Help me out regarding Russian Conspiracy theory.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
What was Russia supposed to get? Russia wants us out so Syria. Trump is doubling down on that disaster. Russia wants Trump to keep the Iran Nuclear deal alive. Trump is torpedoing that.

So what exactly is it that Russia was supposed to gain? Obviously not influence on foreign policy. Is Russia opposed to Obamacare? Was it supposed to get them their vacation homes back? Some tolerance and understanding towards Venezuela? Russia isn’t loaning them any money either.

This is where all the theories fall down. What was the goal of this grand conspiracy? You see. A good theory has a goal. The reason why they are doing all these things. JFK was assassinated to get us into Vietnam, or to punish him for Cuba, or to prevent the exposure of his affair with Marilyn Monroe. FDR allowed the attack on Pearl Harbor to get the US into war.

What was the goal?
Uncle Ferd says, "Yeah, and...

... dat Sirhan, Sirhan guy killed Bobby Kennedy...

... when the Commies was holdin' sway...

... with the terrorists in Palestine."
How about undermin
What was Russia supposed to get? Russia wants us out so Syria. Trump is doubling down on that disaster. Russia wants Trump to keep the Iran Nuclear deal alive. Trump is torpedoing that.

So what exactly is it that Russia was supposed to gain? Obviously not influence on foreign policy. Is Russia opposed to Obamacare? Was it supposed to get them their vacation homes back? Some tolerance and understanding towards Venezuela? Russia isn’t loaning them any money either.

This is where all the theories fall down. What was the goal of this grand conspiracy? You see. A good theory has a goal. The reason why they are doing all these things. JFK was assassinated to get us into Vietnam, or to punish him for Cuba, or to prevent the exposure of his affair with Marilyn Monroe. FDR allowed the attack on Pearl Harbor to get the US into war.

What was the goal?
How about undermining Democracy by choosing figures that would destabilize the target countries. Not only the US but it's also known that Russia supported Le Pen, Wilders and the Brexit vote. Ideologically speaking they all have one thing in common. The parties involved if successful weaken the stability of the country. Pro-Ukip Twitter account with 100,000 followers may be Russian disinformation campaign Marine Le Pen's links to Russia under US scrutiny
Leaving EU, Restoring Trade Ties With Russia to Be Priority for Netherlands

the only thing worth a damn that russia had in play was oil. pootey poot had a $500 BILLION dollar deal with Exxon Mobil but couldn't get it going with existing sanctions imposed. so he wined & dined trump when he was over there in 2013 for the miss universe pageant... & groomed him into becoming his puppet. sooooooooooooo.... guess who he made SOS?.... too bad putin didn't bank on congress solidifying those sanctions AND imposing even more. i think tillerson actually had an epiphany & realizes just how deranged trump has become & is a threat to this country & beyond.
How about undermin
What was Russia supposed to get? Russia wants us out so Syria. Trump is doubling down on that disaster. Russia wants Trump to keep the Iran Nuclear deal alive. Trump is torpedoing that.

So what exactly is it that Russia was supposed to gain? Obviously not influence on foreign policy. Is Russia opposed to Obamacare? Was it supposed to get them their vacation homes back? Some tolerance and understanding towards Venezuela? Russia isn’t loaning them any money either.

This is where all the theories fall down. What was the goal of this grand conspiracy? You see. A good theory has a goal. The reason why they are doing all these things. JFK was assassinated to get us into Vietnam, or to punish him for Cuba, or to prevent the exposure of his affair with Marilyn Monroe. FDR allowed the attack on Pearl Harbor to get the US into war.

What was the goal?
How about undermining Democracy by choosing figures that would destabilize the target countries. Not only the US but it's also known that Russia supported Le Pen, Wilders and the Brexit vote. Ideologically speaking they all have one thing in common. The parties involved if successful weaken the stability of the country. Pro-Ukip Twitter account with 100,000 followers may be Russian disinformation campaign Marine Le Pen's links to Russia under US scrutiny
Leaving EU, Restoring Trade Ties With Russia to Be Priority for Netherlands

So Russia’s goal is global thermonuclear war. Because destabilizing the world increases the scenarios in which nuclear war is probable.

That one doesn’t seem to make any sense. The idea that the rising tide of nationalism somehow empowers Russia is also a stretch of fevered imagination. It increases tensions, especially between trade partners, and increases the chance of trade wars and outright breaks in diplomacy. One example, the EU and Russia seem to be united in opposing the decertification of the Iran nuke deal. Oddly enough Democrats seem similarly outraged by the move. So is Russia the good guys trying to maintain peace? Or are the Russians trying to sew disharmony and the Democrats are patsies?

If the goal was further tensions, then supporting the American decision would seem to be in Russian self interest.

