Satirical French newspaper Charlie Hebdo will republish Mohammed cartoons as terror trial kicks off


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Put leaders aside, because I think the French have a weak one right now. However, the French love their free speech as much as Americans do, and they will go to great lengths to defy anyone who tries to take it away.

One can debate the logic of this, but one must not capitulate to those who wish to silence you.

Oh, and watch the video clip in the mini screen in the article that is provided that goes back to 2015 and the protests on the streets, even Bibby, Palestenian leaders were Obama, no Biden no John Kerry was there as leaders walked arm in arm.

Let's all remember about how the world was in 2015. The clip is more powerful than the new article.

Satirical French newspaper Charlie Hebdo will republish Mohammed cartoons as terror trial kicks off

Satirical French newspaper Charlie Hebdo, the target of a 2015 massacre by Islamic extremists, will republish cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed to coincide with the start of a trial for the terror attack.

The 2015 attack left 12 people dead when gunman swarmed Charlie Hebdo's offices, killing 11 employees and a policeman nearby in Paris. In the following days, additional attacks left five more people dead until three attackers were killed in shootouts with police.

Fourteen people charged with providing assistance to the gunmen are scheduled to go on trial over the killings beginning on Wednesday. Charlie Hebdo had long published controversial cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed, which is believed to be why the newspaper was targeted.

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