Here's An Idea


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
I have this really insane idea.

Let's say you have a job. And let's say all your employer does every couple of weeks or so is give you...a paycheck!

Your employer does not give you health insurance. Instead, you call up any insurance company in the country and...get this...YOU decide what you need! :eek:

Do you need birth control coverage? You got it! No problem!

Do you need coverage if you get a broken leg? You got it! No problem!

Do you NOT need birth control coverage? No problem! You don't have to pay for that.

Just like the way you buy your auto insurance. You decide how big a deductible you can handle, and how much coverage you want.

And since you can buy your insurance from any company anywhere, they are all competing like crazy for your business. You have bargaining power.

I know how insane that sounds. Everyone knows the government should be deciding these things for me. What the hell am I doing deciding what kind of health care coverage I want? That should not be between me and my doctor and my insurance. The government should be involved in every way possible.

And it is better that a big chunk of your income is diverted into a health insurance plan at your job that you have absolutely no choice about. You have to go with what your company provides. That's MUCH better than you receiving that income and getting to decide what is best for you and your family. It is just plain nuts to leave such personal decisions up to you. I'm totally crazy for proposing such a preposterous idea.
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You're right. Totally insane. Politicians and bureaucrats can't control our lives this way. Why would we want to be a free people?
Since government knows what is best for everyone, I can't believe they aren't mandating employers provide us with food.

Of course, the government should decide exactly what food they must provide for us. Rice cakes, low fat milk, cheese, high fiber organic bread, and peanut butter. That about ought to do it. Food is too important for us idiots to be deciding for ourselves what we can eat.

After all, look at what fat bastards we have all become. We are clogging the health care system with our heart attacks and diabetes.

It is far past time for the government to take over our diets. Taking over our health care is not far enough.
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I have this really insane idea.

Let's say you have a job. And let's say all your employer does every couple of weeks or so is give you...a paycheck!

Your employer does not give you health insurance. Instead, you call up any insurance company in the country and...get this...YOU decide what you need! :eek:

Do you need birth control coverage? You got it! No problem!

Do you need coverage if you get a broken leg? You got it! No problem!

Do you NOT need birth control coverage? No problem! You don't have to pay for that.

Just like the way you buy your auto insurance. You decide how big a deductible you can handle, and how much coverage you want.

And since you can buy your insurance from any company anywhere, they are all competing like crazy for your business. You have bargaining power.

I know how insane that sounds. Everyone knows the government should be deciding these things for me. What the hell am I doing deciding what kind of health care coverage I want? That should not be between me and my doctor and my insurance. The government should be involved in every way possible.

And it is better that a big chunk of your income is diverted into a health insurance plan at your job that you have absolutely no choice about. You have to go with what your company provides. That's MUCH better than you receiving that income and getting to decide what is best for you and your family. It is just plain nuts to leave such personal decisions up to you. I'm totally crazy for proposing such a preposterous idea.

That's just silly talk. Relax and let Big Daddy Gov take care of you...Happy Dependence Day.;)
I have this really insane idea.

Let's say you have a job. And let's say all your employer does every couple of weeks or so is give you...a paycheck!

Your employer does not give you health insurance. Instead, you call up any insurance company in the country and...get this...YOU decide what you need! :eek:
Yep, although even better is, you do that if you don't like what you get just for being a US Citizen. Healthy workers make for a healthy economy. The basics we cover, the frills are on you...
It is far past time for the government to take over our diets. Taking over our health care is not far enough.
Based upon the numbers, you are more right than wrong. What we do want however is for people to smoke. They die just about the right time, before the bills get really big.

Be careful what you wish for...
I have this really insane idea.

Let's say you have a job. And let's say all your employer does every couple of weeks or so is give you...a paycheck!

Your employer does not give you health insurance. Instead, you call up any insurance company in the country and...get this...YOU decide what you need! :eek:

Do you need birth control coverage? You got it! No problem!

Do you need coverage if you get a broken leg? You got it! No problem!

Do you NOT need birth control coverage? No problem! You don't have to pay for that.

Just like the way you buy your auto insurance. You decide how big a deductible you can handle, and how much coverage you want.

And since you can buy your insurance from any company anywhere, they are all competing like crazy for your business. You have bargaining power.

I know how insane that sounds. Everyone knows the government should be deciding these things for me. What the hell am I doing deciding what kind of health care coverage I want? That should not be between me and my doctor and my insurance. The government should be involved in every way possible.

And it is better that a big chunk of your income is diverted into a health insurance plan at your job that you have absolutely no choice about. You have to go with what your company provides. That's MUCH better than you receiving that income and getting to decide what is best for you and your family. It is just plain nuts to leave such personal decisions up to you. I'm totally crazy for proposing such a preposterous idea.
In the past there have been a number of companies that will give you your premium equivalent if you decide not to take their coverage plan, so you could choose your own. And there have been large companies that gives you a choice of plans and benefits.
Cool! What's next, business can decide that if a pregnant woman wants to deliver a healthy baby she can shop elsewhere because they simply don't feel like covering it?

