Hard core Trump supporter - but is he just another establishment goon?


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
I'm one of those who has been a Trumpster from early on. Totally bought into his message and his proclaimed ideals.

Now, I don't wanna lose my faith but stuff is happening that makes me wonder.

1). H1B visas were increased to allow more temporary workers into the country. This is a status quo move that is the same as it ws in the Obama administration....only increased by 15,000 visas. This takes jobs away from Americans and gives them to lower paid people. That is all it does. It's a form of cheap labor for corporations.
No surprise there but I had expected that to decrease under Trump.

2). Trumps new Communications manager seems to be a hard core liberal. Anthony S (whatever his name is) has been quoted as anti-2nd amendment and left leaning on many issues.

3). Obamacare.....I'd love to say it's not his fault but I voted for him on the promise of repeal and replace. Has he REALLY done every thing he can....OR....is he just part of the Establishment good cop / bad cop game played on the American people?

4). The Wall. Another YUGE campaign promise....that I can't see making any serious headway.

Remember......Trump is a NewYork Upper Upper class member.

I don't know. I'm not really surprised.....I just feel that Conservative America does not stand a chance against the Globalist elitist Establishment gang. Their power is too well established and deep rooted for ANY elected official to change even if they really wanted to.

The Left is easier to manage.....all Democrats have to do is use the race card and call Trump a few bad names and the entire Left will jump on the bandwagon like lemmings en-masse.

If you want to see a more detailed list of Trump lip flops look here....
15 Trump Flip-Flops in 15 Days

Has the "Ever Clever Establishment" pulled the political wool over everyone's face yet again with Donald Trump? As time progresses we'll see. Is there no hope whatsoever that the American people have a REAL and meaningful voice in politics? Is Trump REALLY siding with the American people.....or with the Powers That Be?

Is Trump just another establishment goon playing the same old business as usual game on the American people?

The Establishment gave Democrats Obama in 2008 and in reality, he made MANY establishment traitors MUCH richer but did VERY little for the American people. Will Trump be the same for the Right?

What if I'm right....... where does that leave the American people? Screwed.

I don't think Trump is the evil Orange racist many on the left claim he is, but I AM beginning to wonder what his intentions really are.
You are right about Trump.

1). Trump has always favored foreign workers over citizens.

2). The mooch is a lefty: he loves gun control.

3). Trump does not care one way or another about Obamacare.

4). The Wall may very well not be started much less built.
I'm one of those who has been a Trumpster from early on. Totally bought into his message and his proclaimed ideals.

Now, I don't wanna lose my faith but stuff is happening that makes me wonder.

1). H1B visas were increased to allow more temporary workers into the country. This is a status quo move that is the same as it ws in the Obama administration....only increased by 15,000 visas. This takes jobs away from Americans and gives them to lower paid people. That is all it does. It's a form of cheap labor for corporations.
No surprise there but I had expected that to decrease under Trump.

2). Trumps new Communications manager seems to be a hard core liberal. Anthony S (whatever his name is) has been quoted as anti-2nd amendment and left leaning on many issues.

3). Obamacare.....I'd love to say it's not his fault but I voted for him on the promise of repeal and replace. Has he REALLY done every thing he can....OR....is he just part of the Establishment good cop / bad cop game played on the American people?

4). The Wall. Another YUGE campaign promise....that I can't see making any serious headway.

Remember......Trump is a NewYork Upper Upper class member.

I don't know. I'm not really surprised.....I just feel that Conservative America does not stand a chance against the Globalist elitist Establishment gang. Their power is too well established and deep rooted for ANY elected official to change even if they really wanted to.

The Left is easier to manage.....all Democrats have to do is use the race card and call Trump a few bad names and the entire Left will jump on the bandwagon like lemmings en-masse.

If you want to see a more detailed list of Trump lip flops look here....
15 Trump Flip-Flops in 15 Days

Has the "Ever Clever Establishment" pulled the political wool over everyone's face yet again with Donald Trump? As time progresses we'll see. Is there no hope whatsoever that the American people have a REAL and meaningful voice in politics? Is Trump REALLY siding with the American people.....or with the Powers That Be?