Sorry, your theory does not stand up to even momentary scrutiny.
What was Russia supposed to get? Russia wants us out so Syria. Trump is doubling down on that disaster. Russia wants Trump to keep the Iran Nuclear deal alive. Trump is torpedoing that.

So what exactly is it that Russia was supposed to gain? Obviously not influence on foreign policy. Is Russia opposed to Obamacare? Was it supposed to get them their vacation homes back? Some tolerance and understanding towards Venezuela? Russia isn’t loaning them any money either.

This is where all the theories fall down. What was the goal of this grand conspiracy? You see. A good theory has a goal. The reason why they are doing all these things. JFK was assassinated to get us into Vietnam, or to punish him for Cuba, or to prevent the exposure of his affair with Marilyn Monroe. FDR allowed the attack on Pearl Harbor to get the US into war.

What was the goal?
Russia's goal is to weaken NATO and the EU, because they want to get the band back together.

the only thing worth a damn that russia had in play was oil. pootey poot had a $500 BILLION dollar deal with Exxon Mobil but couldn't get it going with existing sanctions imposed. so he wined & dined trump when he was over there in 2013 for the miss universe pageant... & groomed him into becoming his puppet. sooooooooooooo.... guess who he made SOS?.... too bad putin didn't bank on congress solidifying those sanctions AND imposing even more. i think tillerson actually had an epiphany & realizes just how deranged trump has become & is a threat to this country & beyond.

That doesn’t make any sense either. Russia could make that money easily if the price of oil increased. That could be accomplished easily by screwing with Saudi Arabia and perhaps Kuwait. Funding either jihadi or nationalist terrorists in those states would increase the price of oil as Saudi supply was interrupted. It would be a lot easier, and cheaper, than screwing around with some fanciful plan to get the one candidate that was rated least likely by every expert. Too many things had to go just right for Trump to win.

It would be more probable than the long shot Trump win the Presidency. Russians are careful chess players. They don’t plan out the game where the only way to win is for you to make fifty mistakes.

Try again.
What was Russia supposed to get? Russia wants us out so Syria. Trump is doubling down on that disaster. Russia wants Trump to keep the Iran Nuclear deal alive. Trump is torpedoing that.

So what exactly is it that Russia was supposed to gain? Obviously not influence on foreign policy. Is Russia opposed to Obamacare? Was it supposed to get them their vacation homes back? Some tolerance and understanding towards Venezuela? Russia isn’t loaning them any money either.

This is where all the theories fall down. What was the goal of this grand conspiracy? You see. A good theory has a goal. The reason why they are doing all these things. JFK was assassinated to get us into Vietnam, or to punish him for Cuba, or to prevent the exposure of his affair with Marilyn Monroe. FDR allowed the attack on Pearl Harbor to get the US into war.

What was the goal?

Clearly the Trump brand death camps for all minorities, gays, and women have not opened up in your town.

We have one under construction in my neighborhood and it's gonna be great, believe me.

the only thing worth a damn that russia had in play was oil. pootey poot had a $500 BILLION dollar deal with Exxon Mobil but couldn't get it going with existing sanctions imposed. so he wined & dined trump when he was over there in 2013 for the miss universe pageant... & groomed him into becoming his puppet. sooooooooooooo.... guess who he made SOS?.... too bad putin didn't bank on congress solidifying those sanctions AND imposing even more. i think tillerson actually had an epiphany & realizes just how deranged trump has become & is a threat to this country & beyond.

That doesn’t make any sense either. Russia could make that money easily if the price of oil increased. That could be accomplished easily by screwing with Saudi Arabia and perhaps Kuwait. Funding either jihadi or nationalist terrorists in those states would increase the price of oil as Saudi supply was interrupted. It would be a lot easier, and cheaper, than screwing around with some fanciful plan to get the one candidate that was rated least likely by every expert. Too many things had to go just right for Trump to win.

It would be more probable than the long shot Trump win the Presidency. Russians are careful chess players. They don’t plan out the game where the only way to win is for you to make fifty mistakes.

Try again.

uh-huh. oil is becoming less of a demand & iran has oil that will glut the market as well. why do you think trump wants to do away with the deal we & the rest of the world made with them?
How about undermin
What was Russia supposed to get? Russia wants us out so Syria. Trump is doubling down on that disaster. Russia wants Trump to keep the Iran Nuclear deal alive. Trump is torpedoing that.

So what exactly is it that Russia was supposed to gain? Obviously not influence on foreign policy. Is Russia opposed to Obamacare? Was it supposed to get them their vacation homes back? Some tolerance and understanding towards Venezuela? Russia isn’t loaning them any money either.

