Her Majesty's Uranium Connection

Yep, Benghazi, and Sandy Berger and the national archives also come to mind.
We need to have congressional hearings about this.

Well as we've seen. that's become a joke too
I think Bonehead and quite a few so called, Republicans is in bed with these nasty progressives

I still have faith in Trey Gowdy. I like to see him finally get something done though.
Political ‘investigations’ never gain any ground these days no matter what the target actually is guilty of. I have ZERO faith in any government accountability. The very term is an oxymoron.
When you can communicate through private serves and destroy what you don’t want your enemies to see or hand select the documents that are released then there cannot be any accountability. This is not new with Hillary either.
This uranium story needs to be aggressively pursued. This may finally be the wolf the Right has been screaming about all too often.

If the Russians have managed to buy a Canadian uranium company which in turn controls a significant portion of uranium produced in the United States, and Bill and Hillary aided and abetted that deal in exchange for cash, then they need to be destroyed.

This reminds me of something Joseph Stalin said. "When we hang the capitalists they will sell us the rope we use."

I could not agree more. The problem is in your statement above. There have been HUNDREDS of charges made against these two concerning abuse of power. They smile, ignore them and get away with it. They are MASTERS at this. Take Chuck Harder for example. A talk show host that didn't like the Clintons. Bill had him audited every year he was in office - and George Bush kept it up - until Harder was destroyed.

Anyone on the left ever raise an objection? nope. This story will be scoffed and laughed at by Hillary as well and she will get away with it. 2.5 million for her "foundation" from the company and $500,000 for a "speaking" fee from the Russians. She will claim that some "75,000 low-level State Department employee" gave the OK for it and it will be forgotten. Those on the left will say nothing. and the bastardization of this country will continue.

Nukes are serious stuff. As serious as it gets.

Uranium from America to Canada to Russia to Iran. That's all it will take for the American people to grab their torches.
I think that you vastly underestimate the thickness of partisan blinders.
They are VERY thick and plastered with pictured of the other side. If it does come down to it there will be someone in the other party for the sycophants to blame.
Partisanship cuts both ways. With the Clintons' lust for power, this is what you get. The Foundations themselves do good work (as well as give the Clintons power), but to do the good work, they rub elbows with people whose interests are in wealth without regard to borders, or even national interests. The quote in the article to the effect of "don't read too much into something in hindsight because at the time the sale was approved Russia had more or less stopped toppling or interfering with former Soviet republics" imo is telling. Bill and Hill don't conspire to help our foes. That's the partisan rant. But, inevitably they'll have connections like this.

It'd be nice to say "Well ok but Hillary shouldn't be Sec of State at a time when Bill's doing biz with these guys. But Poppy was still are Carlyle when W was potus and so was Jim Baker.

Welcome to the Plutocracy. They all are dirty. At least anyone with any chance of winning. In many ways, voting is a matter of holding your nose and picking the one who bothers you the least. And it goes for both parties.

Reagan was probably the last one who didn't disgust me.

Continue to vote for corruption and then continue to get corrupt politicians.
Holding your nose to vote is asinine. Try voting for someone worth voting for and the rest of the politicians will start to notice and fall in line.
We will get corrupt pols because there are a million like you who are demanding that only they can win without recognizing that it is that declaration that actually makes it true.

Who should I vote for? Walker, who is bought and paid for by the Kochs. Jeb ... did I mention Carlyle? I believe I did. Cruz? I say no to insanity. I sorta like Rubio, but he's not going anywhere.

I'll say this much. I don't think Jeb, or Hill, actually base policy on whether it will enrich their patrons. But that's a long way from Reagan, who basically chose the genteel poverty shared by Washington, Adams and Jefferson.
This uranium story needs to be aggressively pursued. This may finally be the wolf the Right has been screaming about all too often.

If the Russians have managed to buy a Canadian uranium company which in turn controls a significant portion of uranium produced in the United States, and Bill and Hillary aided and abetted that deal in exchange for cash, then they need to be destroyed.

