Harvard Researchers Want Fat Kids Taken from Their Homes

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Tell me again how smart people from Harvard are, and how I should be afraid of conservatives that want to take over the government.

As the Western world gets fatter and fatter, the solutions to slimming it down get ever more draconian. In Britain yesterday, the government issued guidelines saying "children under the age of 5, including babies who can’t walk yet, should exercise every day." Today, in the States, a pair of Harvard scholars writing in the Journal of the American Medical Association advocate stripping away the custody rights of parents of super obese children. They're for real!
"Despite the discomfort posed by state intervention, it may sometimes be necessary to protect a child," said Lindsey Murtagh, a lawyer and researcher at Harvard's School of Public Health. The study's co-author, David Ludwig, says taking away peoples' children "ideally will support not just the child but the whole family, with the goal of reuniting child and family as soon as possible." Ludwig, an obesity specialist at Harvard-affiliated Children's Hospital, said his eureka moment was when a 90-pound, 3-year-old girl entered his obesity clinic a number of years ago," reports Lindsey Tanner at the Associated Press.

Harvard Researchers Want Fat Kids Taken from Their Homes - Politics - The Atlantic Wire

Here is the link to the JAMA piece.

State Intervention in Life-Threatening Childhood Obesity, July 13, 2011, Murtagh and Ludwig 306 (2): 206

I really love this line.

Even relatively mild parenting deficiencies, such as having excessive junk food in the home or failing to model a physically active lifestyle, may contribute to a child’s weight problem.

William F. Buckley said:
I’d rather be governed by the first 2,000 names in the Boston telephone directory than by the 2,000 members of the Harvard faculty.
That is extreme and the state will probably fuck it up even more if they went that route. Nonetheless, obesity is a huge problem in America and it is only getting worse. fact, it is becoming a national security concern.
U.S. Military: Obesity is a matter of national security | NJ.com

There is something wrong with parents who let their kids get 400 lbs develop diabetes, cholesterol problems, high blood pressure and sleep apnea all by the age of 12.
Trying to generalize about "Harvard smart people" from the opinions of a single person would be the same as generalizing that all "Christians" support the opinions of the Westboro Baptist Church.
Tell me again how smart people from Harvard are, and how I should be afraid of conservatives that want to take over the government.

As the Western world gets fatter and fatter, the solutions to slimming it down get ever more draconian. In Britain yesterday, the government issued guidelines saying "children under the age of 5, including babies who can’t walk yet, should exercise every day." Today, in the States, a pair of Harvard scholars writing in the Journal of the American Medical Association advocate stripping away the custody rights of parents of super obese children. They're for real!
"Despite the discomfort posed by state intervention, it may sometimes be necessary to protect a child," said Lindsey Murtagh, a lawyer and researcher at Harvard's School of Public Health. The study's co-author, David Ludwig, says taking away peoples' children "ideally will support not just the child but the whole family, with the goal of reuniting child and family as soon as possible." Ludwig, an obesity specialist at Harvard-affiliated Children's Hospital, said his eureka moment was when a 90-pound, 3-year-old girl entered his obesity clinic a number of years ago," reports Lindsey Tanner at the Associated Press.

Harvard Researchers Want Fat Kids Taken from Their Homes - Politics - The Atlantic Wire

Here is the link to the JAMA piece.

State Intervention in Life-Threatening Childhood Obesity, July 13, 2011, Murtagh and Ludwig 306 (2): 206

I really love this line.

Even relatively mild parenting deficiencies, such as having excessive junk food in the home or failing to model a physically active lifestyle, may contribute to a child’s weight problem.

William F. Buckley said:
I’d rather be governed by the first 2,000 names in the Boston telephone directory than by the 2,000 members of the Harvard faculty.

I would think they don't mean kids who have to shop in the "husky" section, but 12 year olds who wiegh 400 lbs. Although I am not a huge fan on state intervention into anything, as that point shouldn't someone try to do something to fix the situation. At that wieght the kids cant get to the food, it has to get to them.
Tell me again how smart people from Harvard are, and how I should be afraid of conservatives that want to take over the government.

As the Western world gets fatter and fatter, the solutions to slimming it down get ever more draconian. In Britain yesterday, the government issued guidelines saying "children under the age of 5, including babies who can’t walk yet, should exercise every day." Today, in the States, a pair of Harvard scholars writing in the Journal of the American Medical Association advocate stripping away the custody rights of parents of super obese children. They're for real!
"Despite the discomfort posed by state intervention, it may sometimes be necessary to protect a child," said Lindsey Murtagh, a lawyer and researcher at Harvard's School of Public Health. The study's co-author, David Ludwig, says taking away peoples' children "ideally will support not just the child but the whole family, with the goal of reuniting child and family as soon as possible." Ludwig, an obesity specialist at Harvard-affiliated Children's Hospital, said his eureka moment was when a 90-pound, 3-year-old girl entered his obesity clinic a number of years ago," reports Lindsey Tanner at the Associated Press.

Harvard Researchers Want Fat Kids Taken from Their Homes - Politics - The Atlantic Wire

Here is the link to the JAMA piece.

State Intervention in Life-Threatening Childhood Obesity, July 13, 2011, Murtagh and Ludwig 306 (2): 206

I really love this line.

Even relatively mild parenting deficiencies, such as having excessive junk food in the home or failing to model a physically active lifestyle, may contribute to a child’s weight problem.