Cons to women: hahahahahaha f you
Since government knows what is best for everyone, I can't believe they aren't mandating employers provide us with food.

Of course, the government should decide exactly what food they must provide for us. Rice cakes, low fat milk, cheese, high fiber organic bread, and peanut butter. That about ought to do it. Food is too important for us idiots to be deciding for ourselves what we can eat.

After all, look at what fat bastards we have all become. We are clogging the health care system with our heart attacks and diabetes.

It is far past time for the government to take over our diets. Taking over our health care is not far enough.

Thats next.
an even more insane idea would be to have the Republicans on board with the Democrats working to iron out all the wrinkles for the benefit of the PEOPLE.

Crazy isn't it?
A healthy population depends upon everyone having only good genes. So what's required is a government run genetic matching program with careful monitoring of pregnancies so any which might produce defective offspring are aborted. Eugenics on steroids!

Of course that was done once.......
A healthy population depends upon everyone having only good genes. So what's required is a government run genetic matching program with careful monitoring of pregnancies so any which might produce defective offspring are aborted. Eugenics on steroids!

Of course that was done once.......

It's been done several times, but never the right way...
I have this really insane idea.

Let's say you have a job. And let's say all your employer does every couple of weeks or so is give you...a paycheck!

Your employer does not give you health insurance. Instead, you call up any insurance company in the country and...get this...YOU decide what you need! :eek:

Do you need birth control coverage? You got it! No problem!

Do you need coverage if you get a broken leg? You got it! No problem!

Do you NOT need birth control coverage? No problem! You don't have to pay for that.

Just like the way you buy your auto insurance. You decide how big a deductible you can handle, and how much coverage you want.

And since you can buy your insurance from any company anywhere, they are all competing like crazy for your business. You have bargaining power.

I know how insane that sounds. Everyone knows the government should be deciding these things for me. What the hell am I doing deciding what kind of health care coverage I want? That should not be between me and my doctor and my insurance. The government should be involved in every way possible.

And it is better that a big chunk of your income is diverted into a health insurance plan at your job that you have absolutely no choice about. You have to go with what your company provides. That's MUCH better than you receiving that income and getting to decide what is best for you and your family. It is just plain nuts to leave such personal decisions up to you. I'm totally crazy for proposing such a preposterous idea.

Sounds great. Handle it just like auto coverage. There are minimum insurance limits you must carry or you cannot operate a motor vehicle. You are not given a choice. You have to carry certain lines of coverage, or you cannot operate a motor vehicle. So, you have to buy certain levels of coverage with specified coverage lines, just like auto insurance. If you don't, you can't live here.

A truly brilliant idea.
A healthy population depends upon everyone having only good genes. So what's required is a government run genetic matching program with careful monitoring of pregnancies so any which might produce defective offspring are aborted. Eugenics on steroids!

Of course that was done once.......

It's been done several times, but never the right way...

Surely you can share with us your suggestions?
an even more insane idea would be to have the Republicans on board with the Democrats working to iron out all the wrinkles for the benefit of the PEOPLE.

Crazy isn't it?

But that's a four letter word. "Comp, row, mise, ing"
A healthy population depends upon everyone having only good genes. So what's required is a government run genetic matching program with careful monitoring of pregnancies so any which might produce defective offspring are aborted. Eugenics on steroids!

Of course that was done once.......

It's been done several times, but never the right way...

Surely you can share with us your suggestions?
Surely I could, in another thread. This thread is about buying your own health care like you do your own car insurance.
In the past there have been a number of companies that will give you your premium equivalent if you decide not to take their coverage plan, so you could choose your own. And there have been large companies that gives you a choice of plans and benefits.

The other half of the equation is still missing. I cannot call up any health insurance company in the country I wish and buy health insurance from them.
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I think one of the complaints about this idea is that health insurance companies dont or wont quote pricing and or cost of services before hand. I think that was one of the complaints with "shopping around"
Cool! What's next, business can decide that if a pregnant woman wants to deliver a healthy baby she can shop elsewhere because they simply don't feel like covering it?

Cons to women: hahahahahaha f you

If you bought your own insurance, instead of being stupid enough to want someone else to make health care decisions for you, you can decide if you want pregnancy coverage for yourself.

Crazy, huh?
I think one of the complaints about this idea is that health insurance companies dont or wont quote pricing and or cost of services before hand. I think that was one of the complaints with "shopping around"

"15 minutes will save you 15 percent on car insurance."

No reason that model cannot work for health insurance if you get the government out of the way.

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