This reminds me of something Joseph Stalin said. "When we hang the capitalists they will sell us the rope we use."

I could not agree more. The problem is in your statement above. There have been HUNDREDS of charges made against these two concerning abuse of power. They smile, ignore them and get away with it. They are MASTERS at this. Take Chuck Harder for example. A talk show host that didn't like the Clintons. Bill had him audited every year he was in office - and George Bush kept it up - until Harder was destroyed.

Anyone on the left ever raise an objection? nope. This story will be scoffed and laughed at by Hillary as well and she will get away with it. 2.5 million for her "foundation" from the company and $500,000 for a "speaking" fee from the Russians. She will claim that some "75,000 low-level State Department employee" gave the OK for it and it will be forgotten. Those on the left will say nothing. and the bastardization of this country will continue.

Nukes are serious stuff. As serious as it gets.

Uranium from America to Canada to Russia to Iran. That's all it will take for the American people to grab their torches.

It has nothing to do with "torches". No one is after "Frankenstein" here.

It has everything to do with torches. How excited the American people get over this issue will determine the outcome. See more below.

There are, however, laws - laws that these assholes crafted to keep US (We, the people) in check that must be followed, right? Or do they only apply to us worthless, huddled masses?

Which laws apply here? I have yet to see anyone cite a specific law, chapter and verse. Not even a journalist.

Is there an actionable law which can result in jail time? Or will the American people settle for the old "conflict of interest" canard and six news cycles of public scorn, and then move on to how much money Obama wasted on fireworks for the 4th of July?


Lawmakers Trying To Pass Bill Exempting Politicians From Arrest And Prosecution For Corruption

That took all of 30 seconds.
I could not agree more. The problem is in your statement above. There have been HUNDREDS of charges made against these two concerning abuse of power. They smile, ignore them and get away with it. They are MASTERS at this. Take Chuck Harder for example. A talk show host that didn't like the Clintons. Bill had him audited every year he was in office - and George Bush kept it up - until Harder was destroyed.

Anyone on the left ever raise an objection? nope. This story will be scoffed and laughed at by Hillary as well and she will get away with it. 2.5 million for her "foundation" from the company and $500,000 for a "speaking" fee from the Russians. She will claim that some "75,000 low-level State Department employee" gave the OK for it and it will be forgotten. Those on the left will say nothing. and the bastardization of this country will continue.

Nukes are serious stuff. As serious as it gets.

Uranium from America to Canada to Russia to Iran. That's all it will take for the American people to grab their torches.
I think that you vastly underestimate the thickness of partisan blinders.
They are VERY thick and plastered with pictured of the other side. If it does come down to it there will be someone in the other party for the sycophants to blame.
Partisanship cuts both ways. With the Clintons' lust for power, this is what you get. The Foundations themselves do good work (as well as give the Clintons power), but to do the good work, they rub elbows with people whose interests are in wealth without regard to borders, or even national interests. The quote in the article to the effect of "don't read too much into something in hindsight because at the time the sale was approved Russia had more or less stopped toppling or interfering with former Soviet republics" imo is telling. Bill and Hill don't conspire to help our foes. That's the partisan rant. But, inevitably they'll have connections like this.

It'd be nice to say "Well ok but Hillary shouldn't be Sec of State at a time when Bill's doing biz with these guys. But Poppy was still are Carlyle when W was potus and so was Jim Baker.

Welcome to the Plutocracy. They all are dirty. At least anyone with any chance of winning. In many ways, voting is a matter of holding your nose and picking the one who bothers you the least. And it goes for both parties.

Reagan was probably the last one who didn't disgust me.

Continue to vote for corruption and then continue to get corrupt politicians.
Holding your nose to vote is asinine. Try voting for someone worth voting for and the rest of the politicians will start to notice and fall in line.
We will get corrupt pols because there are a million like you who are demanding that only they can win without recognizing that it is that declaration that actually makes it true.

