CDZ Hard to imagine!

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Jun 7, 2022
Living North of the 49th has taken it's toll on this guy. As any country might ride the wave of prosperity of it's neighbour, my lifelong resolve toward the U.S. and her Liberty I believed was fixed with an overall positive outlook unequalled. However, the disillusions surrounding Uncle Sam are beginning to astound even me. Alternative facts for instance, are based solely on opinion and biases that point toward feelings and desire of urgency. Something is changing or slipping away.... We got to stop or fix it, quick! Why??

Racism for instance, is a time before assimilation. The Spanish, English, French as well as other Europeans became Americans. Imagine an Irish and/or Italian in 1820 believing as much. Why so hard to imagine? Fighting for independence, for freedom and justice became your calling card. One just needs to imagine moving forward further. In time the oriental block will become just Asians, similar to the African. In time all will assimilate. One doesn't call out Brazil, for her peoples are becoming truly assimilated and the most gorgeous folks in appearance.

Healthcare! Former President Trump called the poor, corrupt and mostly African nations shit holes, yet most of the world is looking in at the plight of healthcare corruption in the U.S. with utter contempt and dismay. Ride your Liberty and finally create the best affordable in the world.

Politics: Fake news! The coin originated in Ukraine as they called the propaganda coming from Russia fake for last 30 yrs. How Trump picked it up on it?? Imagine! Much like Reagans 1980 Let's make America great again... there is very little originality if any here. Why are ancients such as Pelosi and McConnel still around. Power of course, yet a renewal is pending. Biden, will not run in 2024. Renewal is coming! A time for common ground is needed! Ignore Ignorance and embrace. I have not travelled to any country that any local has not treated me as one of theirs; for it's not the people. Political agenda's, power not withstanding.

Media: The U.S. media used to lean left or right. Now as I listen to Fox and Msnbc (and more) on opposing spectrums former guidelines need to be reapplied such as the Fairness Doctrine. Reagan changed this (unliked by conservatives) when in 1987 preventing opposing views to be aired on any network was struck down. Hard to imagine the polarization that has followed, isn't it?

...any suggestions how to point toward a better and humane future please continue...
Living North of the 49th has taken it's toll on this guy. As any country might ride the wave of prosperity of it's neighbour, my lifelong resolve toward the U.S. and her Liberty I believed was fixed with an overall positive outlook unequalled. However, the disillusions surrounding Uncle Sam are beginning to astound even me. Alternative facts for instance, are based solely on opinion and biases that point toward feelings and desire of urgency. Something is changing or slipping away.... We got to stop or fix it, quick! Why??

Racism for instance, is a time before assimilation. The Spanish, English, French as well as other Europeans became Americans. Imagine an Irish and/or Italian in 1820 believing as much. Why so hard to imagine? Fighting for independence, for freedom and justice became your calling card. One just needs to imagine moving forward further. In time the oriental block will become just Asians, similar to the African. In time all will assimilate. One doesn't call out Brazil, for her peoples are becoming truly assimilated and the most gorgeous folks in appearance.

Healthcare! Former President Trump called the poor, corrupt and mostly African nations shit holes, yet most of the world is looking in at the plight of healthcare corruption in the U.S. with utter contempt and dismay. Ride your Liberty and finally create the best affordable in the world.

Politics: Fake news! The coin originated in Ukraine as they called the propaganda coming from Russia fake for last 30 yrs. How Trump picked it up on it?? Imagine! Much like Reagans 1980 Let's make America great again... there is very little originality if any here. Why are ancients such as Pelosi and McConnel still around. Power of course, yet a renewal is pending. Biden, will not run in 2024. Renewal is coming! A time for common ground is needed! Ignore Ignorance and embrace. I have not travelled to any country that any local has not treated me as one of theirs; for it's not the people. Political agenda's, power not withstanding.

Media: The U.S. media used to lean left or right. Now as I listen to Fox and Msnbc (and more) on opposing spectrums former guidelines need to be reapplied such as the Fairness Doctrine. Reagan changed this (unliked by conservatives) when in 1987 preventing opposing views to be aired on any network was struck down. Hard to imagine the polarization that has followed, isn't it?

