Hey Left,Quit Pretending You Care About Religious Tolerance...

Ignorance really is bliss i guess. Most Democrats who call themselves Christians don't even realize that the snotty Anti-Christian Leftists control the party they blindly support. It's kind of funny but also pretty sad. :(

What's sad is that you consider yourself a Christian, when it's obvious that you don't know the meaning of the word! You're exaggerating, a form of a lie. Is THAT Christian behavior? I think no and Sr. Mary Margaret would have said the same.
Saw a report showing Lady Ga Ga desicrating a Crucifix and bashing Christians while her Leftist minions went wild with adoration. Leftists are anything but tolerant & respectful of religious expression...When it comes to Christians anyway.

How do you know the politics of her fans??? You're an idiot and people like you that make these ridiculous assumptions give me the creeps.

Lady Gaga is a well known Anti-Christian Leftist so it's not such a leap to believe that most of her fans feel the same way. They sure do cheer pretty loudly when she desecrates a Crucifix and denigrates Christians. The same can be said for Madonna and her fans.

Gaga is an entertainer you dumbfuck. You're probably pissed for whacking off your little sausage to her but not being able to admit it to anyone.
That's a leap. Lady Gaga is very talented and popular amongst many demographics. But I understand your point. The "Work of Art" reality show featured the "Piss Christ" artist as one of its "celebrity judges" recently.
Watch the spittle. You just got some on me. Now you just sound like a loon. So stop embarrassing yourself. It's not my fault you support a party that hates Christians for the most part. That's a YP not a MP. But good luck with that. :)

you can say it over and over, it doesn't make it true.

Millions of Democrats are Christian. Now, put your fingers in your ears and go la la la la, because that fact alone means that your thread is Partisan Dogshit.........and...you should be ashamed to do it to your fellow countrymen...........but you aren't, because you're not a good person, you're a partisan one.

You don't even know that the party you blindly support is dominated by snotty Leftists who hate Christians for the most part. That's just plain sad. I actually feel sorry for you. You should get to know your party better. :confused:

You haven't got the slightest idea what a Christian is. You wouldn't recognize a Christian if one kicked you in the ass. I don't think you have shown that you yourself believe in Christianity.

"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." ( John 13:34)
Ignorance really is bliss i guess. Most Democrats who call themselves Christians don't even realize that the snotty Anti-Christian Leftists control the party they blindly support. It's kind of funny but also pretty sad. :(

What's sad is that you consider yourself a Christian, when it's obvious that you don't know the meaning of the word! You're exaggerating, a form of a lie. Is THAT Christian behavior? I think no and Sr. Mary Margaret would have said the same.

Well we just disagree i guess. My observations have led me to conclude that snotty Anti-Christian Leftists do control the Democratic Party. They are the ruling-class in that party. I see no tolerance or respect for religious expression by these people. This is certainly the case when it comes to Christans anyway. That's why i think their take on this Mosque on Ground Zero issue is incredibly disingenuous and hypocritical. Why all the sudden respect & tolerance for religious expression? I'm just not buying the Left on this one.
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Saw a report showing Lady Ga Ga desicrating a Crucifix and bashing Christians while her Leftist minions went wild with adoration. Leftists are anything but tolerant & respectful of religious expression...When it comes to Christians anyway.

How do you know the politics of her fans??? You're an idiot and people like you that make these ridiculous assumptions give me the creeps.

Lady Gaga is a well known Anti-Christian Leftist so it's not such a leap to believe that most of her fans feel the same way. They sure do cheer pretty loudly when she desecrates a Crucifix and denigrates Christians. The same can be said for Madonna and her fans.

All individual people!!! You have no idea what religion they are, their political beliefs, or what they eat for breakfast!!! Why can't you get that through your head????
Here's a good one I just saw. Davenport Iowa tried to remove the name "Good Friday" from it's calendar. Ramadan - ok Good Friday - illegal. The author calls it "Christophobia".

Anti-Christian bigotry is the last fashionable hatred. It is easy for Davenport's Christophobes to pick on Good Friday. What's the worst that could happen? Angry phone calls and e-mails? Town-hall meetings? Maybe public protests? But, in the end, progressive commissars realize they will not pay much of a price - in fact, they will be celebrated by liberal elites for their "enlightened ideals."

The same standards do not apply to Islam. Davenport's multiculturalists would never dare to remove say, Ramadan, from the calendar and rename it "Fasting Month" for fear of offending Muslims - and possibly triggering a fatwa. Self-preservation - and cowardice - dissuades them from attacking certain religions.

Christians, however, are an easy target. They do not believe in jihad or suicide bombing. Unlike radical Islamists, they espouse the rule of law and human rights. They accept persecution - even state-sanctioned persecution - as part of their religious burden. Liberals realize that Christianity is a genuine "religion of peace." This is why they do not fear systematically smearing it.

KUHNER: Christophobia - Washington Times
If you cheer when a Crucifix is desecrated or when Christians are ridiculed and & insulted,it's fair to conclude you are a fellow snotty Anti-Christian Leftist. I just don't think it's such a stretch to conclude this. Hey just my opinion anyway.
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That's a leap. Lady Gaga is very talented and popular amongst many demographics. But I understand your point. The "Work of Art" reality show featured the "Piss Christ" artist as one of its "celebrity judges" recently.

