Here's your 3rd-party platform


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.

The partisans in our crowd won't like this, but I sure as hell do.

Esquire magazine has come out with a poll of American centrists that is very telling. I don't agree with everything on this list, but taken as a whole I would definitely vote for someone who ran on this platform, based on the poll's results:

1. End affirmative action in hiring decisions and college applications.

2. No path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.

3. End Constitutional originalism.

4. End two-party rule.

5. Require background checks for all gun purchases.

6. End race and gender wage discrimination.

7. Raise the minimum wage to $10/hour.

8. Keep food stamps, Medicaid, and welfare.

9. Allow abortions, but not after three months.

10. Legalize marijuana.

11. Legalize gay marriage.

12. Stop trying to be the world’s policeman.

13. Reduce foreign aid.

14. Spend less, period.

15. Tax carbon-polluters.

16. Expand oil and gas drilling.

17. Keep the death penalty.

These are the wishes of those who are not paralyzed by their political ideology.

Center of American Politics - Statistics and Numbers on American Politics - Esquire

The partisans in our crowd won't like this, but I sure as hell do.

Esquire magazine has come out with a poll of American centrists that is very telling. I don't agree with everything on this list, but taken as a whole I would definitely vote for someone who ran on this platform, based on the poll's results:

1. End affirmative action in hiring decisions and college applications.

2. No path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.

3. End Constitutional originalism.

4. End two-party rule.

5. Require background checks for all gun purchases.

6. End race and gender wage discrimination.

7. Raise the minimum wage to $10/hour.

8. Keep food stamps, Medicaid, and welfare.

9. Allow abortions, but not after three months.

10. Legalize marijuana.

11. Legalize gay marriage.

12. Stop trying to be the world’s policeman.

13. Reduce foreign aid.

14. Spend less, period.

15. Tax carbon-polluters.

16. Expand oil and gas drilling.

17. Keep the death penalty.

These are the wishes of those who are not paralyzed by their political ideology.

Center of American Politics - Statistics and Numbers on American Politics - Esquire


msnbc "polling" is not considered valid information.

The partisans in our crowd won't like this, but I sure as hell do.

Esquire magazine has come out with a poll of American centrists that is very telling. I don't agree with everything on this list, but taken as a whole I would definitely vote for someone who ran on this platform, based on the poll's results:

1. End affirmative action in hiring decisions and college applications.

2. No path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.

3. End Constitutional originalism.

4. End two-party rule.

5. Require background checks for all gun purchases.

6. End race and gender wage discrimination.

7. Raise the minimum wage to $10/hour.

8. Keep food stamps, Medicaid, and welfare.

9. Allow abortions, but not after three months.

10. Legalize marijuana.

11. Legalize gay marriage.

12. Stop trying to be the world’s policeman.

13. Reduce foreign aid.

14. Spend less, period.

15. Tax carbon-polluters.

16. Expand oil and gas drilling.

17. Keep the death penalty.

These are the wishes of those who are not paralyzed by their political ideology.

Center of American Politics - Statistics and Numbers on American Politics - Esquire


msnbc "polling" is not considered valid information.

As I predicted, the partisans won't like it, either side.

That's usually a pretty good sign.

As I predicted, the partisans won't like it, either side.

That's usually a pretty good sign.


as I predicted the mouthpieces won't check the originals of theirs false "studies".

it is a msnbc "blue dream" to change the US Constitution and it is a big red flag right out there - because the real life moderates ALL ARE ALWAYS AGREEING - don't touch it. It is a typical leftard agenda and a give-away of the biased survey.

and survey, btw, is NOT a research altogether. So whatever you digged without checking it out is BS, nothing more.
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It is a bit liberal except on a few points.

Anyway, a third party is not simply a mixture of Democrat and Republican ideology. There is much more that needs to go into it to make it a viable centric party.

The partisans in our crowd won't like this, but I sure as hell do.

Esquire magazine has come out with a poll of American centrists that is very telling. I don't agree with everything on this list, but taken as a whole I would definitely vote for someone who ran on this platform, based on the poll's results:

1. End affirmative action in hiring decisions and college applications.

2. No path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.

3. End Constitutional originalism.

4. End two-party rule.

5. Require background checks for all gun purchases.

6. End race and gender wage discrimination.

7. Raise the minimum wage to $10/hour.

8. Keep food stamps, Medicaid, and welfare.

9. Allow abortions, but not after three months.

10. Legalize marijuana.

11. Legalize gay marriage.

12. Stop trying to be the world’s policeman.

13. Reduce foreign aid.

14. Spend less, period.

15. Tax carbon-polluters.

16. Expand oil and gas drilling.

17. Keep the death penalty.

These are the wishes of those who are not paralyzed by their political ideology.

