Here’s some wasteful Big Government spending. Why isn’t Fox News outraged?


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Here’s some wasteful Big Government spending. Why isn’t Fox News outraged?

Do you remember the $16 muffin? It was big news in 2011, coming from an inspector general’s report on Justice Department overspending at conferences. There were front-page articles in newspapers, but the real heat came from conservative media, particularly Fox News, which blasted the government for spending so much for muffins. It turned out that there was no $16 muffin, though there may have been overpriced hotel breakfasts.

That story contained everything Fox wanted its viewers to believe about government employees fleecing taxpayers.

Now here’s another similar story from today you won’t be hearing about on Fox, or perhaps anywhere else. It appeared on page A11 of today’s Post:

Northrop Grumman improperly charged the U.S. government more than $100 million in “questionable” costs on a contract, according to a Defense Department inspector general’s report.

The report found that from October 2007 through March 2013, the major defense contractor “did not properly charge labor rates” for a counter-narcoterrorism contract, and that the Army agency in charge of the contract did not ensure that the people performing the work had the necessary qualifications. The agency also did not review invoices for millions of dollars of overtime, the report said.

The IG found $21.7 million in “potentially excessive payments” for overtime, including one employee who billed $176,900 for 1,208 hours in a 12-day period. That caught investigators’ attention, since the employee was billing for more than 100 hours a day.

$100 million could buy you an awful lot of muffins. Back when the muffin story broke, I wrote a post about it and did a Google News search, which produced 443 articles about the muffins in the prior 24 hours. How many stories do you think there have been in the last 24 hours about Northrop Grumman’s $100 million overcharge (I suppose we might even call it “fraud”) of the American taxpayer? A dozen? A hundred? Nope. Just one — the one in the Post. Nobody else seems to find it interesting.

So what does this tell us? First, conservatives have a media apparatus that they can use to force certain stories into mainstream awareness when they find those that tell a tale they want people to hear. It doesn’t always work — for instance, their efforts to get everyone to care about the New Black Panthers have not borne fruit — but it works often enough.

Second, if there’s a vivid detail, even one that turns out to be untrue (like the $16 muffin), then all journalists are much more likely to find it compelling and do stories about it. You’d think that the story of the guy who managed to bill for 100 hours of work per day would be pretty compelling. Guess not.

Third, people seem to get angrier about bad behavior from government employees than from contractors, even though contractors at a place like Northrup Grumman are government employees in all but name (according to Northrop’s 2013 annual report, $21.3 billion of its $24.7 billion in sales came from U.S. government contracts). I’d give folks like Fox some credit for that, since they’ve worked so hard to convince everyone that “government bureaucrats” are both slothful and sinister, working every day to crush Americans’ freedom when they aren’t taking 3-hour lunches.

And fourth, the actual magnitude of the waste of taxpayer money is all but irrelevant to whether this kind of story gains traction. You know about the muffins, but do you remember that in Iraq, the Defense Department lost — literally just lost, with no idea where it went — a staggering $6.6 billion in cash? We’re talking pallets full of $100 bills, sent over there to make it rain on the various factions whose support we were trying to buy. Just disappeared. That should have been an earth-shaking scandal, but few people ever heard about it.
More examples of waste at the link.

Why don't Republicans bitch about this kind of waste?
All the time.

Do you think the author of this story, bitching about the wasteful spending, is a Right-Winger or a Liberal?
Why don't you? I didn't see you bitch about it just ask why Republicans aren't. FYI Tom Coburn has been putting out the wastebook which highlights this kind of stuff for years.
Why don't you? I didn't see you bitch about it just ask why Republicans aren't. FYI Tom Coburn has been putting out the wastebook which highlights this kind of stuff for years.

Read the Thread Title again. Do you see the question being asked?
Why don't you? I didn't see you bitch about it just ask why Republicans aren't. FYI Tom Coburn has been putting out the wastebook which highlights this kind of stuff for years.

Read the Thread Title again. Do you see the question being asked?
The question was why isn't Fox News outraged you were asking why aren't Republicans bitching about it and I ask why don't you.
Why don't you? I didn't see you bitch about it just ask why Republicans aren't. FYI Tom Coburn has been putting out the wastebook which highlights this kind of stuff for years.

