CDZ Hard to imagine!

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The Little Red Hen being "Red" is inescapably ironic.
In 1941, producer Walt Disney took out an ad in Variety, the industry trade magazine, declaring his conviction that "Communist agitation" was behind a cartoonists and animators' strike. According to historians Larry Ceplair and Steven Englund, "In actuality, the strike had resulted from Disney's overbearing paternalism, high-handedness, and insensitivity."[8] Inspired by Disney, California State Senator Jack Tenney, chairman of the state legislature's Joint Fact-Finding Committee on Un-American Activities, launched an investigation of "Reds in movies". The probe fell flat, and was mocked in several Variety headlines.
In retrospect, Reagan's duplicity was equally stunning.
From 1947 to 1952, Reagan served as president of the Screen Actors Guild, during which time he worked to root out alleged communist influence within it. In the 1950s, he moved to a career in television and became a spokesman for General Electric. From 1959 to 1960, he again served as president of the Screen Actors Guild. In 1964, his speech "A Time for Choosing"—a campaign speech on behalf of Republican presidential nominee Barry Goldwater—earned him national attention as a new conservative figure. Building a network of supporters, Reagan was elected as governor of California in 1966. During his governorship, he raised taxes
Don't be a jerk. Giant corporations like Disney and General Electric largely buy back their "bread" now, in essence feeding upon themselves. Conservatism run amok. Turns out real life never boils down to simplistic moral dichotomies. Embrace the struggle. I do me. You do you. Allow others to "contribute" as best they can and see fit.
19.7 % of GDP is spent on U.S. healthcare per person with millions of folks not included in any of it. or $12,000+ per person. Universal Healthcare in Canada is only 12.7 % of GDP with no one left behind. If not corruption please advise what's wrong and if wrong, why its not fixed?
A couple of years ago I spoke with a proud Canadian who had recently retired from IBM. The main reason she retired early was because the company offered lifetime private insurance coverage!
Not at all, i have yet to go into another country illegally and demand free stuff. So that right there, makes me more morally right than all those diseased illegals crossing our southern border and the progressive assholes who want to replace people like you, with them.
Hey Mike! There are over 60 million Hispanics and 40 million African decent now living in the territories of of the Former U.S. That's a quarter of the folks living in U.S.! I do say former for the only way to come to terms with this reality is to divide er up. Thinking ya better do it sooner than later. The entire coastline from Oregon to Mexico might be truly lost to the right. Maine to the Carolina's, lost as well. The right could keep Florida as a satellite territory and most of the heartlands. This would at least clarify the situation.

Imagine the following. Fox tabloid is the news media for the Heartlands and Florida. CNN could be media for the Western States with MSNBC being the media for the Eastern States. Imagine an anchor for each sharing their Op Eds. It would sound almost as it is and should be. So much discourse would evaporate. Trump and Desantis could be president and Vice of The Heartland States. Kamala Harris and AOC President of the Eastern States. Leaving Kevin McCarthy and Mike Garcia as Western State leaders.

Raybo, Raybo, wake up its time to go to work.
Hey Mike! There are over 60 million Hispanics and 40 million African decent now living in the territories of of the Former U.S. That's a quarter of the folks living in U.S.! I do say former for the only way to come to terms with this reality is to divide er up. Thinking ya better do it sooner than later. The entire coastline from Oregon to Mexico might be truly lost to the right. Maine to the Carolina's, lost as well. The right could keep Florida as a satellite territory and most of the heartlands. This would at least clarify the situation.

Imagine the following. Fox tabloid is the news media for the Heartlands and Florida. CNN could be media for the Western States with MSNBC being the media for the Eastern States. Imagine an anchor for each sharing their Op Eds. It would sound almost as it is and should be. So much discourse would evaporate. Trump and Desantis could be president and Vice of The Heartland States. Kamala Harris and AOC President of the Eastern States. Leaving Kevin McCarthy and Mike Garcia as Western State leaders.

Raybo, Raybo, wake up its time to go to work.
My preference is to be a citizen of the UNITED states of America. NOT a member of the nutty extremes of either political party.
Actually, Biden is going to run again, which is good news for Republicans and Trump. It will split the Democrats as the crazies all rush to the Greens and whatever loony ranting racist black woman they decide to run this time, while the feral animals in the main criminal syndicate and the gangbangers all shred each other vying for supremacy in the primaries.
My preference is to be a citizen of the UNITED states of America. NOT a member of the nutty extremes of either political party.

