Hermin Cain Announces!!!!!!!!!

So a black man can't be appreciated based on his ideology?

You are so far gone.

How very racist your posts are.

Not really. My posts are not racist at all.
Two reasons why people like him
1) he's black
2) says what you like to hear.

thats it. He is a vessel to justify your opinions. His name just happens to be Cain.

I got that.

You dismiss him as an accomplished black man that many might admire for a variety of reasons, because he is black, and therefore token.

You are making him token.

And calling us racist while doing so.

Plasticballs is one of USMB's premier bigots.... that's what he does.
Sure... Obama's the left's token black. Look how the left treats any minority that doesn't play ball.
Not really. My posts are not racist at all.
Two reasons why people like him
1) he's black
2) says what you like to hear.

thats it. He is a vessel to justify your opinions. His name just happens to be Cain.

Same thing for those who are for President Obama

for some sure, but we have a lot of evidence that the right has a lot of racists in the party. This is a way of downplaying that angle.

A lot? Care to share the list with the rest of the class?
Ran his own Business,Conservative beliefs? Sounds pretty good to me. Probably exactly what this country needs right now. I'll have to study up on him some more though.
I’m torn, Cain seems ok at best, very weak candidate but I agree with a good amount of what he says. I like Ron Paul and Cain seems to be a less informative version of RP. The problem I see if they pull much of the same vote, meaning that Cain takes from RP and RP takes votes from Cain…

I get the feeling they might end up cancelling each other out in the primaries allowing someone like a Mitt to grab the nomination and further erode the party into a hole of lack of true conservative representation.

A Cain/Paul ticket would be awesome though… Again I’d like Paul to head the ticket as he has all the experience and I think Cain would make 1 hell of a VP during the GE. I simply think it would be a much weaker ticket the other way around and further more who else could Cain pick that wouldn’t be a full on neocon? That would lose my vote instantly.
You on the left vote for who you think is best for our country based on ideology and what the person is saying of how he or she will run this country.
Same for those on the right.
People will vote for him based on his ideology and how he will run this country.
Not what color he is.
everything. Cain is your excuse to say " look im not a racist".

I take it you agree Obama was The dems way to say "look we're not racist" then?

right because the general meme of the dems is that they are racists.


You call me a fucktard when you're the one who's racists comments have backed himself into a corner...

You seem to be the very definition of racist.

What are the rights options according to you then? Never like or vote for a person that is not white or it's a racist vote? Cain was very liked before he ever even announced any intentions to run for president, he had huge support from just speaking at events.

You bigot.
I’m torn, Cain seems ok at best, very weak candidate but I agree with a good amount of what he says. I like Ron Paul and Cain seems to be a less informative version of RP. The problem I see if they pull much of the same vote, meaning that Cain takes from RP and RP takes votes from Cain…

I get the feeling they might end up cancelling each other out in the primaries allowing someone like a Mitt to grab the nomination and further erode the party into a hole of lack of true conservative representation.

A Cain/Paul ticket would be awesome though… Again I’d like Paul to head the ticket as he has all the experience and I think Cain would make 1 hell of a VP during the GE. I simply think it would be a much weaker ticket the other way around and further more who else could Cain pick that wouldn’t be a full on neocon? That would lose my vote instantly.

Cain was talking with Hannity on yesterday's radio show. (I caught a bit while commuting...) He said he would like Ryan or Rubio as VP picks, but that those two men were committed to serving their respective terms out in their states.

I'm trying to remember who he did mention. Bachmann was one (which won't make too many people happy), the other two were good picks. Pawlenty and McConnell? That could be totally off... I couldn't find mention of the interview online yet.
You on the left vote for who you think is best for our country based on ideology and what the person is saying of how he or she will run this country.
Same for those on the right.
People will vote for him based on his ideology and how he will run this country.
Not what color he is.

and you are full of shit. Color has everything to do with this as much as ideology.
You are just to much of a fucking pussy to actually admit it.

