Hey Barack, why so socialist?

When was this article written? Obama ran a centrist campaign, and has moved left, and it looks like this article is way outdated. but, be it not me to point that out to you. carry on....

How has he moved left? He promised a health care package, and he is trying to deliver one. But he didn't anticipate needing a stimulus package when he was campaigning. Obama has always strongly favored energy independence, and that's also on the table (with cap and trade probably not going to happen as part thereof). Obama is still strong on improving education standards; getting more kids into college; job training.

Those are all typical "Democratic" interests, which have long been ignored. Obama is no more "left" of center than he's ever been.

Yet, he promised to reach across the isle and make it happen. It's the only thing that made him centrist during the campaign, just until he was elected. Then he came out of closet...
Here is the broken record: "Create and save jobs..."

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiTKyzNU0dU]YouTube - Pres. Obama regarding Unemployment and Economy[/ame]
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More Barack Obama Child Indoctrination Videos Uncovered

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ep0BfK7ROhM"]More Barack Obama Child Indoctrination Videos Uncovered[/ame]
Ame®icano;1698656 said:
Ame®icano;1696116 said:

Cute--except that no second stimulus is being considered. :cuckoo:


Conservative "Trickle Down"​

On what planet do you live?

He just signed mini stimulus last week.

Obama to Sign $24B Economic Stimulus Bill

And they are considering more:

Obama’s Economic “Triage”
Obama Eyes Economic Triage for Unemployed

Also check video HERE


Gee, okay, let's not help the continuing unemployment situation by extending benefits, shall we? Let's just allow all those people, and more to come, to sign up for existing "welfare" programs, shall we? Which do you think would be more costly in the end?

You're cartoon implied another major stimulus program, not one to shore up the existing and ongoing programs, therefore, no, I was not making remarks from another planet.
Ame®icano;1698656 said:
Cute--except that no second stimulus is being considered. :cuckoo:


Conservative "Trickle Down"​

On what planet do you live?

He just signed mini stimulus last week.

Obama to Sign $24B Economic Stimulus Bill

And they are considering more:

Obama’s Economic “Triage”
Obama Eyes Economic Triage for Unemployed

Also check video HERE


Gee, okay, let's not help the continuing unemployment situation by extending benefits, shall we? Let's just allow all those people, and more to come, to sign up for existing "welfare" programs, shall we? Which do you think would be more costly in the end?

You're cartoon implied another major stimulus program, not one to shore up the existing and ongoing programs, therefore, no, I was not making remarks from another planet.

The cartoon doesn't say "major", it says "another".

They could continue unemployment from money they havent used from the first stimulus. But no, it's better to have more debt and interest on it, then use money you already "have".
Here is another one...

The Obama administration will propose that the federal government take over safety regulation of the nation's subway and light-rail systems, responding to what it says is haphazard and ineffective oversight by state agencies.

Under the proposal, the U.S. Department of Transportation would do for transit what it does for airlines and Amtrak: set and enforce federal regulations to ensure that millions of passengers get to their destinations safely. Administration officials said the plan will be presented in coming weeks to Congress, which must approve a change in the law.

Federal oversight of subways proposed

First he takes over banks, insurance companies, and the mortgage companies. Then he took over two out of big three (GM, Chrysler), now Obama wants the federal government to enforce regulations on light rail and subways, which are local and state issues.

What's next? How about bad sport teams? Fishing industry is not performing good lately. I red that MGM is in trouble with cash, $4 billion short...

No, he's not socialist at all. :eusa_whistle:
Ame®icano;1722736 said:
Here is another one...

The Obama administration will propose that the federal government take over safety regulation of the nation's subway and light-rail systems, responding to what it says is haphazard and ineffective oversight by state agencies.

Under the proposal, the U.S. Department of Transportation would do for transit what it does for airlines and Amtrak: set and enforce federal regulations to ensure that millions of passengers get to their destinations safely. Administration officials said the plan will be presented in coming weeks to Congress, which must approve a change in the law.

Federal oversight of subways proposed

First he takes over banks, insurance companies, and the mortgage companies. Then he took over two out of big three (GM, Chrysler), now Obama wants the federal government to enforce regulations on light rail and subways, which are local and state issues.

What's next? How about bad sport teams? Fishing industry is not performing good lately. I red that MGM is in trouble with cash, $4 billion short...

No, he's not socialist at all. :eusa_whistle:

I understand the premise. But here's the DEAL...many if not ALL of these systems have subscribed to Federal Funds to get them going. Guess what that means?

The Camel's nose went under the tent, and the Camel was welcomed into the TENT. So in that right? Since the FED gave the FUNDS (As did GM and Chrysler WELCOME the Camel?)...

Guess who gets to call the shots? The Entities that welcome that Stinkin' Camel into their tents and subscribe to what the FED sells? Become ENSLAVED to ithe FED.

So what to do? Do these things ON your own and TAKE the risk? OR invite the Camel into your tent, and know that you'll be cleaning up and taking the Camel's DUNG heap for DECADES.

SEEMS TO ME the $$$ Signs are inviting...NO?

THAT is how GM, Chrysler, and the many States get their asses entrapped. THEY subscribed, and now are subject. They gave UP their RIGHT to liberty in LIEU of being controlled by those that payed their way...