Read the Thread Title again. Do you see the question being asked?
The question was why isn't Fox News outraged you were asking why aren't Republicans bitching about it and I ask why don't you.
FoxNews is the major network mouthpiece of the Right-Wing. They help to set the tone of Right-Wing grievance politics - things like spending 24/7 on $16 muffins.

Or don't you remember?
Here’s some wasteful Big Government spending. Why isn’t Fox News outraged?

Do you remember the $16 muffin? It was big news in 2011, coming from an inspector general’s report on Justice Department overspending at conferences. There were front-page articles in newspapers, but the real heat came from conservative media, particularly Fox News, which blasted the government for spending so much for muffins. It turned out that there was no $16 muffin, though there may have been overpriced hotel breakfasts.

That story contained everything Fox wanted its viewers to believe about government employees fleecing taxpayers.

Now here’s another similar story from today you won’t be hearing about on Fox, or perhaps anywhere else. It appeared on page A11 of today’s Post:

Northrop Grumman improperly charged the U.S. government more than $100 million in “questionable” costs on a contract, according to a Defense Department inspector general’s report.

The report found that from October 2007 through March 2013, the major defense contractor “did not properly charge labor rates” for a counter-narcoterrorism contract, and that the Army agency in charge of the contract did not ensure that the people performing the work had the necessary qualifications. The agency also did not review invoices for millions of dollars of overtime, the report said.

The IG found $21.7 million in “potentially excessive payments” for overtime, including one employee who billed $176,900 for 1,208 hours in a 12-day period. That caught investigators’ attention, since the employee was billing for more than 100 hours a day.

$100 million could buy you an awful lot of muffins. Back when the muffin story broke, I wrote a post about it and did a Google News search, which produced 443 articles about the muffins in the prior 24 hours. How many stories do you think there have been in the last 24 hours about Northrop Grumman’s $100 million overcharge (I suppose we might even call it “fraud”) of the American taxpayer? A dozen? A hundred? Nope. Just one — the one in the Post. Nobody else seems to find it interesting.

So what does this tell us? First, conservatives have a media apparatus that they can use to force certain stories into mainstream awareness when they find those that tell a tale they want people to hear. It doesn’t always work — for instance, their efforts to get everyone to care about the New Black Panthers have not borne fruit — but it works often enough.

Second, if there’s a vivid detail, even one that turns out to be untrue (like the $16 muffin), then all journalists are much more likely to find it compelling and do stories about it. You’d think that the story of the guy who managed to bill for 100 hours of work per day would be pretty compelling. Guess not.

Third, people seem to get angrier about bad behavior from government employees than from contractors, even though contractors at a place like Northrup Grumman are government employees in all but name (according to Northrop’s 2013 annual report, $21.3 billion of its $24.7 billion in sales came from U.S. government contracts). I’d give folks like Fox some credit for that, since they’ve worked so hard to convince everyone that “government bureaucrats” are both slothful and sinister, working every day to crush Americans’ freedom when they aren’t taking 3-hour lunches.

And fourth, the actual magnitude of the waste of taxpayer money is all but irrelevant to whether this kind of story gains traction. You know about the muffins, but do you remember that in Iraq, the Defense Department lost — literally just lost, with no idea where it went — a staggering $6.6 billion in cash? We’re talking pallets full of $100 bills, sent over there to make it rain on the various factions whose support we were trying to buy. Just disappeared. That should have been an earth-shaking scandal, but few people ever heard about it.

You are absolutely correct. Todays' "Conservatives" generally represent fear of change and not "Conservative spending. The core definition of Conservative is "Unwilling to change" not "stop excessive spending. I use to preach about robotic squirrels, video games and community housing that gave drunks beer in the lobby.

As it turns out, these are all ran by Corporations and the Right Wing consistently on many forums stated, "Those are all low expenses, we need to focus on Social Security and Education".

