Hard left liberals blast Obama for warning democrats about radical agendas of 2020 candidates


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Hard-Left Liberals Blast Obama For Warning Democrats About Radical Agendas Of 2020 Candidates
Former president Barack Obama gave the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates some good advice on Friday: Cut the hardcore radical stuff.

OMG the left blast Obama they must be trying to make their lies look good ..........

Why are you such a moron??

Obama was never a "hard left" progressive you dunce.....

What progressive was willing to cut Social Security and Medicare in order to appease conservatives??

What progressive was willing to keep conservative cabinet members from the previous admin in order to appease conservatives?

All this time you folks demonized a guy as being a radical socialist despite the fact all he did was bend over backwards to appease idiots like you

Now you want to act shocked when dem voters demand a real progressive?
Hard-Left Liberals Blast Obama For Warning Democrats About Radical Agendas Of 2020 Candidates
Former president Barack Obama gave the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates some good advice on Friday: Cut the hardcore radical stuff.

OMG the left blast Obama they must be trying to make their lies look good ..........

View attachment 290496
ya, hard left and hard right can pretty much go fuck them selves. they both suck. Further more the two party system sucks, we do not live in a black and white world and politics should not be treated as such., Every day i am glad I am old. I have enough I can pretty much fish and fuck off till the end and realy do not worry much about any thing else. Poor fucking young people are fucked. All of politics has gone insane.
Hard-Left Liberals Blast Obama For Warning Democrats About Radical Agendas Of 2020 Candidates
Former president Barack Obama gave the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates some good advice on Friday: Cut the hardcore radical stuff.

OMG the left blast Obama they must be trying to make their lies look good ..........

View attachment 290496
ya, hard left and hard right can pretty much go fuck them selves. they both suck. Further more the two party system sucks, we do not live in a black and white world and politics should not be treated as such., Every day i am glad I am old. I have enough I can pretty much fish and fuck off till the end and realy do not worry much about any thing else. Poor fucking young people are fucked. All of politics has gone insane.
When was politics sane??

When we were deciding on if black people were 3/5's human or not??

When we were deciding if women could vote and not be considered the property of their husbands??

Exactly when was it sane??

Or are you having one of those "Ok, Boomer" moments I have heard so much about
Hard-Left Liberals Blast Obama For Warning Democrats About Radical Agendas Of 2020 Candidates
Former president Barack Obama gave the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates some good advice on Friday: Cut the hardcore radical stuff.

OMG the left blast Obama they must be trying to make their lies look good ..........

View attachment 290496
ya, hard left and hard right can pretty much go fuck them selves. they both suck. Further more the two party system sucks, we do not live in a black and white world and politics should not be treated as such., Every day i am glad I am old. I have enough I can pretty much fish and fuck off till the end and realy do not worry much about any thing else. Poor fucking young people are fucked. All of politics has gone insane.
When was politics sane??

When we were deciding on if black people were 3/5's human or not??

When we were deciding if women could vote and not be considered the property of their husbands??

Exactly when was it sane??

Or are you having one of those "Ok, Boomer" moments I have heard so much about
Seemed sane in the eighties and nineties. Back then both parties showede repsect and worked together on many things. Has it ever been perfect , No. Never will be either. There was a time the party message was not tilted twoard the extreme and people understood balance and limit theory. No one seems to realize the importance of balance any more. We also were not afraid in the past to call out the errors of our own parties
Hard-Left Liberals Blast Obama For Warning Democrats About Radical Agendas Of 2020 Candidates
Former president Barack Obama gave the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates some good advice on Friday: Cut the hardcore radical stuff.

OMG the left blast Obama they must be trying to make their lies look good ..........

View attachment 290496
ya, hard left and hard right can pretty much go fuck them selves. they both suck. Further more the two party system sucks, we do not live in a black and white world and politics should not be treated as such., Every day i am glad I am old. I have enough I can pretty much fish and fuck off till the end and realy do not worry much about any thing else. Poor fucking young people are fucked. All of politics has gone insane.
When was politics sane??

When we were deciding on if black people were 3/5's human or not??

When we were deciding if women could vote and not be considered the property of their husbands??

Exactly when was it sane??

Or are you having one of those "Ok, Boomer" moments I have heard so much about
Seemed sane in the eighties and nineties. Back then both parties showede repsect and worked together on many things. Has it ever been perfect , No. Never will be either. There was a time the party message was not tilted twoard the extreme and people understood balance and limit theory. No one seems to realize the importance of balance any more. We also were not afraid in the past to call out the errors of our own parties
Politics seems less sane due to 2 things......corporate owned media and certain angry white men feeling like they are losing the total control that they felt they use to have....