Who should I vote for? Walker, who is bought and paid for by the Kochs. Jeb ... did I mention Carlyle? I believe I did. Cruz? I say no to insanity. I sorta like Rubio, but he's not going anywhere.

I'll say this much. I don't think Jeb, or Hill, actually base policy on whether it will enrich their patrons. But that's a long way from Reagan, who basically chose the genteel poverty shared by Washington, Adams and Jefferson.

Name one, just ONE politician that isn't "bought and sold" by the rich. Just one.
Nukes are serious stuff. As serious as it gets.

Uranium from America to Canada to Russia to Iran. That's all it will take for the American people to grab their torches.
I think that you vastly underestimate the thickness of partisan blinders.
They are VERY thick and plastered with pictured of the other side. If it does come down to it there will be someone in the other party for the sycophants to blame.
Partisanship cuts both ways. With the Clintons' lust for power, this is what you get. The Foundations themselves do good work (as well as give the Clintons power), but to do the good work, they rub elbows with people whose interests are in wealth without regard to borders, or even national interests. The quote in the article to the effect of "don't read too much into something in hindsight because at the time the sale was approved Russia had more or less stopped toppling or interfering with former Soviet republics" imo is telling. Bill and Hill don't conspire to help our foes. That's the partisan rant. But, inevitably they'll have connections like this.

It'd be nice to say "Well ok but Hillary shouldn't be Sec of State at a time when Bill's doing biz with these guys. But Poppy was still are Carlyle when W was potus and so was Jim Baker.

Welcome to the Plutocracy. They all are dirty. At least anyone with any chance of winning. In many ways, voting is a matter of holding your nose and picking the one who bothers you the least. And it goes for both parties.

Reagan was probably the last one who didn't disgust me.

Continue to vote for corruption and then continue to get corrupt politicians.
Holding your nose to vote is asinine. Try voting for someone worth voting for and the rest of the politicians will start to notice and fall in line.
We will get corrupt pols because there are a million like you who are demanding that only they can win without recognizing that it is that declaration that actually makes it true.

Who should I vote for? Walker, who is bought and paid for by the Kochs. Jeb ... did I mention Carlyle? I believe I did. Cruz? I say no to insanity. I sorta like Rubio, but he's not going anywhere.

I'll say this much. I don't think Jeb, or Hill, actually base policy on whether it will enrich their patrons. But that's a long way from Reagan, who basically chose the genteel poverty shared by Washington, Adams and Jefferson.

Name one, just ONE politician that isn't "bought and sold" by the rich. Just one.
Exactly so. But again, I think with either Jeb or Hill, their vote is not actually for sale. But, they are Plutocracy candidates.
This uranium story needs to be aggressively pursued. This may finally be the wolf the Right has been screaming about all too often.

If the Russians have managed to buy a Canadian uranium company which in turn controls a significant portion of uranium produced in the United States, and Bill and Hillary aided and abetted that deal in exchange for cash, then they need to be destroyed.

This reminds me of something Joseph Stalin said. "When we hang the capitalists they will sell us the rope we use."

I could not agree more. The problem is in your statement above. There have been HUNDREDS of charges made against these two concerning abuse of power. They smile, ignore them and get away with it. They are MASTERS at this. Take Chuck Harder for example. A talk show host that didn't like the Clintons. Bill had him audited every year he was in office - and George Bush kept it up - until Harder was destroyed.

Anyone on the left ever raise an objection? nope. This story will be scoffed and laughed at by Hillary as well and she will get away with it. 2.5 million for her "foundation" from the company and $500,000 for a "speaking" fee from the Russians. She will claim that some "75,000 low-level State Department employee" gave the OK for it and it will be forgotten. Those on the left will say nothing. and the bastardization of this country will continue.

Nukes are serious stuff. As serious as it gets.

