Would obama have been elected if the media had not promoted him like they did mlk


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
Well, now most understand how the media conspired and lied to promote MLK into sainthood but many still do not understand how the media engaged in the same deception with obama as they had with mlk.

This is a much bigger story than the alleged collusion thing with Russia....by their lies and deception they got a phoney elected President...and they still conspire to cover up for him. Obama is just as a big of phoney as mlk was.

If Romney had been elected we would not have so much of the current racial strife that obama is responsible for....the most devisive president since Mr. Lincoln.

Not even to mention that now we have a President that truly wants the best for America and is probably the most capable President we have had since way back when....yet the media, the democratic party, corrupted fbi and cia folks still conspire to try and bring him down....yet none dare call it treason

The American People need the truth...and should demand the media stop with their fake news, bias and utter hatred of the truth.
Killary fell to White slavery guilt 200 years later. She had the Birther stuff her staff dug up for her thighness. She could have used the Farrakhan pics NBC hid for 8 years. She slinkered away and the Media covered 100% for BO (still do). Dumb Americans ate it up. I almost fell for it! The Savior has arrived!
You nailed it Mac. As the veil comes up on who Obama really was and what his true intentions for America really were, history will reveal the most damaging President of the last 100 years. The Media is equally if not more dangerous since they operate under the disguise of reporting news when they do nothing of the sort. They have sold out to the Democratic Party and any true American should be very concerned about that.
Well, now most understand how the media conspired and lied to promote MLK into sainthood but many still do not understand how the media engaged in the same deception with obama as they had with mlk.

This is a much bigger story than the alleged collusion thing with Russia....by their lies and deception they got a phoney elected President...and they still conspire to cover up for him. Obama is just as a big of phoney as mlk was.

If Romney had been elected we would not have so much of the current racial strife that obama is responsible for....the most devisive president since Mr. Lincoln.

Not even to mention that now we have a President that truly wants the best for America and is probably the most capable President we have had since way back when....yet the media, the democratic party, corrupted fbi and cia folks still conspire to try and bring him down....yet none dare call it treason

The American People need the truth...and should demand the media stop with their fake news, bias and utter hatred of the truth.

We need another Reagan Trump is similar but not as polished but I still love him.

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Well, now most understand how the media conspired and lied to promote MLK into sainthood but many still do not understand how the media engaged in the same deception with obama as they had with mlk.

This is a much bigger story than the alleged collusion thing with Russia....by their lies and deception they got a phoney elected President...and they still conspire to cover up for him. Obama is just as a big of phoney as mlk was.

If Romney had been elected we would not have so much of the current racial strife that obama is responsible for....the most devisive president since Mr. Lincoln.

Not even to mention that now we have a President that truly wants the best for America and is probably the most capable President we have had since way back when....yet the media, the democratic party, corrupted fbi and cia folks still conspire to try and bring him down....yet none dare call it treason

The American People need the truth...and should demand the media stop with their fake news, bias and utter hatred of the truth.
Probably not, but he did run against McCain.

I do know he wouldn't survive the media beating Bush or Trump endures.
Well, now most understand how the media conspired and lied to promote MLK into sainthood but many still do not understand how the media engaged in the same deception with obama as they had with mlk.

This is a much bigger story than the alleged collusion thing with Russia....by their lies and deception they got a phoney elected President...and they still conspire to cover up for him. Obama is just as a big of phoney as mlk was.

If Romney had been elected we would not have so much of the current racial strife that obama is responsible for....the most devisive president since Mr. Lincoln.

Not even to mention that now we have a President that truly wants the best for America and is probably the most capable President we have had since way back when....yet the media, the democratic party, corrupted fbi and cia folks still conspire to try and bring him down....yet none dare call it treason

The American People need the truth...and should demand the media stop with their fake news, bias and utter hatred of the truth.

I've spent much time thinking about this recently. My conclusion (not that my opinion matters): there's no way in hell a majority of Americans voted twice for Barack Hussein Obama. The man's names alone were cause for disqualification in millions of American minds in that post-9/11 era The only conclusion being both presidential elections were rigged. I've no doubt now that Obama is a foreign born radicalized Muslim and Marxist. Problems is, the damage is already done.
No doubt Obama benefitted for Media coverage.