Thats the problem woth the right and left. You guys sit in your comfortable fake realities and cant actually have an objective look at your own parties.

There is always excuses.

You seem to be the only one obsessed with the color of his skin. Who is the racist in this thread?
I'm ok with voting for a successful Businessman with Conservative beliefs. Cain has real life-experience in running Businesses,unlike most who are running the country right now. If he wins the GOP Nomination,i'll vote for him.
I’m torn, Cain seems ok at best, very weak candidate but I agree with a good amount of what he says. I like Ron Paul and Cain seems to be a less informative version of RP. The problem I see if they pull much of the same vote, meaning that Cain takes from RP and RP takes votes from Cain…

I get the feeling they might end up cancelling each other out in the primaries allowing someone like a Mitt to grab the nomination and further erode the party into a hole of lack of true conservative representation.

A Cain/Paul ticket would be awesome though… Again I’d like Paul to head the ticket as he has all the experience and I think Cain would make 1 hell of a VP during the GE. I simply think it would be a much weaker ticket the other way around and further more who else could Cain pick that wouldn’t be a full on neocon? That would lose my vote instantly.

Cain was talking with Hannity on yesterday's radio show. (I caught a bit while commuting...) He said he would like Ryan or Rubio as VP picks, but that those two men were committed to serving their respective terms out in their states.

I'm trying to remember who he did mention. Bachmann was one (which won't make too many people happy), the other two were good picks. Pawlenty and McConnell? That could be totally off... I couldn't find mention of the interview online yet.

see selective audience.

Cain is a one pump chump.

He's traveling all over the country talking to whomever will listen. How does that make his audience selective?

I agree with the poster that stated you have painted yourself into a corner with your comments.

Making him token is racist. I'm sorry you will not admit that.
You on the left vote for who you think is best for our country based on ideology and what the person is saying of how he or she will run this country.
Same for those on the right.
People will vote for him based on his ideology and how he will run this country.
Not what color he is.

and you are full of shit. Color has everything to do with this as much as ideology.
You are just to much of a fucking pussy to actually admit it.

Thats the problem woth the right and left. You guys sit in your comfortable fake realities and cant actually have an objective look at your own parties.

There is always excuses.

You a very blinded by your own ideology.You believed the left that the tea party is racist and you can not stand it that the majority of them are not.
I like his ideology and his background.
Guess what? While he was on the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City it did very well just like all of the businesses did while he was running them.
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Yeah a guy who ran a business in a sector that depends on low wage, low benefit, low job security labor for its success...

...that's just what America needs, because we certainly don't have enough of that already.
Herman Cain ran his own Businesses and understands that spending $14.5 Trillion more than you took in is a shocking disgrace. Looks like the Dummies running our Country right now haven't figured that out yet. If Cain does win the GOP Nomination,i'll definitely support him.
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Yeah a guy who ran a business in a sector that depends on low wage, low benefit, low job security labor for its success...

...that's just what America needs, because we certainly don't have enough of that already.

I didn't know that Coca Cola and Pillsbury were low wage,low benefits and low job security.
OK, anyone who is really involved in the racial aspect needs to sit and do some self examination time. The important issues are competence, skill, knowledge and history of accomplishment.

Herman Cain is fun to listen to, he has been writing on economic matter for a long time, he has turned two struggling business to profitability.(OK, so the pizza sucks, but the folks who work there still have jobs and the business is solvent)

He is appealing to tea party people like me because he tells us what we want to hear out of a politician. I think some of his religious views are slightly weird, but I feel that about everyone religious views.

When he gives a speech, he lights fires. He does not have a history of revolving beds like Gingrich (who I also like) he does not have Masscare in his resume like Romney, nor does he have a catch and release policy on violent criminals like Huckabee.

And his very existence pisses off the left. But that is just icing on a very sweet cake.

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