Healthy 40 Year Old COVID Victim's Last Words: "I Blame the Unvaccinated for This!"

In her case I would suspect Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, very poorly treated. Or poorly adhered to treatment by her. Not only the obesity and inflated face, but also thinning hair. But I'm not a medical professional by any means.

Legit women with PCOS can put on a lot of weight and have a very very very hard time taking it off.
It may be a classic case of Shoneys Addiction. Maybe she loved to hit every Shoneys within a 50 mile radius.
I blame those who created the virus. It's sad that we as a people would prefer to make fun of some lady rather than address the actual elephant in the room.

Democrats are never going to demand answers because they can use the vaccination to beat people over the head and the Republicans wont because of the fact that we started the research back up under Trump.
Overpopulation invites virus's to come and spread like wildfire-----End welfare breeding

Are you able to explain what you think by saying so? We all together will win against this virus or we all together will lose. The more virusses the more mutations and variations. And some of the still not existing - but possible - variants could be a real serios problem.
How is taking the vaccine politicises this?

Thing about what you are saying... 96%+ of doctors have a vaccine... Every medical organisation has pleaded with people to get it... The risk of dying from vaccine over the COVID is working just short 500,000/1...

And then you accuse CNN of politicises this.... The woman got sick and for the first time listened to actual facts instead of the garbage cooked up on the internet and some conspiracy sites...

It is sad, she is another victim of misinformation... She is a casualty in the war between fact and conspiracy..
She likely dies with or without the vaccines.
Do you work for big pharma?


Your "idea" is not any idea. When you hate China because it caused a pandemic then you could also hate the USA for the spanish influenza which was made in the USA. In general is hate not any answer at all. The theme "intermediate hosts" is by the way much more complex - it seems also to exist an unkown host. And we on our own infect also other animals.
Look for things to get worse,

Sure. Much too many people in the western world follow stupid nonsensic ideas and don't let vaccinate themselve, although this could save their life and the life of other people and helps to bring this pandemic under control.

I will bet that in the future they will build up their arsenal of nukes.

So what? 1 million overkills, 10,000 overkills, 10 overkills, 1 overkill . . . in all cases we all will die in a nuclear war. But in this case helps not any vaccination against Sars-Co-V2 and the people who need in this context very urgent a brain amputation don't agree.

They might get to 500 warheads without much trouble. They want to be the rulers of the world.

Do they? If so then this is perhaps an idea of the European colonialism, which founded for example the USA.

they've different remedies Zaang , different health care systems, different approaches to the same problem that are assuming a rather notable effect

And what has this to do with vaccinations?
Damn it!

I thought we were suppose to blame Trump.

I can't keep up with your people.

BTW, what the hell is a munkle?

Whatever I heard say Donald Trump about medicine showed that he is an uneducated dangerous idiot. A charlatan in the clothing of a president of the USA. Jester of the whole world.

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How is taking the vaccine politicises this?

Thing about what you are saying... 96%+ of doctors have a vaccine... Every medical organisation has pleaded with people to get it... The risk of dying from vaccine over the COVID is working just short 500,000/1...

And then you accuse CNN of politicises this.... The woman got sick and for the first time listened to actual facts instead of the garbage cooked up on the internet and some conspiracy sites...

It is sad, she is another victim of misinformation... She is a casualty in the war between fact and conspiracy..
96+% of doctors have the vaccine? You got a link for that one?
Ignorant on full display. Was she vaccinated or not? Either way, I don't understand how can she blame the unvaccinated :rolleyes:
She was a brainwashed idiot. If she can blame the unvaccinated, I'd demand to know precisely WHICH unvaccinated person infected her ass. And once again, assuming she has dutifully taken the clot shot, it sure didn't protect her fat ass, so it's just time to STFU already. Hasta la vista, puerca.
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We are getting these fake news

"Blame the unvaxed"

Bullshit on a daily basis. Media liars are desperate. It ain't working. The murderous fraud vax is neither safe nor effective.

No truly healthy 40 year old dies from the bullshit flu either....

Phil Valentine is laughing at us from the West Bank, living right next to Simon Elliot, col osman, and Mike Pentz.....

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