Here’s Proof That the Modern Day GOP Built Itself on Racism

Your Link is some liberal 'Forward Proggress' bs?!

:p 'Nuff Said......BUT....

Obama Has divided this nation to the point of Civil War. The most secretive Administration, The most Lawless Administration, The most divisive Administration, If anyone would be the Anti-Christ it would have to be Obama, Hillary his concubine.

Hundreds of thosands are dead becauae of Obama's direct actions that include supplying, fonancing, arming, training, protecting, and going to war for - using our troops to benefit those who killed 3,000 Americans - Terrorists, Mexican drug cartels, and violent illegals.

As an advocate for terrorists and violent illegal immigrants he has been an immense success. As an advocate, A protector, and President of THIS COUNTRY He has been an immense failure.
It's called re-writing history, The powerful often do that.

Before the deranged (mostly southern) rednecks and religious freaks (aka most of the delusional posters on here) were brought into the party, the original republican party was a northeastern centered moderate, socially centrist party that favored birth control, abortion and civil rights:

There's a Long History of Republicans Supporting Planned Parenthood—Why Is No One Talking About It?

The ancestors of these moronic posters were hillbilly conservative democrats who were ejected by LBJ and supported by anti-civil rights act Goldwater and Reagan, and anti-desegregation busing Nixon.

Even Reagan supported gay rights, and legalized abortion and implemented gun control in California. Even Goldwater was pro-Planned Parenthood and pro gay rights. Bush Sr also backed Planned Parenthood. It was supposed to be a game, they didn't actually beleive that many morons existed and believed in this crap. Now these inbred descendants of redneck hillbilly conservative democrats (who had limited power in the old democratic party) have taken over the republican party lock, stock and barrel.

It would be impossible for Goldwater or Reagan to be nominated by the modern Hillbilly-dominated Republican party.
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The usual “go-to” rhetoric from many conservatives and Republicans regarding racism harkens back to the fact that during the days of the Civil War, the creation and rise of the Ku Klux Klan and the decades of segregation, the Democratic party was mostly behind all of that.

Well, that much is true; there’s no denying that Democrats were once a party driven by white supremacy and overrun with racists.

The problem, of course, is that there’s a distinction which is often overlooked by these modern day Republicans who often use this rhetoric: When the Democratic party was the party of racism, they were considered conservatives while Republicans were considered the liberals. It’s why Republicans mostly flourished in the North while Democrats ruled the South.

That all began to change around the mid-40’s during President Truman’s time in office. He was the first Democratic president who really began to push civil rights into the Democratic platform. It was a move which was so controversial among Southern Democrats that it briefly spawned the “Dixiecrats” in 1948, which was a segregationist party that picked renowned racist Strom Thurmond as its presidential candidate, winning the states of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Georgia.

I would like to point out that those are all former Confederate states and are currently states considered “strongly Republican.”

By the way, the staunch racist and segregationist Thurmond, who was furious that Democrats were embracing equality, denounced his allegiance to the party in 1964 and joined the Republicans. You know, the same year the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was signed, officially ending segregation. This was also around the same time that the GOP was implementing what’s known as the “Southern Strategy” – a strategic ploy to pander to white racism to lure in voters as more African-Americans began aligning with Democrats.

Interesting fact: Between the Senate and the House, only 9 of the 124 politicians from “Confederate states” (all Democrats) voted for the Civil Rights Act. It didn’t get a single Southern Republican vote – not one.

There’s a reason why when we look at our nation’s history, practically every state that fought for the Confederacy, and in turn supported slavery (and are today “red”/Republican states), are also the same ones that:
  • Opposed women’s suffrage.
  • Supported segregation.
  • Banned interracial marriage.
  • Opposed the Civil Rights Act.
As The Guardian points out concerning the vote on the Civil Rights Act:

You can see that geography was far more predictive of voting coalitions on the Civil Rights than party affiliation.

And why is that? Because this was right in the middle of the transition where Republicans began to embrace racism and Democrats were pushing for civil rights and equality. And once again, the “constant” in determining which states were on the “right side of history” on these issues came down to who fought for the North and who fought for the South – regardless of party affiliation.