Is Trump just another establishment goon playing the same old business as usual game on the American people?

The Establishment gave Democrats Obama in 2008 and in reality, he made MANY establishment traitors MUCH richer but did VERY little for the American people. Will Trump be the same for the Right?

What if I'm right....... where does that leave the American people? Screwed.

I don't think Trump is the evil Orange racist many on the left claim he is, but I AM beginning to wonder what his intentions really are.

It could not possibly be more simple what his intentions are. We've been bellowing it from the rooftops for over two years.

Rump has no politics. At all. He'll tell you the sky is blue if he thinks that's what you want to hear and then literally turn around in the same breath and tell somebody else the sky is green for the same reason. He doesn't care. He's a complete narcissist, which means all he does care about is Numero Uno. And getting wave after wave of attention, which can never be "enough", and then making up entire fantasy stories about how "Hispanics love me" and "twenty trillion people came to my inauguration" and so on in an endless spin cycle of self-delusion. What happens with this bill or that wall matters not a whit except in terms of how much adulation he thinks it generates for Numero Uno. It really is as shallow as that.

TWO YEARS we've been pointing out the obvious.
Never thought Trump would do any of the things he promised you...

It was all just what you all wanted to hear....and what he knew would get you to vote for him.

one group it was due to deporting illegals, another the wall

then another group it was picking the Supreme Court Justice that was important to them.

and others it was simply jobs, jobs, jobs and HB1 visas and trade agreements that were all suppose to be redone, renegotiated for the better of Americans

and there was also the ones that voted for him only due to his weighed towards the richest's tax plan, and every day folk that thought his tax plan would benefit them, and corporations looking for a major tax cut on their marginal rates

Then there were the extreme Alt righters, with the Storm Fronters and Proud to be Whiters and 'skinheads of old' types that saw something in him that they liked.

And another group that voted for him only because he was not Hillary.

Plus a group that voted for him mainly due to believing he wasn't the establishment... who reads infowars and all the conspiracy sites involved with the ''Deep State'' Conspiracy and believes it all to be true.

And another group that are just Russian loving commies! :D

Oh, and the phony evangelicals....that whole group that sold their souls to Satan in support of him....they could fit in to the Supreme Court pick group....I suppose?

There are so many different groups of people that saw him for just what they wanted to see him for...regardless of all else that he stood for, and regardless of whether he lived his whole life doing all the things the Bible and your mom and dad, taught you were wrong....!!!!

He was everything to everyone, to all the groups he focused on...and with the right rhetoric that he knew you all were already expressing on the net...

To me though, I saw him as simply a Used Car Salesman or Trump University Salesman... a scam artist.... he just lied so much on the campaign trail...just set off major red warning flags.
He's on the phone every weekend with Bill and Hillary asking them what he should do next. :lmao: Those NY pals go waaaay back.

There is no doubt Trump is a disappointment, but many us who voted for him did so to prevent the criminal in a pantsuit, from reaching the White House.

Hillary is not POTUS. That said, I never expected Trump would honor his campaign promises. We have a ruling class today that is entirely corrupt and fraudulent.

Additionally, the POTUS is controlled by powerful unseen forces within and without government. He can only do so much, before those forces step in and stop him.
From simple minds come simple concepts. The treachery in DC is far far great than we think.
I've never understood how anyone can trust a person who communicates almost exclusively in cartoonish hyperbole and silly platitudes. He did that throughout the campaign and he won. None of his opponents knew how to deal with him, because he was/is like a spoiled 15-year old boy who's had too much chocolate. His GOP opponents would just shake their heads and assume that, at some point, people would come to their senses and take this thing seriously.

This was never a serious exercise. It's a primal scream.
You were conned. Trump is and always has been a con.

Even though I despise right wing ideology, Trump made promises to his base that he knew he couldn't follow through with, nor had any attention of doing so.

He even promised things that were appealing to a liberal myself ( like getting money out of politics and not touching medicade and social security). But I knee he wasn't going to follow through with any of that.

