Hate makes a comeback in the Pacific Northwest


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
I wonder if anyone besides the Southern Poverty Law Center tracks these groups?

SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) — Nearly two decades after the Aryan Nations' Idaho compound was demolished, far-right extremists are maintaining a presence in the Pacific Northwest.

White nationalism has been on the rise across the U.S., but it has particular resonance along the Idaho-Washington border, where the Aryans espoused hate and violence for years.

The neo-Nazi group was based near Hayden Lake, Idaho, starting in the 1970s, and eventually was bankrupted in a lawsuit brought by local activists and the Southern Poverty Law Center. Its compound was seized, and supporters dispersed.

But a series of incidents in recent weeks show far-right sentiments never really left the conservative region. In the county that is home to Hayden Lake, for instance, Republicans last month passed a measure expressing support for U.S. entry of a prominent Austrian far-right activist who was investigated for ties to the suspected New Zealand mosque gunman.

In 2018, at least nine hate groups operated in the region of Spokane and northern Idaho, including Identity Evropa, Proud Boys, ACT for America and America's Promise Ministries, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. The center does not track how many members belong to each group.

Hate makes a comeback in the Pacific Northwest
If you really want to tamp down on the alleged rise of "white nationalism" then I dunno, maybe stop trying to systematically replace the white majority with mexicans?
I wonder if anyone besides the Southern Poverty Law Center tracks these groups?

SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) — Nearly two decades after the Aryan Nations' Idaho compound was demolished, far-right extremists are maintaining a presence in the Pacific Northwest.

White nationalism has been on the rise across the U.S., but it has particular resonance along the Idaho-Washington border, where the Aryans espoused hate and violence for years.

The neo-Nazi group was based near Hayden Lake, Idaho, starting in the 1970s, and eventually was bankrupted in a lawsuit brought by local activists and the Southern Poverty Law Center. Its compound was seized, and supporters dispersed.

But a series of incidents in recent weeks show far-right sentiments never really left the conservative region. In the county that is home to Hayden Lake, for instance, Republicans last month passed a measure expressing support for U.S. entry of a prominent Austrian far-right activist who was investigated for ties to the suspected New Zealand mosque gunman.

In 2018, at least nine hate groups operated in the region of Spokane and northern Idaho, including Identity Evropa, Proud Boys, ACT for America and America's Promise Ministries, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. The center does not track how many members belong to each group.

Hate makes a comeback in the Pacific Northwest

So, in a OP about a supposed comeback, you start out talking about shit from 20 years ago, and then move on to shit from the 70s.

Other than a move to allow a speaker into the country, who was investigating for MAYBE having ties to some guy. Not known to have ties, but just accused of having ties.

That is the most firm piece of "evidence" you have to support your claim.


The Pacific Northwest is loaded with Haters. They just happen to be Liberals who hate President Trump and anyone who supports him. They outnumber the so-called "White Nationalists" a million to one.
SPLC is a hate group.

Zat rite.

How many riots have they started? How many lynchings? How many demonstrations with Tiki torches? Running people over with cars? When did they invade a suspect's home and shoot them all, including shooting a 9-year-old girl in the face?

What percentage of black-on-white violent crimes were motivated by the us-vs-them mentality spread by groups like the SPLC? The powers that be aren't interested in asking that question so we will never know.
I wonder if anyone besides the Southern Poverty Law Center tracks these groups?

SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) — Nearly two decades after the Aryan Nations' Idaho compound was demolished, far-right extremists are maintaining a presence in the Pacific Northwest.

White nationalism has been on the rise across the U.S., but it has particular resonance along the Idaho-Washington border, where the Aryans espoused hate and violence for years.

The neo-Nazi group was based near Hayden Lake, Idaho, starting in the 1970s, and eventually was bankrupted in a lawsuit brought by local activists and the Southern Poverty Law Center. Its compound was seized, and supporters dispersed.

But a series of incidents in recent weeks show far-right sentiments never really left the conservative region. In the county that is home to Hayden Lake, for instance, Republicans last month passed a measure expressing support for U.S. entry of a prominent Austrian far-right activist who was investigated for ties to the suspected New Zealand mosque gunman.

In 2018, at least nine hate groups operated in the region of Spokane and northern Idaho, including Identity Evropa, Proud Boys, ACT for America and America's Promise Ministries, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. The center does not track how many members belong to each group.

Hate makes a comeback in the Pacific Northwest
BLM is a hate group. ANTIFA is a hate group.
I wonder if anyone besides the Southern Poverty Law Center tracks these groups?

SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) — Nearly two decades after the Aryan Nations' Idaho compound was demolished, far-right extremists are maintaining a presence in the Pacific Northwest.