So instead of growing their base, they rely on this corporate owned media into getting Americans to buy into this us vs them mentality, this false 50/50 ideological split when in reality, the split is actually 90% us and 10% them.....and that reality taking hold among the majority of the population scares the shit out of that 10%
Hard-Left Liberals Blast Obama For Warning Democrats About Radical Agendas Of 2020 Candidates
Former president Barack Obama gave the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates some good advice on Friday: Cut the hardcore radical stuff.

OMG the left blast Obama they must be trying to make their lies look good ..........

View attachment 290496

I just love it when they eat their own. All the right has to do is sit back and let the idiots destory themselves. And I must give credit where credit is due, they're doing one hell of a bang up job of it. No one in their right mind could have dreamt up half of the idiotic shit they've gotten up to in order to loose support. It's the one thing they're good at and are the maestros of fuck up.
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Hard-Left Liberals Blast Obama For Warning Democrats About Radical Agendas Of 2020 Candidates
Former president Barack Obama gave the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates some good advice on Friday: Cut the hardcore radical stuff.

OMG the left blast Obama they must be trying to make their lies look good ..........

View attachment 290496
ya, hard left and hard right can pretty much go fuck them selves. they both suck. Further more the two party system sucks, we do not live in a black and white world and politics should not be treated as such., Every day i am glad I am old. I have enough I can pretty much fish and fuck off till the end and realy do not worry much about any thing else. Poor fucking young people are fucked. All of politics has gone insane.

I totally hear yah. Still be safe and take care of yourself . this shit could get interesting either way.
Why are you such a moron??

Obama was never a "hard left" progressive you dunce.....

What progressive was willing to cut Social Security and Medicare in order to appease conservatives??

What progressive was willing to keep conservative cabinet members from the previous admin in order to appease conservatives?

All this time you folks demonized a guy as being a radical socialist despite the fact all he did was bend over backwards to appease idiots like you

Now you want to act shocked when dem voters demand a real progressive?

your the moron we keep telling you idiots the whole picture of enslavement you assholes embrace it. Stupidity is prayed upon by SHEEP IN WOLVES CLOTHING dumb ass!!


Hard-Left Liberals Blast Obama For Warning Democrats About Radical Agendas Of 2020 Candidates
Former president Barack Obama gave the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates some good advice on Friday: Cut the hardcore radical stuff.

OMG the left blast Obama they must be trying to make their lies look good ..........

View attachment 290496
What’s funny about this is O campaigned as a far left progressive in 2008, yet now he tells Ds to stop being progressive.

The man is a fraud and a conman.
Hard-Left Liberals Blast Obama For Warning Democrats About Radical Agendas Of 2020 Candidates
Former president Barack Obama gave the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates some good advice on Friday: Cut the hardcore radical stuff.

OMG the left blast Obama they must be trying to make their lies look good ..........

View attachment 290496
ya, hard left and hard right can pretty much go fuck them selves. they both suck. Further more the two party system sucks, we do not live in a black and white world and politics should not be treated as such., Every day i am glad I am old. I have enough I can pretty much fish and fuck off till the end and realy do not worry much about any thing else. Poor fucking young people are fucked. All of politics has gone insane.
When was politics sane??

When we were deciding on if black people were 3/5's human or not??

When we were deciding if women could vote and not be considered the property of their husbands??

Exactly when was it sane??

Or are you having one of those "Ok, Boomer" moments I have heard so much about
Seemed sane in the eighties and nineties. Back then both parties showede repsect and worked together on many things. Has it ever been perfect , No. Never will be either. There was a time the party message was not tilted twoard the extreme and people understood balance and limit theory. No one seems to realize the importance of balance any more. We also were not afraid in the past to call out the errors of our own parties
Politics seems less sane due to 2 things......corporate owned media and certain angry white men feeling like they are losing the total control that they felt they use to have....

So instead of growing their base, they rely on this corporate owned media into getting Americans to buy into this us vs them mentality, this false 50/50 ideological split when in reality, the split is actually 90% us and 10% them.....and that reality taking hold among the majority of the population scares the shit out of that 10%
I do not disagree, but would like to throw in people think a win for thier party is a win for them when in reality it most likely is not a win for you. The two party system has to go away, interests are more varies than that. Some how now people do not realize this. In the past we realized our party did not always represent our own interests and were not afraid to disagree with members of our own party. Now they will call you a traitor if you disagree ith your own party. Politics has likely never been sane but was less insane at one time.
Why are you such a moron??

Obama was never a "hard left" progressive you dunce.....

What progressive was willing to cut Social Security and Medicare in order to appease conservatives??

What progressive was willing to keep conservative cabinet members from the previous admin in order to appease conservatives?

