Harrison Ford Gives Speech On Saving The Planet..Gives Us 10 More Years To Live


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Personally, I don't like taking advice from Hollywood idiots that don't understand the science, nor do they understand the effect that Global Warming legislation would have on an economy. They're too busy living in their mansions and flying in their private jets to Dubai to be bothered with the truth. Ted Turner warned us we had 10 years to live.....as did Al Gore. I keep wondering when these retarded bastards will get wise and stop fearmongering. Bozell & Graham Column: Harrison Ford's Climate Horror Story


Bozell & Graham Column: Harrison Ford's Climate Horror Story

NBC late-night comedian Seth Meyers recently dedicated one of his “comedy” diatribes to denouncing “scaremongering about socialism.”

Liberals have a right to lecture us on some things, but scaremongering ain’t one of them. These are the same people that relentlessly scare-monger the American people about “climate change.”

In a recent video to promote a World Government Summit in Dubai, legendary Star Wars actor Harrison Ford offered the usual litany of doom. “What does living in a four-degrees-warmer world look like? Fresh water shortages. Higher greenhouse gas emissions. Unprecedented fires. Worldwide destruction. Is this the world we want?

Ford added “Our planet, the only home we've got, is suffering. This is the bare truth. This is our reality. It's up to you and me to act now to face the greatest moral crisis of our time. To take action. It is time to make a difference.”

Leftists can make this kind of unproven doom scenario forever and it never loses its “moral authority.” It doesn’t matter that they’ve been selling the End of Humanity since at least 1968, when Paul Ehrlich published his ludicrous manifesto The Population Bomb. Did we all die over the last fifty years? Does anyone point and laugh at the “Elite Media” that eagerly pushed that Fake News?

In 1989, Ehrlich himself narrated several long “news” segments making comical predictions on NBC’s Today show. He actually predicted end-of-days flooding would force folks to hitch their boats to the Washington Monument. Thirty years later, we’re still on terra firma.

The next year, actress Meryl Streep narrated a ten-part PBS documentary series called Race to Save the Planet, and predicted “By the year 2000, that’s less than 10 years away, the Earth’s climate will be warmer than it’s been in over 100,000 years. If we don’t do something, there will be enormous calamities in a very short time.”

It wasn’t true, and it never mattered, because doom is apparently always ten years away. No one believed Streep was an actual scientific expert. She enjoyed a higher qualification. She was a movie star, used like a commercial pitch-man, the same way that George Clooney tells you to drink Nespresso coffee.

Ford has used his movie-star charisma on this cause for years on behalf of a group called Conservation International. As part of this crusade, he told CNN that this wasn’t a left-right issue. "It's not about political ideologies....we've been disaggregated into political ideology groups and we've got to find this middle ground to get things done."

Touching but untrue.

As you can see from the laughable details of the “Green New Deal,” the Left’s prescriptions are in no way in the “middle ground” unless it’s in the mainstream that government is mandated to end the scourges of airplane travel and cow flatulence.

At this summit in Dubai, :soapbox:Ford gave a speech and pointed the finger at President Trump and the “climate deniers” in general. True to form, Ford muttered “In ten years, it may be too late.”:puhleeze:
Personally, I don't like taking advice from Hollywood idiots that don't understand the science, nor do they understand the effect that Global Warming legislation would have on an economy. They're too busy living in their mansions and flying in their private jets to Dubai to be bothered with the truth. Ted Turner warned us we had 10 years to live.....as did Al Gore. I keep wondering when these retarded bastards will get wise and stop fearmongering. Bozell & Graham Column: Harrison Ford's Climate Horror Story


Bozell & Graham Column: Harrison Ford's Climate Horror Story

NBC late-night comedian Seth Meyers recently dedicated one of his “comedy” diatribes to denouncing “scaremongering about socialism.”

Liberals have a right to lecture us on some things, but scaremongering ain’t one of them. These are the same people that relentlessly scare-monger the American people about “climate change.”

In a recent video to promote a World Government Summit in Dubai, legendary Star Wars actor Harrison Ford offered the usual litany of doom. “What does living in a four-degrees-warmer world look like? Fresh water shortages. Higher greenhouse gas emissions. Unprecedented fires. Worldwide destruction. Is this the world we want?

