Help the Black community

Did you spend a lot of time around him or was this just a brief meeting? I noted you said 2 important things that lets me know he has good interpersonal skills.

Lots of meetings. He had ok interpersonal skills. Really, just a regular guy for an engineer, with a massive bank account. The meetings were all note-able, not because of him, but rather because of who he was. If that makes any sense.

Put it this way he was no Reagan or Clinton or Steve Jobs.

There is something you may have missed. You dont become that wealthy and stay that way by being just a run of the mill engineer. You have to have some influence. Their is no such thing as luck I have found. You work and build yourself to the point where your skills and perceptions enable you to spot opportunities everyone else missed and write off as luck. The guy is a marketing genius and thats why the crappy OS windows is a staple across the world and with end users on the business side.

Yeah I left out the details... his luck was having a "mom" that was best friends with the IBM CEO's wife right at the time when the federal government had just split up ma bell and was threatening IBM with the same. The rest is history. He was given a monopoly by a monopoly to avoid government action there was no genius to it.
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Lots of meetings. He had ok interpersonal skills. Really, just a regular guy for an engineer, with a massive bank account. The meetings were all note-able, not because of him, but rather because of who he was. If that makes any sense.

Put it this way he was no Reagan or Clinton or Steve Jobs.

There is something you may have missed. You dont become that wealthy and stay that way by being just a run of the mill engineer. You have to have some influence. Their is no such thing as luck I have found. You work and build yourself to the point where your skills and perceptions enable you to spot opportunities everyone else missed and write off as luck. The guy is a marketing genius and thats why the crappy OS windows is a staple across the world and with end users on the business side.

Yeah I left out the details... his luck was having a "mom" that was best friends with the IBM CEO's wife right at the time when the federal government had just split up ma bell and was threatening IBM with the same. The rest is history.

Oh wow! I always wondered how he managed to grasp that opportunity. I thought maybe he just turned it on behind closed doors. His public persona was really very geeky at the time. I learned a lesson tonight. Maybe there is such a thing a blind luck.
There is something you may have missed. You dont become that wealthy and stay that way by being just a run of the mill engineer. You have to have some influence. Their is no such thing as luck I have found. You work and build yourself to the point where your skills and perceptions enable you to spot opportunities everyone else missed and write off as luck. The guy is a marketing genius and thats why the crappy OS windows is a staple across the world and with end users on the business side.

Yeah I left out the details... his luck was having a "mom" that was best friends with the IBM CEO's wife right at the time when the federal government had just split up ma bell and was threatening IBM with the same. The rest is history.

Oh wow! I always wondered how he managed to grasp that opportunity. I thought maybe he just turned it on behind closed doors. His public persona was really very geeky at the time. I learned a lesson tonight. Maybe there is such a thing a blind luck.

AYUP he won the lottery with that mom :)

As you say you still have to execute on your opportunities, but it sure helps to be lucky and get the right opportunities. Otherwise it takes a ton more work to get to the same spot on the map... course there are a great many people doing their best to deflect you from the spot. Some jobs don't require luck though, just hard work. Surgeon for example.

I've never met a poor surgeon, nor one that got there out of luck.
Its true that people make generalizations off of data. However, its how they are taught to interpret that data is what causes problems. Take the test where Black girls are given a choice between a white doll and a black one and most pick the white one. ITs because they have been taught white is right and Black is bad. I have yet to see any Black leader make excuses. I feel like whites want to hear that most Blacks are just screwed up for no reason and anyone with a brain can think for a minute and realize the reason is slavery, the subsequent years of racial oppression, and the continuing neo-racism. Anyone doubting that is either lying to themselves or ignorant of basic human psychology.

I think it will eventually get better as more people wake up. My children have had less issues than I did with racism so far. All I know is that the more my children know about their lineage and what their ancestors have accomplished the more they seem to live up to that standard. I believe if Black children are taught the genius of their Black ethnicity they will realize that they are not inferior no matter what society attempts to tell them. Once Black people can come to the table with an attitude that demands respect instead of begging to be included other peoples latent racist attitudes will disappear. The end game in all this is an advanced, intelligent, multi-cultural society where everyone contributes equally and knowledge is prized. Once all that other crap falls by the way side everyone can be walk tall without guilt, anger, or shame.

