Here's your next conservative ban in the on going corporate collusion

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SO it's a guy only version of the Elks with more beer drinking than healthy meals.

Still pretty wholesome.
I didn't see the summer camps for people with disabilities and the meals on wheels and the soup kitchens on the Proud Boys website. Their idea of community involvement seems to be going to protests.

Which, considering the attack on Free Speech by the Left, is a very valuable contribution.
The group and its members self-identify as “Western chauvinists,” and McInnes has in the past publicly distanced himself from white supremacists. However, Proud Boys regularly take part in far-right events, where members have been observed participating in violence against counter-demonstrators. Before its suspension Friday, the official Twitter account of the organization featured a cover photo of a Proud Boy punching a counter-protester.
Twitter Shuts Down Accounts of Vice Co-Founder Gavin McInnes, Proud Boys Ahead of ‘Unite the Right’ Rally

Now we are getting somewhere.

Yes that is true.

They have as a requirement, that you believe that "The West is the Best".

ANd they believe strongly in self defense when attacked by Antifa.

What part of this in your opinion is bad?
"The West is the Best" is a nativist position that is part of the bullshit that leads to war, injustice, etc. etc. and always has. Why would you need to take a stand that the West is better? Better than what? You would only be preaching that if you felt someone were threatening that position. Who is threatening that position? Immigrants from other cultures.
They've got an ugly underpinning.

We are constantly being told that the West is evil, racist, imperalistic, patriarchal, ect ect ect.

Disagreeing with that, and responding to that message is completely valid and called for.
I told you it had just began. The collusion of liberals to silence conservative voices is well underway and growing.

Twitter Bans Conservative Commentator Gavin McInnes

Twitter banned the account of conservative commentator and CRTV host Gavin McInnes without warning earlier today, as well as the official account of the Proud Boys, a conservative-libertarian activist group McInnes founded.
A Twitter spokewoman said that the accounts had been banned for violating Twitter’s policies on “violent extremist groups.” Yet both the Proud Boys and McInnes advocate mainstream conservative and libertarian positions.

The left-leaning magazine Variety drew a link between the bans and the upcoming Unite The Right 2 rally in Washington D.C., organized by alt-right activists. Yet both McInnes and the Proud Boys have disavowed the alt-right.

The ban came despite Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey’s recent assurance, made on Sean Hannity’s radio show, that he hoped to deal with terms of service violations “with warnings, with notices, with a temporary lock of the account” ahead of permanent bans.

Twitter Bans Conservative Commentator Gavin McInnes | Breitbart
Couldn't have anything to do with their white supremacist beliefs and connection to what happened in Charlottesville last year.

As they have no white supremacist beliefs and where not connected to Charlottesville last year,

Lol, their leadership helped plan "unite the right".

Proud Boys

Yeah, that is a lot of unsupported accusations.

YOu got any support for the claim that Jason was a proud boy leader?
It's pretty much public knowledge. He wasn't hiding anything.
Organizers Behind Deadly Charlottesville Rally Are Inviting More Skinheads This Year
I didn't see the summer camps for people with disabilities and the meals on wheels and the soup kitchens on the Proud Boys website. Their idea of community involvement seems to be going to protests.

Which, considering the attack on Free Speech by the Left, is a very valuable contribution.
The group and its members self-identify as “Western chauvinists,” and McInnes has in the past publicly distanced himself from white supremacists. However, Proud Boys regularly take part in far-right events, where members have been observed participating in violence against counter-demonstrators. Before its suspension Friday, the official Twitter account of the organization featured a cover photo of a Proud Boy punching a counter-protester.
Twitter Shuts Down Accounts of Vice Co-Founder Gavin McInnes, Proud Boys Ahead of ‘Unite the Right’ Rally

Now we are getting somewhere.

Yes that is true.

They have as a requirement, that you believe that "The West is the Best".

ANd they believe strongly in self defense when attacked by Antifa.

What part of this in your opinion is bad?
"The West is the Best" is a nativist position that is part of the bullshit that leads to war, injustice, etc. etc. and always has. Why would you need to take a stand that the West is better? Better than what? You would only be preaching that if you felt someone were threatening that position. Who is threatening that position? Immigrants from other cultures.
They've got an ugly underpinning.

