Here's hoping Mr. Businessman P's off the GOP as much as the Dems or MORE. Please remember, GOPers,


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2011
Here's hoping Mr. Businessman P's off the GOP as much as the Dems or MORE. Please remember, GOPers, that he doesn't actually believe much of your beloved fake news, it turns out- ie Hillary is corrupt, Obama policies caused the mess, W didn't wreck the world and the economy, GW is a hoax, Jeebus Sandy Hook was a hoax, Dems want your guns, O started ISIS, etc etc.
seems to me that none of us Deplorables that elected the Trump care anything at all about the 'gop' and I / we don't support the 'gop' Franco . Seems to me that its up to the President Trump to slap the 'gop' down and keep them in their place Franco !! With Deplorable support and cheering of course !!
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seems to me that none of us Deplorables that elected the Trump care anything at all about the 'gop' and I / we don't support the 'gop' Franco . Seems to me that its up to the President Trump o slap the 'gop' down and keep them in their place Franco !! With Deplrable support and cheering of course !!
So you don't believe any of that GOP garbaaage propaganda? Where do you get your news? You're a proud deplorable but not GOP...just vote that way? Puhleeze...dupe.
Can you write in proper sentences? Your thoughts just aren't coherent so it's impossible to discuss anything with you.
You're a gd idiot. All proper grammar- I've forgetten more than you'll ever know.
I've forgetten more than you'll ever know.

Oddly informative
Please compare your (pl.) training to the famous Hotchkiss School grammar program in 1966. Take my word. What a PAIN.

Politics? That too. Masters in History, Rochester 1990.
Here's hoping Mr. Businessman P's off the GOP as much as the Dems or MORE. Please remember, GOPers, that he doesn't actually believe much of your beloved fake news, it turns out- ie Hillary is corrupt, Obama policies caused the mess, W didn't wreck the world and the economy, GW is a hoax, Jeebus Sandy Hook was a hoax, Dems want your guns, O started ISIS, etc etc.
So you laughing hyenas have an actual argument? Oh right, Faux Rush etc don't report Trump poking holes in their bs propaganda....
Harvard, Class of '24

Stanford, Class of '32

Princeton, Class of '36

See how easy it is to claim something on a message board?
Can you write in proper sentences? Your thoughts just aren't coherent so it's impossible to discuss anything with you.
You're a gd idiot. All proper grammar- I've forgetten more than you'll ever know.
Thinking Error: Super Optimism.
Fact, dupe.
Here's hoping Mr. Businessman P's off the GOP as much as the Dems or MORE. Please remember, GOPers, that he doesn't actually believe much of your beloved fake news, it turns out- ie Hillary is corrupt, Obama policies caused the mess, W didn't wreck the world and the economy, GW is a hoax, Jeebus Sandy Hook was a hoax, Dems want your guns, O started ISIS, etc etc.
Reminder to hater chumps:
Here's hoping Mr. Businessman P's off the GOP as much as the Dems or MORE. Please remember, GOPers, that he doesn't actually believe much of your beloved fake news, it turns out- ie Hillary is corrupt, Obama policies caused the mess, W didn't wreck the world and the economy, GW is a hoax, Jeebus Sandy Hook was a hoax, Dems want your guns, O started ISIS, etc etc.

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