Sadly your children are going to come to the table with an unattractive chip on their shoulder. They will approach people with the expectation that people are out to get them instead of out to help them reach their potential. They will take coaching as a racial insult instead of an effort to help them improve as person/professional. They will never reach their potential and you will be the reason. That is sad for them and for society because with the right attitude perhaps they could have created a cure for cancer or be the President of the United States.

They deserve a better father try to grow up.

You must be thoroughly confused. My children are leaders. The 2 youngest tutor other children and are required to donate time helping people less fortunate. Their self esteem is so high there is not much that bothers them. They play sports as well and their coaches continually praise me and my wife with what we put in them. I wont be surprised if my youngest indeed creates a cure for cancer. My middle one has her sights set on being an astronaut and my oldest is already working on her masters. They are all extremely brilliant. So unless they take a drastic turn for the worse I am pretty sure you have absolutely no clue what you are talking about.
Hey, they can be all that they can be in life, and that's true, but they still can have a chip on their shoulder along with some baggage to lug around, and it could have been all added on for weight in which was then placed there by you way deep in the far corner of their minds.
Sadly your children are going to come to the table with an unattractive chip on their shoulder. They will approach people with the expectation that people are out to get them instead of out to help them reach their potential. They will take coaching as a racial insult instead of an effort to help them improve as person/professional. They will never reach their potential and you will be the reason. That is sad for them and for society because with the right attitude perhaps they could have created a cure for cancer or be the President of the United States.

They deserve a better father try to grow up.

You must be thoroughly confused. My children are leaders. The 2 youngest tutor other children and are required to donate time helping people less fortunate. Their self esteem is so high there is not much that bothers them. They play sports as well and their coaches continually praise me and my wife with what we put in them. I wont be surprised if my youngest indeed creates a cure for cancer. My middle one has her sights set on being an astronaut and my oldest is already working on her masters. They are all extremely brilliant. So unless they take a drastic turn for the worse I am pretty sure you have absolutely no clue what you are talking about.
Hey, they can be all that they can be in life, and that's true, but they still can have a chip on their shoulder along with some baggage to lug around, and it could have been all added on for weight in which was then placed there by you way deep in the far corner of their minds.

That could very well become true however, they were and still are taught how to deal with things in a healthy way. Also you must consider that most people in life deal with things so if the worst thing I give them is a pebble on their shoulders then i can deal with that. I'd rather have them over confident but understanding that success is really a series of failures than to be timid and underachieving due to an inferiority complex. They already know from me and my wife to take the good from what we teach them and improve on it for the next generation. I cant see anything holding them back. They are simply amazing already.
Sounds like your sister and your family are doing an excellent job. Does your sister tell the child that he doesnt have a cleft pallet, or that he wont be short, or that he will not have scars as a result of his surgeries? i'm going to guess no. She probably lets him know what he has to deal with and how to do so without feeling sorry for himself. I do the same. I dont infuse negative attitudes. I tell them the truth and how to deal with it. I think the worse thing you can do is handicap your children by lying to them. It always comes back and will bite you in the end.

Yeah and when they find out being a democrat sucks... nvm you'll find out.

I teach them to vote for what is best for society and not what is best specifically for themselves. They know that by helping others get what they want you can have anything you want. Dems and Reps are basically the same. I wouldnt be surprised if it was a staged act to keep people fighting amongst each other.

Spoken like a true socialist. How about if the society they choose to help like you say to them that you want them to do, and/or rather it is your wishes for them to remain loyal in this way, ummm doesn't have their best interest at heart in the deal ?