Ford added “Our planet, the only home we've got, is suffering. This is the bare truth. This is our reality. It's up to you and me to act now to face the greatest moral crisis of our time. To take action. It is time to make a difference.”

Leftists can make this kind of unproven doom scenario forever and it never loses its “moral authority.” It doesn’t matter that they’ve been selling the End of Humanity since at least 1968, when Paul Ehrlich published his ludicrous manifesto The Population Bomb. Did we all die over the last fifty years? Does anyone point and laugh at the “Elite Media” that eagerly pushed that Fake News?

In 1989, Ehrlich himself narrated several long “news” segments making comical predictions on NBC’s Today show. He actually predicted end-of-days flooding would force folks to hitch their boats to the Washington Monument. Thirty years later, we’re still on terra firma.

The next year, actress Meryl Streep narrated a ten-part PBS documentary series called Race to Save the Planet, and predicted “By the year 2000, that’s less than 10 years away, the Earth’s climate will be warmer than it’s been in over 100,000 years. If we don’t do something, there will be enormous calamities in a very short time.”

It wasn’t true, and it never mattered, because doom is apparently always ten years away. No one believed Streep was an actual scientific expert. She enjoyed a higher qualification. She was a movie star, used like a commercial pitch-man, the same way that George Clooney tells you to drink Nespresso coffee.

Ford has used his movie-star charisma on this cause for years on behalf of a group called Conservation International. As part of this crusade, he told CNN that this wasn’t a left-right issue. "It's not about political ideologies....we've been disaggregated into political ideology groups and we've got to find this middle ground to get things done."

Touching but untrue.

As you can see from the laughable details of the “Green New Deal,” the Left’s prescriptions are in no way in the “middle ground” unless it’s in the mainstream that government is mandated to end the scourges of airplane travel and cow flatulence.

At this summit in Dubai, :soapbox:Ford gave a speech and pointed the finger at President Trump and the “climate deniers” in general. True to form, Ford muttered “In ten years, it may be too late.”:puhleeze:
/----/ Give an actor a script and free publicity - and they will say anything.
He probably wants to start a transport business ferrying us off of this doomed planet on the millennium falcon.... :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Up to this I liked him. Many years ago I saw in a interview where he was somewhat embittered because he was not taking seriously as a potential award winning actor. He basically said he knows who he is. I keep removing movies and TV series to watch. Although I do have some leeway. Lets face it. Charlie Sheen plays himself to the ultimate in his TV series. One of the best characters ever. Although his brother character is now known also as a progressive socialist.
Personally, I don't like taking advice from Hollywood idiots that don't understand the science, nor do they understand the effect that Global Warming legislation would have on an economy. They're too busy living in their mansions and flying in their private jets to Dubai to be bothered with the truth. Ted Turner warned us we had 10 years to live.....as did Al Gore. I keep wondering when these retarded bastards will get wise and stop fearmongering. Bozell & Graham Column: Harrison Ford's Climate Horror Story


Bozell & Graham Column: Harrison Ford's Climate Horror Story

NBC late-night comedian Seth Meyers recently dedicated one of his “comedy” diatribes to denouncing “scaremongering about socialism.”

Liberals have a right to lecture us on some things, but scaremongering ain’t one of them. These are the same people that relentlessly scare-monger the American people about “climate change.”

In a recent video to promote a World Government Summit in Dubai, legendary Star Wars actor Harrison Ford offered the usual litany of doom. “What does living in a four-degrees-warmer world look like? Fresh water shortages. Higher greenhouse gas emissions. Unprecedented fires. Worldwide destruction. Is this the world we want?

Ford added “Our planet, the only home we've got, is suffering. This is the bare truth. This is our reality. It's up to you and me to act now to face the greatest moral crisis of our time. To take action. It is time to make a difference.”

Leftists can make this kind of unproven doom scenario forever and it never loses its “moral authority.” It doesn’t matter that they’ve been selling the End of Humanity since at least 1968, when Paul Ehrlich published his ludicrous manifesto The Population Bomb. Did we all die over the last fifty years? Does anyone point and laugh at the “Elite Media” that eagerly pushed that Fake News?

