Here's your chance right wingers , back up your claims

NO the thinking process goes like this , if a dozen people were found guilty of voter fraud, that is in no way a reason to allow the hate Nazi's to continue their national program to take away the votes of democrats by any means possible.
Snowflake, that's not "thinking". That's pure ignorance. It's a stance that defeats itself. Either every vote matters or it doesn't. If every vote matters, than even one instance of voter fraud is one too many.

If every vote doesn't matter, than it's no big deal if a few people were too lazy to get proper id. You can't have it both ways. You defeated your own position. Rational, intelligent people thank you for that.
There is no links in this post, he is a total liar.
Either you don't know how to click on a link or you are the worst troll in troll history. Everyone can see the multiple links in that one post alone (and they can see the dozens of others in the entire thread).

Here is a screen shot proving you either don't know how to get to the page or that you're a troll. Either one leaves you with 0 credibility on the board. Here is post #250 with the links circled:

Screen Shot 2020-05-31 at 5.31.41 PM.png
There is no links in this post, he is a total liar.
Either you don't know how to click on a link or you are the worst troll in troll history. Everyone can see the multiple links in that one post alone (and they can see the dozens of others in the entire thread).

Here is a screen shot proving you either don't know how to get to the page or that you're a troll. Either one leaves you with 0 credibility on the board. Here is post #250 with the links circled:

View attachment 343535
You last link related to republican candidate Raquel Regalado. Thanks for proving that both sides are doing it.
That aside, credible sources over many years have shown that voter fraud is very small, and has little or not impact on results.
There is no links in this post, he is a total liar.
Either you don't know how to click on a link or you are the worst troll in troll history. Everyone can see the multiple links in that one post alone (and they can see the dozens of others in the entire thread).

Here is a screen shot proving you either don't know how to get to the page or that you're a troll. Either one leaves you with 0 credibility on the board. Here is post #250 with the links circled:

View attachment 343535
You last link related to republican candidate Raquel Regalado. Thanks for proving that both sides are doing it.
That aside, credible sources over many years have shown that voter fraud is very small, and has little or not impact on results.

That aside, credible sources over many years have shown that voter fraud is very small, and has little or not impact on results.

Then adding a voter ID requirement won't impact any results.
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You last link related to republican candidate Raquel Regalado. Thanks for proving that both sides are doing it.
I’ve said it multiple times in that thread and provided links showing Republicans doing it (though again, much less than the Dumbocrats). But they absolutely do it.
Let's be more honest shall we? The Demonicrats understand their base is made up of primarily lazy & irresponsible people, so online voting suits them fine, they won't be so inclined to bus in the homeless for ice cream and beer.

And of course without a body present they're far more likely to adjust numbers in their favor.

Fact is PROGS make all things difficult, not one exception. PROGS don't take to the idea a body has to be present for one vote, and they reject all responsibility for even attending.

Let's be even more honest. We're MUCH better off when lazy irresponsible people DO NOT VOTE. Do I need to explain why?
Democratic Party is corrupt.
Which makes your group as anti American as can be

The Constitution and all states imply or say that children and adults as dumb as children cant vote. That is how our genius Founders saw it. Democracy and brain surgery are to be practiced by qualified people. A child could understand this, just not a liberal.

The great irony is that the more Dims dumb down the electorate the more they will vote for politicians like Trump!! We can actually thanks the Dims for Trump!!
There is no voter fraud in this country or at least so little that it's a joke to do anything because of voter fraud. The only reason that you brilliant people are attacking voting across the country is to take away any block of people who's majority is made up of democrats. Which makes your group as anti American as can be and so against the values of this country, Prove me wrong. This proof must be everywhere, the way scum bag talks about it. Or maybe just lying. We already know you don't like me , think I'm dumb and that my spelling is bad , so leave that part out.
Democratic Party steals elections every cycle. Criminal organization.
Try contributing something
Which makes your group as anti American as can be

The Constitution and all states imply or say that children and adults as dumb as children cant vote. That is how our genius Founders saw it. Democracy and brain surgery are to be practiced by qualified people. A child could understand this, just not a liberal.

The great irony is that the more Dims dumb down the electorate the more they will vote for politicians like Trump!! We can actually thanks the Dims for Trump!!
either contribute or you are out of here.
NO the thinking process goes like this , if a dozen people were found guilty of voter fraud, that is in no way a reason to allow the hate Nazi's to continue their national program to take away the votes of democrats by any means possible.
Snowflake, that's not "thinking". That's pure ignorance. It's a stance that defeats itself. Either every vote matters or it doesn't. If every vote matters, than even one instance of voter fraud is one too many.