Equally no doubt, whomever won the 2008 DNC nomination would have beaten McCain. Easily.
......you have a lot of dumbass white liberals that voted for Odumbo because of his skin color
..but the media LOVES the blacks more than the whites--this is undeniable
here is just one of many examples:
"The fact is, you have a president who for years went to a church whose pastor said stunningly hateful things about Americans," Gingrich said. "The president explains he didn't hear any of them. Okay? And we all gave him a pass. He gave a great speech in Philadelphia as a candidate. We said, okay, we got it."
but if Trump says the word ''watermelon/etc'' the MSM says he's RACIST
Gingrich: Obama got a 'pass' on Rev. Wright controversy
Well, now most understand how the media conspired and lied to promote MLK into sainthood but many still do not understand how the media engaged in the same deception with obama as they had with mlk.

This is a much bigger story than the alleged collusion thing with Russia....by their lies and deception they got a phoney elected President...and they still conspire to cover up for him. Obama is just as a big of phoney as mlk was.

I'm sure that you tell yourself that.

Here's why Obama got elected. Obama got elected because he said from the beginning the Iraq War was a terrible idea. It wasn't a popular position when he took it in 2004, but by 2008, the country had come around to his way of thinking.

SO while Hillary and Biden and McCain were all trying to excuse their fuckup of giving Bush a blank check to go into Iraq, Obama was able to say, "I told you this was a bad idea!"
Probably not, but he did run against McCain.

I do know he wouldn't survive the media beating Bush or Trump endures.
True. And true. Obama rode a wave of media sponsored sanctimony that actually caused some people to
wonder if he was some higher evolved new sort of being (I'm not joking).

Criticism of Obama, outside of right wing media, of course, was treated with horror like someone suggesting beating puppies to death with a claw hammer.

And the democrat's favorite republican, John McCain, was a great choice to run against Obama Inc. considering he tamped down conservative enthusiasm considerably.
He was another Bob Dole...someone no one intended would become president but just a place filler.
The Uber Party, the one party manipulating the whole show, just needed someone who they could contrast to Barry
(tall, dark, smooth vs. short, white, snarling like a cornered rat when angry).

It makes Trump's emergence as president two terms later all the more amazing. The Uber Party hates his guts...they can't control him. Thank you Madame Clinton for being such a shitty, miserable candidate.
Well, now most understand how the media conspired and lied to promote MLK into sainthood but many still do not understand how the media engaged in the same deception with obama as they had with mlk.

This is a much bigger story than the alleged collusion thing with Russia....by their lies and deception they got a phoney elected President...and they still conspire to cover up for him. Obama is just as a big of phoney as mlk was.

I'm sure that you tell yourself that.

Here's why Obama got elected. Obama got elected because he said from the beginning the Iraq War was a terrible idea. It wasn't a popular position when he took it in 2004, but by 2008, the country had come around to his way of thinking.

SO while Hillary and Biden and McCain were all trying to excuse their fuckup of giving Bush a blank check to go into Iraq, Obama was able to say, "I told you this was a bad idea!"

I’m sure you believe that in your mind but fact is Obama was the worst president in history. He made Jimmy Carter look good.

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rue. And true. Obama rode a wave of media sponsored sanctimony that actually caused some people to
wonder if he was some higher evolved new sort of being (I'm not joking).

Criticism of Obama, outside of right wing media, of course, was treated with horror like someone suggesting beating puppies to death with a claw hammer.

And the democrat's favorite republican, John McCain, was a great choice to run against Obama Inc. considering he tamped down conservative enthusiasm considerably.
He was another Bob Dole...someone no one intended would become president but just a place filler.
The Uber Party, the one party manipulating the whole show, just needed someone who they could contrast to Barry
(tall, dark, smooth vs. short, white, snarling like a cornered rat when angry).

It makes Trump's emergence as president two terms later all the more amazing. The Uber Party hates his guts...they can't control him. Thank you Madame Clinton for being such a shitty, miserable candidate.

The reason why the GOP is so fucked up today.

Men of honor like McCain and Dole are to be despised for not winning, while a character like Trump is loved because he won on a technicality.

Trump is a mistake... which is how history will see him after he is voted out in 2020.
I’m sure you believe that in your mind but fact is Obama was the worst president in history. He made Jimmy Carter look good.

Based on what?

I base a president's success on two factors.

1) Did the economy get better under his watch? In Obama's case, it definitely did.
2) Did he keep us out of unnecessary wars? Well, mostly.
3) Did he have unnecessary Scandals. Not really. GOP tried to conflate some things into scandals.

So I'll give him 3 for 3.

Now, compare that to Bush. Economy got a lot worse, Got us into two unnecessary wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Mostly scandal free. I'll give him 1 for 3.