How about if those people that you tell them to make sure and help in their choices made, well what if they use them like MC Hammer was used by those whom he thought needed his help, and what if they become the anchor around their necks because of what you have taught them in this socialistic manor ? Have you not learned anything about what has happened in the case where the feds had enabled and incentivized the poor to remain poor and dependent on them, and so is this the road you want your children on also ? Do you realize how many devils are waiting in the wings for your children to be told to help them, as they laugh all the way to the bank with your children's money afterwards, and then they never get out of the situation in which they had been in or remain in ? :cuckoo:
Without reading all the pages of this thread. My comment is- As soon as the Black community quits making excuses only then will they control their culture

Our society today in general is to quick to blame others instead of taking personal responsibilty

Its true that people make generalizations off of data. However, its how they are taught to interpret that data is what causes problems. Take the test where Black girls are given a choice between a white doll and a black one and most pick the white one. ITs because they have been taught white is right and Black is bad. I have yet to see any Black leader make excuses. I feel like whites want to hear that most Blacks are just screwed up for no reason and anyone with a brain can think for a minute and realize the reason is slavery, the subsequent years of racial oppression, and the continuing neo-racism. Anyone doubting that is either lying to themselves or ignorant of basic human psychology.

I think it will eventually get better as more people wake up. My children have had less issues than I did with racism so far. All I know is that the more my children know about their lineage and what their ancestors have accomplished the more they seem to live up to that standard. I believe if Black children are taught the genius of their Black ethnicity they will realize that they are not inferior no matter what society attempts to tell them. Once Black people can come to the table with an attitude that demands respect instead of begging to be included other peoples latent racist attitudes will disappear. The end game in all this is an advanced, intelligent, multi-cultural society where everyone contributes equally and knowledge is prized. Once all that other crap falls by the way side everyone can be walk tall without guilt, anger, or shame.

Sadly your children are going to come to the table with an unattractive chip on their shoulder. They will approach people with the expectation that people are out to get them instead of out to help them reach their potential. They will take coaching as a racial insult instead of an effort to help them improve as person/professional. They will never reach their potential and you will be the reason. That is sad for them and for society because with the right attitude perhaps they could have created a cure for cancer or be the President of the United States.

They deserve a better father try to grow up.

You must be thoroughly confused. My children are leaders. The 2 youngest tutor other children and are required to donate time helping people less fortunate. Their self esteem is so high there is not much that bothers them. They play sports as well and their coaches continually praise me and my wife with what we put in them. I wont be surprised if my youngest indeed creates a cure for cancer. My middle one has her sights set on being an astronaut and my oldest is already working on her masters. They are all extremely brilliant. So unless they take a drastic turn for the worse I am pretty sure you have absolutely no clue what you are talking about.

I don't doubt they are. You are clearly thoughtful and intelligent. But you are passing to your children a corrupting negative view that will stunt them for life. We have all seen it. Otherwise intelligent pursuasive young black man who approach relationships in a negative manner and assume people are racist and who are virtually uncoachable because the chip on their shoulder is so large.

I am not saying that racism doesn't exist but for every person acting in a negative fashion their will be another who will push you forward. But that only happens when you treat others with an expectation they will help you and you make the changes and growth needed to succeed.
Sadly your children are going to come to the table with an unattractive chip on their shoulder. They will approach people with the expectation that people are out to get them instead of out to help them reach their potential. They will take coaching as a racial insult instead of an effort to help them improve as person/professional. They will never reach their potential and you will be the reason. That is sad for them and for society because with the right attitude perhaps they could have created a cure for cancer or be the President of the United States.

They deserve a better father try to grow up.

I am sorry if I sound harsh but everyone has issues. My sister has a adopted Chinese orphan with a cleft pallet. He is probably going to be maybe 5'4" and despite many surgeries he will have scars. He has real challenges but we don't let him make excuses. We encourage him into sports where he can excel like wrestling. We support him in his intellectual pursuits which he is amazing. We tell him how smart and successful he will be and we compliment him on his interpersonal skills.

All children need to grow up feeling that they are valuable and that people will help them along the way if they approach them in a positive manner and are open to learning and always getting better. To hear how you talk and the negative attitudes you are infusing into your children is emotionally painful and makes me angry. They deserve better and you simply must do better.

Sounds like your sister and your family are doing an excellent job. Does your sister tell the child that he doesnt have a cleft pallet, or that he wont be short, or that he will not have scars as a result of his surgeries? i'm going to guess no. She probably lets him know what he has to deal with and how to do so without feeling sorry for himself. I do the same. I dont infuse negative attitudes. I tell them the truth and how to deal with it. I think the worse thing you can do is handicap your children by lying to them. It always comes back and will bite you in the end.