All this time you folks demonized a guy as being a radical socialist despite the fact all he did was bend over backwards to appease idiots like you

Now you want to act shocked when dem voters demand a real progressive?

your the moron we keep telling you idiots the whole picture of enslavement you assholes embrace it. Stupidity is prayed upon by SHEEP IN WOLVES CLOTHING dumb ass!!




Hard-Left Liberals Blast Obama For Warning Democrats About Radical Agendas Of 2020 Candidates
Former president Barack Obama gave the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates some good advice on Friday: Cut the hardcore radical stuff.

OMG the left blast Obama they must be trying to make their lies look good ..........

View attachment 290496

The son of the man who hated America and wanted to see it eliminated as a world power & influence, which he - the son - tried to do his part to bring about....

The man who declared the United States of America needed to be FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGED...

The man who armed, trained, supplied, aided, abetted, protected, and defended terrorists - to include Al Qaeda who slaughtered 3000 Americans, other enemies of this nation, Mexican Drug Cartels, and violent foreign criminals....

The man who ran weapons to Al Qaeda, ISIS, and others from Benghazi after he pimped out the US military to Al Qaeda to help them murder Libya's President and take over Libya for their own....

The Nobel Peace Prize winner who invaded Syria, a U.N. War crime....

The man who MOCKED Americans' concern over bringing in massive numbers of refugees from Syria and other terrorist-infested countries - claiming Americans were just afraid of orphans and widows, who brought in 2 refugees and placed them in California anyway...only to have the TERRORISTS he relocated to California murder Americans not long after...

The SOB who was warned by Russians / Putin about the Boston Marathon Bomber brothers, 1 of whom had attended a terrorist training camp to study BOMB-MAKING, the man who ignored the warning and who - AFTER the attack that maimed and killed Americans - put their pictures up on national TV and asked for Americans' help to ID them...DESPITE THE FACT THAT HE AND HIS ADMINISTRATION ALREADY KNEW DAMN-WELL WHO THEY WERE....

The man who pissed on the Constitution, Rule of Law, and Constitutional Rights of every US American citizen by illegally spying on US citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, USSC Judges, opposing Political party Presidential candidates and their team, AND newly-elected US Presidents...

The man who initiated and oversaw the biggest criminal ./ political scandal in United States History - the political coup against President Donald Trump....

The man who weaponized the IRS and used it against Law-abiding US citizens who were legally opposing his re-election effort...

The man whose exact moment he sold out and betrayed this nation to Vladimir Putin when he told Putin-puppet Medvedev to pass on to Vlad that he would be more flexible to do Putin's bidding after being re-elected...

The guy who violated the Constitution and Rule of law continuously - 3 times held in Contempt of Court for violating Federal Judge orders, 2 - 3 times the USSC ruled he had violated the Constitution, etc...

The 'American President' who violated existing US law by refusing to protect / defend the Constitution, refused to enforce existing law, acted to represent and benefit invading criminals instead of US citizens, supported and funded federal law-violating Sanctuary cities, refused to act to protect our sovereignty, border, & US citizens lives as the number of Americans murdered / raped / robbed / stolen and trafficked by criminal invaders rose...

The closet-pro-Muslim-Extremist/terrorist FATHER / RADICAL ROOTS of modern-day radical, terrorist-supporting, racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, pro-open borders, pro-illegal invasion, pro-tax-the-crap-out-of-citizens-to-give-illegals-free-healthcare/housing/food/education/etc...

...being attacked by the 'Progressive Leftist Socialist Democrats' who are literally running a 2020 Presidential campaign on destroying/un-doing the economy, reversing success to go back to high unemployment, fewer jobs, less pay, less / no bonuses, less/no raises, putting millions of Americans back in 'economic slavery' / dependence on Democrat handouts like Medicare/welfare/food stamps, etc...while the Middle Class is finally eradicated / destroyed by massive taxation so we can pay for free shit for foreign criminals while we economically collapse from our commitment to elimination of and criminalizing fossil fuels use, personal private health insurance...and winning the war on cow farts....

....for not being radical, anti-American, and nation-destructing ENOUGH!


Hard-Left Liberals Blast Obama For Warning Democrats About Radical Agendas Of 2020 Candidates
Former president Barack Obama gave the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates some good advice on Friday: Cut the hardcore radical stuff.
I still think the Dems are more tolerant of their DINOs then the GOP is of their RINOs.


religion others want ur pathetic asses don't'

the right to protect ourselves
2nd amendment

the right for pppl to say F K you out right with out being banned



"Bend over for Wall Street like I did".


The left always bends over for Wall Street. It’s where they get their funding. And Silicon Valley of course. And rich Hollywood celebrities. And fortune 500 CEOs.
As Nancy Reagan used to say, "JUST SAY 'NO'!"