Although I believe many of his supporters voted for him because they're xenophobes and racist, I do believe a number of his supporters really believed that Trump cared about them and was going to make America great. They believed he was going to bring those overseas jobs back. They thought he was going to bring something better than ACA.

This is why its important for people to do full research on a candidate before voting for them. Just don't watch Fox news or CNN. Go and research yourself.

Trump is a rich boy. Most rich people are apart of the establishment.
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Never thought Trump would do any of the things he promised you...

It was all just what you all wanted to hear....and what he knew would get you to vote for him.

one group it was due to deporting illegals, another the wall

then another group it was picking the Supreme Court Justice that was important to them.

and others it was simply jobs, jobs, jobs and HB1 visas and trade agreements that were all suppose to be redone, renegotiated for the better of Americans

and there was also the ones that voted for him only due to his weighed towards the richest's tax plan, and every day folk that thought his tax plan would benefit them, and corporations looking for a major tax cut on their marginal rates

Then there were the extreme Alt righters, with the Storm Fronters and Proud to be Whiters and 'skinheads of old' types that saw something in him that they liked.

And another group that voted for him only because he was not Hillary.

Plus a group that voted for him mainly due to believing he wasn't the establishment... who reads infowars and all the conspiracy sites involved with the ''Deep State'' Conspiracy and believes it all to be true.

And another group that are just Russian loving commies! :D

Oh, and the phony evangelicals....that whole group that sold their souls to Satan in support of him....they could fit in to the Supreme Court pick group....I suppose?

There are so many different groups of people that saw him for just what they wanted to see him for...regardless of all else that he stood for, and regardless of whether he lived his whole life doing all the things the Bible and your mom and dad, taught you were wrong....!!!!

He was everything to everyone, to all the groups he focused on...and with the right rhetoric that he knew you all were already expressing on the net...

To me though, I saw him as simply a Used Car Salesman or Trump University Salesman... a scam artist.... he just lied so much on the campaign trail...just set off major red warning flags.
We all KNEW Hillary was a criminal. No chance with her...she is clearly a lying opportunist an a terribly corrupt elitist. We have a chance with Trump. No chance with Hillary.

It is that simple.
Never thought Trump would do any of the things he promised you...

It was all just what you all wanted to hear....and what he knew would get you to vote for him.

one group it was due to deporting illegals, another the wall

then another group it was picking the Supreme Court Justice that was important to them.

and others it was simply jobs, jobs, jobs and HB1 visas and trade agreements that were all suppose to be redone, renegotiated for the better of Americans

and there was also the ones that voted for him only due to his weighed towards the richest's tax plan, and every day folk that thought his tax plan would benefit them, and corporations looking for a major tax cut on their marginal rates

Then there were the extreme Alt righters, with the Storm Fronters and Proud to be Whiters and 'skinheads of old' types that saw something in him that they liked.

And another group that voted for him only because he was not Hillary.

Plus a group that voted for him mainly due to believing he wasn't the establishment... who reads infowars and all the conspiracy sites involved with the ''Deep State'' Conspiracy and believes it all to be true.

And another group that are just Russian loving commies! :D

Oh, and the phony evangelicals....that whole group that sold their souls to Satan in support of him....they could fit in to the Supreme Court pick group....I suppose?

There are so many different groups of people that saw him for just what they wanted to see him for...regardless of all else that he stood for, and regardless of whether he lived his whole life doing all the things the Bible and your mom and dad, taught you were wrong....!!!!

He was everything to everyone, to all the groups he focused on...and with the right rhetoric that he knew you all were already expressing on the net...

To me though, I saw him as simply a Used Car Salesman or Trump University Salesman... a scam artist.... he just lied so much on the campaign trail...just set off major red warning flags.
We all KNEW Hillary was a criminal. No chance with her...she is clearly a lying opportunist an a terribly corrupt elitist. We have a chance with Trump. No chance with Hillary.

