He does it AGAIN...LOL!


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Does Obama Know the Difference between Great Britain and England?
It is gratifying to see President Barack Obama condemn the disgraceful storming of the British Embassy in Tehran by thugs acting at the behest of the Iranian regime. After all, Obama has been notoriously slow in the past to criticise the brutal actions of the Iranian government after initially extending the hand of friendship to it. But did he really need to make another embarrassing foreign policy gaffe while doing so?

In a press conference this evening, the president referred in stumbling fashion to the “English Embassy” in Iran instead of the British Embassy. One can only imagine the kind of howls of derision that would greet any presidential contender if that kind of basic error were made before, say, the editorial board of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. You can watch the video above.

In case the president is unaware, England forms part of Great Britain, which also includes Scotland and Wales, though not Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom. There is no such thing as an “English” embassy anywhere in the world, and there hasn’t been one for several centuries.
Does Obama Know the Difference between Great Britain and England?

Actually, I think he was showing off that he knew their language.

What an embarrassment.
He IS the president of the US dealing (we should hope) with foreign affairs. Britian is our strongest ally ( or, was).

One would think he would know the difference between Britian and Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

I mean, doesn't he have advisors that teach him some geography?
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He IS the president of the US dealing (we should hope) with foreign affairs. Britian is our strongest ally ( or, was).

One would think he would know the difference between Britian and Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

I would not be surprised if England.....I mean the British.....I mean the United Kingdom declared war on us
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He IS the president of the US dealing (we should hope) with foreign affairs. Britian is our strongest ally ( or, was).

One would think he would know the difference between Britian and Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

I mean, doesn't he have advisors that teach him some geography?


Its only guys with "R"'s by their names that matter.
Oh NO. He referred to the British Embassy as ENGLISH?
Most foul.

Most Americans can't point to Great Britain on a map, what makes you think our president should be able to do it? :D
its only big if a republican makes this kind of glaring exhibition of ignorance.
Sorry boys....but as blunders go, this one is pretty tame

I mean....57 states was a blunder and deserves the 728 threads Republicans started about it.

But this one just doesn't cut it
its only big if a republican makes this kind of glaring exhibition of ignorance.

Perry accidentally referring to the voting age as being 21 made the news on all of the networks.

But we have to dig deep into the middle of the NY Times to find anything in regard to fast and furious during the hearings.

Go figure.

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