In 1989, Ehrlich himself narrated several long “news” segments making comical predictions on NBC’s Today show. He actually predicted end-of-days flooding would force folks to hitch their boats to the Washington Monument. Thirty years later, we’re still on terra firma.

The next year, actress Meryl Streep narrated a ten-part PBS documentary series called Race to Save the Planet, and predicted “By the year 2000, that’s less than 10 years away, the Earth’s climate will be warmer than it’s been in over 100,000 years. If we don’t do something, there will be enormous calamities in a very short time.”

It wasn’t true, and it never mattered, because doom is apparently always ten years away. No one believed Streep was an actual scientific expert. She enjoyed a higher qualification. She was a movie star, used like a commercial pitch-man, the same way that George Clooney tells you to drink Nespresso coffee.

Ford has used his movie-star charisma on this cause for years on behalf of a group called Conservation International. As part of this crusade, he told CNN that this wasn’t a left-right issue. "It's not about political ideologies....we've been disaggregated into political ideology groups and we've got to find this middle ground to get things done."

Touching but untrue.

As you can see from the laughable details of the “Green New Deal,” the Left’s prescriptions are in no way in the “middle ground” unless it’s in the mainstream that government is mandated to end the scourges of airplane travel and cow flatulence.

At this summit in Dubai, :soapbox:Ford gave a speech and pointed the finger at President Trump and the “climate deniers” in general. True to form, Ford muttered “In ten years, it may be too late.”:puhleeze:
Han Solo is full of shit...
BTW, notice how a communist acts when she thinks she isn't being photographed.....


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Says She Opposes Capitalism. A Recently Taken Photo Suggests Otherwise
There are many who speak loudly against capitalism, all the while still enjoying its benefits. To illustrate this point, just look at Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez texting from her iPhone, wearing a Movado watch, and drinking a Starbucks coffee. A democratic socialist, who thinks of capitalism as an immoral system, seems to enjoy the goods provided by big corporations. It is not only Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, however; this is common behavior in Western societies.
Personally, I don't like taking advice from Hollywood idiots that don't understand the science, nor do they understand the effect that Global Warming legislation would have on an economy. They're too busy living in their mansions and flying in their private jets to Dubai to be bothered with the truth. Ted Turner warned us we had 10 years to live.....as did Al Gore. I keep wondering when these retarded bastards will get wise and stop fearmongering. Bozell & Graham Column: Harrison Ford's Climate Horror Story


Bozell & Graham Column: Harrison Ford's Climate Horror Story

NBC late-night comedian Seth Meyers recently dedicated one of his “comedy” diatribes to denouncing “scaremongering about socialism.”

Liberals have a right to lecture us on some things, but scaremongering ain’t one of them. These are the same people that relentlessly scare-monger the American people about “climate change.”

In a recent video to promote a World Government Summit in Dubai, legendary Star Wars actor Harrison Ford offered the usual litany of doom. “What does living in a four-degrees-warmer world look like? Fresh water shortages. Higher greenhouse gas emissions. Unprecedented fires. Worldwide destruction. Is this the world we want?

Ford added “Our planet, the only home we've got, is suffering. This is the bare truth. This is our reality. It's up to you and me to act now to face the greatest moral crisis of our time. To take action. It is time to make a difference.”

Leftists can make this kind of unproven doom scenario forever and it never loses its “moral authority.” It doesn’t matter that they’ve been selling the End of Humanity since at least 1968, when Paul Ehrlich published his ludicrous manifesto The Population Bomb. Did we all die over the last fifty years? Does anyone point and laugh at the “Elite Media” that eagerly pushed that Fake News?

In 1989, Ehrlich himself narrated several long “news” segments making comical predictions on NBC’s Today show. He actually predicted end-of-days flooding would force folks to hitch their boats to the Washington Monument. Thirty years later, we’re still on terra firma.