We don't talk about it at all. The points are self evident and the challanges don't need to be discussed. Discussing it only reinforces the belief it is an obstacle that cant he overcome. That point is the point you are missing. The only person on this board focused on th challanges of your blackness is you! The rest of us only care what kind of person you are not the color of your skin. Have some faith that others will correct the negative behaviors of others if you don't get in the way by being an ass.

Oh by the way, the consequences of being very short are as significant if not more significant than being black.
The actual quote I like is from this accomplished person I have had the pleasure of meeting and talking with.
I wanted to be as successful as Bill Gates... then I worked with him. Eh.. he's not so smart, coding skills were barely average, just the right guy in the right place at the right time with the right mom... Now I just want to have fun, spend time with the wife & kids, ...

You tend to find that out when you meet famous or accomplished people. They normally have excellent interpersonal skills and know how to delegate. His skills are in engaging people more than coding i would bet. Its good to feel comfortable in your own skin and family is always first.

And how does this statement fit with your world view?

Excellent interpersonal skills start with the expectation that people are basically good, that most people end up exactly where they deserve to be, that people will let you stand on their shoulders if you deserve it, and that life is a journey about self improvement.

All those things are impossible to believe if you in your core think whites are racist against you and your failures are a function of their racism and not your behaviors. Do you have any concept of how corrupting that thinking is? Can you even acknowledge it might be crippling to an entire community?
Not really. He's just an average guy with a ton of money. First time I met him he was selling me on the concept of porting my applications to a new operating system called OS/2. He was just a geeky kid, enthusiastic about technology. A decade later I ended up working on one of his operating systems as a lead architect. At that time he was more reserved, but really just a geeky older person that was enthusiastic about technology.

Nah.. some people really are just that lucky.

Did you spend a lot of time around him or was this just a brief meeting? I noted you said 2 important things that lets me know he has good interpersonal skills.

he was selling me
just a geeky kid, enthusiastic

Lots of meetings. He had ok interpersonal skills. Really, just a regular guy for an engineer, with a massive bank account. The meetings were all note-able, not because of him, but rather because of who he was. If that makes any sense.

Put it this way he was no Reagan or Clinton or Steve Jobs.

I think his engineering skills may be average but his ability to look ahead and anticipate direction seems pretty good in addition how to gain strategic advantage. Give the guy some credit. Between Microsoft and more importantly what he is doing with world health he will likely have more impact on the world than anyone in his generation.
Did you spend a lot of time around him or was this just a brief meeting? I noted you said 2 important things that lets me know he has good interpersonal skills.

Lots of meetings. He had ok interpersonal skills. Really, just a regular guy for an engineer, with a massive bank account. The meetings were all note-able, not because of him, but rather because of who he was. If that makes any sense.

Put it this way he was no Reagan or Clinton or Steve Jobs.

I think his engineering skills may be average but his ability to look ahead and anticipate direction seems pretty good in addition how to gain strategic advantage. Give the guy some credit. Between Microsoft and more importantly what he is doing with world health he will likely have more impact on the world than anyone in his generation.

What you call strategic advantage, I call a monopoly.

Giving back a small % of his monopoly profit to create a foundation in his name to use interest from that donation to provide unique aid around the world in perpetuity. I agree with you that is good marketing, but hardly novel. He got the idea for that from Buffet. The money is still his it's just moved it to his philanthropy account under the foundation he runs.
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Yeah and when they find out being a democrat sucks... nvm you'll find out.

I teach them to vote for what is best for society and not what is best specifically for themselves. They know that by helping others get what they want you can have anything you want. Dems and Reps are basically the same. I wouldnt be surprised if it was a staged act to keep people fighting amongst each other.

Spoken like a true socialist. How about if the society they choose to help like you say to them that you want them to do, and/or rather it is your wishes for them to remain loyal in this way, ummm doesn't have their best interest at heart in the deal ?

