Health care for children & pregnant women first$n


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2009
Children and pregnant women should be among our nation’s first priority.

I’ll vote against any candidate that advocated or voted for an unsatisfactory health care bill. If Obama signs such a bill, I’ll vote against him. I’ll vote against any federal candidate that failed to openly advocate and diligently strive for a satisfactory health care bill.

At minimum, a satisfactory health care bill would provide universal medical coverage for pregnant women and children under the age of six. (This could best be accomplished by including them all within Medicare).

I’m not opposed to additional federal taxes for this purpose. I’m not opposed to a general federal sales tax. There is no logical relationship between income and medical need.

I’m absolutely opposed to any additional discriminatory taxes, fees or other mandates that are applicable only to employees and/or employers. FICA is the most regressive of all federal tax methods.

Democrats should not betray their nation and themselves. Why not do what’s right?

Respectfully, Bernard Belitsky
Pregnancy is already fully covered. So is care for children through schip by the states for people that qualify, and it is not hard to qualify.
If it's not universal and an entitlement, it ain't fully covered. All those covered and have genuine need for medical care are not receiving it.

To the extent that federal government already funds CHIPS, universal coverage would not be an additional federal cost. To the extent that other families, state and county governments, employers, labor and other organizations are incurring such expenses, it will significantly reduce their expenses. To the extent that needy person are not nowreceiving proper medical care, it will remedy the condition.

During this administration a federal health care bill will almost certainly be enacted. I would rather that bill sufficiently serve a segment of age groups rather than the money be squandered and not sufficiently serve any age group.

We should give priority to the needs of pregnant women and children under the age of six.

Respectfully, Supposn
If it's not universal and an entitlement, it ain't fully covered. All those covered and have genuine need for medical care are not receiving it.

To the extent that federal government already funds CHIPS, universal coverage would not be an additional federal cost. To the extent that other families, state and county governments, employers, labor and other organizations are incurring such expenses, it will significantly reduce their expenses. To the extent that needy person are not nowreceiving proper medical care, it will remedy the condition.

During this administration a federal health care bill will almost certainly be enacted. I would rather that bill sufficiently serve a segment of age groups rather than the money be squandered and not sufficiently serve any age group.

We should give priority to the needs of pregnant women and children under the age of six.

Respectfully, Supposn

It's universal, it's a federal mandate distributed to the states. You don't have to be that needy either.
Pregnancy is already fully covered. So is care for children through schip by the states for people that qualify, and it is not hard to qualify.

Actually it's covered, but this area of how the government AND private sector covers pregnancy needs to be radically reformed. But there's a major disinformation campaign that's been going on in the industry to scare women into taking away their options an choices (because they make more money if they can get more interventions and end up with a c-section).

I could show you some TV ads from the 50's from the private industry hospitals that would make your head spin. Like when they used to strap women's hands down, and suck babies out regularly with vacuums (and they still do sometimes - the vacuuming part).

If people had good information, they could make better decisions about child birth, and it would be cheaper on all of us, but the industry has done a great job of lying to people. Other countries don't have outrageous c-section rates, and they also don't have high childbirth death rates like we do. But they also primarily use midwives, where the private industry has ran huge misinformation campaigns about midives in the U.S. and successfully kept them out of hospitals.

Go private industry!
I think the anti-vback age is over, oneworld. It was heinous but I think it's over. I've had two c-sections, both were extremely horrible [as getting cut in half can only be] but they were necessary for two breach presentations. I had one the old fashioned way in between and that was easy peasy, and I recommend it, but you get what you get. Childbirth was the number one killer until the latter half of the last century, it's a risky undertaking.
Pregnant women and children are covered. Children till the age of 18 now I believe.

Where do you suppose this Supposn has been?

or in the words of Barney Franks what planet do you suppose Supposn has been living on?

Oh by the way that is what the latest cigarette tax signed into law by President Bush goes to cover. Schips for kids and care for pregnant women.

True one day we may have to find a different way of funding it ,- if enough people stop smoking. But for now I think we are safe.
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I think the anti-vback age is over, oneworld. It was heinous but I think it's over. I've had two c-sections, both were extremely horrible [as getting cut in half can only be] but they were necessary for two breach presentations. I had one the old fashioned way in between and that was easy peasy, and I recommend it, but you get what you get. Childbirth was the number one killer until the latter half of the last century, it's a risky undertaking.