It is that simple.
My guess is that, regardless of whether Trump delivers on his promises, his supporters will be satisfied that (a) they kept Hillary from getting into the White House, (b) they at least slowed the overall agenda/progress of the Democrats, and (c) his victory DOES change the landscape of the Supreme Court and other courts for quite a long time.

Would that be a fair guess?
Never thought Trump would do any of the things he promised you...

It was all just what you all wanted to hear....and what he knew would get you to vote for him.

one group it was due to deporting illegals, another the wall

then another group it was picking the Supreme Court Justice that was important to them.

and others it was simply jobs, jobs, jobs and HB1 visas and trade agreements that were all suppose to be redone, renegotiated for the better of Americans

and there was also the ones that voted for him only due to his weighed towards the richest's tax plan, and every day folk that thought his tax plan would benefit them, and corporations looking for a major tax cut on their marginal rates

Then there were the extreme Alt righters, with the Storm Fronters and Proud to be Whiters and 'skinheads of old' types that saw something in him that they liked.

And another group that voted for him only because he was not Hillary.

Plus a group that voted for him mainly due to believing he wasn't the establishment... who reads infowars and all the conspiracy sites involved with the ''Deep State'' Conspiracy and believes it all to be true.

And another group that are just Russian loving commies! :D

Oh, and the phony evangelicals....that whole group that sold their souls to Satan in support of him....they could fit in to the Supreme Court pick group....I suppose?

There are so many different groups of people that saw him for just what they wanted to see him for...regardless of all else that he stood for, and regardless of whether he lived his whole life doing all the things the Bible and your mom and dad, taught you were wrong....!!!!

He was everything to everyone, to all the groups he focused on...and with the right rhetoric that he knew you all were already expressing on the net...

To me though, I saw him as simply a Used Car Salesman or Trump University Salesman... a scam artist.... he just lied so much on the campaign trail...just set off major red warning flags.
We all KNEW Hillary was a criminal. No chance with her...she is clearly a lying opportunist an a terribly corrupt elitist. We have a chance with Trump. No chance with Hillary.

It is that simple.
My guess is that, regardless of whether Trump delivers on his promises, his supporters will be satisfied that (a) they kept Hillary from getting into the White House, (b) they at least slowed the overall agenda/progress of the Democrats, and (c) his victory DOES change the landscape of the Supreme Court and other courts for quite a long time.

Would that be a fair guess?
Supreme Court!
Never thought Trump would do any of the things he promised you...

It was all just what you all wanted to hear....and what he knew would get you to vote for him.

one group it was due to deporting illegals, another the wall

then another group it was picking the Supreme Court Justice that was important to them.

and others it was simply jobs, jobs, jobs and HB1 visas and trade agreements that were all suppose to be redone, renegotiated for the better of Americans

and there was also the ones that voted for him only due to his weighed towards the richest's tax plan, and every day folk that thought his tax plan would benefit them, and corporations looking for a major tax cut on their marginal rates

Then there were the extreme Alt righters, with the Storm Fronters and Proud to be Whiters and 'skinheads of old' types that saw something in him that they liked.

And another group that voted for him only because he was not Hillary.

Plus a group that voted for him mainly due to believing he wasn't the establishment... who reads infowars and all the conspiracy sites involved with the ''Deep State'' Conspiracy and believes it all to be true.

And another group that are just Russian loving commies! :D

Oh, and the phony evangelicals....that whole group that sold their souls to Satan in support of him....they could fit in to the Supreme Court pick group....I suppose?

There are so many different groups of people that saw him for just what they wanted to see him for...regardless of all else that he stood for, and regardless of whether he lived his whole life doing all the things the Bible and your mom and dad, taught you were wrong....!!!!

He was everything to everyone, to all the groups he focused on...and with the right rhetoric that he knew you all were already expressing on the net...

To me though, I saw him as simply a Used Car Salesman or Trump University Salesman... a scam artist.... he just lied so much on the campaign trail...just set off major red warning flags.
We all KNEW Hillary was a criminal. No chance with her...she is clearly a lying opportunist an a terribly corrupt elitist. We have a chance with Trump. No chance with Hillary.

