Has anyone seen The Innocence of Muslims??

Oh yeah sure....people are anti Islam because they hate that religon and think they are the best

The more a rational person knows about Islam, the more they hate it.

Be clear, we hate Islam, not Muslims.

You're right I don't hate Muslims, but I do hate Islam. Sometimes it's hard to seperate the two but I do try. Muslims are raised with the same amount of hype that any religion has and Muslims feel the same about their religion as everyone else. They are devout and that's something I can respect. It saddens me that all this effort is spent on such a violent and unbending doctrine and reverence of such an unworthy man.

When dealing with Muslims my goal is to get them to think. I'm guessing they are like so many of us, do what their told to do by their parents and never question. Chrisitian do it all the time.

Q: What religion are you?

A: Chritsian

Q: Why do you believe XYAnd Z

A: IDK it's what the church believes it.

While I would love to have Islam wiped off the face of the earth because it's a cult, I would settle with Muslims just taking an honest look at Mohammad and try to salvage some peaceful elements of Islam (if there are any )and toss the rest. Christians and Jews have done it to the law of Moses why not Islam? Stoning adulterers is unacceptable in today's world. forcing woman to be subjugated under a tent and treating her as property is unacceptable. It's time Muslim men rely on self control. I'm all for conservative dress but the black tent is over doing it. How can the world move on if one group constantly destroys the progress.
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You hate both. You just hide behind this anti Islam threads to justify your hate

Islam is evil, just as Nazism was. But just as there were many good Germans swept up in Nazism, so there are many good Muslims swept up in Islam.

No it's not. Youre stupid though that's a fact. Do we need to install cameras all over the middle east to show this idiot that people don't bitch as much him? Lmao
Laughin reaper keep talking to yourself. And keep it at that. No one thinks as you or as stupid as you
No actually you are stupid. A white male in America cannot lecture anyone about the middle east. Keep your stupidity to yourself

Yawn, you're just a liar for Allah...


Now go bow to your idol, you primitive fuck.
What does showing anything of a Taliban village have anything to with this? And how does it make anyone a liar?
What does showing anything of a Taliban village have anything to with this? And how does it make anyone a liar?


Muslims beat their women - per the Koran and Hadiths.

Surah 4:34. ‘Men are in charge of (or overseers of - qawwamuna) women, as Allah has given them more (strength) than the other (sometimes translated as made them superior to the other), and because they spend of their wealth (to provide for them). Therefore women who are virtuous are obedient to God, and guard in (the husband’s) absence what God would have them guard. As for those women on whose part you fear rebellion (nushuz), admonish them and banish them to beds apart, (and last) beat (adribu) them. Then, if they obey you, seek not a way against them. For God is Most High, Great (above you all).
You fuckign sick pig. Why point out only Islam if those other religions also don't believe in Jesus divinity? Because you're a fucking pig shut your fucking mouth. Whore. No one said freedom of speech is allowed. Either way it still had the intention of getting a reaction. And Muslims went and tried to protect the ambassador and Libyans soldiers died protecting the embassy. But you're a pathetic troll with the same nazi type or language and islamopohbe stupid arguments. Your whole last paragraph was irrevalant you're not a real Christian you're a lair. I can find many people who denounce you as a Christian. The problem with Libya is after the civil war weopons were going everywhere there and a militant group killed the ambassador but you can't swallow facts. You are lame

Laughin reaper keep talking to yourself. And keep it at that. No one thinks as you or as stupid as you

I rest my case ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Fuckin sick pig,whore,stupid? I get the feeling I'd be headless if BecauseIdon'tknow had his way.
What does showing anything of a Taliban village have anything to with this? And how does it make anyone a liar?


Muslims beat their women - per the Koran and Hadiths.

Surah 4:34. ‘Men are in charge of (or overseers of - qawwamuna) women, as Allah has given them more (strength) than the other (sometimes translated as made them superior to the other), and because they spend of their wealth (to provide for them). Therefore women who are virtuous are obedient to God, and guard in (the husband’s) absence what God would have them guard. As for those women on whose part you fear rebellion (nushuz), admonish them and banish them to beds apart, (and last) beat (adribu) them. Then, if they obey you, seek not a way against them. For God is Most High, Great (above you all).

I have the official Arabic Koran in front of me. There is no idribu(beat) your a liar. It says if a woman is Starting problems, tell them to remember God or divorce a better way. Again you should worry about our "civilized" America that has so many cases of wife abuse
I have the official Arabic Koran in front of me. There is no idribu(beat) your a liar. It says if a woman is Starting problems, tell them to remember God or divorce a better way. Again you should worry about our "civilized" America that has so many cases of wife abuse


Do you really think you can device the Kafir?

4:34. ‘Men are in charge of (or overseers of - qawwamuna) women, as Allah has given them more (strength) than the other (sometimes translated as made them superior to the other), and because they spend of their wealth (to provide for them). Therefore women who are virtuous are obedient to God, and guard in (the husband’s) absence what God would have them guard. As for those women on whose part you fear rebellion (nushuz), admonish them and banish them to beds apart, (and last) beat (adribu) them. Then, if they obey you, seek not a way against them. For God is Most High, Great (above you all).