I can tell you sincerely it's not. In the city I live (and you can PM me if you want to look this up), there's a doctor who performed a v-back in a hospital over here that is getting sued by the hospital and the AMA is moving to take away his license! Baby and momma are and were fine btw...

I can also tell you because my wife is literally one of the leaders in the child birth movement, and that it's a serious problem. Also, doctors today are not taught how to deliver breach because it's easier for them to do c-section, and of course hospitals and everyone make more money too (and supposedly less risk with insurance companies - ie, this is what the insurance company wants). Midwives can, and regularly turn babies to deliver (and this used to be standard practice). However today OBGYN's are trained surgeons, not experts on pregnancy (pre and post natal).

If you want more info, or my wife's site just PM me.
I am fully up on pregnancy and childbirth and I am retired from that particular function.

And I think midwifery is all fine and well in a medical setting, because so many things can go wrong. OB/GYN's are surgeons by definition, you can't be one without being a surgeon. And I am not so sure turning is worth the risk, but I made informed decisions for what my situations were. If someone else wants that risk, that is for them to decide. My second breach was for a 27 weeker so a midwife wouldn't have entered the equation anyway.
I am fully up on pregnancy and childbirth and I am retired from that particular function.

And I think midwifery is all fine and well in a medical setting, because so many things can go wrong. OB/GYN's are surgeons by definition, you can't be one without being a surgeon. And I am not so sure turning is worth the risk, but I made informed decisions for what my situations were. If someone else wants that risk, that is for them to decide. My second breach was for a 27 weeker so a midwife wouldn't have entered the equation anyway.

With all due respect, this is something I assist my wife with on a daily basis and know a great deal about (having taught natural childbirth with her for over 5 years).

Midwifery actually fails in a medical setting, and what you have is standard misinformation. Midwives are FULLY capable and trained to deal with complications. The only thing they can't do is surgery. Which in most healthy low-risk mom's is not necessary (although you get those same low risk moms in a hospital and you'll end up with a c-section over 35% of the time).

Turning a baby is not a risk. Chirporachters can do it with a technique called the Webster technique. Midwives can do this as well, and there are positions to turn babies. I can't even tell you how many babies my wife has helped turn as a birth doula. The problem again is the misinformation that is out there, and the lack of information to women such as yourself. It's purposely not out there, and there is a movement that encounters constant resistance from the AMA, and the insurance industry about getting this information out there.

We had both our children naturally at home with midwives.
Turning a one lb, twelve oz baby, with a ruptured membrane, might be a risk.........and then the setting is everything isn't it? Like down the hall from the NICU.........I appreciate that you advocate for midwifery, it just wasn't for me. Add to that I was already in the hospital and hadn't sat up or stood for a month, they didn't expect me to be able to walk even. We weren't even candidates for the local hospital, they quickly sent me to a trauma center in an ambulance where I was on lying down rest for a month.
Turning a one lb, twelve oz baby, with a ruptured membrane, might be a risk.........and then the setting is everything isn't it? Like down the hall from the NICU.........I appreciate that you advocate for midwifery, it just wasn't for me. Add to that I was already in the hospital and hadn't sat up or stood for a month, they didn't expect me to be able to walk even. We weren't even candidates for the local hospital, they quickly sent me to a trauma center in an ambulance where I was on lying down rest for a month.

I know nothing about what your situations was. My point wasn't personal at all. It's just about the industry in general. Are there some situations where babies shouldn't be turned, sure? But just because the bag of waters is ruptured isn't necessarily one of them. I've personally watched several babies turned after the membranes have ruptured. But typically speaking, the baby engaging in the pelvis is what breaks the water, and someone who is on top of it should know the positioning before it engages.

The bottom line is always... healthy baby and healthy mom. But there are some serious things we need to do in the birthing community to change the massive amount of fear and disinformation that's given to women.
If it's not universal and an entitlement, it ain't fully covered. All those covered and have genuine need for medical care are not receiving it.

To the extent that federal government already funds CHIPS, universal coverage would not be an additional federal cost. To the extent that other families, state and county governments, employers, labor and other organizations are incurring such expenses, it will significantly reduce their expenses. To the extent that needy person are not nowreceiving proper medical care, it will remedy the condition.

During this administration a federal health care bill will almost certainly be enacted. I would rather that bill sufficiently serve a segment of age groups rather than the money be squandered and not sufficiently serve any age group.

We should give priority to the needs of pregnant women and children under the age of six.

