Hawking calls Trump a demogogue.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Stephen Hawking has labeled Donald Trump a demagogue appealing to the lowest common denominator. He has uttered a statement of fact defining Trump as a dangerous “certainty”. Hawking may not realize it but his observation is an astounding violation of theoretical physics. Most of us from the plebeian masses don’t think much about quantum mechanics. We just ride the arrow of time and try to do the best we can with what we’ve got.

But you see in Hawking’s world of quantum mechanics the only thing certain is that there is no certainty. It’s Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle. Since the components of atomic structure can be both a particle and a wave it’s virtually impossible to distinguish between the two states.

This means that on the scale of quantum probability which is likely the basis for everything that exists, even if it were possible to discern if something is a particle or a wave there is no way to prove “when” it was either one or even if it was there at all because time effects distance, distance effects time and each cancels the other out. If you’re ready to reach for a Tylenol you’re not alone.

As card-carrying members of the lowest common denominator, Trump supporters are scratching heads that Hawking would commit such a bizarre breach of scientific rigor by chiming in with an opinion on the destructive “certainty” of a political figure. Especially in the context of his apparent “certainty” that anthropogenic climate change could exterminate the human race in as little as a hundred years.

Trump and his supporters may not know much about quantum mechanics but they do know that the Earth has been around for four billion years which is a lot closer to certainty than anything in Hawking’s Physics. So Hawking’s rant that Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris Climate Accords is going to wipe out civilization in a century is not only scientifically hypocritical, it’s laughable.

There is no “certainty” that the Earth will last another four seconds let alone another four billion years but it has nothing to do with Donald Trump or a bunch of pompous Europeans who want to enslave the human race by blaming them for the weather.

There is however much consternation among Trump supporters regarding the “certainty” that there are millions of humans on Earth gullible enough to swallow this foolishness

Stephen Hawking Slams Donald Trump: British Physicist Says America Needs To Tackle Climate Change

Stephen Hawking Slams Donald Trump, Calls Him A ‘Demagogue’ Appealing To The ‘Lowest Common Denominator’
Stephen Hawking has labeled Donald Trump a demagogue appealing to the lowest common denominator. He has uttered a statement of fact defining Trump as a dangerous “certainty”. Hawking may not realize it but his observation is an astounding violation of theoretical physics. Most of us from the plebeian masses don’t think much about quantum mechanics. We just ride the arrow of time and try to do the best we can with what we’ve got.

But you see in Hawking’s world of quantum mechanics the only thing certain is that there is no certainty. It’s Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle. Since the components of atomic structure can be both a particle and a wave it’s virtually impossible to distinguish between the two states.

This means that on the scale of quantum probability which is likely the basis for everything that exists, even if it were possible to discern if something is a particle or a wave there is no way to prove “when” it was either one or even if it was there at all because time effects distance, distance effects time and each cancels the other out. If you’re ready to reach for a Tylenol you’re not alone.

As card-carrying members of the lowest common denominator, Trump supporters are scratching heads that Hawking would commit such a bizarre breach of scientific rigor by chiming in with an opinion on the destructive “certainty” of a political figure. Especially in the context of his apparent “certainty” that anthropogenic climate change could exterminate the human race in as little as a hundred years.

Trump and his supporters may not know much about quantum mechanics but they do know that the Earth has been around for four billion years which is a lot closer to certainty than anything in Hawking’s Physics. So Hawking’s rant that Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris Climate Accords is going to wipe out civilization in a century is not only scientifically hypocritical, it’s laughable.

There is no “certainty” that the Earth will last another four seconds let alone another four billion years but it has nothing to do with Donald Trump or a bunch of pompous Europeans who want to enslave the human race by blaming them for the weather.

There is however much consternation among Trump supporters regarding the “certainty” that there are millions of humans on Earth gullible enough to swallow this foolishness

Stephen Hawking Slams Donald Trump: British Physicist Says America Needs To Tackle Climate Change

Stephen Hawking Slams Donald Trump, Calls Him A ‘Demagogue’ Appealing To The ‘Lowest Common Denominator’

Stephen Hawkings opinion and $1.00 plus tax will get him a large drink at McDonald's.
Hawking is a sad shriveled up (bitter?) man who is unable to even talk without the aid of electronic gadgets. His mental stability is in question and chances are that his liberal handlers put words in his mouth.
All politicians are demagogues, but Obama and Hillary make Trump look like an amateur.
One of Trump's big problems is that he is not a professional politician.
He is not politically correct.
He has the audacity to tell the truth.
He said this a long time ago.

He is a typical moron Brit who doesn’t know shit about politics in his own country, much less America.
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All politicians are demagogues, but Obama and Hillary make Trump look like an amateur.
One of Trump's big problems is that he is not a professional politician.
He is not politically correct.
He has the audacity to tell the truth.
Which makes him terrifying to the left.
As does his unabashed refusal to give a shit what they say.

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