Here is Price's bill on healthcare. No wonder we have OIC's pills now!


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
What is OIC?? anyone know? I know but I had to look it up, as its just a new name to combat a side effect of another drug, I started seeing these commercials on Tv, shows a construction worker talking about how great his OIC is working. Unreal.

Proposals to Replace the Affordable Care Act

Now Price has been shown to of been an inside trader, buying stock and passing bills to increase his stock.

This is who Trump wants to put in office and I'm sure the GOP is going to vote him in.

This is going to help the opioid epidemic, they say the Trump states had the highest opioid epidemic, W. Virginia the worst, but mostly white men and women in Trump states.

The poorer addicts use heroin.
Unfortunately despite your rhetoric and racism drug abuse isn't defined by race, it's a problem in all walks of life and society
Unfortunately despite your rhetoric and racism drug abuse isn't defined by race, it's a problem in all walks of life and society
No, it is not a problem that is spread smoothly across all demographics.

That has been known forever.

You should do some reading on the dubject.

You might look up racism, too.
Unfortunately despite your rhetoric and racism drug abuse isn't defined by race, it's a problem in all walks of life and society
No, it is not a problem that is spread smoothly across all demographics.

That has been known forever.

You should do some reading on the dubject.

You might look up racism, too.

Get lost and practice your more and you won't look like a sniveling, whining know-nothing.

How nice, good thing he is a supervisor , hate to see him actually work, workers comp case.

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