White nationalism has been on the rise across the U.S., but it has particular resonance along the Idaho-Washington border, where the Aryans espoused hate and violence for years.

The neo-Nazi group was based near Hayden Lake, Idaho, starting in the 1970s, and eventually was bankrupted in a lawsuit brought by local activists and the Southern Poverty Law Center. Its compound was seized, and supporters dispersed.

But a series of incidents in recent weeks show far-right sentiments never really left the conservative region. In the county that is home to Hayden Lake, for instance, Republicans last month passed a measure expressing support for U.S. entry of a prominent Austrian far-right activist who was investigated for ties to the suspected New Zealand mosque gunman.

In 2018, at least nine hate groups operated in the region of Spokane and northern Idaho, including Identity Evropa, Proud Boys, ACT for America and America's Promise Ministries, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. The center does not track how many members belong to each group.

Hate makes a comeback in the Pacific Northwest
I live in the Pacific Northwest and ive never seen a Nazi. We get more Bigfoot sightings than these Nazis, so who fucking cares?
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I wonder if anyone besides the Southern Poverty Law Center tracks these groups?

SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) — Nearly two decades after the Aryan Nations' Idaho compound was demolished, far-right extremists are maintaining a presence in the Pacific Northwest.

White nationalism has been on the rise across the U.S., but it has particular resonance along the Idaho-Washington border, where the Aryans espoused hate and violence for years.

The neo-Nazi group was based near Hayden Lake, Idaho, starting in the 1970s, and eventually was bankrupted in a lawsuit brought by local activists and the Southern Poverty Law Center. Its compound was seized, and supporters dispersed.

But a series of incidents in recent weeks show far-right sentiments never really left the conservative region. In the county that is home to Hayden Lake, for instance, Republicans last month passed a measure expressing support for U.S. entry of a prominent Austrian far-right activist who was investigated for ties to the suspected New Zealand mosque gunman.

In 2018, at least nine hate groups operated in the region of Spokane and northern Idaho, including Identity Evropa, Proud Boys, ACT for America and America's Promise Ministries, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. The center does not track how many members belong to each group.

Hate makes a comeback in the Pacific Northwest
BLM is a hate group. ANTIFA is a hate group.

Don't forget Mothers Against Drunk Driving....
I wonder if anyone besides the Southern Poverty Law Center tracks these groups?

SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) — Nearly two decades after the Aryan Nations' Idaho compound was demolished, far-right extremists are maintaining a presence in the Pacific Northwest.

White nationalism has been on the rise across the U.S., but it has particular resonance along the Idaho-Washington border, where the Aryans espoused hate and violence for years.

The neo-Nazi group was based near Hayden Lake, Idaho, starting in the 1970s, and eventually was bankrupted in a lawsuit brought by local activists and the Southern Poverty Law Center. Its compound was seized, and supporters dispersed.

But a series of incidents in recent weeks show far-right sentiments never really left the conservative region. In the county that is home to Hayden Lake, for instance, Republicans last month passed a measure expressing support for U.S. entry of a prominent Austrian far-right activist who was investigated for ties to the suspected New Zealand mosque gunman.

In 2018, at least nine hate groups operated in the region of Spokane and northern Idaho, including Identity Evropa, Proud Boys, ACT for America and America's Promise Ministries, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. The center does not track how many members belong to each group.

Hate makes a comeback in the Pacific Northwest
Do you ever post about "HATE" among your own?
Uh..Hello from Idaho...White nationalists, eh? Vastly outnumbered by the Mormons, LOL! Really, not really a big thing here, most of us are live and let live..and we tolerate all philosophies..in that spirit. I live in a city..err..small city...that is home to Chobani..has an active refugee resettlement program...and yes, some 3%ers, as well. Everyone seems to get along just fine..never-mind the usual drunken yapping by some

In fact, our only issues..the only times of real tension--are when the outside world comes in and distorts issues..in aid of their own agenda. Alex Jones was one of them..made some wild claims about Chobani and refugees..much of which was gleefully posted here. Not so happily posted was his capitulation in the face of a massive lawsuit and his admission that he had made the whole thing up..what a surprise, eh?

Alex Jones Retracts Chobani Claims to Resolve Lawsuit

Northern Idaho..has had it's issues..I remember when an offshoot of the Aryan Nations bombed the Welfare office, in the 70's..got a laugh out of that..since most of the haters were on Food Stamps!
More recently, a lot of politicians from the North like to come down here and try to foment some hatred...it fails every time..although, once again, their views do get a lot of attention here..and the lies and distortions they put out are reported as gospel fact. Once again..a lot of laughing on my part as they try to tell about events that I witnessed..or had related to me by those who were there.

For those that would like to inquire further:

How Fake News Turned a Small Town Upside Down

Just to put it out there..Idaho is a success story..with an employment rate the envy of the nation and lifestyle that could be envied by many.