Every passing day, more and more, the headlines splash the very wisdom of our Founding Fathers and the Justification for the 2nd Amendment.

Foreign citizens of countries throughout the world who were at one time or another conned or forced to give up their guns are being slaughtered and / or driven out of their homes /countries by terrorists, socialists, dictators, etc...and are looking for new homes to go to.....and where is the #1 place they are looking to go?

America....one of the last places where citizens have the right to bare arms and defend ourselves.

These are the same people who have criticized and railed against us for decades about being an insane gun-cultured ruled country whose people have no need for the weapons they have.....yet it it is their asses who are knocking on our door / scaling our fences to get into the US because they have no place else to go that is safe.....

....and Democrats are making us less safe by facilitating illegal immigration / the invasion while demanding we become more and more like THEY - these refugees - were when they were criticizing us for being able to defend ourselves....
Hard-Left Liberals Blast Obama For Warning Democrats About Radical Agendas Of 2020 Candidates
Former president Barack Obama gave the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates some good advice on Friday: Cut the hardcore radical stuff.

OMG the left blast Obama they must be trying to make their lies look good ..........

View attachment 290496

The son of the man who hated America and wanted to see it eliminated as a world power & influence, which he - the son - tried to do his part to bring about....

The man who declared the United States of America needed to be FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGED...

The man who armed, trained, supplied, aided, abetted, protected, and defended terrorists - to include Al Qaeda who slaughtered 3000 Americans, other enemies of this nation, Mexican Drug Cartels, and violent foreign criminals....

The man who ran weapons to Al Qaeda, ISIS, and others from Benghazi after he pimped out the US military to Al Qaeda to help them murder Libya's President and take over Libya for their own....

The Nobel Peace Prize winner who invaded Syria, a U.N. War crime....

The man who MOCKED Americans' concern over bringing in massive numbers of refugees from Syria and other terrorist-infested countries - claiming Americans were just afraid of orphans and widows, who brought in 2 refugees and placed them in California anyway...only to have the TERRORISTS he relocated to California murder Americans not long after...

The SOB who was warned by Russians / Putin about the Boston Marathon Bomber brothers, 1 of whom had attended a terrorist training camp to study BOMB-MAKING, the man who ignored the warning and who - AFTER the attack that maimed and killed Americans - put their pictures up on national TV and asked for Americans' help to ID them...DESPITE THE FACT THAT HE AND HIS ADMINISTRATION ALREADY KNEW DAMN-WELL WHO THEY WERE....

The man who pissed on the Constitution, Rule of Law, and Constitutional Rights of every US American citizen by illegally spying on US citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, USSC Judges, opposing Political party Presidential candidates and their team, AND newly-elected US Presidents...

The man who initiated and oversaw the biggest criminal ./ political scandal in United States History - the political coup against President Donald Trump....

The man who weaponized the IRS and used it against Law-abiding US citizens who were legally opposing his re-election effort...

The man whose exact moment he sold out and betrayed this nation to Vladimir Putin when he told Putin-puppet Medvedev to pass on to Vlad that he would be more flexible to do Putin's bidding after being re-elected...

The guy who violated the Constitution and Rule of law continuously - 3 times held in Contempt of Court for violating Federal Judge orders, 2 - 3 times the USSC ruled he had violated the Constitution, etc...

The 'American President' who violated existing US law by refusing to protect / defend the Constitution, refused to enforce existing law, acted to represent and benefit invading criminals instead of US citizens, supported and funded federal law-violating Sanctuary cities, refused to act to protect our sovereignty, border, & US citizens lives as the number of Americans murdered / raped / robbed / stolen and trafficked by criminal invaders rose...

The closet-pro-Muslim-Extremist/terrorist FATHER / RADICAL ROOTS of modern-day radical, terrorist-supporting, racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, pro-open borders, pro-illegal invasion, pro-tax-the-crap-out-of-citizens-to-give-illegals-free-healthcare/housing/food/education/etc...

...being attacked by the 'Progressive Leftist Socialist Democrats' who are literally running a 2020 Presidential campaign on destroying/un-doing the economy, reversing success to go back to high unemployment, fewer jobs, less pay, less / no bonuses, less/no raises, putting millions of Americans back in 'economic slavery' / dependence on Democrat handouts like Medicare/welfare/food stamps, etc...while the Middle Class is finally eradicated / destroyed by massive taxation so we can pay for free shit for foreign criminals while we economically collapse from our commitment to elimination of and criminalizing fossil fuels use, personal private health insurance...and winning the war on cow farts....

....for not being radical, anti-American, and nation-destructing ENOUGH!



The man who told Russia “tell Vlad I’ll have more flexibility after the election”

The man who disarmed Ukraine with a promise to defend them then denied them weapons for 8 years and overthrew their government as Russia dismembered them.

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