How about if those people that you tell them to make sure and help in their choices made, well what if they use them like MC Hammer was used by those whom he thought needed his help, and what if they become the anchor around their necks because of what you have taught them in this socialistic manor ? Have you not learned anything about what has happened in the case where the feds had enabled and incentivized the poor to remain poor and dependent on them, and so is this the road you want your children on also ? Do you realize how many devils are waiting in the wings for your children to be told to help them, as they laugh all the way to the bank with your children's money afterwards, and then they never get out of the situation in which they had been in or remain in ? :cuckoo:

I think you are misunderstanding what I am saying. I dont want them voting for someone specifically because it will benefit themselves at the exclusion of others. I want them to have a global view of how their decisions effect the world and not just their tiny little existence and space in it.

There is a reason people are incentivized to remain poor. They are easily duped when dependent. My responsibility is to impart that knowledge to my children and whomever else will listen. I teach my children to pass on that knowledge in action as well as in the spoken word. They already know of the pitfalls inherent in doing this but are built to handle it.
Sadly your children are going to come to the table with an unattractive chip on their shoulder. They will approach people with the expectation that people are out to get them instead of out to help them reach their potential. They will take coaching as a racial insult instead of an effort to help them improve as person/professional. They will never reach their potential and you will be the reason. That is sad for them and for society because with the right attitude perhaps they could have created a cure for cancer or be the President of the United States.

They deserve a better father try to grow up.

You must be thoroughly confused. My children are leaders. The 2 youngest tutor other children and are required to donate time helping people less fortunate. Their self esteem is so high there is not much that bothers them. They play sports as well and their coaches continually praise me and my wife with what we put in them. I wont be surprised if my youngest indeed creates a cure for cancer. My middle one has her sights set on being an astronaut and my oldest is already working on her masters. They are all extremely brilliant. So unless they take a drastic turn for the worse I am pretty sure you have absolutely no clue what you are talking about.

I don't doubt they are. You are clearly thoughtful and intelligent. But you are passing to your children a corrupting negative view that will stunt them for life. We have all seen it. Otherwise intelligent pursuasive young black man who approach relationships in a negative manner and assume people are racist and who are virtually uncoachable because the chip on their shoulder is so large.

I am not saying that racism doesn't exist but for every person acting in a negative fashion their will be another who will push you forward. But that only happens when you treat others with an expectation they will help you and you make the changes and growth needed to succeed.

I appreciate the compliment. I'm not passing a negative view. I'm passing the truth to them. Truth may sometimes be negative but it is the truth. The images my children were surrounded by from birth were positive always. They see the positive Black family unit. They see the imagery of their actual history instead of the one pushed on American children. They are taught the fundamentals of economics, group economics, and business ownership. They are taught to accept coaching from proven mentors. They understand how to gracefully decline coaching from unethical or unproven sources. I'm not teaching my children to be racist but I am teaching them the truth about how to navigate this society.
I am sorry if I sound harsh but everyone has issues. My sister has a adopted Chinese orphan with a cleft pallet. He is probably going to be maybe 5'4" and despite many surgeries he will have scars. He has real challenges but we don't let him make excuses. We encourage him into sports where he can excel like wrestling. We support him in his intellectual pursuits which he is amazing. We tell him how smart and successful he will be and we compliment him on his interpersonal skills.

All children need to grow up feeling that they are valuable and that people will help them along the way if they approach them in a positive manner and are open to learning and always getting better. To hear how you talk and the negative attitudes you are infusing into your children is emotionally painful and makes me angry. They deserve better and you simply must do better.

Sounds like your sister and your family are doing an excellent job. Does your sister tell the child that he doesnt have a cleft pallet, or that he wont be short, or that he will not have scars as a result of his surgeries? i'm going to guess no. She probably lets him know what he has to deal with and how to do so without feeling sorry for himself. I do the same. I dont infuse negative attitudes. I tell them the truth and how to deal with it. I think the worse thing you can do is handicap your children by lying to them. It always comes back and will bite you in the end.

We don't talk about it at all. The points are self evident and the challanges don't need to be discussed. Discussing it only reinforces the belief it is an obstacle that cant he overcome. That point is the point you are missing. The only person on this board focused on th challanges of your blackness is you! The rest of us only care what kind of person you are not the color of your skin. Have some faith that others will correct the negative behaviors of others if you don't get in the way by being an ass.