Uranium from America to Canada to Russia to Iran. That's all it will take for the American people to grab their torches.
I think that you vastly underestimate the thickness of partisan blinders.
They are VERY thick and plastered with pictured of the other side. If it does come down to it there will be someone in the other party for the sycophants to blame.
Partisanship cuts both ways. With the Clintons' lust for power, this is what you get. The Foundations themselves do good work (as well as give the Clintons power), but to do the good work, they rub elbows with people whose interests are in wealth without regard to borders, or even national interests. The quote in the article to the effect of "don't read too much into something in hindsight because at the time the sale was approved Russia had more or less stopped toppling or interfering with former Soviet republics" imo is telling. Bill and Hill don't conspire to help our foes. That's the partisan rant. But, inevitably they'll have connections like this.

It'd be nice to say "Well ok but Hillary shouldn't be Sec of State at a time when Bill's doing biz with these guys. But Poppy was still are Carlyle when W was potus and so was Jim Baker.

Welcome to the Plutocracy. They all are dirty. At least anyone with any chance of winning. In many ways, voting is a matter of holding your nose and picking the one who bothers you the least. And it goes for both parties.

Reagan was probably the last one who didn't disgust me.

Bandwagon fallacy

Says who? The Clinton's or their supporters? Problem is - proving that the money that they "receive" from countries that hate our guts actually go to what they say. If they showed you a report tomorrow that says that 95% of the money received goes to blah, blah, blah, most on the left would simply say "well, there you go - question answered", but today, we find out that SUDDENLY, tax reports are being "re-submtted" because the attorneys said "this won't fly".

Coincidence? I seriously doubt it. I've seen the Clinton's in action since they began hoodwinking the American people 35 years ago. If they told me that the sun was shining, I would call them liars until I looked outside.
which begs the question

how many times can the RW post the same topic without a responsible mod merging all the threads ..????????
Maybe this? -
A criminal conflict of interest statute, 18 U.S.C. § 208, prohibits an employee from participating personally and substantially, in an official capacity, in any “particular matter” that would have a direct and predictable effect on the employee’s own financial interests or on the financial interests of:

the employee’s spouse or minor child;a general partner of a partnership in which the employee is a limited or general partner;an organization in which the employee serves as an officer, director, trustee, general partner, or employee; ora person with whom the employee is negotiating for or has an arrangement concerning prospective employment.

A “particular matter” is virtually any Government matter to which an employee might be assigned, including policy matters and matters involving specific parties, such as contracts or grants. (A few matters in Government, however, may be so broad in scope that the conflict of interest law does not require an employee’s disqualification even though the employee’s own or “imputed” financial interests are among those affected by the matter.)

This uranium story needs to be aggressively pursued. This may finally be the wolf the Right has been screaming about all too often.

If the Russians have managed to buy a Canadian uranium company which in turn controls a significant portion of uranium produced in the United States, and Bill and Hillary aided and abetted that deal in exchange for cash, then they need to be destroyed.

This reminds me of something Joseph Stalin said. "When we hang the capitalists they will sell us the rope we use."

I could not agree more. The problem is in your statement above. There have been HUNDREDS of charges made against these two concerning abuse of power. They smile, ignore them and get away with it. They are MASTERS at this. Take Chuck Harder for example. A talk show host that didn't like the Clintons. Bill had him audited every year he was in office - and George Bush kept it up - until Harder was destroyed.

Anyone on the left ever raise an objection? nope. This story will be scoffed and laughed at by Hillary as well and she will get away with it. 2.5 million for her "foundation" from the company and $500,000 for a "speaking" fee from the Russians. She will claim that some "75,000 low-level State Department employee" gave the OK for it and it will be forgotten. Those on the left will say nothing. and the bastardization of this country will continue.

Nukes are serious stuff. As serious as it gets.

Uranium from America to Canada to Russia to Iran. That's all it will take for the American people to grab their torches.

It has nothing to do with "torches". No one is after "Frankenstein" here.

It has everything to do with torches. How excited the American people get over this issue will determine the outcome. See more below.

There are, however, laws - laws that these assholes crafted to keep US (We, the people) in check that must be followed, right? Or do they only apply to us worthless, huddled masses?