This is where all the theories fall down. What was the goal of this grand conspiracy? You see. A good theory has a goal. The reason why they are doing all these things. JFK was assassinated to get us into Vietnam, or to punish him for Cuba, or to prevent the exposure of his affair with Marilyn Monroe. FDR allowed the attack on Pearl Harbor to get the US into war.

What was the goal?
How about undermining Democracy by choosing figures that would destabilize the target countries. Not only the US but it's also known that Russia supported Le Pen, Wilders and the Brexit vote. Ideologically speaking they all have one thing in common. The parties involved if successful weaken the stability of the country. Pro-Ukip Twitter account with 100,000 followers may be Russian disinformation campaign Marine Le Pen's links to Russia under US scrutiny
Leaving EU, Restoring Trade Ties With Russia to Be Priority for Netherlands

Since you people are so concerned about undermining Democracy, help US understand why the silence when Dan Rather undermined Democracy by showing 1972 Microsoft font documents supposedly from The National Guard to show Bush was AWOL or most recently, Hillary Clinton's henchwoman, Donna Brazile, strong arming CNN for debate questions?

the only thing worth a damn that russia had in play was oil. pootey poot had a $500 BILLION dollar deal with Exxon Mobil but couldn't get it going with existing sanctions imposed. so he wined & dined trump when he was over there in 2013 for the miss universe pageant... & groomed him into becoming his puppet. sooooooooooooo.... guess who he made SOS?.... too bad putin didn't bank on congress solidifying those sanctions AND imposing even more. i think tillerson actually had an epiphany & realizes just how deranged trump has become & is a threat to this country & beyond.

That doesn’t make any sense either. Russia could make that money easily if the price of oil increased. That could be accomplished easily by screwing with Saudi Arabia and perhaps Kuwait. Funding either jihadi or nationalist terrorists in those states would increase the price of oil as Saudi supply was interrupted. It would be a lot easier, and cheaper, than screwing around with some fanciful plan to get the one candidate that was rated least likely by every expert. Too many things had to go just right for Trump to win.

It would be more probable than the long shot Trump win the Presidency. Russians are careful chess players. They don’t plan out the game where the only way to win is for you to make fifty mistakes.

Try again.

uh-huh. oil is becoming less of a demand & iran has oil that will glut the market as well. why do you think trump wants to do away with the deal we & the rest of the world made with them?

That still doesn’t make any sense. If that was the case then Russia would want the Iran Nuke Deal Nuked. Forgive the pun, I couldn’t resist.
Putin got what he wanted to mess with us.

Hillary was presented as "inevitable" when in reality she had no chance of winning.

All he had to do was place a couple of ads and "hack" some unsecured servers and you have doubt in some people's eyes.
Mr.Blonde, are you seriously claiming Russia hacked a computer? Please present the evidence to Congress! They have nothing so far!
What was Russia supposed to get? Russia wants us out so Syria. Trump is doubling down on that disaster. Russia wants Trump to keep the Iran Nuclear deal alive. Trump is torpedoing that.

So what exactly is it that Russia was supposed to gain? Obviously not influence on foreign policy. Is Russia opposed to Obamacare? Was it supposed to get them their vacation homes back? Some tolerance and understanding towards Venezuela? Russia isn’t loaning them any money either.

This is where all the theories fall down. What was the goal of this grand conspiracy? You see. A good theory has a goal. The reason why they are doing all these things. JFK was assassinated to get us into Vietnam, or to punish him for Cuba, or to prevent the exposure of his affair with Marilyn Monroe. FDR allowed the attack on Pearl Harbor to get the US into war.

What was the goal?

Clearly the Trump brand death camps for all minorities, gays, and women have not opened up in your town.

We have one under construction in my neighborhood and it's gonna be great, believe me.

The competition for gimps to kill is going to be tight, as I understand from Democrats and homos that every church service in America has always ended with crazed howling mobs racing through the streets lynching homos and uppity Negroes, when they aren't burning them at the stakes, so good luck finding any occupants for those camps.
The Hillary Hate is most likely because the Russians welched on a bribe they didn't follow through on destined for Hillary's and Obama's pockets; they were all lovey dovey around Obama's second run for office, with Obama promising them a 'better deal after the election' and Hillary's Friends cashing in big time on the uranium deal and getting a few hundred million from them for her slush fund, but then failed to make a promised payment later or something, so they got their pet sexual fetishists and other deviants to start up bashing the Russians in retaliation and Butt Hurtedness. All they care about is money, so it couldn't be anything else, certainly not morals or principles that got Obama and Hillary all whiney.

the only thing worth a damn that russia had in play was oil. pootey poot had a $500 BILLION dollar deal with Exxon Mobil but couldn't get it going with existing sanctions imposed. so he wined & dined trump when he was over there in 2013 for the miss universe pageant... & groomed him into becoming his puppet. sooooooooooooo.... guess who he made SOS?.... too bad putin didn't bank on congress solidifying those sanctions AND imposing even more. i think tillerson actually had an epiphany & realizes just how deranged trump has become & is a threat to this country & beyond.