Center of American Politics - Statistics and Numbers on American Politics - Esquire

1. Yes
2. Yes
3. No. If the Constitution is inadequate, amend it. Don't just pretend it allows things it doesn't explicitly provide for.
4.Yes. Given my druthers, I'd eliminate political parties altogether, but I can live with making ballot access easier.
5. No
6. Yes. It works both ways though. No more preferential treatment for women and minorities in job hiring and promotions. Strict meritocracy is the goal.
7. No.
8. Keep, but dial back benefits and eligibility.
9. Undecided.
10. Yes
11. Instead of legalizing gay marriage, why aren't we asking ourselves why government is in the marriage business in the first place?
12. Yes, but with the understanding that sometimes we will need to step in.
13. Yes, but with the understanding that foreign aid sometimes greases the wheels.
14. Yes
15. No
16. Yes
17. Yes
It is a bit liberal except on a few points.

Anyway, a third party is not simply a mixture of Democrat and Republican ideology. There is much more that needs to go into it to make it a viable centric party.

it is a MSNBC survey, with MSNBC wording of the questions and definitions and anyone who is even somewhat acquainted with how the polling or surveying works knows that you can manufacture the results by the way you ask a question.

a survey and a poll is not considered a scientific method if the confounding bias is not cut off. There is at least two major areas of confounding bias in this survey - the wording of the questionnaire and the oversampling of the leftists.

Which immediately makes all the "results" invalid.

If one considers it from the scientific point of view, not propaganda one.
I hope you guys know that government was in the marriage business before Jesus was born.

Remember, rulers were marrying their sisters and daughters off to help seal treaties. Such incidents were occuring in Greece, Egypt , Persia and as far East as India.

So I guess religion should get out of the marriage business?

The partisans in our crowd won't like this, but I sure as hell do.

Esquire magazine has come out with a poll of American centrists that is very telling. I don't agree with everything on this list, but taken as a whole I would definitely vote for someone who ran on this platform, based on the poll's results:

1. End affirmative action in hiring decisions and college applications.

2. No path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.

3. End Constitutional originalism.

4. End two-party rule.

5. Require background checks for all gun purchases.

6. End race and gender wage discrimination.

7. Raise the minimum wage to $10/hour.

8. Keep food stamps, Medicaid, and welfare.

9. Allow abortions, but not after three months.

10. Legalize marijuana.

11. Legalize gay marriage.

12. Stop trying to be the world’s policeman.

13. Reduce foreign aid.

14. Spend less, period.

15. Tax carbon-polluters.

16. Expand oil and gas drilling.

17. Keep the death penalty.

These are the wishes of those who are not paralyzed by their political ideology.

Center of American Politics - Statistics and Numbers on American Politics - Esquire


msnbc "polling" is not considered valid information.

Nope, Vox is rejected as being mainstream and moderate.
I hope you guys know that government was in the marriage business before Jesus was born.

Remember, rulers were marrying their sisters and daughters off to help seal treaties. Such incidents were occuring in Greece, Egypt , Persia and as far East as India.

So I guess religion should get out of the marriage business?

I don't live in ancient Greece or Medieval England, so I don't really care about royal marriages. I want to know why I should need a license and permission from the government today to get married.

As far as religion goes, religion doesn't have the power of the law behind it. If one church allows sodomite marriages, good for it. If another won't do it, good for them. I can treat religion the same as anything else in the free market, namely I can shop around until I find what I'm looking for.

The partisans in our crowd won't like this, but I sure as hell do.

Esquire magazine has come out with a poll of American centrists that is very telling. I don't agree with everything on this list, but taken as a whole I would definitely vote for someone who ran on this platform, based on the poll's results:

1. End affirmative action in hiring decisions and college applications.

2. No path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.

3. End Constitutional originalism.

4. End two-party rule.

5. Require background checks for all gun purchases.

6. End race and gender wage discrimination.

7. Raise the minimum wage to $10/hour.

8. Keep food stamps, Medicaid, and welfare.

9. Allow abortions, but not after three months.

10. Legalize marijuana.

11. Legalize gay marriage.

12. Stop trying to be the world’s policeman.

13. Reduce foreign aid.

14. Spend less, period.

15. Tax carbon-polluters.

16. Expand oil and gas drilling.

17. Keep the death penalty.

These are the wishes of those who are not paralyzed by their political ideology.

Center of American Politics - Statistics and Numbers on American Politics - Esquire

1. Yes
2. Yes
3. No. If the Constitution is inadequate, amend it. Don't just pretend it allows things it doesn't explicitly provide for.
4.Yes. Given my druthers, I'd eliminate political parties altogether, but I can live with making ballot access easier.
5. No
6. Yes. It works both ways though. No more preferential treatment for women and minorities in job hiring and promotions. Strict meritocracy is the goal.
7. No.
8. Keep, but dial back benefits and eligibility.
9. Undecided.
10. Yes
11. Instead of legalizing gay marriage, why aren't we asking ourselves why government is in the marriage business in the first place?
12. Yes, but with the understanding that sometimes we will need to step in.
13. Yes, but with the understanding that foreign aid sometimes greases the wheels.
14. Yes
15. No
16. Yes
17. Yes

Pretty much agree with what you've got here except for numbers 5, 9 and 11.

5. If you have nothing to worry about then a background check shouldn't bother you.

9. I have no problem with abortion.

11. Have no problem with gay marriage.

Thats my stance.