William F. Buckley said:
I’d rather be governed by the first 2,000 names in the Boston telephone directory than by the 2,000 members of the Harvard faculty.

So is Obama going to fund the FAT POLICE. Which would mean putting out squads at all the fast food restaurants--grocery stores--whatever to slap that Whopper out of that overweight kids hands? Then of course we'll move onto taxpayer funded FAT FARMS--where citizens are forced to go and run off that lard--and learn how to eat right--:lol:

Hey--under this administration--NOTHING would surprise me right now.

Oh wow... now Obama's name gets thrown in? Some people's hatred knows no bounds. Unfortunately... it's so fucking predictable from you idiots on the right.

That being said... it's bullshit. I'm sure that getting ripped out of their homes and put into a Gestapo food environment will make obese kids(which most obesity stems from a combination of genetics and emotional issues) feel so much better about themselves. yeah... they'll cure their obesity... by way of drug addiction or suicide.

I know that people tend to like simple solutions to problems... but food addiction is real. Food tends to be an obese person's drug of choice. A change in scenery isn't going to do shit...in fact, it'll worsen the problem.
Where are they going to put all these little black and hispanic fat ass's?
A 400lb 12-year-old? Yes, that is a kind of child abuse. We're not talking about 100lb corn-fed kids, we're talking about the prepubescent morbidly obese.

Now, I don't agree with taking such children away from their parents. But the idea is impractical, not morally wrong.
Trying to generalize about "Harvard smart people" from the opinions of a single person would be the same as generalizing that all "Christians" support the opinions of the Westboro Baptist Church.

It was not a single person. I just have contempt for anyone, no matter where they are, who thinks it is the government's job to prevent things like kids getting fat. That includes the smart people in the UK who think all children under 5 should exercise daily, even if they are not capable of walking.
A 400lb 12-year-old? Yes, that is a kind of child abuse. We're not talking about 100lb corn-fed kids, we're talking about the prepubescent morbidly obese.

Now, I don't agree with taking such children away from their parents. But the idea is impractical, not morally wrong.

The only other option is to try to tell the idiot parents they are killing thier kid. If they don't listen, the kid will probably die of something before they are 30.

If one doesn't accept government intervention in cases like this, one has to accept the possibility of the kid croaking.
Can we take kids from the homes of the terminally liberal before they turn into brain-dead adults?
Harvard Researchers Want Fat Kids Taken from Their Homes

Harvard Researchers were probably abused as children.
What do you expect out of authoritarian nanny state twigs who believe they're superior to the common man??

I mean, they go to Harvard for fucks sake... Of course in their fucked up minds that gives them the green light to steal children if they don't agree with a parents parenting.

Thank God the progressive ego is in no way a comparison to the strong patriots body....

The funny part is these Nazi progressives whom claim their intelligence exceeds the common man never mentions genetic thyroid problems for obesity, much like the American Indians face - no - they blame obesity on overeating...

They cant control thyroids - however, they can control food, which is a staple of every communist governments control over their constituents.
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Can we take kids from the homes of the terminally liberal before they turn into brain-dead adults?

Wow... sounds like Nazi or Soviet style re-education camps... no wonder you are advocating for them.

Whatever happened to the land of the free? Oh yeah... I forgot... Only if you have Conservative values are you worthy of freedom. You fuckers have no idea what you say when you say shit like that. Then you sit there dumbfounded when someone calls you a bigot or a racist or a fascist.

you are clueless.
What do you expect out of authoritarian nanny state twigs who believe they're superior to the common man??

I mean, they go to Harvard for fucks sake... Of course in their fucked up minds that gives them the green light to steal children if they don't agree with a parents parenting.

Thank God the progressive ego is in no way a comparison to the strong patriots body....

The funny part is these Nazi progressives whom claim their intelligence exceeds the common man never mentions genetic thyroid problems for obesity, much like the American Indians face - no - they blame obesity on overeating...

They cant control thyroids - however, they can control food, which is a staple of every communist governments control over their constituents.

Bold #1: yeah as opposed to billy bob's high skool for special people.

Bold #2: Nazi Progressives? Waaaait a second here buddy.... who wants to get rid of the whole idea of Democracy in these here United States? If anything YOUR side thinks that.. in your eyes, the will of the people does not matter.... it's only the Conservative Agenda that matters. Your ideology over the people is the main part of the problem in this country.

Finally... Fuck you with your Communist bullshit. You don't think they have tests for the thyroid gland? Don't you think they'd eliminate that first? the Thyroid is not the main cause for obesity. But then again... neither is it a matter of just plain willpower. I've already said that I think the study is bullshit and implementing it would be a disaster.... but some of you fuckers' hate for this administration runs so deep, that in your mind... it's already been implemented. That's how fucking deranged you are. Seek help.
The cause of this whole fat mess is we've been preached too much "Toooooleeerance". We are told we must tolerate every sexual perversion, weird religious belief, strange lifestyle, or just about any behavior (other than conservatism) that humans have, and we can't ridicule or mock them.

We need peer pressure. We need to mock and ridicule the fat and their fat kids. Only government force or peer pressure will fix the fat problem. And I hate government force.


You disgusting fat bodies out there, get on a fucking treadmill and trade the twinkie for a salad. And don't breed. You fatties, along with the welfare queens (Some of you are both) need to stop eating breeding so damn much.

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