...any suggestions how to point toward a better and humane future please continue...
Healthcare corruption? Do you mean when diseased illegal aliens who crossed our border by breaking the law, walk into an emergency room and "MUST" be treated, even if they dont have the money to pay for it, so law abiding US citizens who go to the hospital, have to have our ever rising insurance and deductibles increasing at an alarming rate? That healthcare corruption? If it is so bad, why are millions of these diseased illegals constantly coming here for said healthcare that is corrupted? Sorry ROOKIE, but you are a flaming left wing parrot, who spews out the filth of the Dementicrap party.
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Healthcare corruption? Do you mean when diseased illegal aliens who crossed our border by breaking the law, walk into an emergency room and "MUST" be treated, even if they dont have the money to pay for it, so law abiding US citizens who go to the hospital, have to have our ever rising insurance and deductibles increasing at an alarming rate? That healthcare corruption? If it is so bad, why are millions of these diseased illegals constantly coming here for said healthcare that is corrupted? Sorry ROOKIE, but you are a flaming left wing parrot, who spews out the filth of the Dementicrap party.
Thanks for the reply. Actually, in the near future all citizens globally will and should be able to get healthcare freely. That just might help the disease situation as well, don't you agree? I suspect most would agree that would be awesome.

With regards to your southern border and the aliens. If the U.S. directed the 5 Billion dollars spent annually on southern border security and patrol and offered to entice joint commerce agreements with Mexico on their side of the border... in 5 years the 20 billion would reverse the migration trend whereby many Hispanics could go home. Then perhaps the U.S. and Mexico could find the liberty toward securing their own Healthcare.

Hmmm! Corruption. 19.7 % of GDP is spent on U.S. healthcare per person with millions of folks not included in any of it. or $12,000+ per person. Universal Healthcare in Canada is only 12.7 % of GDP with no one left behind. If not corruption please advise what's wrong and if wrong, why its not fixed?

A law-abiding person always obeys the law and is considered to be good and honest because of this. Mike... do you know any?
Good: That which is morally right... righteousness. Mike... Interesting concept isn't it. This one has seldom if ever seen it. Have you?

Which brings us to Insurance. The reason we have insurance is because the guidelines mentioned above are not realized. Looking after one another does not need insurance. Instead, some of what truly looking after one another... just might be called is Universal healthcare and so much more.
any suggestions how to point toward a better and humane future please continue...

Nuke Canada
TN... if you like stirring the waters a little... lets do it!

The Nuke is a sadly missed option. The option for Japan in 1945 was more of the same... Hiroshima, Nagasaki or MORE TO SURRENDER. Off course they stood down! The Nuke was at the time in the hands of true warriors. If warriors were in the helm today, for instance, borders would not be overcome by another. At least not by aggression/warfare. Warriors would not tolerate unprovoked attacks... as true warriors live and die by the sword. There would have been No Korea, No Vietnam, No Lebanon, No Kuwait, No Panama, No Bosnia, No Syria, No Kosovo, No Iraq, No Ukraine and so on.

Radical in concept for sure! Yet. if Putin was shown (before invasion) a nuclear strike would reign down on Russia from several countries commanded by warriors within 72 hours of confirmed aggression; there would be no war in Ukraine. There would be no Putin!

Example: A nuke could have been detonated over the seas of northern Russia to set the conviction and resolve as Putin surrounded Ukraine. You attack! You Die! If mankind dies so be it. This NATO of global resolve would stand for all countries and boundaries. End of War or End of Mankind! Either way Mankind would be better served. It would not take 72 hours for Putin to be terminated by his own. AH! Such pleasant thoughts! (grin)

What Say You?
Thanks for the reply. Actually, in the near future all citizens globally will and should be able to get healthcare freely. That just might help the disease situation as well, don't you agree? I suspect most would agree that would be awesome.