It is that simple.
My guess is that, regardless of whether Trump delivers on his promises, his supporters will be satisfied that (a) they kept Hillary from getting into the White House, (b) they at least slowed the overall agenda/progress of the Democrats, and (c) his victory DOES change the landscape of the Supreme Court and other courts for quite a long time.

Would that be a fair guess?
Supreme Court!
Yeah, agreed, see post 14, we posted at about the same time.
Never thought Trump would do any of the things he promised you...

It was all just what you all wanted to hear....and what he knew would get you to vote for him.

one group it was due to deporting illegals, another the wall

then another group it was picking the Supreme Court Justice that was important to them.

and others it was simply jobs, jobs, jobs and HB1 visas and trade agreements that were all suppose to be redone, renegotiated for the better of Americans

and there was also the ones that voted for him only due to his weighed towards the richest's tax plan, and every day folk that thought his tax plan would benefit them, and corporations looking for a major tax cut on their marginal rates

Then there were the extreme Alt righters, with the Storm Fronters and Proud to be Whiters and 'skinheads of old' types that saw something in him that they liked.

And another group that voted for him only because he was not Hillary.

Plus a group that voted for him mainly due to believing he wasn't the establishment... who reads infowars and all the conspiracy sites involved with the ''Deep State'' Conspiracy and believes it all to be true.

And another group that are just Russian loving commies! :D

Oh, and the phony evangelicals....that whole group that sold their souls to Satan in support of him....they could fit in to the Supreme Court pick group....I suppose?

There are so many different groups of people that saw him for just what they wanted to see him for...regardless of all else that he stood for, and regardless of whether he lived his whole life doing all the things the Bible and your mom and dad, taught you were wrong....!!!!

He was everything to everyone, to all the groups he focused on...and with the right rhetoric that he knew you all were already expressing on the net...

To me though, I saw him as simply a Used Car Salesman or Trump University Salesman... a scam artist.... he just lied so much on the campaign trail...just set off major red warning flags.
We all KNEW Hillary was a criminal. No chance with her...she is clearly a lying opportunist an a terribly corrupt elitist. We have a chance with Trump. No chance with Hillary.

It is that simple.
My guess is that, regardless of whether Trump delivers on his promises, his supporters will be satisfied that (a) they kept Hillary from getting into the White House, (b) they at least slowed the overall agenda/progress of the Democrats, and (c) his victory DOES change the landscape of the Supreme Court and other courts for quite a long time.

Would that be a fair guess?
Too early to tell. Trump could turn out to be just another lying elitist controlled by the establishment. That said, clearly the 1% establishment is anti-Trump which may be favorable indication, or just more disinformation.

FUNNY THING...why do poor and middle class leftists side with the 1% establishment? They have nothing in common.

His pick for SC may be good, but also too early to tell. Grosch could turn out to be just another big government progressive.
You were conned. Trump is and always has been a con.

Even though I despise right wing ideology, Trump made promises to his base that he knew he couldn't follow through with, nor had any attention of doing so.

He even promised things that were appealing to a liberal myself ( like getting money out of politics and not touching medicade and social security). But I knee he wasn't going to follow through with any of that.

Although I believe many of his supporters voted for him because they're xenophobes and racist, I do believe a number of his supporters really believed that Trump cared about them and was going to make America great. They believed he was going to bring those overseas jobs back. They thought he was going to bring something better than ACA.

This is why its important for people to do full research on a candidate before voting for them. Just don't watch Fox news or CNN. Go and research yourself.

Trump is a rich boy. Most rich people are apart of the establishment.
I find it amazingly disingenuous that many think they know Trump is a con, but somehow these same people voted for a known con in Hillary.

Too fucking funny.....
Never thought Trump would do any of the things he promised you...

It was all just what you all wanted to hear....and what he knew would get you to vote for him.

one group it was due to deporting illegals, another the wall

then another group it was picking the Supreme Court Justice that was important to them.

and others it was simply jobs, jobs, jobs and HB1 visas and trade agreements that were all suppose to be redone, renegotiated for the better of Americans

and there was also the ones that voted for him only due to his weighed towards the richest's tax plan, and every day folk that thought his tax plan would benefit them, and corporations looking for a major tax cut on their marginal rates

Then there were the extreme Alt righters, with the Storm Fronters and Proud to be Whiters and 'skinheads of old' types that saw something in him that they liked.