While some Democrats remained in the South through the 70’s and 80’s, most of them were leftovers from the past as Republicans continued to gain a stronghold over most of these former Confederate states. And as we all know, Republicans are now the unheralded political force in most of the former Confederate South.

So, it’s not exactly difficult to follow the historical pattern that began during the 40’s to see where the dynamics of the parties switched, as Democrats embraced equality and civil rights while the Republican party was quick to embrace the racism and hate Democrats were leaving behind.

That’s why when I encounter one of these Republicans who ignores this clear historic shift between the parties (which is almost always) I ask these three questions:
  1. What party do white supremacists and the KKK vote for today?
  2. Which party elected former Grand Wizard of the KKK, David Duke, in 1989?
  3. Which party had one of its highest ranking member speak in front of a white supremacist group in 2001?
Typically you won’t get many of these folks to give you a straight answer to any of those, if they’ll even answer them at all. They usually just deflect back to 50+ years ago because they know the answers to those questions are all the same: The Republican party.

Oh, and let me debunk a quick myth that’s been going around about Bill Clinton and a campaign button from his 1992 election depicting the Confederate flag. While the button apparently did exist, it was never sanctioned by the Clinton campaign and was basically just something someone made on their own. It “proves” nothing because it has no ties or affiliation with the former president’s campaign in any way.

Like I’ve said plenty of times before, denial is a powerful thing. Conservatives will continue to cling to their myths, folklores and delusions because that’s what they’ve been told their whole lives and no amount of factual evidence will ever matter to the overwhelming majority of these people.

But the indisputable facts remain that practically every state that fought for the Confederacy, and supported some of the most horrific policies in our nation’s history, today are all “strongly Republican,” and the modern day GOP is supported by white supremacist groups and the KKK.

And while conservatives can twist all of this however they like (and I’m sure they will) that doesn’t change the reality they seem determined to pretend doesn’t exist.

No Longer the Party of Lincoln: Here's Proof That the Modern Day GOP Built Itself on Racism

Although Democrats were once a party driven by white supremacy and racism - the Party of Lincoln now owns that legacy.

Not really. It's you libs who keep blacks, illegal Mexicans and such in poverty and Unhappy. I mean, if all of a sudden they low and down trodden got rich, the Democrat party would just dissappear. The proof in that is that for as long as you libs have promised to look out for the minorities, y'all keep them poor and stupid so you can leverage their food stamps for their votes. The Democrat party is still the party of slave owners with the race pimps like Sharpton and Jesse Jackson as your loyal uncle Tom's.
It's called re-writing history, The powerful often do that.

Who is rewriting history?

You are..

Only three democrats switched, the rest like Al Gore's dad remained in the democrat party.

Jimmy Carter won the South.

The youth of the redstates wanted middle class manufacturing jobs instead of farm or textile jobs and the republicans delivered in states like South and North Carolina.
A question who is more racist and segregated today

Red states


Blue states?

I lived both with out a doubt it is blue states today.
It's called re-writing history, The powerful often do that.

Who is rewriting history?

You are..

Only three democrats switched, the rest like Al Gore's dad remained in the democrat party.

Jimmy Carter won the South.

The youth of the redstates wanted middle class manufacturing jobs instead of farm or textile jobs and the republicans delivered in states like South and North Carolina.

The last president to win white males was LBJ, wonder why?

Carter won due to Watergate, and Clinton due to Perot. By 2000, demographics had begun to change, and Gore had won the Popular Vote on his own.
Leftists have been trying this song and dance for a long time. There was NO migration to the GOP. Three guys switched parties and only one was a racist, Strom Thurman, who renounced his past behavior.

The south wanted more economic freedom (sound familiar) and the GOP platform was more attractive so they grew while the Dems shrank. Today the Democrat party still relies heavily on race to divide and conquer.
Leftists have been trying this song and dance for a long time. There was NO migration to the GOP. Three guys switched parties and only one was a racist, Strom Thurman, who renounced his past behavior.

