Heyluh Bawbuh & The Citizen's Council of Missuhsaypay


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
First he was for it, so much so he posed with them during a fundraiser for a private school that was intended to keep blacks out. Now he's "condeming it" a mere week or so later.

Think Heyluh Bawbuh is Presidential material?

Better yet, think The Citizen's Council is an upstanding organization?

Yes, no, maybe so?

Why/Why not?
Oh great...another racist crack from the "diversity of the left". Seems to be one of, if not THE, primary focus of the liberal attack on anyone who dares to challenge them. God forbid that they should point out the massive number of blacks that Governor Barbour assisted in regaining their lives on the coast of Mississippi following Katrina. You never hear about the outstanding job the governor and his administration performed in rebuilding MULTIPLE cities that were literally wiped out after that horrific storm. Homes weren't just flooded. They were swept away leaving slabs. Businesses vanished. Streets disappeared. And yet, in only a matter of a couple years, the majority of them were back to things as usual...People who lived there came back home. Business owners who worked there re-opened their doors and new roads to new opportunities have paved the way for all. If you visit the MS Gulf Coast, there are still scars of that terrible event, but the people of Biloxi, Gulfport, Long Beach, Bay St. Louis, Pass Christian and Waveland will tell you that it's never been better on the coast...thanks to Governor Haley Barbour and the "can-do" spirit of Mississippians. It wasn't just one city that was flooded and still struggles to meet it's resident's needs. It was and is an entire region that was revitalized with pride and perseverance...and very little complaining about what the federal government didn't do for them.

For the record, private schools DO NOT keep blacks out. That's one of the most IGNORANT statements ever. Anybody who wants to pay the tuition can attend the school of their choice.

Personally, I think that Gov. Barbour would make an excellent presidential candidate. Which is why he will come under such terrible judgement from the racially motivated liberal left. Is he perfect? No. Of course not. But, if anyone knows how to rebuild a nation in tatters, it's a man like Gov. Barbour who brought the Gulf Coast region back from the dead so that it's racially diverse population could thrive again.
Rachel really put the she-wood to ole Haley last night lol, classic!
Barbour isn't worth a thread. He has no chance, he is a bigot, and it's a joke to imagine anyone outside of the deep South voting for him.

Sadly, you're right in part. He doesn't really stand a chance. But not because he's a bigot. More likely because he will be labeled as one by the leftwing media while they ignore all the good he did for MS's large black population. He'll be black-balled because of his overly southern drawl. He'll be ridiculed because he's from MS....the same state that brought us B. B. King, Morgan Freeman, James Earl Jones, OPRAH, Walter Payton and Jerry Rice.

But then, I guess, they are all entitled to be honored by the left.
Rachel really put the she-wood to ole Haley last night lol, classic!
Barbour isn't worth a thread. He has no chance, he is a bigot, and it's a joke to imagine anyone outside of the deep South voting for him.

Sadly, you're right in part. He doesn't really stand a chance. But not because he's a bigot. More likely because he will be labeled as one by the leftwing media while they ignore all the good he did for MS's large black population. He'll be black-balled because of his overly southern drawl. He'll be ridiculed because he's from MS....the same state that brought us B. B. King, Morgan Freeman, James Earl Jones, OPRAH, Walter Payton and Jerry Rice.

But then, I guess, they are all entitled to be honored by the left.
But his bigotry will be whitewashed by the Rightwing media, so it's fair and balanced.
Two Questions for the aplogists in this thread:

1. What about this thread was racist?

2. How can you honestly defend Heyluh Bawbuh's stance and positions?

I'm home today, so I'm listening.

P.S. - We're not talking about the new black panthers, which, NO ONE on the left nor right on this thread, or publicly or in the media has defended.

Whatja think a da new black panther?

What...all 2 members...maybe 6 members nationwide? They are a JOKE!

WTF does this have to do with the price of tea in China?!???
There isn't a day that goes by that the fucking left doesn't have someone new in their sights to DEMONIZE. It's just miraculous these perfect people. And since theiy're so PERFECT how is it that they keep this country so FUCKED up?
There isn't a day that goes by that the fucking left doesn't have someone new in their sights to DEMONIZE. It's just miraculous these perfect people. And since theiy're so PERFECT how is it that they keep this country so FUCKED up?

Did he or did he NOT do the things presented in the OP?
Rachel really put the she-wood to ole Haley last night lol, classic!
Barbour isn't worth a thread. He has no chance, he is a bigot, and it's a joke to imagine anyone outside of the deep South voting for him.

TXLongHorn over there happens to think ole Heyluh Bawbuh would make an EXCELLENT Presidential candidate.

Of course he happens to be from Texas, and you know what my thoughts are on folks from Texas.

It doesn't surprise me one bit he feels that way.

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