The very people voting against control are voting for Corporate Control. And anyone with a brain can see with proof Corporations control Government through the Federal Reserve and donations.
Back in 2009, the VIDEO GAME started under President bush racked up $32.8 million. It's way more advanced now and I can't find any costs online since 2009. I do know that like the "Bush Phone" it's taken over by Obama and now is in his expenses and could be called the Obama Video Game since he didn't end the spending.

Ever since then I've noticed Right Wingers justify it as an expense but want to cut funding to the Blind. Why would you want to cut funding to the blind and keep a video game? Not all people on welfare are robbing the system, why the blanket approach?

Also, this is the GROUP that HATES the idea of Dictatorship but is entirely dicated by Rupert Merdoch. 1 man every day tells Fox News anchors what they should say and they do. Then Fox News junkies repeat it like parrots, never giving themselves a chance to think about it. Also, Fox News teaches you not to research beyond them. To do so means you are a weakness and "stupid". (just a modern cult)
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Shocking news! The government wastes a shitload of money! Who knew!

You left wing idiots are trying to justify spending by us not specifically addressing the one issue you bring up. Thanks for bringing it up. Maybe if you people would actually care about the spending across the board you would be on our page. There is no such thing as wasteful government spending that isn't on the chopping block on our side. Yet you morons look for smething we may have missed as an excuse to keep spending on your projects.

We can easily cut a trillion off our spending today. If only you assholes would actually do that and not look for ways to justify your spending because we aren't rallying around the one stupid spending program you don't like.

Get your head out of your ass. There's plenty to cut on both sides of the aisle.
Shocking news! The government wastes a shitload of money! Who knew!

You left wing idiots are trying to justify spending by us not specifically addressing the one issue you bring up. Thanks for bringing it up. Maybe if you people would actually care about the spending across the board you would be on our page. There is no such thing as wasteful government spending that isn't on the chopping block on our side. Yet you morons look for smething we may have missed as an excuse to keep spending on your projects.

We can easily cut a trillion off our spending today. If only you assholes would actually do that and not look for ways to justify your spending because we aren't rallying around the one stupid spending program you don't like.

Get your head out of your ass. There's plenty to cut on both sides of the aisle.

So you are calling me a Leftist because I want to cut spending to robotic squirrels and video games and not blind people?....

I know your position and you think you know mine.

The truth is taxation is necessary for many situation and the voters have spoken....

So you can either focus on the people abusing the system and use a blanket style approach.......Or you can continue cutting food stamps because some abuse the system. Since you are a bigot and you think the only people on food stamps are black people robbing the system you are ready to cut funding in general to food stamps.

This leaves the people the program was made for such as the blind with less money for food just because you believe only moochers receive food stamps in this entitlement America your party paints....

So you thinking you can only make a difference by ignoring large quantities of programs that spend poorly and attacking one of a few programs that feed the senior citizens, handicapped and veterans is on you.
Shocking news! The government wastes a shitload of money! Who knew!

You left wing idiots are trying to justify spending by us not specifically addressing the one issue you bring up. Thanks for bringing it up. Maybe if you people would actually care about the spending across the board you would be on our page. There is no such thing as wasteful government spending that isn't on the chopping block on our side. Yet you morons look for smething we may have missed as an excuse to keep spending on your projects.

We can easily cut a trillion off our spending today. If only you assholes would actually do that and not look for ways to justify your spending because we aren't rallying around the one stupid spending program you don't like.

Get your head out of your ass. There's plenty to cut on both sides of the aisle.

So you are calling me a Leftist because I want to cut spending to robotic squirrels and video games and not blind people?....

I know your position and you think you know mine.

The truth is taxation is necessary for many situation and the voters have spoken....

So you can either focus on the people abusing the system and use a blanket style approach.......Or you can continue cutting food stamps because some abuse the system. Since you are a bigot and you think the only people on food stamps are black people robbing the system you are ready to cut funding in general to food stamps.

This leaves the people the program was made for such as the blind with less money for food just because you believe only moochers receive food stamps in this entitlement America your party paints....