We are constantly being told that the West is evil, racist, imperalistic, patriarchal, ect ect ect.

Disagreeing with that, and responding to that message is completely valid and called for.
I don't think the West is evil; I like it best because it was what I raised in. However, that doesn't mean I have to play King of the Mountain with other major cultures/traditions on this planet. That's my only point. And no culture is perfect, so looking at its less than perfect parts isn't going to hurt you. It is a good incentive to try and improve it.
Perhaps you are spending too much time here reading extremist views.
I told you it had just began. The collusion of liberals to silence conservative voices is well underway and growing.

Twitter Bans Conservative Commentator Gavin McInnes

Twitter banned the account of conservative commentator and CRTV host Gavin McInnes without warning earlier today, as well as the official account of the Proud Boys, a conservative-libertarian activist group McInnes founded.
A Twitter spokewoman said that the accounts had been banned for violating Twitter’s policies on “violent extremist groups.” Yet both the Proud Boys and McInnes advocate mainstream conservative and libertarian positions.

The left-leaning magazine Variety drew a link between the bans and the upcoming Unite The Right 2 rally in Washington D.C., organized by alt-right activists. Yet both McInnes and the Proud Boys have disavowed the alt-right.

The ban came despite Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey’s recent assurance, made on Sean Hannity’s radio show, that he hoped to deal with terms of service violations “with warnings, with notices, with a temporary lock of the account” ahead of permanent bans.

Twitter Bans Conservative Commentator Gavin McInnes | Breitbart
Couldn't have anything to do with their white supremacist beliefs and connection to what happened in Charlottesville last year.

As they have no white supremacist beliefs and where not connected to Charlottesville last year,

Lol, their leadership helped plan "unite the right".

Proud Boys

Yeah, that is a lot of unsupported accusations.

YOu got any support for the claim that Jason was a proud boy leader?
It's pretty much public knowledge. He wasn't hiding anything.
Organizers Behind Deadly Charlottesville Rally Are Inviting More Skinheads This Year

I read the whole article. I saw nothing on Jason being a proud boy leader.

I did see this.

"His fellow organizers also discussed trying to build bridges with the Proud Boys, a so-called “western chauvinist” organization whose leaders have pushed aggressively anti-immigrant and anti-LGBT stances. The group’s leaders disavowed the first Unite the Right rally, but a member of the group chat boasted of allegedly getting Proud Boys to join the anniversary event."

So, what like I said the Proud Boys disavowed the first rally,

and "some guy" is bragging that he is going to get some Proud Boys to attend.

That is some serious weak tea.

Hey, want to see something cool?

"I'm going to get Obama to attend a Proud Boy event. Me personally, cause I am that cool."

Now, you have as much evidence against Obama, as you do against the Proud Boys.

After all in both cases, some guy on the internet said that they get people to attend something.
Yo, you think Hillary Clinton would sit on her hands if this was her supporters stripped of their Speech? No!

So, when President Trump nails these Communist Businesses to the Wall, all you Puppet Communist keep your Communist thoughts to yourself!!!

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Which, considering the attack on Free Speech by the Left, is a very valuable contribution.
The group and its members self-identify as “Western chauvinists,” and McInnes has in the past publicly distanced himself from white supremacists. However, Proud Boys regularly take part in far-right events, where members have been observed participating in violence against counter-demonstrators. Before its suspension Friday, the official Twitter account of the organization featured a cover photo of a Proud Boy punching a counter-protester.
Twitter Shuts Down Accounts of Vice Co-Founder Gavin McInnes, Proud Boys Ahead of ‘Unite the Right’ Rally

Now we are getting somewhere.

Yes that is true.

They have as a requirement, that you believe that "The West is the Best".

ANd they believe strongly in self defense when attacked by Antifa.