That doesn’t make any sense either. Russia could make that money easily if the price of oil increased. That could be accomplished easily by screwing with Saudi Arabia and perhaps Kuwait. Funding either jihadi or nationalist terrorists in those states would increase the price of oil as Saudi supply was interrupted. It would be a lot easier, and cheaper, than screwing around with some fanciful plan to get the one candidate that was rated least likely by every expert. Too many things had to go just right for Trump to win.

It would be more probable than the long shot Trump win the Presidency. Russians are careful chess players. They don’t plan out the game where the only way to win is for you to make fifty mistakes.

Try again.

uh-huh. oil is becoming less of a demand & iran has oil that will glut the market as well. why do you think trump wants to do away with the deal we & the rest of the world made with them?

That still doesn’t make any sense. If that was the case then Russia would want the Iran Nuke Deal Nuked. Forgive the pun, I couldn’t resist.

The Russians support the Assad-Iranian axis in the ME, so the Russians would be for the nuke deal from Obama, since it was clearly stupid for the U.S. to agree to it, and the Euros will sell anything to anybody, and see selling Iranians machinery and tech as a cash cow, so they would also be all for arming terrorists if there was a buck in it for them, especially Merkel, who even has no problem dealing with North Korea.They only liked NATO because they weren't having to pay much for the bennies. Now they're all mad because Trump dared to asked them to pay for their share. They're just fat, dumb, and happy parasites.
How about undermin
What was Russia supposed to get? Russia wants us out so Syria. Trump is doubling down on that disaster. Russia wants Trump to keep the Iran Nuclear deal alive. Trump is torpedoing that.

So what exactly is it that Russia was supposed to gain? Obviously not influence on foreign policy. Is Russia opposed to Obamacare? Was it supposed to get them their vacation homes back? Some tolerance and understanding towards Venezuela? Russia isn’t loaning them any money either.

This is where all the theories fall down. What was the goal of this grand conspiracy? You see. A good theory has a goal. The reason why they are doing all these things. JFK was assassinated to get us into Vietnam, or to punish him for Cuba, or to prevent the exposure of his affair with Marilyn Monroe. FDR allowed the attack on Pearl Harbor to get the US into war.

What was the goal?
How about undermining Democracy by choosing figures that would destabilize the target countries. Not only the US but it's also known that Russia supported Le Pen, Wilders and the Brexit vote. Ideologically speaking they all have one thing in common. The parties involved if successful weaken the stability of the country. Pro-Ukip Twitter account with 100,000 followers may be Russian disinformation campaign Marine Le Pen's links to Russia under US scrutiny
Leaving EU, Restoring Trade Ties With Russia to Be Priority for Netherlands

So Russia’s goal is global thermonuclear war. Because destabilizing the world increases the scenarios in which nuclear war is probable.

That one doesn’t seem to make any sense. The idea that the rising tide of nationalism somehow empowers Russia is also a stretch of fevered imagination. It increases tensions, especially between trade partners, and increases the chance of trade wars and outright breaks in diplomacy. One example, the EU and Russia seem to be united in opposing the decertification of the Iran nuke deal. Oddly enough Democrats seem similarly outraged by the move. So is Russia the good guys trying to maintain peace? Or are the Russians trying to sew disharmony and the Democrats are patsies?

If the goal was further tensions, then supporting the American decision would seem to be in Russian self interest.

Sorry, your theory does not stand up to even momentary scrutiny.
-First of destabilizing ideological opponents does not lead to thermonuclear war. Russian support for Cuba, S-Vietnam, Afghanistan, N-Korea and dozens of other countries led to war but not thermonuclear war. Neither did support for the IRA the Rote Armee Fraction and other terrorist organizations. The US interfered in many elections so did Russia.
Saying that destabilizing your opponents leads to thermonuclear war is objectively false.
- Secondly, it's also false that destabilizing your opponents doesn't help your country. Brexit is an unmitigated disaster for the EU, it weakens their trade position and the ability to extend their trade power. This makes it more likely that vulnerable nations like the Baltic States and Poland and others to try to come to some sort of accommodation with Russia. The same applies to weakening NATO, what electing Trump certainly did.
-Thirdly, even if in some cases the interests of adversarial nations come together how does that negate the adversarial nature of them?
- Fourthly, none of this is relevant. See nobody of note, not even the current administration is really denying that Russia meddled in the elections of countries. The fact that you question the validity of the motive doesn't change that. It's smoke and mirrors. I engaged the premise because I could quite easily answer it. So lets see if you have the balls of doing the same? I gave you four counterarguments please address them?
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