Which laws apply here? I have yet to see anyone cite a specific law, chapter and verse. Not even a journalist.

Is there an actionable law which can result in jail time? Or will the American people settle for the old "conflict of interest" canard and six news cycles of public scorn, and then move on to how much money Obama wasted on fireworks for the 4th of July?
you know, she wants to be the leader of the free world. Whether she is guilty or not of wrong doing, time will tell. However, her judgment must be questioned. She did not care about appearances. I know, I get it. A true leader should not care about the optics. Perhaps that is true as it pertains to Americans.

But she did not care about the optics as it pertains to other world leaders? She does not care how her actions look to those whom she will be responsible for gaining their trust and respect?

Does America really want a president who does not care about gaining the trust and respect of other world leaders?

I don't get the allure. I just don't get it.
Considering, reports are only 15% of the foundation money has gone to actual causes, it might not be hard to prove.
I could not agree more. The problem is in your statement above. There have been HUNDREDS of charges made against these two concerning abuse of power. They smile, ignore them and get away with it. They are MASTERS at this. Take Chuck Harder for example. A talk show host that didn't like the Clintons. Bill had him audited every year he was in office - and George Bush kept it up - until Harder was destroyed.

Anyone on the left ever raise an objection? nope. This story will be scoffed and laughed at by Hillary as well and she will get away with it. 2.5 million for her "foundation" from the company and $500,000 for a "speaking" fee from the Russians. She will claim that some "75,000 low-level State Department employee" gave the OK for it and it will be forgotten. Those on the left will say nothing. and the bastardization of this country will continue.

Nukes are serious stuff. As serious as it gets.

Uranium from America to Canada to Russia to Iran. That's all it will take for the American people to grab their torches.
I think that you vastly underestimate the thickness of partisan blinders.
They are VERY thick and plastered with pictured of the other side. If it does come down to it there will be someone in the other party for the sycophants to blame.
Partisanship cuts both ways. With the Clintons' lust for power, this is what you get. The Foundations themselves do good work (as well as give the Clintons power), but to do the good work, they rub elbows with people whose interests are in wealth without regard to borders, or even national interests. The quote in the article to the effect of "don't read too much into something in hindsight because at the time the sale was approved Russia had more or less stopped toppling or interfering with former Soviet republics" imo is telling. Bill and Hill don't conspire to help our foes. That's the partisan rant. But, inevitably they'll have connections like this.

It'd be nice to say "Well ok but Hillary shouldn't be Sec of State at a time when Bill's doing biz with these guys. But Poppy was still are Carlyle when W was potus and so was Jim Baker.

Welcome to the Plutocracy. They all are dirty. At least anyone with any chance of winning. In many ways, voting is a matter of holding your nose and picking the one who bothers you the least. And it goes for both parties.

Reagan was probably the last one who didn't disgust me.

Bandwagon fallacy

Says who? The Clinton's or their supporters? Problem is - proving that the money that they "receive" from countries that hate our guts actually go to what they say. If they showed you a report tomorrow that says that 95% of the money received goes to blah, blah, blah, most on the left would simply say "well, there you go - question answered", but today, we find out that SUDDENLY, tax reports are being "re-submtted" because the attorneys said "this won't fly".

Coincidence? I seriously doubt it. I've seen the Clinton's in action since they began hoodwinking the American people 35 years ago. If they told me that the sun was shining, I would call them liars until I looked outside.
This uranium story needs to be aggressively pursued. This may finally be the wolf the Right has been screaming about all too often.

If the Russians have managed to buy a Canadian uranium company which in turn controls a significant portion of uranium produced in the United States, and Bill and Hillary aided and abetted that deal in exchange for cash, then they need to be destroyed.

This reminds me of something Joseph Stalin said. "When we hang the capitalists they will sell us the rope we use."

I could not agree more. The problem is in your statement above. There have been HUNDREDS of charges made against these two concerning abuse of power. They smile, ignore them and get away with it. They are MASTERS at this. Take Chuck Harder for example. A talk show host that didn't like the Clintons. Bill had him audited every year he was in office - and George Bush kept it up - until Harder was destroyed.

