit and deception surrounding the way islamists were posturing that default monument to Islamic terrorism. . Firstly, and for the benefit of the Tinmore types who flail their pom poms for islamist terrorists, the name of the abomination called "Park 51" was changed from “Cordoba House”. I think it’s pretty clear that “Cordoba House” carried with it a lot of historical baggage related to islamist conquering and occupation of Spain.

"Cordoba House" was a huge miscalculation on the part of the promoters to offer such a title and I have to believe that there was an arrogant assumption that the dhimmis would not make an issue of it.

Of course there was as the promoters of that fiasco were very careful about not making known the source of the funding for the land purchase or the building improvements. While we were being given flowery assessments (by the promoters, obviously), that this use will be a “Cultural Center” designed to promote “tolerance and understanding”, it was obvious to everyone that we have a history of mosques, islamist charities and islamist community organizations (especially those with Saudi backing), that are little more than organizations of hate promotion.
a little historical factoid-----Maimonides was born in
Cordoba-----he fled that city over the dead bodies
of friends and relatives -------a muslim massacre of
jews. Somehow muslims claim that CORDOBA
was a utopia of love and understanding between all
people under the laws of islam
a little historical factoid-----Maimonides was born in
Cordoba-----he fled that city over the dead bodies
of friends and relatives -------a muslim massacre of
jews. Somehow muslims claim that CORDOBA
was a utopia of love and understanding between all
people under the laws of islam
It seems that Tinny has, as usual, failed to do his islamo-homework and failed to study his islamo-history.

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