Hasn’t Trumps support and popularity grown because of the J6 events?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Trump called for a PEACEFUL protest of the election results of a goofy election…he asked his VP to delay the certification of said results given the goofy nature of the goofy election…for that, for working for the people, he has been criminalized by an authoritarian regime and yet it seems like he’s more desirable than ever before.
To an extent, this is true, but there's currently a movement in several states to remove Trump from the ballot. Most of the states where this is gaining traction are blue already, so that won't affect the outcome of the election. However, if even a few swing states do this (or somehow a red state or 2), then that makes a Democratic win more or less inevitable.

Also, popularity doesn't have much of an effect on voter fraud.
To an extent, this is true, but there's currently a movement in several states to remove Trump from the ballot. Most of the states where this is gaining traction are blue already, so that won't affect the outcome of the election. However, if even a few swing states do this (or somehow a red state or 2), then that makes a Democratic win more or less inevitable.

Also, popularity doesn't have much of an effect on voter fraud.
This is why I welcome the 14th Amendment gambit now, rather than later. It will have to go to SCOTUS and it should be roundly shut down as unconstitutional. The decision by any battleground state to keep him off the ballot will effectively end the America we've known and open the doors to really tyranny and at BEST, mass civil disobedience.

That said, I think the DC uni party will do whatever it takes to stop him, up to and including assassination. If they go that far, all hell is going to break loose and they know it.
I agree. The elites are arrogant enough to think they can quell any insurgency. I think they underestimate how furious some people would be if Trump were killed.
Trump called for a PEACEFUL protest of the election results of a goofy election…he asked his VP to delay the certification of said results given the goofy nature of the goofy election…for that, for working for the people, he has been criminalized by an authoritarian regime and yet it seems like he’s more desirable than ever before.
Watch how hysterical the media becomes as his legal situation fails to dent his support. They'll be losing their minds once they finally have to admit that he cannot be stopped by these multiple indictments. Half the country will be convinced that even if he has an electoral college landslide, he will be "illegitimate". THEN, when it's time for his inauguration, it will look like George Floyd protests on steroids. They'll burn the blue cities down in an attempt to stop him from taking office again.
"goofy nature of the goofy election" is a broke explanation for broke losers

only among MAGA and not a single vote gathered at all elsewhere
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Trump called for a PEACEFUL protest of the election results of a goofy election…he asked his VP to delay the certification of said results given the goofy nature of the goofy election…for that, for working for the people, he has been criminalized by an authoritarian regime and yet it seems like he’s more desirable than ever before.
Democrats will tell you that Trump's support has only grown from the MAGAheads but not for the general election.

Except for that small thing about polls which show Trump doing better in the general election and beating Biden. They seem to totally ignore that. Liberal talk heads have noticed though and are terrified.
This is why I welcome the 14th Amendment gambit now, rather than later. It will have to go to SCOTUS and it should be roundly shut down as unconstitutional. The decision by any battleground state to keep him off the ballot will effectively end the America we've known and open the doors to really tyranny and at BEST, mass civil disobedience.

That said, I think the DC uni party will do whatever it takes to stop him, up to and including assassination. If they go that far, all hell is going to break loose and they know it.

Great idea. The Supreme Court upholds and defends the US Constitution... Like Senators and Presidents.
Democrats will tell you that Trump's support has only grown from the MAGAheads but not for the general election.

Except for that small thing about polls which show Trump doing better in the general election and beating Biden. They seem to totally ignore that. Liberal talk heads have noticed though and are terrified.
Those nationals polls are not reliable yet, but they will do so the closer to the re-election.

The trials will wear the public down as well as Trump.

If he is offered a plea of no confinement, house arrest at one of his estates for a year, and a $250 million fine, I think he will take it.
Trump support overall is not growing, and the trials will damage it even more, very significantly.

Yes, the America of The Greatest Generation and the 1950s is receding in the rear view mirror.

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