The partisans in our crowd won't like this, but I sure as hell do.

Esquire magazine has come out with a poll of American centrists that is very telling. I don't agree with everything on this list, but taken as a whole I would definitely vote for someone who ran on this platform, based on the poll's results:

1. End affirmative action in hiring decisions and college applications.

2. No path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.

3. End Constitutional originalism.

4. End two-party rule.

5. Require background checks for all gun purchases.

6. End race and gender wage discrimination.

7. Raise the minimum wage to $10/hour.

8. Keep food stamps, Medicaid, and welfare.

9. Allow abortions, but not after three months.

10. Legalize marijuana.

11. Legalize gay marriage.

12. Stop trying to be the world’s policeman.

13. Reduce foreign aid.

14. Spend less, period.

15. Tax carbon-polluters.

16. Expand oil and gas drilling.

17. Keep the death penalty.

These are the wishes of those who are not paralyzed by their political ideology.

Center of American Politics - Statistics and Numbers on American Politics - Esquire

if that is true its a nice showing of how uninformed people in this country are.

The partisans in our crowd won't like this, but I sure as hell do.

Esquire magazine has come out with a poll of American centrists that is very telling. I don't agree with everything on this list, but taken as a whole I would definitely vote for someone who ran on this platform, based on the poll's results:

1. End affirmative action in hiring decisions and college applications.

2. No path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.

3. End Constitutional originalism.

4. End two-party rule.

5. Require background checks for all gun purchases.

6. End race and gender wage discrimination.

7. Raise the minimum wage to $10/hour.

8. Keep food stamps, Medicaid, and welfare.

9. Allow abortions, but not after three months.

10. Legalize marijuana.

11. Legalize gay marriage.

12. Stop trying to be the world’s policeman.

13. Reduce foreign aid.

14. Spend less, period.

15. Tax carbon-polluters.

16. Expand oil and gas drilling.

17. Keep the death penalty.

These are the wishes of those who are not paralyzed by their political ideology.

Center of American Politics - Statistics and Numbers on American Politics - Esquire

if that is true its a nice showing of how uninformed people in this country are.

In which direction?

These are the people who aren't running around like petulant seven-year-olds who have to have things their way or they'll hold their breath until they turn blue.

Whatever the level of "informed" they are, at least they are above that kind of behavior.

It’s not a matter of agreeing or disagreeing, but many of the above are vacuous, meaningless, bumper sticker talking points.

A few are un-Constitutional, many impractical, and others just silly.

End Constitutional originalism.

How? Citizens have the First Amendment right to be wrong, including nonsense such as originalism.

Require background checks for all gun purchases.

How? Are intrastate, private party gun sales to be made illegal? And if so how will that be enforced without licensing requirements and some sort of centralized database?

No path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.

Likely un-Constitutional, all persons in the United States are entitled to fundamental due process rights, including those undocumented, as many are undocumented through no fault of their own, and others may be legitimate refugees.

It is indeed preferable to not adhere blindly to a particular political doctrine or dogma, but one is still required to advocate for things that at least make sense.
I can easily get behind something like this. I have no problems with anything on this list. Show me a candidate who supports these positions and I am voting for him/her.
Libertarian didn't work so now the pot heads claim that they are centrists? What the hell does "end Constitutional originalism" mean? Disregard the Bill of Rights?

The partisans in our crowd won't like this, but I sure as hell do.

Esquire magazine has come out with a poll of American centrists that is very telling. I don't agree with everything on this list, but taken as a whole I would definitely vote for someone who ran on this platform, based on the poll's results:

1. End affirmative action in hiring decisions and college applications.

2. No path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.

3. End Constitutional originalism.

4. End two-party rule.

5. Require background checks for all gun purchases.

6. End race and gender wage discrimination.

7. Raise the minimum wage to $10/hour.

8. Keep food stamps, Medicaid, and welfare.

9. Allow abortions, but not after three months.

10. Legalize marijuana.

11. Legalize gay marriage.

12. Stop trying to be the world’s policeman.

13. Reduce foreign aid.

14. Spend less, period.

15. Tax carbon-polluters.

16. Expand oil and gas drilling.

17. Keep the death penalty.

These are the wishes of those who are not paralyzed by their political ideology.

Center of American Politics - Statistics and Numbers on American Politics - Esquire

I'll point out just one of the idiocies in your agenda - 15 and 16. You want to tax carbon polluters but expand oil and gas drilling? Oil and gas companies are carbon polluters. What is the point of taxing carbon polluters if you want to expand carbon polluters?

You just proved why no one bothers listening to the morons in the middle.
I can easily get behind something like this. I have no problems with anything on this list. Show me a candidate who supports these positions and I am voting for him/her.

You just proved that you're a numskull. That agenda was conceived especially for morons like you.
Libertarian didn't work so now the pot heads claim that they are centrists? What the hell does "end Constitutional originalism" mean? Disregard the Bill of Rights?

It means wipe your ass on the Constitution and disregard any limits whatsoever to government omnipotence.

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