The south wanted more economic freedom (sound familiar) and the GOP platform was more attractive so they grew while the Dems shrank. Today the Democrat party still relies heavily on race to divide and conquer.

No, the south was fine with all of FDR's economic programs, they were even willing to sign on with a national healthcare system, it was Truman desegregating the military and the Northern Democrats that advocated desegregation that changed everything in the coalition. Then Goldwater and Reagan said they were against the civil rights act, and the racists went over to vote for them ever since.

Harry Truman and Health Care Reform: The Debate Started Here | Pediatrics Perspectives | Pediatrics

The only state that voted against FDR all times was Vermont, because the old school republican party was very different, there were no bigots and religious fanatics like in modern times. Those guys were conservative democrats back then.
Leftists have been trying this song and dance for a long time. There was NO migration to the GOP. Three guys switched parties and only one was a racist, Strom Thurman, who renounced his past behavior.

The south wanted more economic freedom (sound familiar) and the GOP platform was more attractive so they grew while the Dems shrank. Today the Democrat party still relies heavily on race to divide and conquer.

No, the south was fine with all of FDR's economic programs, they were even willing to sign on with a national healthcare system, it was Truman desegregating the military and the Northern Democrats that advocated desegregation that changed everything in the coalition. Then Goldwater and Reagan said they were against the civil rights act, and the racists went over to vote for them ever since.

Harry Truman and Health Care Reform: The Debate Started Here | Pediatrics Perspectives | Pediatrics

The only state that voted against FDR all times was Vermont, because the old school republican party was very different, there were no bigots and religious fanatics like in modern times. Those guys were conservative democrats back then.
No, you don't get to rewrite history to suit your hatred. Sorry. Three guys jumped ship and not because of racial matter. The GOP helped pass civil rights legislation, the dems were holding it up.
Leftists have been trying this song and dance for a long time. There was NO migration to the GOP. Three guys switched parties and only one was a racist, Strom Thurman, who renounced his past behavior.

The south wanted more economic freedom (sound familiar) and the GOP platform was more attractive so they grew while the Dems shrank. Today the Democrat party still relies heavily on race to divide and conquer.

No, the south was fine with all of FDR's economic programs, they were even willing to sign on with a national healthcare system, it was Truman desegregating the military and the Northern Democrats that advocated desegregation that changed everything in the coalition. Then Goldwater and Reagan said they were against the civil rights act, and the racists went over to vote for them ever since.

Harry Truman and Health Care Reform: The Debate Started Here | Pediatrics Perspectives | Pediatrics

The only state that voted against FDR all times was Vermont, because the old school republican party was very different, there were no bigots and religious fanatics like in modern times. Those guys were conservative democrats back then.
No, you don't get to rewrite history to suit your hatred. Sorry. Three guys jumped ship and not because of racial matter. The GOP helped pass civil rights legislation, the dems were holding it up.

Nope, both the northern democrats and republicans supported it. It was the southerners (both democrats, and the couple of republicans) that opposed it. Then they ran Goldwater who campaigned against Civil Rights, and promised to never sign the legislation for president, and then Goldwater got the southern votes. Later Nixon campaigned against Forced Busing, and Reagan was also against the Civil Rights by appealing to those same racists.

A higher percentage of non-southern democrats supported the Civil Rights Act vs. Republicans.

Were Republicans really the party of civil rights in the 1960s? | Harry J Enten

The south voted for FDR 4 times (while Vermont voted against him), then magically Truman starts talking about desegregation and they start to leave the party, hmmm, why could that be? Even when they otherwise supported his economic proposals including national healthcare.
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It's called re-writing history, The powerful often do that.

Who is rewriting history?

You are..

Only three democrats switched, the rest like Al Gore's dad remained in the democrat party.

Jimmy Carter won the South.

The youth of the redstates wanted middle class manufacturing jobs instead of farm or textile jobs and the republicans delivered in states like South and North Carolina.

The last president to win white males was LBJ, wonder why?