That picture is seen by many Christians as being a commentary on what Western Christianity has done to Christ's message on social justice and I believe a nun was one of the judges who voted it a winner. Groups most guilty of raping Jesus' name for their own selfishness whine the loudest about that picture because it articulates what they try to cover up.
Thank you for giving us an example of religious intolerance, and for showing us the reason why the First Amendment protection of religion exists.
Wow. talk about white being black. Idiot.

Yes, saying "Christianity, love it or leave America, because America is a Christian nation", is in fact a perfect example of religious intolerance.
yeah, that's what it is. You can spit on what is given to you from Christians all you want. Just don't think you're entitled to be called an ingrate or have no consequences of them. The dipshit chicks found out about consequences for poorly chosen words, so can you.

But ya got a right to say em! :) Oh yes indeedy.
If you cheer when a Crucifix is desecrated or when Christians are ridiculed and & insulted,it's fair to conclude you are a fellow snotty Anti-Christian Leftist. I just don't think it's such a stretch to conclude this. Hey just my opinion anyway.
Would it be fair to know why the Christians have been ridiculed and insulted?

It would be fair but i'm not interested in hearing excuses for intolerance & hate. The Left constantly expresses intolerance & hate towards Christians and i'm not interested in hearing their bogus justifications.
I am still trying to figure out their love for the Muslims though. Specifically, the Islamic terrorism deniers. Perhaps hatred for America, trumps their pro-gay, feminist agenda? Just throwin out there because I've yet to see any other rational explanation.
If you cheer when a Crucifix is desecrated or when Christians are ridiculed and & insulted,it's fair to conclude you are a fellow snotty Anti-Christian Leftist. I just don't think it's such a stretch to conclude this. Hey just my opinion anyway.

It's fair to say when you can't distinguish earned criticism from ridicule you are on the edge of a libocalypsenow birth certificate fighting for a very late term abortion.
Wow. talk about white being black. Idiot.

Yes, saying "Christianity, love it or leave America, because America is a Christian nation", is in fact a perfect example of religious intolerance.
yeah, that's what it is. You can spit on what is given to you from Christians all you want. Just don't think you're entitled to be called an ingrate or have no consequences of them. The dipshit chicks found out about consequences for poorly chosen words, so can you.

But ya got a right to say em! :) Oh yes indeedy.

What was that oh so horrible criminal statement from the dixie chicks?

"We're ashamed the President is from Texas."

Wasn't that it? (Or very close to it)

Dumbfucking nationalistic whiny ***** like you got introduced to Freedom of Speech by it and you're still punch drunk while the dixie chicks are still cashing in on their music and mocking dumbasses like you.
I am still trying to figure out their love for the Muslims though. Specifically, the Islamic terrorism deniers. Perhaps hatred for America, trumps their pro-gay, feminist agenda? Just throwin out there because I've yet to see any other rational explanation.

When did we start talking about idiots lauding the occupations of iraq and afghanistan that installed islamic theocracies? How many Americans got killed so those regimes could get installed? You gotta REALLY FUCKING LOVE extreme islamic fucks to cheer the killing of over 5,000 US troops just so sharia law can rule. There are many islamic extremists who can now legally rape their wives in afghanistan that want to give dumbasses like you and big hug for helping put them in power.
I am still trying to figure out their love for the Muslims though. Specifically, the Islamic terrorism deniers. Perhaps hatred for America, trumps their pro-gay, feminist agenda? Just throwin out there because I've yet to see any other rational explanation.

I think it's more so about their hate for Christians than their love for Muslims. The Left sides with Muslims because they see that as a blow to Christianity. Anything that hurts Christians is a good thing for them. You never see them defending Christians or expressing the same tolerance & respect for Christians as you're now seeing with them defending this Mosque. In other words,if it's bad for Christians it's good for Leftists. It is weird but it is what it is.
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Yes, saying "Christianity, love it or leave America, because America is a Christian nation", is in fact a perfect example of religious intolerance.
yeah, that's what it is. You can spit on what is given to you from Christians all you want. Just don't think you're entitled to be called an ingrate or have no consequences of them. The dipshit chicks found out about consequences for poorly chosen words, so can you.

But ya got a right to say em! :) Oh yes indeedy.

What was that oh so horrible criminal statement from the dixie chicks?

"We're ashamed the President is from Texas."

Wasn't that it? (Or very close to it)

Dumbfucking nationalistic whiny ***** like you got introduced to Freedom of Speech by it and you're still punch drunk while the dixie chicks are still cashing in on their music and mocking dumbasses like you.
yes yes... blinded by ideology so you can sleep at night. Keep it up, buttercup.
Saw a report showing Lady Ga Ga desicrating a Crucifix and bashing Christians while her Leftist minions went wild with adoration. Leftists are anything but tolerant & respectful of religious expression...When it comes to Christians anyway.

How do you know the politics of her fans??? You're an idiot and people like you that make these ridiculous assumptions give me the creeps.

Lady Gaga is a well known Anti-Christian Leftist so it's not such a leap to believe that most of her fans feel the same way.

She's famous for her music not her political views, so unless she puts a ton of political messages in her songs it is a leap.
If you cheer when a Crucifix is desecrated or when Christians are ridiculed and & insulted,it's fair to conclude you are a fellow snotty Anti-Christian Leftist. I just don't think it's such a stretch to conclude this. Hey just my opinion anyway.

That does it. You are HOPELESS.

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