Ya know it took several generations of white folks to accept each other as they assimilated here in America. Europeans mostly, yet they needed to leave Europe and the ways of old to find a way to accept anew. The migrations descend now largely upon the larger cities in all of North America as they see traces of their own, within. Assimilation will come, only now we have a much greater diversity. How long will it take?

All indicators point to the nutty extremes as rooted in a means to hold on to what has been gained in whatever is their familiar social hierarchy. I am looking for more... though I am finding it unlikely to find a greater cause regarding the discourse. Inner city ghetto's or hoods come to mind that define the differences. Just as the gangsters took hold of Chicago in the 30's and similar cities it took a while to clean that up. When the U.S.S.R. broke up there it was again. Tsunami in Sumatra island, Indonesia, second responders were sex slave gangsters.

So by opening up the doors of society while moving toward accepting the new, the time line for assimilation is always pending and is not an easy one.

Actually, Biden is going to run again, which is good news for Republicans and Trump. It will split the Democrats as the crazies all rush to the Greens and whatever loony ranting racist black woman they decide to run this time, while the feral animals in the main criminal syndicate and the gangbangers all shred each other vying for supremacy in the primaries.
D.S. Biden is done! He will not run again. You know he can't say as much.
I do find your thread refreshing. Kinda know where ya stand and where your coming from. (smile)
D.S. Biden is done! He will not run again. You know he can't say as much.
I do find your thread refreshing. Kinda know where ya stand and where your coming from. (smile)

You're too stupid to figure out anything, especially where anybody stands. You do what you're told to.

As for Biden, if he's not dead, he is going to run again, and it will hopefully split the Party. These narcissists are too vain to bow out.

Now go sit with the other faggots on the Group W bench.

I'll toss ya a twenty US if Biden runs a second term. Been wondering if ya seen any opposition to your nearly 8000 messages. This one couldn't image it any other way. Perhaps you are wise beyond measure, yet this is not consistent with wisdom to spew venom as easily as you do. Broken perhaps! Apathy lacking motivation to really do anything or just can't see that opposing opinions are as valid as yours. Now that would be Narcissistic! Darn, I'm just too stupid to figure it out. After I go down to Alice's and figure it out, why don't you join us and we could dig deeper as to who the real perps are.
Living North of the 49th has taken it's toll on this guy. As any country might ride the wave of prosperity of it's neighbour, my lifelong resolve toward the U.S. and her Liberty I believed was fixed with an overall positive outlook unequalled. However, the disillusions surrounding Uncle Sam are beginning to astound even me. Alternative facts for instance, are based solely on opinion and biases that point toward feelings and desire of urgency. Something is changing or slipping away.... We got to stop or fix it, quick! Why??

Racism for instance, is a time before assimilation. The Spanish, English, French as well as other Europeans became Americans. Imagine an Irish and/or Italian in 1820 believing as much. Why so hard to imagine? Fighting for independence, for freedom and justice became your calling card. One just needs to imagine moving forward further. In time the oriental block will become just Asians, similar to the African. In time all will assimilate. One doesn't call out Brazil, for her peoples are becoming truly assimilated and the most gorgeous folks in appearance.

Healthcare! Former President Trump called the poor, corrupt and mostly African nations shit holes, yet most of the world is looking in at the plight of healthcare corruption in the U.S. with utter contempt and dismay. Ride your Liberty and finally create the best affordable in the world.

Politics: Fake news! The coin originated in Ukraine as they called the propaganda coming from Russia fake for last 30 yrs. How Trump picked it up on it?? Imagine! Much like Reagans 1980 Let's make America great again... there is very little originality if any here. Why are ancients such as Pelosi and McConnel still around. Power of course, yet a renewal is pending. Biden, will not run in 2024. Renewal is coming! A time for common ground is needed! Ignore Ignorance and embrace. I have not travelled to any country that any local has not treated me as one of theirs; for it's not the people. Political agenda's, power not withstanding.

Media: The U.S. media used to lean left or right. Now as I listen to Fox and Msnbc (and more) on opposing spectrums former guidelines need to be reapplied such as the Fairness Doctrine. Reagan changed this (unliked by conservatives) when in 1987 preventing opposing views to be aired on any network was struck down. Hard to imagine the polarization that has followed, isn't it?