What part of this in your opinion is bad?
"The West is the Best" is a nativist position that is part of the bullshit that leads to war, injustice, etc. etc. and always has. Why would you need to take a stand that the West is better? Better than what? You would only be preaching that if you felt someone were threatening that position. Who is threatening that position? Immigrants from other cultures.
They've got an ugly underpinning.

We are constantly being told that the West is evil, racist, imperalistic, patriarchal, ect ect ect.

Disagreeing with that, and responding to that message is completely valid and called for.
I don't think the West is evil; I like it best because it was what I raised in. However, that doesn't mean I have to play King of the Mountain with other major cultures/traditions on this planet. That's my only point. And no culture is perfect, so looking at its less than perfect parts isn't going to hurt you. It is a good incentive to try and improve it.
Perhaps you are spending too much time here reading extremist views.

You might not. Plenty of people do.

Best does not equal perfect.

Constantly focusing on the negatives, will hurt you.
White Supremacy & support of violence?
If you listen to the vid I put up, all the checks for a cult/white nationalist group are there. Members lacking a strong personal identity, looking for a place they "belong." More "anti-" than affirmative in their positions. "Us vs. them" excitement. I don't see where it's healthy.

White nationalist with black and hispanic members?
Did you even watch your own video?
Yes. They're cultish, "anti-guys." Twitter had a reason. I obviously don't follow the Proud Boys or McGinnes, but I trust if they did it that they have a reason. I would like to hear it.

Did what? Have black and hispanic members in their group of white nationalist?
"Western chauvinists"
I assume they can be different colors.

You called them white nationalist.
Stupid fuckers need to STFU before they reap the wrath of Nazi weapons brought back by real Americans that actually killed real Nazis to get them.
White nationalist with black and hispanic members?
Did you even watch your own video?
Yes. They're cultish, "anti-guys." Twitter had a reason. I obviously don't follow the Proud Boys or McGinnes, but I trust if they did it that they have a reason. I would like to hear it.

Did what? Have black and hispanic members in their group of white nationalist?
"Western chauvinists"
I assume they can be different colors.

Yes but most reasonably thinking people would assume white nationalists are actually white....good grief you're floundering
Western chauvinists.

So you're rescinding your previous claim of white nationalist and this is your way of not coming right out and saying you were wrong?
White nationalist with black and hispanic members?
Did you even watch your own video?
Yes. They're cultish, "anti-guys." Twitter had a reason. I obviously don't follow the Proud Boys or McGinnes, but I trust if they did it that they have a reason. I would like to hear it.

Did what? Have black and hispanic members in their group of white nationalist?
"Western chauvinists"
I assume they can be different colors.

Yes but most reasonably thinking people would assume white nationalists are actually white....good grief you're floundering
Western chauvinists.

That's not what you claimed earlier you dishonest hack
I told you it had just began. The collusion of liberals to silence conservative voices is well underway and growing.

Twitter Bans Conservative Commentator Gavin McInnes

Twitter banned the account of conservative commentator and CRTV host Gavin McInnes without warning earlier today, as well as the official account of the Proud Boys, a conservative-libertarian activist group McInnes founded.
A Twitter spokewoman said that the accounts had been banned for violating Twitter’s policies on “violent extremist groups.” Yet both the Proud Boys and McInnes advocate mainstream conservative and libertarian positions.

The left-leaning magazine Variety drew a link between the bans and the upcoming Unite The Right 2 rally in Washington D.C., organized by alt-right activists. Yet both McInnes and the Proud Boys have disavowed the alt-right.

The ban came despite Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey’s recent assurance, made on Sean Hannity’s radio show, that he hoped to deal with terms of service violations “with warnings, with notices, with a temporary lock of the account” ahead of permanent bans.

Twitter Bans Conservative Commentator Gavin McInnes | Breitbart
Gee....who would have thought they'd ban an INCEL terrorist group.
SO it's a guy only version of the Elks with more beer drinking than healthy meals.

Still pretty wholesome.
I didn't see the summer camps for people with disabilities and the meals on wheels and the soup kitchens on the Proud Boys website. Their idea of community involvement seems to be going to protests.