With regards to your southern border and the aliens. If the U.S. directed the 5 Billion dollars spent annually on southern border security and patrol and offered to entice joint commerce agreements with Mexico on their side of the border... in 5 years the 20 billion would reverse the migration trend whereby many Hispanics could go home. Then perhaps the U.S. and Mexico could find the liberty toward securing their own Healthcare.

Hmmm! Corruption. 19.7 % of GDP is spent on U.S. healthcare per person with millions of folks not included in any of it. or $12,000+ per person. Universal Healthcare in Canada is only 12.7 % of GDP with no one left behind. If not corruption please advise what's wrong and if wrong, why its not fixed?

A law-abiding person always obeys the law and is considered to be good and honest because of this. Mike... do you know any?
Good: That which is morally right... righteousness. Mike... Interesting concept isn't it. This one has seldom if ever seen it. Have you?

Which brings us to Insurance. The reason we have insurance is because the guidelines mentioned above are not realized. Looking after one another does not need insurance. Instead, some of what truly looking after one another... just might be called is Universal healthcare and so much more.
Are you saying that doctors and nurses should work for free? If healthcare is a right, then schooling is a right, so teachers should be teaching for free? What about food, that should be a right, so farmers farm for free? All that was tried in the ex Soviet Union, it failed because it took the incentive of hard working people away. I am sorry for you, being that you are a product of an failed education system that lied to you.

Socialism is doomed to fail not just because it is economically unsustainable, and not just because it leads to inevitable political corruption and confiscation. It is doomed to fail not just because it suppresses incentives, destroys productivity and strips the economy of competitiveness.

The real reason socialism is doomed to fail | Fox Business
Thanks for the reply. Actually, in the near future all citizens globally will and should be able to get healthcare freely. That just might help the disease situation as well, don't you agree? I suspect most would agree that would be awesome.

With regards to your southern border and the aliens. If the U.S. directed the 5 Billion dollars spent annually on southern border security and patrol and offered to entice joint commerce agreements with Mexico on their side of the border... in 5 years the 20 billion would reverse the migration trend whereby many Hispanics could go home. Then perhaps the U.S. and Mexico could find the liberty toward securing their own Healthcare.

Hmmm! Corruption. 19.7 % of GDP is spent on U.S. healthcare per person with millions of folks not included in any of it. or $12,000+ per person. Universal Healthcare in Canada is only 12.7 % of GDP with no one left behind. If not corruption please advise what's wrong and if wrong, why its not fixed?

A law-abiding person always obeys the law and is considered to be good and honest because of this. Mike... do you know any?
Good: That which is morally right... righteousness. Mike... Interesting concept isn't it. This one has seldom if ever seen it. Have you?

Which brings us to Insurance. The reason we have insurance is because the guidelines mentioned above are not realized. Looking after one another does not need insurance. Instead, some of what truly looking after one another... just might be called is Universal healthcare and so much more.
I have never entered another country unlawfully, especially looking for free stuff. So yeah, i have a higher morality that the diseased illegals that cross our southern border every day.
Im glad you arent in any position of power.
Good grief
Hmmm! Yet, you were the one who offered to Nuke Canada. I did not dismiss your post. Your welcome!
How about this one from American folk song. I could have me a million more friends, all I'd have to do is loose my point of view. John Prine

TN, A cool note for those who can see it. All of us are seekers or have desires or need. Driven either by ego or spirit... our conscience wishes to identify with something. Kinda what brings folks to message boards, in part. Perhaps we are together in that! The ego however, is extremely selfish and desires to build whatever it can around itself, even more so... once one is rooted in such surroundings. It would be nice to see a point driven by something we could identify as better and/or humane. You were closer than you thought. The nukes could end war. If we were strong enough to see it.

Perhaps one doesn't identify as a warrior or the consequences of being a warrior. There is a great story in the Bhagvad Gita. Goes a little like this. A warrior Ajuna, asks Lord Krishna, tomorrow's battle will be relentless, even though there are good folks on both sides. Do ya remember anyone saying that of late? Ajuna continued. Yet, only a few on one side will remain at the end of the day. What should one do for I know most all of them. Lord Krishna replied. You are a warrior Ajuna, as this is your calling. Be the best warrior you can be.

