Here’s a breakdown of every scandal swirling around Hillary

Why do you guys still think, 20 years later, you are going to bring down Clinton with "Scandals".

It didn't work 20 years ago when you tried to cause a constitutional crisis over a blow job, and it won't work now.

Here's how you guys win in 2016. You convince guys like me who used to vote Republican to vote for one of your guys this time instead of a Democrat. You do that by showing me that when your guy gets in, he won't give us more wars and recessions.

Because if you guys make this a discussion about Clinton (Peace and Prosperity) vs. Bush (3 wars and 3 recessions), you are going to lose.
I would like to see Clinton questioned and hear her defend the changes in the State Department's direct commercial sales practices. As soon as she took the Secretary of State position, a10 fold increase in assault weapons sales to Mexico was begun.

This happened even though the State Department's own audits showed a 26% diversion rate of direct sale arms from government / police to the cartels. Many cables published by Wikileaks speak to the dangerously loose weapon policies of the Mexican Government, if not direct government involvement in arms diversion to the cartels. The State Department challenged the Government of Mexico to show where entire shipments of assault weapons went:

"Does the GOM maintain sufficient records to allow a thorough inventory of rifles in stock and account for the current location of the 1030 AR-15 rifles?"

Wikileaks -- Cable 09MEXICO3376, Nov. 30, 2009

Additionally, after decades of open and complete reporting of direct commercial sales, the Obama / Clinton State department ended detailed reporting in 2010 so, after the 19,000 sent in 2009 (up from 2,476 in '06) we have no idea just how many assault weapons (and actual military weaponry including hand grenades etc) was actually sent to Mexico.

Was this 10 fold increase in assault weapon shipments intended to augment the much smaller Fast and Furious program, trying to flood Mexico with US sourced assault weapons? After all, 26% of tens of thousands of assault weapons over many years far exceeds the 1700 or so assault weapons "lost" during the year and a half of Fast and Furious.
The republican fight song, 'the other guys is bad, the other guy is bad.' Do republicans ever look at the history of their failure? Bring on another war, another depression, rising unemployment, loss of women's rights, in those areas they excel.
Gotta love the GOP plan to run against Hillary

Dust off the same bogus "scandals" from eight years ago and assume people must care about them by now

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