Which, considering the attack on Free Speech by the Left, is a very valuable contribution.
The group and its members self-identify as “Western chauvinists,” and McInnes has in the past publicly distanced himself from white supremacists. However, Proud Boys regularly take part in far-right events, where members have been observed participating in violence against counter-demonstrators. Before its suspension Friday, the official Twitter account of the organization featured a cover photo of a Proud Boy punching a counter-protester.
Twitter Shuts Down Accounts of Vice Co-Founder Gavin McInnes, Proud Boys Ahead of ‘Unite the Right’ Rally

Now we are getting somewhere.

Yes that is true.

They have as a requirement, that you believe that "The West is the Best".

ANd they believe strongly in self defense when attacked by Antifa.

What part of this in your opinion is bad?
"The West is the Best" is a nativist position that is part of the bullshit that leads to war, injustice, etc. etc. and always has. Why would you need to take a stand that the West is better? Better than what? You would only be preaching that if you felt someone were threatening that position. Who is threatening that position? Immigrants from other cultures.
They've got an ugly underpinning.

The left is threatening that position with their obvious hate for America.
Open borders, abolish ICE, teaching our children that being a homo is a okay, anti 1st amendment.
If you dont see those things as threats to America you are most certainly the enemy.
It is rapidly becoming obvious that these virtual public spaces need to be regulated to prevent such abuse.

Gavin MccInnes is a very relevant and important figure right now. Censoring him is very wrong.

If conservatives violate the terms of service they get banned from Twitter

Same as USMB
Exactly...the same as here. But they are certainly welcome to start up their own platform....that's how Capitalism works.
I told you it had just began. The collusion of liberals to silence conservative voices is well underway and growing.

Twitter Bans Conservative Commentator Gavin McInnes

Twitter banned the account of conservative commentator and CRTV host Gavin McInnes without warning earlier today, as well as the official account of the Proud Boys, a conservative-libertarian activist group McInnes founded.
A Twitter spokewoman said that the accounts had been banned for violating Twitter’s policies on “violent extremist groups.” Yet both the Proud Boys and McInnes advocate mainstream conservative and libertarian positions.

The left-leaning magazine Variety drew a link between the bans and the upcoming Unite The Right 2 rally in Washington D.C., organized by alt-right activists. Yet both McInnes and the Proud Boys have disavowed the alt-right.

The ban came despite Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey’s recent assurance, made on Sean Hannity’s radio show, that he hoped to deal with terms of service violations “with warnings, with notices, with a temporary lock of the account” ahead of permanent bans.

Twitter Bans Conservative Commentator Gavin McInnes | Breitbart
Gee....who would have thought they'd ban an INCEL terrorist group.

You want to back that shit up, or just admit that you are full of shit.
It is rapidly becoming obvious that these virtual public spaces need to be regulated to prevent such abuse.

Gavin MccInnes is a very relevant and important figure right now. Censoring him is very wrong.

If conservatives violate the terms of service they get banned from Twitter

Same as USMB
Exactly...the same as here. But they are certainly welcome to start up their own platform....that's how Capitalism works.

Or is it a virtual public space?
lol, Couldn't have anything to do with their white supremacist beliefs and connection to what happened in Charlottesville last year.

As they have no white supremacist beliefs and where not connected to Charlottesville last year,

Lol, their leadership helped plan "unite the right".

Proud Boys

Yeah, that is a lot of unsupported accusations.

YOu got any support for the claim that Jason was a proud boy leader?
It's pretty much public knowledge. He wasn't hiding anything.
Organizers Behind Deadly Charlottesville Rally Are Inviting More Skinheads This Year

I read the whole article. I saw nothing on Jason being a proud boy leader.

I did see this.

"His fellow organizers also discussed trying to build bridges with the Proud Boys, a so-called “western chauvinist” organization whose leaders have pushed aggressively anti-immigrant and anti-LGBT stances. The group’s leaders disavowed the first Unite the Right rally, but a member of the group chat boasted of allegedly getting Proud Boys to join the anniversary event."

So, what like I said the Proud Boys disavowed the first rally,

and "some guy" is bragging that he is going to get some Proud Boys to attend.

That is some serious weak tea.