This is very much the point! A warriors aggression such as Putin's needs to be stood up too, no matter the cost, for it will never cease and go away. All that has been tried in the wars outlined above have failed. Use the force TN! (smile) Don't you find it curious that in Star wars, the death star was by design, an ultimate weapon to end the rebellion.

I repeat! What Say You
Living North of the 49th has taken it's toll on this guy. As any country might ride the wave of prosperity of it's neighbour, my lifelong resolve toward the U.S. and her Liberty I believed was fixed with an overall positive outlook unequalled. However, the disillusions surrounding Uncle Sam are beginning to astound even me. Alternative facts for instance, are based solely on opinion and biases that point toward feelings and desire of urgency. Something is changing or slipping away.... We got to stop or fix it, quick! Why??

Racism for instance, is a time before assimilation. The Spanish, English, French as well as other Europeans became Americans. Imagine an Irish and/or Italian in 1820 believing as much. Why so hard to imagine? Fighting for independence, for freedom and justice became your calling card. One just needs to imagine moving forward further. In time the oriental block will become just Asians, similar to the African. In time all will assimilate. One doesn't call out Brazil, for her peoples are becoming truly assimilated and the most gorgeous folks in appearance.

Healthcare! Former President Trump called the poor, corrupt and mostly African nations shit holes, yet most of the world is looking in at the plight of healthcare corruption in the U.S. with utter contempt and dismay. Ride your Liberty and finally create the best affordable in the world.

Politics: Fake news! The coin originated in Ukraine as they called the propaganda coming from Russia fake for last 30 yrs. How Trump picked it up on it?? Imagine! Much like Reagans 1980 Let's make America great again... there is very little originality if any here. Why are ancients such as Pelosi and McConnel still around. Power of course, yet a renewal is pending. Biden, will not run in 2024. Renewal is coming! A time for common ground is needed! Ignore Ignorance and embrace. I have not travelled to any country that any local has not treated me as one of theirs; for it's not the people. Political agenda's, power not withstanding.

Media: The U.S. media used to lean left or right. Now as I listen to Fox and Msnbc (and more) on opposing spectrums former guidelines need to be reapplied such as the Fairness Doctrine. Reagan changed this (unliked by conservatives) when in 1987 preventing opposing views to be aired on any network was struck down. Hard to imagine the polarization that has followed, isn't it?

...any suggestions how to point toward a better and humane future please continue...
I'm assuming that you are a socialist by reading your OP.
I have a problem with socialism, Reagan gave a good analogy to socialism in 1976.

A modern day little Red Hen may not appear to be a quotable authority on economics but some authorities on economics aren't worth quoting. I'll be right back.
[commercial break]
This is a little treatise on basic economics called "The Modern Little Red Hen".
Once upon a time there was a little red hen who scratched about the barnyard until she uncovered some grains of wheat. She called her neighbors and said 'If we plant this wheat, we shall have bread to eat. Who will help me plant it?'
"Not I, " said the cow.
"Not I," said the duck.
"Not I," said the pig.
"Not I," said the goose.
"Then I will," said the little red hen. And she did. The wheat grew tall and ripened into golden grain. "Who will help me reap my wheat?" asked the little red hen.
"Not I," said the duck.
"Out of my classification," said the pig.
"I'd lose my seniority," said the cow.
"I'd lose my unemployment compensation," said the goose.
"Then I will," said the little red hen, and she did.
At last it came time to bake the bread. "Who will help me bake bread?" asked the little red hen.
"That would be overtime for me," said the cow.
"I'd lose my welfare benefits," said the duck.
"I'm a dropout and never learned how," said the pig.
"If I'm to be the only helper, that's discrimination," said the goose.
"Then I will," said the little red hen.
She baked five loaves and held them up for her neighbors to see.
They all wanted some and, in fact, demanded a share. But the little red hen said, "No, I can eat the five loaves myself."
"Excess profits," cried the cow.
"Capitalist leech," screamed the duck.
"I demand equal rights," yelled the goose.
And the pig just grunted.
And they painted "unfair" picket signs and marched round and round the little red hen, shouting obscenities.
When the government agent came, he said to the little red hen,
"You must not be greedy."
"But I earned the bread," said the little red hen.
"Exactly," said the agent. "That's the wonderful free enterprise system. Anyone in the barnyard can earn as much as he wants. But under our modern government regulations the productive workers must divide their product with the idle."
And they lived happily ever after, including the little red hen, who smiled and clucked, "I am grateful, I am grateful."
But her neighbors wondered why she never again baked any more bread.
This is Ronald Reagan, thanks for listening.
I'm assuming that you are a socialist by reading your OP.
I have a problem with socialism, Reagan gave a good analogy to socialism in 1976.