The above is the verse, you lying cocksucker.
I have the official Arabic Koran in front of me. There is no idribu(beat) your a liar. It says if a woman is Starting problems, tell them to remember God or divorce a better way. Again you should worry about our "civilized" America that has so many cases of wife abuse


Do you really think you can device the Kafir?

4:34. ‘Men are in charge of (or overseers of - qawwamuna) women, as Allah has given them more (strength) than the other (sometimes translated as made them superior to the other), and because they spend of their wealth (to provide for them). Therefore women who are virtuous are obedient to God, and guard in (the husband’s) absence what God would have them guard. As for those women on whose part you fear rebellion (nushuz), admonish them and banish them to beds apart, (and last) beat (adribu) them. Then, if they obey you, seek not a way against them. For God is Most High, Great (above you all).

The above is the verse, you lying cocksucker.

Go read the whole chapter about women. It says so many good things about them and how men must treat them well.

And 4:34 says nothing like that at all. Maybe you should read before being deceived Koran Sura 4: Women
I rest my case ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Fuckin sick pig,whore,stupid? I get the feeling I'd be headless if BecauseIdon'tknow had his way.

Laughinreaper keeps trying to tell us Muslims behead but isn't aware of her "lovely" phalange Christian who beheaded 3'000 innocent people many women and children.

Sabra and Shatila massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sabra and Shatila massacres
Koran [2.191] And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drove you out, and persecution is severer than slaughter, and do not fight with them at the Sacred Mosque until they fight with you in it, but if they do fight you, then slay them; such is the recompense of the unbelievers.

Where did Jesus ever order anyone to kill?

Yes people who happened to be Christians have killed, but Jesus,unlike Mohammad never killed and never told his disciples to Kill.

Matthew 5:38-40
[ Eye for Eye ] “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well.

Matthew 5:43-48
[ Love for Enemies ] “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. ...

This week a piece of a papyrus was found the some suggested might prove Jesus had a wife. Many Christians disagreed with it and it's possible interpetation. The Christian response was to riot like the Muslims did when that movie came out? Kill the Libyan ambassador? Burn Cars and buildings? Nope as far as I know nothing happened but discussion.

When Piss Christ was put forward as art, yes it was vandelized and yes the artists sent death threats and hate mail, which should never happened according to Christianity, they should have turned the other cheek. Who was hurt or killed? What was burned? Protests yes, but no wide spread rioting? Now what do you think would happen if someone made a Piss Mohammad?
Again it doesn't say that all, laughing reaper is also taking verses out of context. And a false verse that doesn't exist.

And way too ignore your "loving" Christians who beheaded 3,000 people..all innocent and many children

191 Expend in alms in God’s way and be not cast by your own hands into perdition; but do good, for God loves those who do good

That's the real 2.191
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If you are referring to the other one.....because I'm not a disgusting liar like you...you must be talking about the rules of war chapter.

[2:191] You may kill those who wage war against you, and you may evict them whence they evicted you. Oppression is worse than murder. Do not fight them at the Sacred Mosque (Masjid), unless they attack you therein. If they attack you, you may kill them. This is the just retribution for those disbelievers.

It's say to defend yourselves. It permits them to defend themselves against the Pagans who were attacking the very few Muslims
Again it doesn't say that all, laughing reaper is also taking verses out of context. And a false verse that doesn't exist.

And way too ignore your "loving" Christians who beheaded 3,000 people..all innocent and many children

191 Expend in alms in God’s way and be not cast by your own hands into perdition; but do good, for God loves those who do good

That's the real 2.191

I took it directly from the on line Koran if the numbering is off complain to them. In the Koran I have at home(yes sunshine I have a hardcopy Koran) which I don't use very often because I find the numbering chaotic and it's easier for me to read online. In the hard copy it's 2:180:73 Anyone can look it up but here's the link. So yes sunshine the verse is in there, but I'm thinking you already knew that.

The Koran

The scripture I took from the bible, direct quotes again anyone can look it up.

BibleGateway - Quick search: love your enemies

Your ignoring the point that Jesus NEVER condoned or ordered the killing of anyone, just the opposite. The Koran as handed down by mohammad, does say to kill people. As for the Christians who killed those people I'm not avoiding the question. They were people who claim to be Christians who also killed, but Jesus didn't tell them too or give them the OK like mohammad did. The killings you are refering to sound political in nature.
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If you are referring to the other one.....because I'm not a disgusting liar like you...you must be talking about the rules of war chapter.

[2:191] You may kill those who wage war against you, and you may evict them whence they evicted you. Oppression is worse than murder. Do not fight them at the Sacred Mosque (Masjid), unless they attack you therein. If they attack you, you may kill them. This is the just retribution for those disbelievers.

It's say to defend yourselves. It permits them to defend themselves against the Pagans who were attacking the very few Muslims

I'm not a disgusting liar. Use the online link and you will see it's numbered the way I posted it. The only thing I'm guilty of is not providing a link like I usually do. Is that my fault that the scholars numbered it differently from your Koran? I never have that problem with the Bible.lol

Again where in the Bible did Jesus tell us to kill even to defend ourselves? When Christians kill it's done of their own accord and not as a directive from God.
This isn't about what Jesus said. This is about your bs trying to pull up a verse. I gave you the real translation in post 97. You see how very few word differences can change the whole meaning of it?

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