Oh by the way, the consequences of being very short are as significant if not more significant than being black.

You can somewhat get away with that in his case. Here is the problem. What happens when that butt wipe comes up to him and starts downgrading him because of his dis-abilities? What if there is a national ad campaign that begins portraying his particular issues in a negative light? That wont happen in his case for the most part but if it did you now have a situation where the images in his mind are changed about his self worth and could be destroyed by the images he sees everyday on TV. Are you following me on this?
I wanted to be as successful as Bill Gates... then I worked with him. Eh.. he's not so smart, coding skills were barely average, just the right guy in the right place at the right time with the right mom... Now I just want to have fun, spend time with the wife & kids, ...

You tend to find that out when you meet famous or accomplished people. They normally have excellent interpersonal skills and know how to delegate. His skills are in engaging people more than coding i would bet. Its good to feel comfortable in your own skin and family is always first.

And how does this statement fit with your world view?

Excellent interpersonal skills start with the expectation that people are basically good, that most people end up exactly where they deserve to be, that people will let you stand on their shoulders if you deserve it, and that life is a journey about self improvement.

All those things are impossible to believe if you in your core think whites are racist against you and your failures are a function of their racism and not your behaviors. Do you have any concept of how corrupting that thinking is? Can you even acknowledge it might be crippling to an entire community?

I would disagree slightly with your definition of interpersonal skills. Excellent interpersonal skills start with the expectation that people are people. A mix of good and bad. Most people end up where they are for 2 reasons. The information they have and what they do with that information. I find that people that are qualified to teach me something tend to approach me with that offer once they find out I am seeking knowledge they have.

I dont know where you got the idea I think all whites are racist. i have several in my family right now. I agree that saying that white racism is the reason for failing and leaving it at that is harmful. I dont do that. I explain that white racism is in fact how we got here but it is incumbent upon us to recognize its effect on behaviors and implement a plan to change those behaviors. I detest people that lay down and give up once armed with knowledge. That cant be harmful at all unless you feel guilty being part of the white ethnicity that brought this about. Basically it sounds like you want me to exclude the truth because it bothers or casts a bad light on white society. i owe my children and my people more than i owe it to you to spare your feelings.
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Did you spend a lot of time around him or was this just a brief meeting? I noted you said 2 important things that lets me know he has good interpersonal skills.

Lots of meetings. He had ok interpersonal skills. Really, just a regular guy for an engineer, with a massive bank account. The meetings were all note-able, not because of him, but rather because of who he was. If that makes any sense.

Put it this way he was no Reagan or Clinton or Steve Jobs.

I think his engineering skills may be average but his ability to look ahead and anticipate direction seems pretty good in addition how to gain strategic advantage. Give the guy some credit. Between Microsoft and more importantly what he is doing with world health he will likely have more impact on the world than anyone in his generation.

I was speaking more to that point in time when he started off. He has definitely acquired the skills to be a major player since then just like steve Jobs.
I teach them to vote for what is best for society and not what is best specifically for themselves. They know that by helping others get what they want you can have anything you want. Dems and Reps are basically the same. I wouldnt be surprised if it was a staged act to keep people fighting amongst each other.

Spoken like a true socialist. How about if the society they choose to help like you say to them that you want them to do, and/or rather it is your wishes for them to remain loyal in this way, ummm doesn't have their best interest at heart in the deal ?

How about if those people that you tell them to make sure and help in their choices made, well what if they use them like MC Hammer was used by those whom he thought needed his help, and what if they become the anchor around their necks because of what you have taught them in this socialistic manor ? Have you not learned anything about what has happened in the case where the feds had enabled and incentivized the poor to remain poor and dependent on them, and so is this the road you want your children on also ? Do you realize how many devils are waiting in the wings for your children to be told to help them, as they laugh all the way to the bank with your children's money afterwards, and then they never get out of the situation in which they had been in or remain in ? :cuckoo:

I think you are misunderstanding what I am saying. I dont want them voting for someone specifically because it will benefit themselves at the exclusion of others. I want them to have a global view of how their decisions effect the world and not just their tiny little existence and space in it.