And another group that voted for him only because he was not Hillary.

Plus a group that voted for him mainly due to believing he wasn't the establishment... who reads infowars and all the conspiracy sites involved with the ''Deep State'' Conspiracy and believes it all to be true.

And another group that are just Russian loving commies! :D

Oh, and the phony evangelicals....that whole group that sold their souls to Satan in support of him....they could fit in to the Supreme Court pick group....I suppose?

There are so many different groups of people that saw him for just what they wanted to see him for...regardless of all else that he stood for, and regardless of whether he lived his whole life doing all the things the Bible and your mom and dad, taught you were wrong....!!!!

He was everything to everyone, to all the groups he focused on...and with the right rhetoric that he knew you all were already expressing on the net...

To me though, I saw him as simply a Used Car Salesman or Trump University Salesman... a scam artist.... he just lied so much on the campaign trail...just set off major red warning flags.
We all KNEW Hillary was a criminal. No chance with her...she is clearly a lying opportunist an a terribly corrupt elitist. We have a chance with Trump. No chance with Hillary.

It is that simple.
My guess is that, regardless of whether Trump delivers on his promises, his supporters will be satisfied that (a) they kept Hillary from getting into the White House, (b) they at least slowed the overall agenda/progress of the Democrats, and (c) his victory DOES change the landscape of the Supreme Court and other courts for quite a long time.

Would that be a fair guess?
Too early to tell. Trump could turn out to be just another lying elitist controlled by the establishment. That said, clearly the 1% establishment is anti-Trump which may be favorable indication, or just more disinformation.

FUNNY THING...why do poor and middle class leftists side with the 1% establishment? They have nothing in common.

His pick for SC may be good, but also too early to tell. Grosch could turn out to be just another big government progressive.
It seems like Trump would go straight-ahead conservative if he gets any more Supe opportunities. I'd think the same for the lower courts, but that's moving so slowly there's really no way to know.
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Never thought Trump would do any of the things he promised you...

It was all just what you all wanted to hear....and what he knew would get you to vote for him.

one group it was due to deporting illegals, another the wall

then another group it was picking the Supreme Court Justice that was important to them.

and others it was simply jobs, jobs, jobs and HB1 visas and trade agreements that were all suppose to be redone, renegotiated for the better of Americans

and there was also the ones that voted for him only due to his weighed towards the richest's tax plan, and every day folk that thought his tax plan would benefit them, and corporations looking for a major tax cut on their marginal rates

Then there were the extreme Alt righters, with the Storm Fronters and Proud to be Whiters and 'skinheads of old' types that saw something in him that they liked.

And another group that voted for him only because he was not Hillary.

Plus a group that voted for him mainly due to believing he wasn't the establishment... who reads infowars and all the conspiracy sites involved with the ''Deep State'' Conspiracy and believes it all to be true.

And another group that are just Russian loving commies! :D

Oh, and the phony evangelicals....that whole group that sold their souls to Satan in support of him....they could fit in to the Supreme Court pick group....I suppose?

There are so many different groups of people that saw him for just what they wanted to see him for...regardless of all else that he stood for, and regardless of whether he lived his whole life doing all the things the Bible and your mom and dad, taught you were wrong....!!!!

He was everything to everyone, to all the groups he focused on...and with the right rhetoric that he knew you all were already expressing on the net...

To me though, I saw him as simply a Used Car Salesman or Trump University Salesman... a scam artist.... he just lied so much on the campaign trail...just set off major red warning flags.
We all KNEW Hillary was a criminal. No chance with her...she is clearly a lying opportunist an a terribly corrupt elitist. We have a chance with Trump. No chance with Hillary.

It is that simple.
And we KNEW with facts, that Trump was one....along with being a Putin sympathizer! :eek:

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