...any suggestions how to point toward a better and humane future please continue...
You make some good points in your posts, and some that don't. Fighting with your nearest neighbors makes no sense to me. Think how incredibly strong we would be if we forged good relationships with our neighbors both to the north & south of us.
This one mentioned to redirect the 5 Billion the U.S. is throwing away annually on security, mostly southern border and create industry south of the border that Mexicans could train and be prosperous doing. In, time the prosperity and development would cease the migration issues.

Now, might it be possible to excite those in power to endorse this? The common denominator for such types is ultimately women and gold or lust and greed. Lust being the imitation of love while greed is the pinnacle of selfish desire. Remember, together they stand opposed to the very offerings directly given by the Divine. Do not covet, bare false witness, steal, nor commit adultery and of course kill. Honor or love and respect parents in your youth who are earnestly trying to guide you. Those in power fail in most all of these lower commandments. The remaining 4 commands dealing with the Divine are unfathomable to those who are bound so.

Yet let's consider: The annual 5 billion redirected on new industry to the south, could be propped up (run) by those in power for a 7 (seven year) period. We could invite initially the most beautiful of the Mexicans in the ratio (male/female) of those in power (who apply) and as a requisite to their new found ways... they would couple up with the youth of the powerful. In seven years they would be required to leave their station and ignite their own commerce. As such things grow the seven year exodus would be staggered over time.

In this way, the powerful could embrace their lust while improving the station of the most beautiful. Even as their lust would be realized they would begin to see that a better way apart from this arrangement, might be more amicable. Lust might just be turned over to the basics of love and new insights. Any coupling that fail in the seven year period would be stripped of their assets and power. So if you get on board you will need to hold fast.

In the course of time, other area's might invite similar arrangements. Isn't this what the powerful do anyways, only now we could monitor and learn, while reversing the foibles of lust and greed.....

hey ray... ray wake up. It's time to go to work. Your border patrol is waiting for you. Don't leave without your gun! See you tonight!!

Moral of those stories is that "The Little Red Hen" wasn't really designed for pre-school or kindergartners. It was design for them TO REMEMBER once they joined the real world.

Thus the Ronald Reagan "fractured" version of the tale. That's what makes a lefty union boss Hollywood star decide that Socialism/Communism is not a solution to economic equality.

That and living in Hollywood, with mostly out of actors worth $Mills talking a good game about "the unfairness of Capitalism".
Moral of those stories is that "The Little Red Hen" wasn't really designed for pre-school or kindergartners. It was design for them TO REMEMBER once they joined the real world.

Thus the Ronald Reagan "fractured" version of the tale. That's what makes a lefty union boss Hollywood star decide that Socialism/Communism is not a solution to economic equality.

That and living in Hollywood, with mostly out of actors worth $Mills talking a good game about "the unfairness of Capitalism".
Great tale, Flac! Link? Tbh, sounds like you're just not quite developmentally ready for the concept.
Little Red Hen can't beat Atlas Shrugged for revelations. And WHY EXACTLY was it that the nasty selfish hen WAS RED?

Why is your devil red? Why are Republicans red? WHY are you always SHOUTING?

These questions would trouble your soul.. were it sufficiently developed.
When the government agent came, he said to the little red hen,
"You must not be greedy."
"But I earned the bread," said the little red hen.
"Exactly," said the agent. "That's the wonderful free enterprise system. Anyone in the barnyard can earn as much as he wants. But under our modern government regulations the productive workers must divide their product with the idle."
And they lived happily ever after, including the little red hen, who smiled and clucked, "I am grateful, I am grateful."
But her neighbors wondered why she never again baked any more bread.
This is Ronald Reagan, thanks for listening.
With the passing of a year, all of the animals (save Benjamin) have wholly swallowed Napoleon's propaganda: Despite their working like "slaves," the animals believe that "everything they did was for the benefit of themselves" and "not for a pack of idle, thieving human beings." When Napoleon orders that animals will need to work on Sundays, he calls the work "strictly voluntary" yet adds that any animal who does not volunteer will have his rations reduced. Thus, Napoleon is able to foster a sense of unity (where animals "volunteer") using the threat of hunger. This transformation of obvious dictatorial practices (forced labor) into seemingly benevolent social programs (volunteering) is another of Napoleon's methods for keeping the animals working and docile.

The effect of Napoleon's propaganda is also seen in Boxer's unflagging devotion to the windmill. Even when warned by Clover about exerting himself, Boxer can only think, "I will work harder" and "Napoleon is always right." The fact that he can only think in slogans reflects his inability to engage in any real thought at all. Slogans such as these are powerful weapons for leaders like Napoleon, who want to keep their followers devoted, docile, and dumb.
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