Here's your next conservative ban in the on going corporate collusion

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I didn't see the summer camps for people with disabilities and the meals on wheels and the soup kitchens on the Proud Boys website. Their idea of community involvement seems to be going to protests.

Which, considering the attack on Free Speech by the Left, is a very valuable contribution.
The group and its members self-identify as “Western chauvinists,” and McInnes has in the past publicly distanced himself from white supremacists. However, Proud Boys regularly take part in far-right events, where members have been observed participating in violence against counter-demonstrators. Before its suspension Friday, the official Twitter account of the organization featured a cover photo of a Proud Boy punching a counter-protester.
Twitter Shuts Down Accounts of Vice Co-Founder Gavin McInnes, Proud Boys Ahead of ‘Unite the Right’ Rally

Now we are getting somewhere.

Yes that is true.

They have as a requirement, that you believe that "The West is the Best".

ANd they believe strongly in self defense when attacked by Antifa.

What part of this in your opinion is bad?
"The West is the Best" is a nativist position that is part of the bullshit that leads to war, injustice, etc. etc. and always has. Why would you need to take a stand that the West is better? Better than what? You would only be preaching that if you felt someone were threatening that position. Who is threatening that position? Immigrants from other cultures.
They've got an ugly underpinning.

The left is threatening that position with their obvious hate for America.
Open borders, abolish ICE, teaching our children that being a homo is a okay, anti 1st amendment.
If you dont see those things as threats to America you are most certainly the enemy.
No one wants open borders. Being a homo isn't a crime and it isn't "wrong." No one is against freedom of speech or religion, as long as it doesn't threaten to take away the freedom of others. We are not your enemy. We just see things differently.
It is rapidly becoming obvious that these virtual public spaces need to be regulated to prevent such abuse.

Gavin MccInnes is a very relevant and important figure right now. Censoring him is very wrong.

White Supremacy & support of violence?
If you listen to the vid I put up, all the checks for a cult/white nationalist group are there. Members lacking a strong personal identity, looking for a place they "belong." More "anti-" than affirmative in their positions. "Us vs. them" excitement. I don't see where it's healthy.

Or could describe the Elks.
Look at you! Proud Boys & INCEL = Elks. :71:
I wonder who they will collude to ban next? It's such a pity liberals are such cowards and cannot bear to hear differing opinions. And even more cowardly when they do hear them, the only thing they seem to be able to say in reply is "Raycisss, raycissss....white supremes....", blubber blubber babble and stutter.
Don't like what a private business does? Start a competitor.....welcome to capitalism.
I told you it had just began. The collusion of liberals to silence conservative voices is well underway and growing.

Twitter Bans Conservative Commentator Gavin McInnes

Twitter banned the account of conservative commentator and CRTV host Gavin McInnes without warning earlier today, as well as the official account of the Proud Boys, a conservative-libertarian activist group McInnes founded.
A Twitter spokewoman said that the accounts had been banned for violating Twitter’s policies on “violent extremist groups.” Yet both the Proud Boys and McInnes advocate mainstream conservative and libertarian positions.

The left-leaning magazine Variety drew a link between the bans and the upcoming Unite The Right 2 rally in Washington D.C., organized by alt-right activists. Yet both McInnes and the Proud Boys have disavowed the alt-right.

The ban came despite Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey’s recent assurance, made on Sean Hannity’s radio show, that he hoped to deal with terms of service violations “with warnings, with notices, with a temporary lock of the account” ahead of permanent bans.

Twitter Bans Conservative Commentator Gavin McInnes | Breitbart
Gee....who would have thought they'd ban an INCEL terrorist group.

Yo, is INCEL your problem in bed? HAHAHA

bodecea own words Below:
If you listen to the vid I put up, all the checks for a cult/white nationalist group are there. Members lacking a strong personal identity, looking for a place they "belong." More "anti-" than affirmative in their positions. "Us vs. them" excitement. I don't see where it's healthy.