There is a reason people are incentivized to remain poor. They are easily duped when dependent. My responsibility is to impart that knowledge to my children and whomever else will listen. I teach my children to pass on that knowledge in action as well as in the spoken word. They already know of the pitfalls inherent in doing this but are built to handle it.
My post still applies... They need to become successful for themselves and their families, then if they want to choose a charity to support then so be it, but you seem to be manipulating them for a larger struggle, where they will have to use up almost every ounce of their energy & resources in this larger struggle that you have chosen for them. It's just like Obama where as people figured just because he was black, then he would be expected to fight in the larger struggle for blacks by using the power of the office to now lift them all up somehow, but it is a fools game because you must always look at an individuals character and not his or her color in the situation, and this in order to know what to do in concerns of good people, and not to empower bad people along with the good people in which is what looking at only color does. The same applies for everything in the world, where as you look for the good always, and you attach yourself to that good, and you help that good, but to base ones actions upon ones color or a race of people is simply foolish. That black surgeon recently that had spoken out against Obama's thinking or doing, well just look at how he was treated when he spoke the truth, is this what you want your kids to face in their lives ?
You tend to find that out when you meet famous or accomplished people. They normally have excellent interpersonal skills and know how to delegate. His skills are in engaging people more than coding i would bet. Its good to feel comfortable in your own skin and family is always first.

And how does this statement fit with your world view?

Excellent interpersonal skills start with the expectation that people are basically good, that most people end up exactly where they deserve to be, that people will let you stand on their shoulders if you deserve it, and that life is a journey about self improvement.

All those things are impossible to believe if you in your core think whites are racist against you and your failures are a function of their racism and not your behaviors. Do you have any concept of how corrupting that thinking is? Can you even acknowledge it might be crippling to an entire community?

I would disagree slightly with your definition of interpersonal skills. Excellent interpersonal skills start with the expectation that people are people. A mix of good and bad. Most people end up where they are for 2 reasons. The information they have and what they do with that information. I find that people that are qualified to teach me something tend to approach me with that offer once they find out I am seeking knowledge they have.

I dont know where you got the idea I think all whites are racist. i have several in my family right now. I agree that saying that white racism is the reason for failing and leaving it at that is harmful. I dont do that. I explain that white racism is in fact how we got here but it is incumbent upon us to recognize its effect on behaviors and implement a plan to change those behaviors. I detest people that lay down and give up once armed with knowledge. That cant be harmful at all unless you feel guilty being part of the white ethnicity that brought this about. Basically it sounds like you want me to exclude the truth because it bothers or casts a bad light on white society. i owe my children and my people more than i owe it to you to spare your feelings.

My people eh ? How come I don't get to talk like this concerning whites as being my people, and if I did it would drive your supposed (specific people) crazy now wouldn't it ? In fact you would warn your people & children to be against this type of thing now would you not ? Can't have them whites thinking that they are or should be united again now can we ? Who is my people to you, is it anyone in life that is the same color as you are ?
How stupid can one person be?

Let's find out.

How does the government and society help the Black community deal with all of its problems?

What does the Black community need to do to deal with crime, drugs, single-parent homes, unemployment, low education?

I think several things need to happen:

#1. Convince Blacks that onl THEY can truly solve their problems. No government or white handouts can do the job for them.

#2. Blacks must make snitching on criminals, part of their culture. Crime will terrorize their community as long as "don't snitch" is a mantra of their culture.

Teach people to help themselves, and not rely on others. Sounds great, doesn't it? Too bad we are dealing with a stupid person, because the next thing he wants is handouts.

#3. Middle-class, wealthy Blacks, and their non-Black allies must pool financial and intellectual resources together to create literacy, math, and job-training programs.

#4. Same as above, but to create large industries in the Black community to employ people. Factories, companies, industries, in Black communities.

#5. Create tax and other financial incentives for couples to stay together and raise their families. Make raising their children, as a strong element of black society, part of their culture. Pop music & other black icons will have to play a major roll in this. Those who refuse to comply should be shunned or worse.

you do the above, and in 30 years things will be better.

If you do all of the above things will be no different because you are still saying that they need help in order to do anything, and forcing that help on them at gunpoint.

We now know how stupid one person can be.

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