Hey, want to see something cool?

"I'm going to get Obama to attend a Proud Boy event. Me personally, cause I am that cool."

Now, you have as much evidence against Obama, as you do against the Proud Boys.

After all in both cases, some guy on the internet said that they get people to attend something.
He is identified as a Proud Boy who organized the first Unite the Right rally last year. He is identified as such in every article I googled on this. So you're saying he wasn't? What does that get you? You must be a Proud Boy, trying to scrape Kessler off your shoe.
Yes. They're cultish, "anti-guys." Twitter had a reason. I obviously don't follow the Proud Boys or McGinnes, but I trust if they did it that they have a reason. I would like to hear it.

Did what? Have black and hispanic members in their group of white nationalist?
"Western chauvinists"
I assume they can be different colors.

Yes but most reasonably thinking people would assume white nationalists are actually white....good grief you're floundering
Western chauvinists.

So you're rescinding your previous claim of white nationalist and this is your way of not coming right out and saying you were wrong?
If it floats your boat, I was inaccurate (wrong) to call them white nationalist. They are Western chauvinists. There is not a hell of a lot of difference, as far as the damage they can do.
It is rapidly becoming obvious that these virtual public spaces need to be regulated to prevent such abuse.

Gavin MccInnes is a very relevant and important figure right now. Censoring him is very wrong.

White Supremacy & support of violence?
Banning Free Speech of anyone you Deem unworthy....................How unamerican of you............but we already knew that......

Now the the curtain hiding the machine has been pulled back to expose the Hypocrisy of the left and big corps like FB and Twitter..............

Showing the American people what they really are about.

This is GOOD..........let America see what dirt bags they really are........boycott them and hit them in the pocket book.
As they have no white supremacist beliefs and where not connected to Charlottesville last year,

Lol, their leadership helped plan "unite the right".

Proud Boys

Yeah, that is a lot of unsupported accusations.

YOu got any support for the claim that Jason was a proud boy leader?
It's pretty much public knowledge. He wasn't hiding anything.
Organizers Behind Deadly Charlottesville Rally Are Inviting More Skinheads This Year

I read the whole article. I saw nothing on Jason being a proud boy leader.

I did see this.

"His fellow organizers also discussed trying to build bridges with the Proud Boys, a so-called “western chauvinist” organization whose leaders have pushed aggressively anti-immigrant and anti-LGBT stances. The group’s leaders disavowed the first Unite the Right rally, but a member of the group chat boasted of allegedly getting Proud Boys to join the anniversary event."

So, what like I said the Proud Boys disavowed the first rally,

and "some guy" is bragging that he is going to get some Proud Boys to attend.

That is some serious weak tea.

Hey, want to see something cool?

"I'm going to get Obama to attend a Proud Boy event. Me personally, cause I am that cool."

Now, you have as much evidence against Obama, as you do against the Proud Boys.

After all in both cases, some guy on the internet said that they get people to attend something.
He is identified as a Proud Boy who organized the first Unite the Right rally last year. He is identified as such in every article I googled on this. So you're saying he wasn't? What does that get you? You must be a Proud Boy, trying to scrape Kessler off your shoe.

I did not see it in the article you posted.

McInnes referred to him, i think, in the link I posted as a "spy" that showed up under false pretenses and they kicked out and did not work with.

I've seen no reports or video of proud boys being at Charlottesville. Indeed, this is the first time I have even heard that CLAIMED.

Nazis are a pathetic fringe group always trying to latch on to other groups or issues that they hope can broaden their tiny appeal.

YOu should not trust what nazies say. They are notorious liars.
It is rapidly becoming obvious that these virtual public spaces need to be regulated to prevent such abuse.

Gavin MccInnes is a very relevant and important figure right now. Censoring him is very wrong.

White Supremacy & support of violence?

Support your claim of white supremacy or admit that you are a race baiting asshole.

Hint: Don't waste your time, you will not find anything.
Twitter suspends Proud Boys, Gavin McInnes accounts ahead of Unite the Right rally
And doesn't suspend Antifa........who bring weapons to the rallies............go figure...........
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