Carter won due to Watergate, and Clinton due to Perot. By 2000, demographics had begun to change, and Gore had won the Popular Vote on his own.
Democrats celebrate that racist democrat clown to this day....
You Democrats still need to white wash your horrible history don't you?


Gee, guess who first introduced what would later become the 19th Amendment? And guess what party he belonged to?

"In January 1878, Senator Sargent introduced the 29 words that would later become the 19th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, allowing women the right to vote. Sargent’s wife, Ellen Clark Sargent, was a leading voting rights advocate, and a friend of such suffrage leaders as Susan B. Anthony. The bill calling for the amendment would be introduced unsuccessfully each year for the next forty years. Sargent returned to California in 1880."

Aaron A. Sargent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
View attachment 85860
It's called re-writing history, The powerful often do that.

Who is rewriting history?

You are..

Only three democrats switched, the rest like Al Gore's dad remained in the democrat party.

Jimmy Carter won the South.

The youth of the redstates wanted middle class manufacturing jobs instead of farm or textile jobs and the republicans delivered in states like South and North Carolina.

The last president to win white males was LBJ, wonder why?

Carter won due to Watergate, and Clinton due to Perot. By 2000, demographics had begun to change, and Gore had won the Popular Vote on his own.
Democrats celebrate that racist democrat clown to this day....

Goldwater was the racist who said he would never ever sign the civil rights act, LBJ supported it. Even Obama has used the word '******', no one cares. Actions matter more than words.
View attachment 85860
It's called re-writing history, The powerful often do that.

Who is rewriting history?

You are..

Only three democrats switched, the rest like Al Gore's dad remained in the democrat party.

Jimmy Carter won the South.

The youth of the redstates wanted middle class manufacturing jobs instead of farm or textile jobs and the republicans delivered in states like South and North Carolina.

The last president to win white males was LBJ, wonder why?

Carter won due to Watergate, and Clinton due to Perot. By 2000, demographics had begun to change, and Gore had won the Popular Vote on his own.
Democrats celebrate that racist democrat clown to this day....

Goldwater was the racist who said he would never ever sign the civil rights act, LBJ supported it. Even Obama has used the word '******', no one cares. Actions matter more than words.
You mean gore Sr.
You Democrats still need to white wash your horrible history don't you?


Gee, guess who first introduced what would later become the 19th Amendment? And guess what party he belonged to?

"In January 1878, Senator Sargent introduced the 29 words that would later become the 19th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, allowing women the right to vote. Sargent’s wife, Ellen Clark Sargent, was a leading voting rights advocate, and a friend of such suffrage leaders as Susan B. Anthony. The bill calling for the amendment would be introduced unsuccessfully each year for the next forty years. Sargent returned to California in 1880."

Aaron A. Sargent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I have news for you. Lincoln hated State's Rights and the Supreme Court. He ignored 'constitutional principles' and laughed at the Court as illegitimate when they ruled against him, since he never gave a shit about the constitution or principles as he wasn't a conservative when he launch a civil war against state's rights.
It's called re-writing history, The powerful often do that.

Who is rewriting history?

You are..

Only three democrats switched, the rest like Al Gore's dad remained in the democrat party.

Jimmy Carter won the South.

The youth of the redstates wanted middle class manufacturing jobs instead of farm or textile jobs and the republicans delivered in states like South and North Carolina.

The last president to win white males was LBJ, wonder why?

Carter won due to Watergate, and Clinton due to Perot. By 2000, demographics had begun to change, and Gore had won the Popular Vote on his own.

What the duck does Carter winning the redstates have to do with Watergate?

You don't even know the real reason why Carter beat Ford dumbass

Go back to school
...Although Democrats were once a party driven by white supremacy and racism - the Party of Lincoln now owns that legacy.
Lyndon Baines Johnson (D) 1963... "These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference... I'll have them nig---s voting Democratic for the next two hundred years".

President LBJ: "I’ll have those n*****s voting Democratic for the next 200 years" - Is this a real quote? • /r/AskHistorians

Yawzirrr, boss...

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