Have liberals found excuse to permanently keep people on welfare?


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Democrats are hoping to use some old Communist Russia science to prove that people are now poor due to their DNA. With so many calling for reform to our welfare system to help people elevate themselves, the left has run out of arguments as to why they don't wish to do that. Keeping voters is a piss poor reason, but they can't be honest about that.

Now there is a theory that DNA evolves in poor people and the next thing we will hear is that years of poverty have made people permanently unable to ever be independent. They say the stress of growing up poor is responsible. As if being poor is the only stressful situation people find themselves in. Looks like more of the typical leftist garbage as they try to justify encouraging millions to stay put on the liberal plantation.

By the way, it was Stalin who first came up with this. It was called Lysenkoism and his personal "biologist" came up with it. The claim is that DNA can evolve, or degrade, in one generation.

Whose fault it is that children are stressed, if this study is legit? We have spent trillions over the years keeping them fed, a roof over their house, and made sure they had everything they need. Today's poor children have it great compared to poor people of the past or people in other countries. How did past generations not only survive, but pull themselves up without all these liberals "helping" them? Talk about miracles. What is going on in these homes that makes children stressed out? Drug-addicted, alcoholic or just idiot parents who don't pay attention to them?

How has drug and alcohol use affected the DNA of children? Funny how most smokers are poor. Maybe all those additives that government made manufacturers put in the cigarettes are responsible. The same ingredient used in carpet glue was added to cause a cigarette to put itself out. Adding a little poison was the government's answer to a handful of people starting fires with unattended smoking materials. Maybe another study needs to be done.

And what other factors are there? Do some poor people tend to have habits that contribute to the stress? And what came first, the stress or the habit?

Either way, looks like some are thinking that it's useless to try to break the cycle. I can see liberals using this study as an excuse to redistribute more money and get more people on welfare. They will cite this study as a reason to not question those who don't want to work. After all, it's not their fault. It's in their blood and they can't help it.

And we can expect the blamers to claim the rest of us are at fault for permanently ruining people's DNA, so reparations are in order. And since future generations of people will continue with the same degraded DNA, expect the wealth redistribution to be massive and permanent.

Poor people’s DNA is declining in quality, say scientists: Study reveals how stressful upbringings damage genes

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3077314/Poor-people-s-DNA-declining-quality-say-scientists-Study-reveals-stressful-upbringings-damage-genes.html#ixzz3a3ioRN2u

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