A modern day little Red Hen may not appear to be a quotable authority on economics but some authorities on economics aren't worth quoting. I'll be right back.
[commercial break]
This is a little treatise on basic economics called "The Modern Little Red Hen".
Once upon a time there was a little red hen who scratched about the barnyard until she uncovered some grains of wheat. She called her neighbors and said 'If we plant this wheat, we shall have bread to eat. Who will help me plant it?'
"Not I, " said the cow.
"Not I," said the duck.
"Not I," said the pig.
"Not I," said the goose.
"Then I will," said the little red hen. And she did. The wheat grew tall and ripened into golden grain. "Who will help me reap my wheat?" asked the little red hen.
"Not I," said the duck.
"Out of my classification," said the pig.
"I'd lose my seniority," said the cow.
"I'd lose my unemployment compensation," said the goose.
"Then I will," said the little red hen, and she did.
At last it came time to bake the bread. "Who will help me bake bread?" asked the little red hen.
"That would be overtime for me," said the cow.
"I'd lose my welfare benefits," said the duck.
"I'm a dropout and never learned how," said the pig.
"If I'm to be the only helper, that's discrimination," said the goose.
"Then I will," said the little red hen.
She baked five loaves and held them up for her neighbors to see.
They all wanted some and, in fact, demanded a share. But the little red hen said, "No, I can eat the five loaves myself."
"Excess profits," cried the cow.
"Capitalist leech," screamed the duck.
"I demand equal rights," yelled the goose.
And the pig just grunted.
And they painted "unfair" picket signs and marched round and round the little red hen, shouting obscenities.
When the government agent came, he said to the little red hen,
"You must not be greedy."
"But I earned the bread," said the little red hen.
"Exactly," said the agent. "That's the wonderful free enterprise system. Anyone in the barnyard can earn as much as he wants. But under our modern government regulations the productive workers must divide their product with the idle."
And they lived happily ever after, including the little red hen, who smiled and clucked, "I am grateful, I am grateful."
But her neighbors wondered why she never again baked any more bread.
This is Ronald Reagan, thanks for listening.
Did you notice that Rayboy completely dissed my two posts talking about the very thing, that Socialism is doomed to fail? I wonder....Not really i am being sarcastic there.
I'm assuming that you are a socialist by reading your OP.
I have a problem with socialism, Reagan gave a good analogy to socialism in 1976.

