Has the Star Chamber returned?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
As I sit here and watch the democrats convene in secret in the House by not demanding that impeachment be held to a vote and as their proceedings continue in secret, I can't help but wonder, has the Star Chamber returned?

They conduct themselves in secrecy, much like they did discussing Obamacare even though Obama promised the proceedings would be help in full public view. And we later saw the corruption of the Obamacare discussions held in secret as members of their own party were bribed to vote for it. In fact, they continue to feed their state owned press dirty little rumors every day about impeachmet. Is this really their tactic for 2020?

But then, if we did actually see what they are saying and doing, if their secret e-mails were ever to be made public, then like Hillary and dirty Joe Biden, they would all be behind bars, or at least, everyone knows they should be.
As I sit here and watch the democrats convene in secret in the House by not demanding that impeachment be held to a vote and as their proceedings continue in secret, I can't help but wonder, has the Star Chamber returned?

They conduct themselves in secrecy, much like they did discussing Obamacare even though Obama promised the proceedings would be help in full public view. And we later saw the corruption of the Obamacare discussions held in secret as members of their own party were bribed to vote for it. In fact, they continue to feed their state owned press dirty little rumors every day about impeachmet. Is this really their tactic for 2020?

But then, if we did actually see what they are saying and doing, if their secret e-mails were ever to be made public, then like Hillary and dirty Joe Biden, they would all be behind bars, or at least, everyone knows they should be.
I suspect the lack of a vote is a calculated stratagem. It both gets tRump more riled up and makes him look like he's obstructing. When they've gathered all the info they can without Whitehouse cooperation they will hold the vote and by then he will have painted himself into such a corner he will have to hand over all demanded testimony and documents.
As I sit here and watch the democrats convene in secret in the House by not demanding that impeachment be held to a vote and as their proceedings continue in secret, I can't help but wonder, has the Star Chamber returned?

They conduct themselves in secrecy, much like they did discussing Obamacare even though Obama promised the proceedings would be help in full public view. And we later saw the corruption of the Obamacare discussions held in secret as members of their own party were bribed to vote for it. In fact, they continue to feed their state owned press dirty little rumors every day about impeachmet. Is this really their tactic for 2020?

But then, if we did actually see what they are saying and doing, if their secret e-mails were ever to be made public, then like Hillary and dirty Joe Biden, they would all be behind bars, or at least, everyone knows they should be.
I suspect the lack of a vote is a calculated stratagem. It both gets tRump more riled up and makes him look like he's obstructing. When they've gathered all the info they can without Whitehouse cooperation they will hold the vote and by then he will have painted himself into such a corner he will have to hand over all demanded testimony and documents.

As I sit here and watch the democrats convene in secret in the House by not demanding that impeachment be held to a vote and as their proceedings continue in secret, I can't help but wonder, has the Star Chamber returned?

They conduct themselves in secrecy, much like they did discussing Obamacare even though Obama promised the proceedings would be help in full public view. And we later saw the corruption of the Obamacare discussions held in secret as members of their own party were bribed to vote for it. In fact, they continue to feed their state owned press dirty little rumors every day about impeachmet. Is this really their tactic for 2020?

But then, if we did actually see what they are saying and doing, if their secret e-mails were ever to be made public, then like Hillary and dirty Joe Biden, they would all be behind bars, or at least, everyone knows they should be.
I suspect the lack of a vote is a calculated stratagem. It both gets tRump more riled up and makes him look like he's obstructing. When they've gathered all the info they can without Whitehouse cooperation they will hold the vote and by then he will have painted himself into such a corner he will have to hand over all demanded testimony and documents.

Nah. The lack of a vote is all about the politicians protecting themselves. They take care of number one. Them.

They know there will be no impeachment and they don't want to be associated with one.

So. No vote.
The longer the HoR takes to call for an impeachment vote, the easier it will be for the GOP to change the narrative. This “star chamber” canard is an example of such rhetoric...
The longer the HoR takes to call for an impeachment vote, the easier it will be for the GOP to change the narrative. This “star chamber” canard is an example of such rhetoric...

Hold The Vote! Hold The Vote! Hold The Vote! It doesn't matter the "Upper house" has the Upper hand. And an impeachment vote would allow cross examination and Discovery and the ability to call it's own witnesses. Hillary could end up having to testify...…. Joe Biden could end up having to testify Maybe even The "Yellowman" himself..….. Not happening bozos!
As I sit here and watch the democrats convene in secret in the House by not demanding that impeachment be held to a vote and as their proceedings continue in secret, I can't help but wonder, has the Star Chamber returned?

They conduct themselves in secrecy, much like they did discussing Obamacare even though Obama promised the proceedings would be help in full public view. And we later saw the corruption of the Obamacare discussions held in secret as members of their own party were bribed to vote for it. In fact, they continue to feed their state owned press dirty little rumors every day about impeachmet. Is this really their tactic for 2020?

But then, if we did actually see what they are saying and doing, if their secret e-mails were ever to be made public, then like Hillary and dirty Joe Biden, they would all be behind bars, or at least, everyone knows they should be.
I suspect the lack of a vote is a calculated stratagem. It both gets tRump more riled up and makes him look like he's obstructing. When they've gathered all the info they can without Whitehouse cooperation they will hold the vote and by then he will have painted himself into such a corner he will have to hand over all demanded testimony and documents.


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