Now what are their Options? Pay it back and assume responsibility for it themselves...Continue to enslave yourself to the Government to their whim, OR Smack the Camel's NOSE outright and run the CAMEL OFF when that nose goes under the tent.

WHICH of these choices is the better for Liberty Sake?


Thanks for the head's UP on this. Politicians, Business leaders really need to pay strict attention before they sell themselves, their Companies, OR the people of their Respective STATES into abject SLAVERY to the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.

IF they sell themselves into this slavery? They had better have a DAMNED GOOD REASON TO DO SO IMHO.
You guys over rate liberty....

You must be one of those that thinks people are too STUPID to now what they want?

IF SO? You're a typical Partisan Liberal/Statist/Control Freak.

No, I'm a realist. You live in fantasy land.

You want liberty? Go live in the forest and live off the land....but don't use roads that govts paid for, or if you get sick, don't use public hospitals. In fact, make a list of everything taxes pay for, and just make sure you NEVER use them..
Those quotes sure do sound like a socialist ideologue. How can anyone say otherwise?

Definitions of socialism:

•a political theory advocating state ownership of industry
•an economic system based on state ownership of capital

Does the government now own all industry? No. Did it attempt to prop up important industries (financial institutions and automobile) in order for it to survive IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR? Yes.

Does the government now "own" all capital? Hardly. Or did you miss those big bonuses the Wall Street fat cats want to pocket. Again.

Wealth "redistribution" works both ways. It's time that some of the windfall from the last eight years that did NOT trickle down according to Econ 101 but was pocketed by the already wealthy, start being redistributed to those who were pissed on instead.

Would that be wall street, trial lawyers, bankers and union management (not members)?
Meister, stop driveling and pay attention. The parcel and post and delivery industries have competed with the USPS very well for a very long time. Health insurance reform is not universal health care reform. Government regulati.on is not socialism. Breathe into a paper bag, if you have to, and calm down.

Forcing citizens to 'purchase' health care insurance (acceptable to their choice of administrators) under penalty of 'fines' (taxes) or prison is not freedom. That is the government taking your rights.
Those quotes sure do sound like a socialist ideologue. How can anyone say otherwise?

Definitions of socialism:

•a political theory advocating state ownership of industry
•an economic system based on state ownership of capital

Does the government now own all industry? No. Did it attempt to prop up important industries (financial institutions and automobile) in order for it to survive IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR? Yes.

Does the government now "own" all capital? Hardly. Or did you miss those big bonuses the Wall Street fat cats want to pocket. Again.

Wealth "redistribution" works both ways. It's time that some of the windfall from the last eight years that did NOT trickle down according to Econ 101 but was pocketed by the already wealthy, start being redistributed to those who were pissed on instead.

Maggie, I been looking at a bit of the wealth distribution going down at Welcome to USAspending.gov and Recovery.gov

I cannot say I am terribly impressed after looking closer into where all the money is going. Twenty two million plus of ARRA money for few select bio industry and energy type projects here with only a few jobs to show for the ARRA monies alone, that does not include other grants they have received and are scheduling to receive. Although from what I have been reading Iowa does have a new energy department to oversee all this purported clean energy with new a three year college grad overseeing it too. From the quick search I did this morning it looks like a possibility daddy is a corporate attorney that moved here in recent years from Chicago.

Sorry by the looks of this so far it does not sound like the kind of things that are going to get people back working.

Would that be: TRICKLE UP, POVERTY?
Those quotes sure do sound like a socialist ideologue. How can anyone say otherwise?

Definitions of socialism:

•a political theory advocating state ownership of industry
•an economic system based on state ownership of capital

Does the government now own all industry? No. Did it attempt to prop up important industries (financial institutions and automobile) in order for it to survive IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR? Yes.

Does the government now "own" all capital? Hardly. Or did you miss those big bonuses the Wall Street fat cats want to pocket. Again.

Wealth "redistribution" works both ways. It's time that some of the windfall from the last eight years that did NOT trickle down according to Econ 101 but was pocketed by the already wealthy, start being redistributed to those who were pissed on instead.

OK, so we aren't completely socialist acording to the text book, I feel so much better now, for a minute I feared with all the other similarites maybe we had something to worry about about.

What's Interesting though is:

How the Government wants to regulate salaries.
In the Chrysler Bail-out the largest percentage was given to the Labor Unions.
The Government forced banks to accept deals they otherwise would have laughed at.
Our own Congress passes a law allowing a tax targeted at very specific group of people.

Kinda looks like maybe a fondation is being laid for something down the road.

I wonder what?

I never got the Joker/Obama comparison. Wasn't the Joker just an agent of chaos trying to destroy humanity for the sake of it after he was abused and had his lips cut open by his mother?

People are saying Obama is the same thing. And Joker's lips were supposedly cut open by his father. Though I want to see Joker's Birth Certificate. :eusa_whistle:

Which is why I didn't get it. What evidence is there that Obama is deliberately plotting to take down the country? It's a stupid analogy. I could've sworn the Joker said it was his mother in The Dark Knight though...

Can you show how he is bringing it together, or making it stronger?

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