The next year, actress Meryl Streep narrated a ten-part PBS documentary series called Race to Save the Planet, and predicted “By the year 2000, that’s less than 10 years away, the Earth’s climate will be warmer than it’s been in over 100,000 years. If we don’t do something, there will be enormous calamities in a very short time.”

It wasn’t true, and it never mattered, because doom is apparently always ten years away. No one believed Streep was an actual scientific expert. She enjoyed a higher qualification. She was a movie star, used like a commercial pitch-man, the same way that George Clooney tells you to drink Nespresso coffee.

Ford has used his movie-star charisma on this cause for years on behalf of a group called Conservation International. As part of this crusade, he told CNN that this wasn’t a left-right issue. "It's not about political ideologies....we've been disaggregated into political ideology groups and we've got to find this middle ground to get things done."

Touching but untrue.

As you can see from the laughable details of the “Green New Deal,” the Left’s prescriptions are in no way in the “middle ground” unless it’s in the mainstream that government is mandated to end the scourges of airplane travel and cow flatulence.

At this summit in Dubai, :soapbox:Ford gave a speech and pointed the finger at President Trump and the “climate deniers” in general. True to form, Ford muttered “In ten years, it may be too late.”:puhleeze:

But he is Han Solo, he knows these things.
This THC soaked hypocrite has a private jet and a fleet of airplanes at his disposal. Harrison Ford's passion for flying has seen him amass huge collection of aircraft | Daily Mail Online
What sort of industrial strength hubris and utter gall drives Hollywood millionaires to lecture others about the world going to hell when they themselves, Ford and his ilk, are driving us there faster than ever thanks to their selfish self centered indulgences?

The blatant hypocrisy is mind boggling. Fuck off, you Hollywood clown!
This THC soaked hypocrite has a private jet and a fleet of airplanes at his disposal. Harrison Ford's passion for flying has seen him amass huge collection of aircraft | Daily Mail Online
What sort of industrial strength hubris and utter gall drives Hollywood millionaires to lecture others about the world going to hell when they themselves, Ford and his ilk, are driving us there faster than ever thanks to their selfish self centered indulgences?

The blatant hypocrisy is mind boggling. Fuck off, you Hollywood clown!
What a mind numbingly idiotic post. He is calling for policies and global solutions. He is not telling you not to buy an airplane.
What a mind numbingly idiotic post. He is calling for policies and global solutions. He is not telling you not to buy an airplane.
Well that's too bad because there is a reason why Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in her Green New Deal wants to end air traffic in this country in ten year's time, speaking of mind numbing idiocy.

How stupid are you that you cannot make the simple mental leap between what Harrison Ford is against, on the one hand (global warming and irreparable harm to the earth) and what he loves, on the other (getting in big fuel guzzling private jets and a fleet of personal airplanes and flying them as much as he pleases).

The two positions he holds are irreconcilable. You can't be for them both! Duh...

You must be extra special dimwitted not to make that connection.
This THC soaked hypocrite has a private jet and a fleet of airplanes at his disposal. Harrison Ford's passion for flying has seen him amass huge collection of aircraft | Daily Mail Online
What sort of industrial strength hubris and utter gall drives Hollywood millionaires to lecture others about the world going to hell when they themselves, Ford and his ilk, are driving us there faster than ever thanks to their selfish self centered indulgences?

The blatant hypocrisy is mind boggling. Fuck off, you Hollywood clown!
What a mind numbingly idiotic post. He is calling for policies and global solutions. He is not telling you not to buy an airplane.

Yes of course. If you are a multi millionaire who can afford your own plane, then you’re OK. But we need policies to tax the little people when they fly to discourage flying because it hurts the environment.
BTW, notice how a communist acts when she thinks she isn't being photographed.....


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Says She Opposes Capitalism. A Recently Taken Photo Suggests Otherwise
There are many who speak loudly against capitalism, all the while still enjoying its benefits. To illustrate this point, just look at Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez texting from her iPhone, wearing a Movado watch, and drinking a Starbucks coffee. A democratic socialist, who thinks of capitalism as an immoral system, seems to enjoy the goods provided by big corporations. It is not only Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, however; this is common behavior in Western societies.
/——/ How will APC force other countries to give up their airplanes?

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