Anyone on the left ever raise an objection? nope. This story will be scoffed and laughed at by Hillary as well and she will get away with it. 2.5 million for her "foundation" from the company and $500,000 for a "speaking" fee from the Russians. She will claim that some "75,000 low-level State Department employee" gave the OK for it and it will be forgotten. Those on the left will say nothing. and the bastardization of this country will continue.

Nukes are serious stuff. As serious as it gets.

Uranium from America to Canada to Russia to Iran. That's all it will take for the American people to grab their torches.
I think that you vastly underestimate the thickness of partisan blinders.
They are VERY thick and plastered with pictured of the other side. If it does come down to it there will be someone in the other party for the sycophants to blame.
Partisanship cuts both ways. With the Clintons' lust for power, this is what you get. The Foundations themselves do good work (as well as give the Clintons power), but to do the good work, they rub elbows with people whose interests are in wealth without regard to borders, or even national interests. The quote in the article to the effect of "don't read too much into something in hindsight because at the time the sale was approved Russia had more or less stopped toppling or interfering with former Soviet republics" imo is telling. Bill and Hill don't conspire to help our foes. That's the partisan rant. But, inevitably they'll have connections like this.

It'd be nice to say "Well ok but Hillary shouldn't be Sec of State at a time when Bill's doing biz with these guys. But Poppy was still are Carlyle when W was potus and so was Jim Baker.

Welcome to the Plutocracy. They all are dirty. At least anyone with any chance of winning. In many ways, voting is a matter of holding your nose and picking the one who bothers you the least. And it goes for both parties.

Reagan was probably the last one who didn't disgust me.

Bandwagon fallacy
Irony is dead @ usmb
So, a Russian company bought 51% of interest in an American uranium mine. Not half of the US uranium production, as you claim. As far as the rest goes, this is paid for by Rupert Murdoch, and we all know his reputation for honesty, and honorable operations. By the way, Bush himself approved of the sale, in toto, of the only steel mill on the
West Coast that can roll armor to a Russian company, Evraz.

BOOK Hillary Gave Russian Govt. Half of U.S. Uranium Output to Reward Donor s Company

Hillary Clinton’s State Department was part of a panel that approved the sale of one of America’s largest uranium mines at the same time a foundation controlled by the seller’s chairman was making donations to a Clinton family charity, records reviewed by The Wall Street Journal show.

The $610 million sale of 51% of Uranium One to a unit of Rosatom, Russia’s state nuclear agency, was approved in 2010 by a U.S. federal committee that assesses the security implications of foreign investments. The State Department, which Mrs. Clinton then ran, is one of its members.

Between 2008 and 2012, the Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative, a project of the Clinton Foundation, received $2.35 million from the Fernwood Foundation, a family charity run by Ian Telfer, chairman of Uranium One before its sale, according to Canada Revenue Agency records.

The donations were first reported in “Clinton Cash,” a new book by Peter Schweizer, an editor-at-large at a conservative news website, about the financial dealings of Mrs. Clinton and former President Bill Clinton. A copy of the book, set to be released next month, was reviewed by The Wall Street Journal. The book is to be published by HarperCollins, a division of News Corp., which also publishes the Journal.
Oh Hi Trolls...I see you're doing your job by rushing to the defense of Hillary. The problem is; what she has done is indefensible so as usual all you can do is spill out insults and talking points. You see; Conservatives care about our country not just Gay Marriage and abortion. So go on your lunch break at the house cafe now trolls. Were on to ya! When I hear or read a decent argument for what the Clinton's have done visa vie the Clinton get rich foundation I will listen...I promise.
which begs the question

how many times can the RW post the same topic without a responsible mod merging all the threads ..????????
There were over 100 Bergdahl topics in a less than two week period. Literally. No exaggeration.

That record will be tough to beat.

Forum List