If every vote doesn't matter, than it's no big deal if a few people were too lazy to get proper id. You can't have it both ways. You defeated your own position. Rational, intelligent people thank you for that.
Rednecks should only be allowed to vote for dog catchers. I do love the gibberish though, round and round he goes saying the same things over and over. but will he respond to the thread not at all, unless 6 people convicted is reason to take away the votes of Democrats.
There is no links in this post, he is a total liar.
Either you don't know how to click on a link or you are the worst troll in troll history. Everyone can see the multiple links in that one post alone (and they can see the dozens of others in the entire thread).

Here is a screen shot proving you either don't know how to get to the page or that you're a troll. Either one leaves you with 0 credibility on the board. Here is post #250 with the links circled:

View attachment 343535
Well I found out what happened , I took you off the ignore list and the words turned into hypertext and sent me to total stupid addresses
There is no links in this post, he is a total liar.
Either you don't know how to click on a link or you are the worst troll in troll history. Everyone can see the multiple links in that one post alone (and they can see the dozens of others in the entire thread).

Here is a screen shot proving you either don't know how to get to the page or that you're a troll. Either one leaves you with 0 credibility on the board. Here is post #250 with the links circled:

View attachment 343535
I found out what happened , you are on my ignore list and when I took you off of it . The listed examples turned to hypertex and was sent to 3 stupid sights that listed again the same people from your other comment that I gave you credit for , you are still at 6 people , you gained nothing. Of course I put you back on ignore. Here a piece of stupidity that this clown left out it was on his post that the three above came from , "If you want to remove Trump from office - you're gonna need a bigger hoax. And the Coronovavirus scam just may be the ticket. "
Well I found out what happened , I took you off the ignore list and the words turned into hypertext and sent me to total stupid addresses
Bwahahaha! If the words weren’t “hypertext” before, then how were you supposedly clicking on them? You just got caught. You were too dumb to use this website. :laugh:
There is no proof from anyone posting here so far that their is large scale voter fraud, just a lot of hate Nazi's saying there is. You people are certifiable bullshitters nothing else. Proof is not opinions and hater nazi polls and story's without any proof and hate Nazi studies , this is so simple, what we want is proof and the only proof that exist are the number of people found guilty not the number who are charged. Down with the hate Nazi's
Speaking of Nazi’s, the Dumbocrats want the right to vote for 10 colleagues at a time - taking away the representatives of 10 districts. Unfuckingbelievable.
Last week, Nancy Pelosi issued a rule change allowing members to vote “by proxy” for the first time in House history. Under these new rules, each representative is able to cast a vote on behalf of up to ten colleagues.
Kind of sick that you are so enthusiastic about fascism and stripping the American people of their representation.
The links they provided have nothing to do with Brennan.

Did you forget about the 5 year GWB national study in which they quite literally found nothing? Did you find the Trump/Kobach study in which not a single case was found followed by Kris resigning in shame??

Brennan had nothing to do with those either. They were performed by RW loons who were cock-sure there were going to result in thousands if not millions of cheaters.

Don't be an idiot (if that's at all possible) :poke:

Weren't you already informed that the fraud study was terminated, because blue states refused to participate (report) ? No reports, no study. Duh! Even jbander knows enough to not try ti use that Trump/Kobach study thing.

Yeah, you were told. Just like jbander, truth doesn't matter to you, You're a propaganda screaming banshee.

Nothing dumber than a poster who refers to a thoroughly discredited talking point.
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You last link related to republican candidate Raquel Regalado. Thanks for proving that both sides are doing it.
That aside, credible sources over many years have shown that voter fraud is very small, and has little or not impact on results.
That's BS , and YOU KNOW IT.
NO the thinking process goes like this , if a dozen people were found guilty of voter fraud, that is in no way a reason to allow the hate Nazi's to continue their national program to take away the votes of democrats by any means possible.
What does "found guilty" have to do with it. ? That's a rhetorical question. I'll answer it. It has NOTHING to do with it. How would they be found guilty, or even charged, when there's no proof of citizenship requirement when they vote or register ?

So nobody knows that they are illegal (until they go home, drink beer and brag about it, and then the whole neighborhood and the whole country knows) Stop talking stupid.

Despite the difficulty of determining eligibility at the voting, studies have shown that MILLIONS of illegals do vote, and have been for decades. Democrats bring them here for just that purpose, and then protect them in sanctuary cities. No secrets here. :biggrin:

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