So you thinking you can only make a difference by ignoring large quantities of programs that spend poorly and attacking one of a few programs that feed the senior citizens, handicapped and veterans is on you.
Congrats, you have achieved full fucking retard. Must have been your goal from the start but you finally achieved it.
Shocking news! The government wastes a shitload of money! Who knew!

You wingnuts pivot back and forth between outrage and mockery, depending upon whether a conservative or a liberal is pointing out government waste.

That's a fact.
Here’s some wasteful Big Government spending. Why isn’t Fox News outraged?

Do you remember the $16 muffin? It was big news in 2011, coming from an inspector general’s report on Justice Department overspending at conferences. There were front-page articles in newspapers, but the real heat came from conservative media, particularly Fox News, which blasted the government for spending so much for muffins. It turned out that there was no $16 muffin, though there may have been overpriced hotel breakfasts.

That story contained everything Fox wanted its viewers to believe about government employees fleecing taxpayers.

Now here’s another similar story from today you won’t be hearing about on Fox, or perhaps anywhere else. It appeared on page A11 of today’s Post:

Northrop Grumman improperly charged the U.S. government more than $100 million in “questionable” costs on a contract, according to a Defense Department inspector general’s report.

The report found that from October 2007 through March 2013, the major defense contractor “did not properly charge labor rates” for a counter-narcoterrorism contract, and that the Army agency in charge of the contract did not ensure that the people performing the work had the necessary qualifications. The agency also did not review invoices for millions of dollars of overtime, the report said.

The IG found $21.7 million in “potentially excessive payments” for overtime, including one employee who billed $176,900 for 1,208 hours in a 12-day period. That caught investigators’ attention, since the employee was billing for more than 100 hours a day.

$100 million could buy you an awful lot of muffins. Back when the muffin story broke, I wrote a post about it and did a Google News search, which produced 443 articles about the muffins in the prior 24 hours. How many stories do you think there have been in the last 24 hours about Northrop Grumman’s $100 million overcharge (I suppose we might even call it “fraud”) of the American taxpayer? A dozen? A hundred? Nope. Just one — the one in the Post. Nobody else seems to find it interesting.

So what does this tell us? First, conservatives have a media apparatus that they can use to force certain stories into mainstream awareness when they find those that tell a tale they want people to hear. It doesn’t always work — for instance, their efforts to get everyone to care about the New Black Panthers have not borne fruit — but it works often enough.

Second, if there’s a vivid detail, even one that turns out to be untrue (like the $16 muffin), then all journalists are much more likely to find it compelling and do stories about it. You’d think that the story of the guy who managed to bill for 100 hours of work per day would be pretty compelling. Guess not.

Third, people seem to get angrier about bad behavior from government employees than from contractors, even though contractors at a place like Northrup Grumman are government employees in all but name (according to Northrop’s 2013 annual report, $21.3 billion of its $24.7 billion in sales came from U.S. government contracts). I’d give folks like Fox some credit for that, since they’ve worked so hard to convince everyone that “government bureaucrats” are both slothful and sinister, working every day to crush Americans’ freedom when they aren’t taking 3-hour lunches.

And fourth, the actual magnitude of the waste of taxpayer money is all but irrelevant to whether this kind of story gains traction. You know about the muffins, but do you remember that in Iraq, the Defense Department lost — literally just lost, with no idea where it went — a staggering $6.6 billion in cash? We’re talking pallets full of $100 bills, sent over there to make it rain on the various factions whose support we were trying to buy. Just disappeared. That should have been an earth-shaking scandal, but few people ever heard about it.

that money will be recovered and NG will pay a big penalty fine. The system works, Grow up.

Now, will the civil servants who were negligent in their audit responsibilities be punished? Duh, NO.
Here’s some wasteful Big Government spending. Why isn’t Fox News outraged?

Do you remember the $16 muffin? It was big news in 2011, coming from an inspector general’s report on Justice Department overspending at conferences. There were front-page articles in newspapers, but the real heat came from conservative media, particularly Fox News, which blasted the government for spending so much for muffins. It turned out that there was no $16 muffin, though there may have been overpriced hotel breakfasts.

That story contained everything Fox wanted its viewers to believe about government employees fleecing taxpayers.

