Hate to say it, but racial stereoptyping is still alive today and i have proof

Who can forget the black police looting walmart instead of doing their job in an emergency?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmQW6xLECUU]‪Cops loot Wal*Mart after Katrina in New Orleans‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Patrick would have been looting right along with everyone else. Lying little hypocrite.
Patrick would have been looting right along with everyone else. Lying little hypocrite.


If a hurricane half the size of the US was bearing down on me, and my house was 15 feet below sea level, and they said three days before it hit to get out, I would have got out.
Patrick would have been looting right along with everyone else. Lying little hypocrite.


If a hurricane half the size of the US was bearing down on me, and my house was 15 feet below sea level, and they said three days before it hit to get out, I would have got out.

It was on the 27th, and the flood happened the 29th. By that time it was hard to get out of the city.
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Patrick would have been looting right along with everyone else. Lying little hypocrite.


If a hurricane half the size of the US was bearing down on me, and my house was 15 feet below sea level, and they said three days before it hit to get out, I would have got out.

It was on the 27th, and the flood happened the 29th. By that time it was hard to get out of the city.

You avoid telling the truth. You would have been looting if you were there. You would have been elbow to shoulder with all of the others.
Patrick would have been looting right along with everyone else. Lying little hypocrite.


If a hurricane half the size of the US was bearing down on me, and my house was 15 feet below sea level, and they said three days before it hit to get out, I would have got out.

It was on the 27th, and the flood happened the 29th. By that time it was hard to get out of the city.

No, Governor Blanco declared a state of emergency for Louisiana on the 26th, landfall was on the 29th. I could have walked 60 miles in 3 days.

Timeline of Hurricane Katrina - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Story I remember from the Wall St. Journal about a company that had lots of relocation costs, and they were bugged by the fact that their black employees were paying so much and getting so little when they moved house.

So they did a little experiment with appraisers. They had a house and they hung up pictures of white folks and brought in an appraiser, and then put up pictures of black folks and had an appraisal. They did this with lots of appraisers in lots of communities. Houses with pictures of black folks on the wall got an appraisal round 20% lower than houses with pictures of white folks. And in the range of prices, the black apprisers were about 5% worse consistently than the whites in lowering prices for black homeowners.

Worst differentials were in the urban North East. Spread was lowest in the west, where they added in asians to the mix and got about a 5% benefit for the asians vs blacks in the west, but the total spread fit within the 5% Prices white vs black pretty much fit in the statistical noise.

This was 20 years ago, and since then the rule is no pictures.

People have attitudes. What can you say?

It's a lot more than that sir.

What you fail to realize is how these "attitudes" as you so simply put it affects us all in our daily lives.

Extrapolate that to the justice system.

Extrapolate that to white/black race relations.

100 people passed the white kid, didn't do a thing. Not one thing.

However, the INSTANT the black kid came out there was outrage, OUTRAGE.

Then you have posters and posters on here that swear that they aren't racist and/or that America's not racist and that there's no such thing as DWB (Driving While Black) and police brutality on blacks etc.

When this simply exercise shows quite the opposite.

Powerful video.

I don't disagree with your assertions per se.

But I'm pretty sure I vehemently disagree with what you would like to see done about it.
and it's no secret that the people of New Orleans were desperate:

‪Desperation at the Convention Center‬‏ - YouTube

Unfortunately, no one focuses on that part.

Powerful footage.

Brought tears to my eyes. And I've already seen it, years ago.

You don't see that story being told, all you hear, and this is largely from the rabid right, is how they were looting.

No. They were SURVIVING!

How do liquor and TVs help one survive a catastrophe?
and it's no secret that the people of New Orleans were desperate:

‪Desperation at the Convention Center‬‏ - YouTube

Unfortunately, no one focuses on that part.

Powerful footage.

Brought tears to my eyes. And I've already seen it, years ago.

You don't see that story being told, all you hear, and this is largely from the rabid right, is how they were looting.

No. They were SURVIVING!

How do liquor and TVs help one survive a catastrophe?

They can be traded for crack.
and it's no secret that the people of New Orleans were desperate:

‪Desperation at the Convention Center‬‏ - YouTube

Unfortunately, no one focuses on that part.

Powerful footage.

Brought tears to my eyes. And I've already seen it, years ago.

You don't see that story being told, all you hear, and this is largely from the rabid right, is how they were looting.

No. They were SURVIVING!

How do liquor and TVs help one survive a catastrophe?

Not everyone did that. And look at the second video. Again, people died from dehydration, lack of medicines, sickness, etc. Thousands died - many after the freaking storm. Well, maybe thousands. The death toll is from 1-3k...because there's no central system of reporting.

death toll

The dead were racially diverse: 56 percent black; 40 percent white; 4 percent Asian; 4 percent Native American and 2 percent Hispanic.

"We present that a lesson learned is about those left behind due to lack of physical or financial means," said Dr. Dana Troxclair when the LSU research was presented in August 2007. "Furthermore, based on the remarkable success of the autopsy as a means of human identification, we emphasize its paramount importance as a component of a nation's response to mass disasters. However, with 135 Louisiana residents still categorized as missing, and 23 (ultimately more) human remains yet to be identified, the final impact of the storm remains uncertain."

Read more: 5 years after Katrina, storm's death toll remains a mystery | National | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5h48QUXeog]‪Raw Video: Police Fire on Looters in Haiti‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Powerful footage.

Brought tears to my eyes. And I've already seen it, years ago.

You don't see that story being told, all you hear, and this is largely from the rabid right, is how they were looting.

No. They were SURVIVING!

How do liquor and TVs help one survive a catastrophe?

Not everyone did that. And look at the second video. Again, people died from dehydration, lack of medicines, sickness, etc. Thousands died - many after the freaking storm. Well, maybe thousands. The death toll is from 1-3k...because there's no central system of reporting.

They were too stupid to leave when warned. They were stupid to live 15 feet below sea level in an area that has been known to be hit by hurricanes for 500 years. And their stupidity was underlined when, after the hurricane, they re-elected Ray "chocolate city" Nagun, the person who was largely responsible for the results of the disaster. Life doesn't deal kindly with idiots.
Every racist in this thread would have acted no differently than those trapped in the city.

They lie through their meth for saying they would do "this" or "that".
and it's no secret that the people of New Orleans were desperate:

‪Desperation at the Convention Center‬‏ - YouTube

Unfortunately, no one focuses on that part.

Powerful footage.

Brought tears to my eyes. And I've already seen it, years ago.

You don't see that story being told, all you hear, and this is largely from the rabid right, is how they were looting.

No. They were SURVIVING!

How do liquor and TVs help one survive a catastrophe?
Beer? Are you joking?
How do liquor and TVs help one survive a catastrophe?
The liquor can be used to disinfect wounds and the tv can be used to gather information about the catastrophe.

Or, you can stand on the TV to get above the water level. You can pour the beer out and put an SOS message in it and float it off. I'm sure that's what people were thinking. :lol:

They probably looted clothes to help people who got theirs blown off by the hurricane.

Looted money to give to the red cross.

How do liquor and TVs help one survive a catastrophe?
The liquor can be used to disinfect wounds and the tv can be used to gather information about the catastrophe.

Or, you can stand on the TV to get above the water level. You can pour the beer out and put an SOS message in it and float it off. I'm sure that's what people were thinking. :lol:

They probably looted clothes to help people who got theirs blown off by the hurricane.

Looted money to give to the red cross.



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