Or could describe the Elks.
I don't think so.

Who Are the Elks?
Since 1868, millions and millions of Americans
have joined the Elks. Find out why!

Elks Care, Elks Share. Are YOU an Elk?
Elks Lodges bring so much more to their communities than just a building, golf course or pool. They are places where neighbors come together, families share meals, and children grow up.

Elks invest in their communities through programs that help children grow up healthy and drug-free, meet the needs of today’s veterans, and improve the quality of life.

  • Elks in Alexandria, Va., hold a soup kitchen at the Lodge each weekday at lunch, serving 30 people, many of whom are veterans.
  • Wheeling, W.Va., Elks Lodge hosts local youth once a week for a wholesome meal. They also provide homework help and invite community leaders to speak at the meals.
  • Elks in Lockport, N.Y., provide an annual weeklong summer camp tailored to meet the needs of people with disabilities.

SO it's a guy only version of the Elks with more beer drinking than healthy meals.

Still pretty wholesome.
I didn't see the summer camps for people with disabilities and the meals on wheels and the soup kitchens on the Proud Boys website. Their idea of community involvement seems to be going to protests.

ANIFTA anyone? Anyone at all.
Oh, that's right......anti-fascism is trumpanzees.
Did what? Have black and hispanic members in their group of white nationalist?
"Western chauvinists"
I assume they can be different colors.

Yes but most reasonably thinking people would assume white nationalists are actually white....good grief you're floundering
Western chauvinists.

So you're rescinding your previous claim of white nationalist and this is your way of not coming right out and saying you were wrong?
If it floats your boat, I was inaccurate (wrong) to call them white nationalist. They are Western chauvinists. There is not a hell of a lot of difference, as far as the damage they can do.

So you dont mind slandering a group of people you know nothing about.
Did what? Have black and hispanic members in their group of white nationalist?
"Western chauvinists"
I assume they can be different colors.

Yes but most reasonably thinking people would assume white nationalists are actually white....good grief you're floundering
Western chauvinists.

So you're rescinding your previous claim of white nationalist and this is your way of not coming right out and saying you were wrong?
If it floats your boat, I was inaccurate (wrong) to call them white nationalist. They are Western chauvinists. There is not a hell of a lot of difference, as far as the damage they can do.

There is huge difference.
I wonder who they will collude to ban next? It's such a pity liberals are such cowards and cannot bear to hear differing opinions. And even more cowardly when they do hear them, the only thing they seem to be able to say in reply is "Raycisss, raycissss....white supremes....", blubber blubber babble and stutter.
Don't like what a private business does? Start a competitor.....welcome to capitalism.
The fascists desperate and cowardly attempt to silence conservatives is all this is.
Or could describe the Elks.
I don't think so.

Who Are the Elks?
Since 1868, millions and millions of Americans
have joined the Elks. Find out why!

Elks Care, Elks Share. Are YOU an Elk?
Elks Lodges bring so much more to their communities than just a building, golf course or pool. They are places where neighbors come together, families share meals, and children grow up.

Elks invest in their communities through programs that help children grow up healthy and drug-free, meet the needs of today’s veterans, and improve the quality of life.

  • Elks in Alexandria, Va., hold a soup kitchen at the Lodge each weekday at lunch, serving 30 people, many of whom are veterans.
  • Wheeling, W.Va., Elks Lodge hosts local youth once a week for a wholesome meal. They also provide homework help and invite community leaders to speak at the meals.
  • Elks in Lockport, N.Y., provide an annual weeklong summer camp tailored to meet the needs of people with disabilities.

SO it's a guy only version of the Elks with more beer drinking than healthy meals.

Still pretty wholesome.
I didn't see the summer camps for people with disabilities and the meals on wheels and the soup kitchens on the Proud Boys website. Their idea of community involvement seems to be going to protests.