Now here’s another similar story from today you won’t be hearing about on Fox, or perhaps anywhere else. It appeared on page A11 of today’s Post:

Northrop Grumman improperly charged the U.S. government more than $100 million in “questionable” costs on a contract, according to a Defense Department inspector general’s report.

The report found that from October 2007 through March 2013, the major defense contractor “did not properly charge labor rates” for a counter-narcoterrorism contract, and that the Army agency in charge of the contract did not ensure that the people performing the work had the necessary qualifications. The agency also did not review invoices for millions of dollars of overtime, the report said.

The IG found $21.7 million in “potentially excessive payments” for overtime, including one employee who billed $176,900 for 1,208 hours in a 12-day period. That caught investigators’ attention, since the employee was billing for more than 100 hours a day.

$100 million could buy you an awful lot of muffins. Back when the muffin story broke, I wrote a post about it and did a Google News search, which produced 443 articles about the muffins in the prior 24 hours. How many stories do you think there have been in the last 24 hours about Northrop Grumman’s $100 million overcharge (I suppose we might even call it “fraud”) of the American taxpayer? A dozen? A hundred? Nope. Just one — the one in the Post. Nobody else seems to find it interesting.

So what does this tell us? First, conservatives have a media apparatus that they can use to force certain stories into mainstream awareness when they find those that tell a tale they want people to hear. It doesn’t always work — for instance, their efforts to get everyone to care about the New Black Panthers have not borne fruit — but it works often enough.

Second, if there’s a vivid detail, even one that turns out to be untrue (like the $16 muffin), then all journalists are much more likely to find it compelling and do stories about it. You’d think that the story of the guy who managed to bill for 100 hours of work per day would be pretty compelling. Guess not.

Third, people seem to get angrier about bad behavior from government employees than from contractors, even though contractors at a place like Northrup Grumman are government employees in all but name (according to Northrop’s 2013 annual report, $21.3 billion of its $24.7 billion in sales came from U.S. government contracts). I’d give folks like Fox some credit for that, since they’ve worked so hard to convince everyone that “government bureaucrats” are both slothful and sinister, working every day to crush Americans’ freedom when they aren’t taking 3-hour lunches.

And fourth, the actual magnitude of the waste of taxpayer money is all but irrelevant to whether this kind of story gains traction. You know about the muffins, but do you remember that in Iraq, the Defense Department lost — literally just lost, with no idea where it went — a staggering $6.6 billion in cash? We’re talking pallets full of $100 bills, sent over there to make it rain on the various factions whose support we were trying to buy. Just disappeared. That should have been an earth-shaking scandal, but few people ever heard about it.

You are absolutely correct. Todays' "Conservatives" generally represent fear of change and not "Conservative spending. The core definition of Conservative is "Unwilling to change" not "stop excessive spending. I use to preach about robotic squirrels, video games and community housing that gave drunks beer in the lobby.

As it turns out, these are all ran by Corporations and the Right Wing consistently on many forums stated, "Those are all low expenses, we need to focus on Social Security and Education".

The very people voting against control are voting for Corporate Control. And anyone with a brain can see with proof Corporations control Government through the Federal Reserve and donations.

^^^total horseshit^^^
Why don't you? I didn't see you bitch about it just ask why Republicans aren't. FYI Tom Coburn has been putting out the wastebook which highlights this kind of stuff for years.

Read the Thread Title again. Do you see the question being asked?

Do you ever think and bitch for yourself? Of just what others tells you to?

what the hell does FOX NEWS have to do with ANY of this?
Here’s some wasteful Big Government spending. Why isn’t Fox News outraged?

Do you remember the $16 muffin? It was big news in 2011, coming from an inspector general’s report on Justice Department overspending at conferences. There were front-page articles in newspapers, but the real heat came from conservative media, particularly Fox News, which blasted the government for spending so much for muffins. It turned out that there was no $16 muffin, though there may have been overpriced hotel breakfasts.

That story contained everything Fox wanted its viewers to believe about government employees fleecing taxpayers.