A modern day little Red Hen may not appear to be a quotable authority on economics but some authorities on economics aren't worth quoting. I'll be right back.
[commercial break]
This is a little treatise on basic economics called "The Modern Little Red Hen".
Once upon a time there was a little red hen who scratched about the barnyard until she uncovered some grains of wheat. She called her neighbors and said 'If we plant this wheat, we shall have bread to eat. Who will help me plant it?'
"Not I, " said the cow.
"Not I," said the duck.
"Not I," said the pig.
"Not I," said the goose.
"Then I will," said the little red hen. And she did. The wheat grew tall and ripened into golden grain. "Who will help me reap my wheat?" asked the little red hen.
"Not I," said the duck.
"Out of my classification," said the pig.
"I'd lose my seniority," said the cow.
"I'd lose my unemployment compensation," said the goose.
"Then I will," said the little red hen, and she did.
At last it came time to bake the bread. "Who will help me bake bread?" asked the little red hen.
"That would be overtime for me," said the cow.
"I'd lose my welfare benefits," said the duck.
"I'm a dropout and never learned how," said the pig.
"If I'm to be the only helper, that's discrimination," said the goose.
"Then I will," said the little red hen.
She baked five loaves and held them up for her neighbors to see.
They all wanted some and, in fact, demanded a share. But the little red hen said, "No, I can eat the five loaves myself."
"Excess profits," cried the cow.
"Capitalist leech," screamed the duck.
"I demand equal rights," yelled the goose.
And the pig just grunted.
And they painted "unfair" picket signs and marched round and round the little red hen, shouting obscenities.
When the government agent came, he said to the little red hen,
"You must not be greedy."
"But I earned the bread," said the little red hen.
"Exactly," said the agent. "That's the wonderful free enterprise system. Anyone in the barnyard can earn as much as he wants. But under our modern government regulations the productive workers must divide their product with the idle."
And they lived happily ever after, including the little red hen, who smiled and clucked, "I am grateful, I am grateful."
But her neighbors wondered why she never again baked any more bread.
This is Ronald Reagan, thanks for listening.
Thanks for the look! Meister, you have assumed That I am a socialist. Hmmm! Then there is little this one could add or subtract from your assumptions. I raised three kids with a spouse. We took care of them the best we could. Looking after their health needs was paid for by taxes. Sent them to public school paid for by taxes. This enabled us to pay for other things like nursery school, a home, vacation, sports and the like. Paid for by yours truly.

You are correct that hand outs, up until now, generally destroys the dignity and courage to be driven and self sustaining. Would a living wage work? Norway offers insights that if you are engaged and productive the social hierarchy can be elevated. They had not had to deal with racism while doing this and that might be a factor in their success. Communism has no place in the mind set of free will. Greece, became a welfare society and it failed as well.

Biblically, those who were called stemmed from a foundation of righteousness. Then they were told to move to other lands to keep them sharp ( or in service) and away from a comfort zone. Self made millionaires, often made great sacrifices, or were in the right place at the right time. Some were geniuses. Not a path all can take!

I look around at the poor and often see disadvantages that stem from either physical to mental limitations. It is daunting not to favor the advantaged over the disadvantaged. I do understand we are social beings. I do not know a soul that initially would not want the very best for their children. Inheritance comes to mind. A little push forward to help a new generation along the way. Yet, can this be extended with an initial push from society without furthering the social cause and the loss of freedom and the like ??

Meister, Thanks for the bread! Message is heard. Since we are individuals it is hard to make a pledge for socialism one and all. How to make the right push if needed seems as daunting as any other path envisioned. Each need to step up! Damn, your turning me into a conservative. Lol!
Thanks for the look! Meister, you have assumed That I am a socialist. Hmmm! Then there is little this one could add or subtract from your assumptions. I raised three kids with a spouse. We took care of them the best we could. Looking after their health needs was paid for by taxes. Sent them to public school paid for by taxes. This enabled us to pay for other things like nursery school, a home, vacation, sports and the like. Paid for by yours truly.

You are correct that hand outs, up until now, generally destroys the dignity and courage to be driven and self sustaining. Would a living wage work? Norway offers insights that if you are engaged and productive the social hierarchy can be elevated. They had not had to deal with racism while doing this and that might be a factor in their success. Communism has no place in the mind set of free will. Greece, became a welfare society and it failed as well.

Biblically, those who were called stemmed from a foundation of righteousness. Then they were told to move to other lands to keep them sharp ( or in service) and away from a comfort zone. Self made millionaires, often made great sacrifices, or were in the right place at the right time. Some were geniuses. Not a path all can take!