ANIFTA anyone? Anyone at all.
Oh, that's right......anti-fascism is trumpanzees.

Antifascism? Is good.

Antifa is bad.

Oh? Wait, you knew that, you were just pretend to be confused to get in a dishonest and vile zinger.
It is rapidly becoming obvious that these virtual public spaces need to be regulated to prevent such abuse.

Gavin MccInnes is a very relevant and important figure right now. Censoring him is very wrong.

White Supremacy & support of violence?
Freedom of speech even hate speech is guaranteed by the first amendment. Time for congress to go to work.
It is rapidly becoming obvious that these virtual public spaces need to be regulated to prevent such abuse.

Gavin MccInnes is a very relevant and important figure right now. Censoring him is very wrong.

White Supremacy & support of violence?
If you listen to the vid I put up, all the checks for a cult/white nationalist group are there. Members lacking a strong personal identity, looking for a place they "belong." More "anti-" than affirmative in their positions. "Us vs. them" excitement. I don't see where it's healthy.

Or could describe the Elks.
Look at you! Proud Boys & INCEL = Elks. :71:

You really hate the way they fight back against your street thugs, don't you?
It is rapidly becoming obvious that these virtual public spaces need to be regulated to prevent such abuse.

Gavin MccInnes is a very relevant and important figure right now. Censoring him is very wrong.

If conservatives violate the terms of service they get banned from Twitter

Same as USMB
Exactly...the same as here. But they are certainly welcome to start up their own platform....that's how Capitalism works.

Yo, last I heard, this is America! If you don`t like something? You don`t have to READ, LISTEN, or WATCH it, period!!!

Which, considering the attack on Free Speech by the Left, is a very valuable contribution.
The group and its members self-identify as “Western chauvinists,” and McInnes has in the past publicly distanced himself from white supremacists. However, Proud Boys regularly take part in far-right events, where members have been observed participating in violence against counter-demonstrators. Before its suspension Friday, the official Twitter account of the organization featured a cover photo of a Proud Boy punching a counter-protester.
Twitter Shuts Down Accounts of Vice Co-Founder Gavin McInnes, Proud Boys Ahead of ‘Unite the Right’ Rally

Now we are getting somewhere.

Yes that is true.

They have as a requirement, that you believe that "The West is the Best".

ANd they believe strongly in self defense when attacked by Antifa.

What part of this in your opinion is bad?
"The West is the Best" is a nativist position that is part of the bullshit that leads to war, injustice, etc. etc. and always has. Why would you need to take a stand that the West is better? Better than what? You would only be preaching that if you felt someone were threatening that position. Who is threatening that position? Immigrants from other cultures.
They've got an ugly underpinning.

The left is threatening that position with their obvious hate for America.
Open borders, abolish ICE, teaching our children that being a homo is a okay, anti 1st amendment.
If you dont see those things as threats to America you are most certainly the enemy.
No one wants open borders. Being a homo isn't a crime and it isn't "wrong." No one is against freedom of speech or religion, as long as it doesn't threaten to take away the freedom of others. We are not your enemy. We just see things differently.

Your actions are clear enough.
As far as being a homo thats your business. But I put my foot down when you bring it into the school curriculum.
Not against freedom of speech?:auiqs.jpg:
Antifa rioting to stop Conservatives from speaking on college campuses. Shutting down Conservatives on social media.
Thats taking away freedom of speech and the freedoms of others and I'm telling you right now it's not going to end well.
The group and its members self-identify as “Western chauvinists,” and McInnes has in the past publicly distanced himself from white supremacists. However, Proud Boys regularly take part in far-right events, where members have been observed participating in violence against counter-demonstrators. Before its suspension Friday, the official Twitter account of the organization featured a cover photo of a Proud Boy punching a counter-protester.
Twitter Shuts Down Accounts of Vice Co-Founder Gavin McInnes, Proud Boys Ahead of ‘Unite the Right’ Rally

Now we are getting somewhere.