Clinton - Economy got better, got us into a war in Kosovo. Had Zippergate Give him 1.5 out of three.

Bush-41 - Got us into a war in Iraq, economy got worse. Mostly scandal free. 1 for 3.

Reagan- Mostly kept us out of war, economy got better for the rich but no one else. Iran Contra. I'll be generous and give him 2.5 out of three.

Carter - Kept us out of war, economy sucked. No scandals. 1 for 3.
Ford - Ditto 1 for 3.
Nixon - Economy sucked, escalated Vietnam. Watergate. Forced to resign. 0 for 3.
LBJ- Economy was pretty good, Vietnam sucked. We didn't find out most of the shit he did until he died. So I'll give him 2 for 3.

So by the objective measure, Obama performed better than Nixon, Ford, Carter, and both Bushes, and probably about equal with Reagan and Clinton.
I see that there are a lot of racist on this post that are trying to discredit a good Black man. That they are trying to revive the old south. But that isn't going to happen. Because the Republican party is going to stomp on the Dems as the way they has stomped on them during the civil rights era. The Dems always want to take away the people's rights.

rue. And true. Obama rode a wave of media sponsored sanctimony that actually caused some people to
wonder if he was some higher evolved new sort of being (I'm not joking).

Criticism of Obama, outside of right wing media, of course, was treated with horror like someone suggesting beating puppies to death with a claw hammer.

And the democrat's favorite republican, John McCain, was a great choice to run against Obama Inc. considering he tamped down conservative enthusiasm considerably.
He was another Bob Dole...someone no one intended would become president but just a place filler.
The Uber Party, the one party manipulating the whole show, just needed someone who they could contrast to Barry
(tall, dark, smooth vs. short, white, snarling like a cornered rat when angry).

It makes Trump's emergence as president two terms later all the more amazing. The Uber Party hates his guts...they can't control him. Thank you Madame Clinton for being such a shitty, miserable candidate.

The reason why the GOP is so fucked up today.

Men of honor like McCain and Dole are to be despised for not winning, while a character like Trump is loved because he won on a technicality.

Trump is a mistake... which is how history will see him after he is voted out in 2020.

Yeah yeah. Liberal bullshit and you might have a shot in 2024. Americans are seeing what scumbags liberals are.

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I’m sure you believe that in your mind but fact is Obama was the worst president in history. He made Jimmy Carter look good.

Based on what?

I base a president's success on two factors.

1) Did the economy get better under his watch? In Obama's case, it definitely did.
2) Did he keep us out of unnecessary wars? Well, mostly.
3) Did he have unnecessary Scandals. Not really. GOP tried to conflate some things into scandals.

So I'll give him 3 for 3.

Now, compare that to Bush. Economy got a lot worse, Got us into two unnecessary wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Mostly scandal free. I'll give him 1 for 3.

Clinton - Economy got better, got us into a war in Kosovo. Had Zippergate Give him 1.5 out of three.

Bush-41 - Got us into a war in Iraq, economy got worse. Mostly scandal free. 1 for 3.

Reagan- Mostly kept us out of war, economy got better for the rich but no one else. Iran Contra. I'll be generous and give him 2.5 out of three.

Carter - Kept us out of war, economy sucked. No scandals. 1 for 3.
Ford - Ditto 1 for 3.
Nixon - Economy sucked, escalated Vietnam. Watergate. Forced to resign. 0 for 3.
LBJ- Economy was pretty good, Vietnam sucked. We didn't find out most of the shit he did until he died. So I'll give him 2 for 3.

So by the objective measure, Obama performed better than Nixon, Ford, Carter, and both Bushes, and probably about equal with Reagan and Clinton.
Because of Obama I'd vote for our enemy over our blue cities survival. So keep pushing the narrative. Obama was not a Christian. Nada! That was the lie that made the other lies and showed what he was. I believe he could have been a healer to the people. Instead he became Castro, Che, Mao, Stalin, Hitler, and the same ilk pushing agendas that will not stand the test of time but will help to cause massive misery in our future. Until now, Progs love showing the family guys destroying the same for the people. The fence walkers who respected civility have been narrowed to personal selfishness in the dissolution of the family unit. And I am the one who has to keep bringing it up. So ladies of extreme feminism, the likes of Gloria Steinem and others are laughing as they rode your backs to wealth and being famous. Millions of you and millions more over the decades never knew the potential for a life of marriage with its ups and downs and maybe even being happier while depriving your bodily needs beyond sex for some material gains and an empty life as you age. You have been conned. And you made men suffer also for it.

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