I look around at the poor and often see disadvantages that stem from either physical to mental limitations. It is daunting not to favor the advantaged over the disadvantaged. I do understand we are social beings. I do not know a soul that initially would not want the very best for their children. Inheritance comes to mind. A little push forward to help a new generation along the way. Yet, can this be extended with an initial push from society without furthering the social cause and the loss of freedom and the like ??

Meister, Thanks for the bread! Message is heard. Since we are individuals it is hard to make a pledge for socialism one and all. How to make the right push if needed seems as daunting as any other path envisioned. Each need to step up! Damn, your turning me into a conservative. Lol!
Self made millionaires, often made great sacrifices, or were in the right place at the right time. Some were geniuses. Not a path all can take!
Maybe not in Canada...

I have never entered another country unlawfully, especially looking for free stuff. So yeah, i have a higher morality that the diseased illegals that cross our southern border every day.
Morality: ...distinction between right and wrong , good or bad. Mikey, you were asked about morality and you avoided the post mostly. remember this post:

Thanks for the reply. Actually, in the near future all citizens globally will and should be able to get healthcare freely. That just might help the disease situation as well, don't you agree? I suspect most would agree that would be awesome.

With regards to your southern border and the aliens. If the U.S. directed the 5 Billion dollars spent annually on southern border security and patrol and offered to entice joint commerce agreements with Mexico on their side of the border... in 5 years the 20 billion would reverse the migration trend whereby many Hispanics could go home. Then perhaps the U.S. and Mexico could find the liberty toward securing their own Healthcare.

Hmmm! Corruption. 19.7 % of GDP is spent on U.S. healthcare per person with millions of folks not included in any of it. or $12,000+ per person. Universal Healthcare in Canada is only 12.7 % of GDP with no one left behind. If not corruption please advise what's wrong and if wrong, why its not fixed?

A law-abiding person always obeys the law and is considered to be good and honest because of this. Mike... do you know any?
Good: That which is morally right... righteousness. Mike... Interesting concept isn't it. This one has seldom if ever seen it. Have you?

Which brings us to Insurance. The reason we have insurance is because the guidelines mentioned above are not realized. Looking after one another does not need insurance. Instead, some of what truly looking after one another... just might be called is Universal healthcare and so much more.

Your reply got lost on the first of the post. Time is limited yet I ask, who benefits from keeping minimum wage low? Do you know an honest insurance broker anywhere on earth? gotta run!
Morality: ...distinction between right and wrong , good or bad. Mikey, you were asked about morality and you avoided the post mostly. remember this post:

Thanks for the reply. Actually, in the near future all citizens globally will and should be able to get healthcare freely. That just might help the disease situation as well, don't you agree? I suspect most would agree that would be awesome.

With regards to your southern border and the aliens. If the U.S. directed the 5 Billion dollars spent annually on southern border security and patrol and offered to entice joint commerce agreements with Mexico on their side of the border... in 5 years the 20 billion would reverse the migration trend whereby many Hispanics could go home. Then perhaps the U.S. and Mexico could find the liberty toward securing their own Healthcare.

Hmmm! Corruption. 19.7 % of GDP is spent on U.S. healthcare per person with millions of folks not included in any of it. or $12,000+ per person. Universal Healthcare in Canada is only 12.7 % of GDP with no one left behind. If not corruption please advise what's wrong and if wrong, why its not fixed?

A law-abiding person always obeys the law and is considered to be good and honest because of this. Mike... do you know any?
Good: That which is morally right... righteousness. Mike... Interesting concept isn't it. This one has seldom if ever seen it. Have you?

Which brings us to Insurance. The reason we have insurance is because the guidelines mentioned above are not realized. Looking after one another does not need insurance. Instead, some of what truly looking after one another... just might be called is Universal healthcare and so much more.

Your reply got lost on the first of the post. Time is limited yet I ask, who benefits from keeping minimum wage low? Do you know an honest insurance broker anywhere on earth? gotta run!
Not at all, i have yet to go into another country illegally and demand free stuff. So that right there, makes me more morally right than all those diseased illegals crossing our southern border and the progressive assholes who want to replace people like you, with them.
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