Yes that is true.

They have as a requirement, that you believe that "The West is the Best".

ANd they believe strongly in self defense when attacked by Antifa.

What part of this in your opinion is bad?
"The West is the Best" is a nativist position that is part of the bullshit that leads to war, injustice, etc. etc. and always has. Why would you need to take a stand that the West is better? Better than what? You would only be preaching that if you felt someone were threatening that position. Who is threatening that position? Immigrants from other cultures.
They've got an ugly underpinning.

The left is threatening that position with their obvious hate for America.
Open borders, abolish ICE, teaching our children that being a homo is a okay, anti 1st amendment.
If you dont see those things as threats to America you are most certainly the enemy.
No one wants open borders. Being a homo isn't a crime and it isn't "wrong." No one is against freedom of speech or religion, as long as it doesn't threaten to take away the freedom of others. We are not your enemy. We just see things differently.

Your actions are clear enough.
As far as being a homo thats your business. But I put my foot down when you bring it into the school curriculum.
Not against freedom of speech?:auiqs.jpg:
Antifa rioting to stop Conservatives from speaking on college campuses. Shutting down Conservatives on social media.
Thats taking away freedom of speech and the freedoms of others and I'm telling you right now it's not going to end well.
But, but, but, Republicans told me Capitalist Jews were the #1 Americans, and deserved massive tax cuts, but now Zuckerberg is Jewish Capitalist enemy?
Who the hell cares...................he is a social media giant who is biased over the 1st Amendment........

Calling is chump ass out over it is part of Free Speech..........

Facebook can be replaced by another group in CAPITALISM...............the customer is always right........pander to only one group of lose them.............

Too dang bad.
Or could describe the Elks.
I don't think so.

Who Are the Elks?
Since 1868, millions and millions of Americans
have joined the Elks. Find out why!

Elks Care, Elks Share. Are YOU an Elk?
Elks Lodges bring so much more to their communities than just a building, golf course or pool. They are places where neighbors come together, families share meals, and children grow up.

Elks invest in their communities through programs that help children grow up healthy and drug-free, meet the needs of today’s veterans, and improve the quality of life.

  • Elks in Alexandria, Va., hold a soup kitchen at the Lodge each weekday at lunch, serving 30 people, many of whom are veterans.
  • Wheeling, W.Va., Elks Lodge hosts local youth once a week for a wholesome meal. They also provide homework help and invite community leaders to speak at the meals.
  • Elks in Lockport, N.Y., provide an annual weeklong summer camp tailored to meet the needs of people with disabilities.

SO it's a guy only version of the Elks with more beer drinking than healthy meals.

Still pretty wholesome.
I didn't see the summer camps for people with disabilities and the meals on wheels and the soup kitchens on the Proud Boys website. Their idea of community involvement seems to be going to protests.

ANIFTA anyone? Anyone at all.
Oh, that's right......anti-fascism is trumpanzees.
I'm getting mighty sick and tired of every single person left of Rand Paul being labeled as Antifa. Fucking sick of it. What do you think the percentage of them is to the average Democrat? Antifa breaks some windows and got a few pussies not to speak at a college. Big deal. The Unite the Right folks ran over a woman in Charlottesville. Any group that plays footsies with neo-Nazis has something wrong with them. The Proud Boys hate Muslims and gays as part of their platform. They're not something to be proud of.
"Western chauvinists"
I assume they can be different colors.

Yes but most reasonably thinking people would assume white nationalists are actually white....good grief you're floundering
Western chauvinists.

So you're rescinding your previous claim of white nationalist and this is your way of not coming right out and saying you were wrong?
If it floats your boat, I was inaccurate (wrong) to call them white nationalist. They are Western chauvinists. There is not a hell of a lot of difference, as far as the damage they can do.

So you dont mind slandering a group of people you know nothing about.
I know as much about them as you do.
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