Oh..and as for the SPLC...they reported a number of hate groups in this area..I know one that was reported to be an Russian front..part of the 2018 campaign disinformation campaign--that had 3 members. Another had 6..the third 12. in short..so fuckin' what?

People are free to believe what they wish..even hateful, vile shyte..it is a free country..at least, it is here. A fat pickup with a Don't Tread on Me flag and a huge exhaust pipe bothers me as much as the sight of a Hijab in Albertson's--which is to say..not at all!
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If you really want to tamp down on the alleged rise of "white nationalism" then I dunno, maybe stop trying to systematically replace the white majority with mexicans?

Nicely said. Liberals invite illegals into our country with no problem. Give them what ever they need. Liberals want them for votes and that’s it. Besides that they want nothing to do with them. Let’s take care of real Americans and not about illegals.

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I wonder if anyone besides the Southern Poverty Law Center tracks these groups?

SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) — Nearly two decades after the Aryan Nations' Idaho compound was demolished, far-right extremists are maintaining a presence in the Pacific Northwest.

White nationalism has been on the rise across the U.S., but it has particular resonance along the Idaho-Washington border, where the Aryans espoused hate and violence for years.

The neo-Nazi group was based near Hayden Lake, Idaho, starting in the 1970s, and eventually was bankrupted in a lawsuit brought by local activists and the Southern Poverty Law Center. Its compound was seized, and supporters dispersed.

But a series of incidents in recent weeks show far-right sentiments never really left the conservative region. In the county that is home to Hayden Lake, for instance, Republicans last month passed a measure expressing support for U.S. entry of a prominent Austrian far-right activist who was investigated for ties to the suspected New Zealand mosque gunman.

In 2018, at least nine hate groups operated in the region of Spokane and northern Idaho, including Identity Evropa, Proud Boys, ACT for America and America's Promise Ministries, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. The center does not track how many members belong to each group.

Hate makes a comeback in the Pacific Northwest
Do you ever post about "HATE" among your own?
Are you referring to my peers?
I wonder if anyone besides the Southern Poverty Law Center tracks these groups?

SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) — Nearly two decades after the Aryan Nations' Idaho compound was demolished, far-right extremists are maintaining a presence in the Pacific Northwest.

White nationalism has been on the rise across the U.S., but it has particular resonance along the Idaho-Washington border, where the Aryans espoused hate and violence for years.

The neo-Nazi group was based near Hayden Lake, Idaho, starting in the 1970s, and eventually was bankrupted in a lawsuit brought by local activists and the Southern Poverty Law Center. Its compound was seized, and supporters dispersed.

But a series of incidents in recent weeks show far-right sentiments never really left the conservative region. In the county that is home to Hayden Lake, for instance, Republicans last month passed a measure expressing support for U.S. entry of a prominent Austrian far-right activist who was investigated for ties to the suspected New Zealand mosque gunman.

In 2018, at least nine hate groups operated in the region of Spokane and northern Idaho, including Identity Evropa, Proud Boys, ACT for America and America's Promise Ministries, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. The center does not track how many members belong to each group.

Hate makes a comeback in the Pacific Northwest
Do you ever post about "HATE" among your own?
Are you referring to my peers?
"Hate" seems to be whites standing up to being replaced. While I agree there is real "hate," you never bring up black or Hispanic supremacist groups
I wonder if anyone besides the Southern Poverty Law Center tracks these groups?

SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) — Nearly two decades after the Aryan Nations' Idaho compound was demolished, far-right extremists are maintaining a presence in the Pacific Northwest.

White nationalism has been on the rise across the U.S., but it has particular resonance along the Idaho-Washington border, where the Aryans espoused hate and violence for years.

The neo-Nazi group was based near Hayden Lake, Idaho, starting in the 1970s, and eventually was bankrupted in a lawsuit brought by local activists and the Southern Poverty Law Center. Its compound was seized, and supporters dispersed.

But a series of incidents in recent weeks show far-right sentiments never really left the conservative region. In the county that is home to Hayden Lake, for instance, Republicans last month passed a measure expressing support for U.S. entry of a prominent Austrian far-right activist who was investigated for ties to the suspected New Zealand mosque gunman.

In 2018, at least nine hate groups operated in the region of Spokane and northern Idaho, including Identity Evropa, Proud Boys, ACT for America and America's Promise Ministries, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. The center does not track how many members belong to each group.

Hate makes a comeback in the Pacific Northwest
Do you ever post about "HATE" among your own?
Are you referring to my peers?
"Hate" seems to be whites standing up to being replaced. While I agree there is real "hate," you never bring up black or Hispanic supremacist groups
...of which there are a THOUSAND times more members.

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