Respectfully, Supposn

Dumbshit, pregnant women and children already automatically qualify for Medicaid. How about you stop listening to the European media and try actually being informed?
Democrats should not betray their nation and themselves. Why not do what’s right?

I completely agree with this statement. They should all leave the country for good and make sure they take all the illegal aliens with them. Nancy Pelosi can drive the damned bus.:lol:
Veritas, OneWorld, WVPeach, Cecilie, Big Black Dog,
Concerning health care for pregnant women and children,
I iterate my previous response to Veritas:
If it's not universal and an entitlement, it ain't fully covered. All those covered and have genuine need for medical care are not receiving it.

Respectfully, Supposn

State Children's Health Insurance Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Excerted from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

“The State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) – later known more simply as the Children's Health Insurance Program. ………………….Despite SCHIP, the number of uninsured children continued to rise, particularly among families that cannot qualify for SCHIP. An October 2007 study by the Vimo Research Group found that 68.7 percent of newly uninsured children were in families whose incomes were 200 percent of the federal poverty level or higher.In FY 2008, the program faced funding shortfalls in several states.
Children and pregnant women should be among our nation’s first priority.

I’ll vote against any candidate that advocated or voted for an unsatisfactory health care bill. If Obama signs such a bill, I’ll vote against him. I’ll vote against any federal candidate that failed to openly advocate and diligently strive for a satisfactory health care bill.

At minimum, a satisfactory health care bill would provide universal medical coverage for pregnant women and children under the age of six. (This could best be accomplished by including them all within Medicare).

I’m not opposed to additional federal taxes for this purpose. I’m not opposed to a general federal sales tax. There is no logical relationship between income and medical need.

I’m absolutely opposed to any additional discriminatory taxes, fees or other mandates that are applicable only to employees and/or employers. FICA is the most regressive of all federal tax methods.

Democrats should not betray their nation and themselves. Why not do what’s right?

Respectfully, Bernard Belitsky

We already have that. It's called medicaid. You don't even have to be a citizen to get it. In Oregon we have OPC, OP6, CHP & MAA for families. OPP is for women who are pregnant, and after the baby is born they get extended medical for about a year. OPC & OP6 are for kids. OPC the requirement is the family be at 100 percent of the FPL, OP6 it's 130 percent, and CHP is 185 percent. For those programs, once a child qualifies, they're covered for a year, regardless of what the family's income does. MAA will cover any destitute family, including the parent(s). There are income reporting requirements, so when a family's income goes up, they are obliged to report...then the family rolls over into OHP programs.

The idea that we have poor women and children without medical is a complete and total myth. A lie propagated by the left to terrify people into voting into paying for insurance for those who are able bodied, young, and able to work and purchase their own insurance.

Oregon also has a plan to cover the children of those who work and through their employers have comprehensive health coverage for themselves, but who have to pay for their children separately. The state will reimburse them for the premium for said children.
Veritas, OneWorld, WVPeach, Cecilie, Big Black Dog,
Concerning health care for pregnant women and children,
I iterate my previous response to Veritas:
If it's not universal and an entitlement, it ain't fully covered. All those covered and have genuine need for medical care are not receiving it.

Respectfully, Supposn

State Children's Health Insurance Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Excerted from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

“The State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) – later known more simply as the Children's Health Insurance Program. ………………….Despite SCHIP, the number of uninsured children continued to rise, particularly among families that cannot qualify for SCHIP. An October 2007 study by the Vimo Research Group found that 68.7 percent of newly uninsured children were in families whose incomes were 200 percent of the federal poverty level or higher.In FY 2008, the program faced funding shortfalls in several states.

Medicaid IS an entitlement program, you halfwit drooler. And no, it's not universal to people who are so wealthy they have no interest in government programs, and who the hell are YOU to tell them otherwise? Their pool boy?
I get so tired of these two-brain-celled, pompous dolts who wander in here presuming to "care" for and want to "protect" people they don't even know by so very helpfully butting into their lives and "handling" things for them. Did it ever occur to you, Supposn, in your great and overweening arrogance, that maybe pregnant women and parents don't WANT you taking care of them and their families? That perhaps they think you should stick to drinking beer on your porch in your wifebeaters and get the hell over yourself?

I can take care of myself and mine just fine without you leftist twerps spewing your saccharine "compassion" all over us just so you can congratulate yourselves on what spiffy people you are.

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