Now here’s another similar story from today you won’t be hearing about on Fox, or perhaps anywhere else. It appeared on page A11 of today’s Post:

Northrop Grumman improperly charged the U.S. government more than $100 million in “questionable” costs on a contract, according to a Defense Department inspector general’s report.

The report found that from October 2007 through March 2013, the major defense contractor “did not properly charge labor rates” for a counter-narcoterrorism contract, and that the Army agency in charge of the contract did not ensure that the people performing the work had the necessary qualifications. The agency also did not review invoices for millions of dollars of overtime, the report said.

The IG found $21.7 million in “potentially excessive payments” for overtime, including one employee who billed $176,900 for 1,208 hours in a 12-day period. That caught investigators’ attention, since the employee was billing for more than 100 hours a day.

$100 million could buy you an awful lot of muffins. Back when the muffin story broke, I wrote a post about it and did a Google News search, which produced 443 articles about the muffins in the prior 24 hours. How many stories do you think there have been in the last 24 hours about Northrop Grumman’s $100 million overcharge (I suppose we might even call it “fraud”) of the American taxpayer? A dozen? A hundred? Nope. Just one — the one in the Post. Nobody else seems to find it interesting.

So what does this tell us? First, conservatives have a media apparatus that they can use to force certain stories into mainstream awareness when they find those that tell a tale they want people to hear. It doesn’t always work — for instance, their efforts to get everyone to care about the New Black Panthers have not borne fruit — but it works often enough.

Second, if there’s a vivid detail, even one that turns out to be untrue (like the $16 muffin), then all journalists are much more likely to find it compelling and do stories about it. You’d think that the story of the guy who managed to bill for 100 hours of work per day would be pretty compelling. Guess not.

Third, people seem to get angrier about bad behavior from government employees than from contractors, even though contractors at a place like Northrup Grumman are government employees in all but name (according to Northrop’s 2013 annual report, $21.3 billion of its $24.7 billion in sales came from U.S. government contracts). I’d give folks like Fox some credit for that, since they’ve worked so hard to convince everyone that “government bureaucrats” are both slothful and sinister, working every day to crush Americans’ freedom when they aren’t taking 3-hour lunches.

And fourth, the actual magnitude of the waste of taxpayer money is all but irrelevant to whether this kind of story gains traction. You know about the muffins, but do you remember that in Iraq, the Defense Department lost — literally just lost, with no idea where it went — a staggering $6.6 billion in cash? We’re talking pallets full of $100 bills, sent over there to make it rain on the various factions whose support we were trying to buy. Just disappeared. That should have been an earth-shaking scandal, but few people ever heard about it.
If it was being discussed at MSNBC, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS or any other media outlet, FOX would be outraged as well.
Shocking news! The government wastes a shitload of money! Who knew!

You left wing idiots are trying to justify spending by us not specifically addressing the one issue you bring up. Thanks for bringing it up. Maybe if you people would actually care about the spending across the board you would be on our page. There is no such thing as wasteful government spending that isn't on the chopping block on our side. Yet you morons look for smething we may have missed as an excuse to keep spending on your projects.

We can easily cut a trillion off our spending today. If only you assholes would actually do that and not look for ways to justify your spending because we aren't rallying around the one stupid spending program you don't like.

Get your head out of your ass. There's plenty to cut on both sides of the aisle.

So you are calling me a Leftist because I want to cut spending to robotic squirrels and video games and not blind people?....

I know your position and you think you know mine.

The truth is taxation is necessary for many situation and the voters have spoken....

So you can either focus on the people abusing the system and use a blanket style approach.......Or you can continue cutting food stamps because some abuse the system. Since you are a bigot and you think the only people on food stamps are black people robbing the system you are ready to cut funding in general to food stamps.

This leaves the people the program was made for such as the blind with less money for food just because you believe only moochers receive food stamps in this entitlement America your party paints....

So you thinking you can only make a difference by ignoring large quantities of programs that spend poorly and attacking one of a few programs that feed the senior citizens, handicapped and veterans is on you.
Continue cutting food stamps? You apparently don't know that Obama is the "Food Stamp President."

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