Happy Labor Day, There is power in the Union!!

United you bargain divided you beg me for a day off.

Folks often forget the government now defends many of the workers rights unions won.

Also, pre union life in the city was soo "great" Pa Ingalls took his family to Indian county to accept a government land handout and deal with the natives.
Yes, there is power in the unions.
At one time steel, railroads, and automobiles were major industries in this country. They were the envy of the developed world, and every country tried to promote those industries domestically to compete with ours. Then absurd union demands drained money and will to update and modernize our technology and adapt to new market conditions, causing those industries severe decline to second adn third rate status.
War could not destroy our industries as switftly and efficiently as unions did. Nice job, guys.
UAW Members Should Thank Right To Work
By Don Loos On 09/01/2014 ·
t is pretty clear that union officials do not like right to work laws. They insist that they can’t survive without the power to force employees to pay union dues or fees. But the UAW’s recent change in leadership suggests that Michigan’s new right-to-work laws will clearly benefit union members, and union officials.
UAW members should thank right to work The Detroit News
Waiting for Special Ed to ring in here to tell all us low IQ types how a well paid workforce destroyed the American economy.

Happy Labor Day!
Good thing those unions paid off or things could have really soured in Detroit


Good thing those unions paid off or things could have really soured in Detroit



Hey, the folks willing to work for less money won out. I'm not hurting. I have a hell of a phone, a 720 hd ish tv and a Windows XP computer. Not to mention I can do websites, type pretty well, do some Excel visual basic, operate a forklift, put up decent numbers when forced onto the sale floor and have another decade plus of physical laborin me!

What's your boss's number? Perhaps I'm interested in underbidding you for your job? That's just how capitalism works. No pride in the fact some Americans are hungry enough to work for less.
Hey, the folks willing to work for less money won out. I'm not hurting. I have a hell of a phone, a 720 hd ish tv and a Windows XP computer. Not to mention I can do websites, type pretty well, do some Excel visual basic, operate a forklift, put up decent numbers when forced onto the sale floor and have another decade plus of physical laborin me!

What's your boss's number? Perhaps I'm interested in underbidding you for your job? That's just how capitalism works. No pride in the fact some Americans are hungry enough to work for less.
I'm self employed so I live there. Maybe everyone in America should be self employed, it forces you to not be dependent on others or expect someone else to take up the slack. Entrepreneurship would reign supreme and maybe some of those jobs lost to high labor demands, high taxes and overbearing regulations and would come back.
My grandfather was a pipe fitter and in a union. He helped build Hanford Nuclear Facility.

My dad was a design engineer. He was in a union. He designed the interiors of a lot of Boeing and Douglass airplanes.

My husband is an engineer. He was in a union. His most recent promotion took him out of the union. He's now a Senior Technical Fellow at Boeing which is an executive position so it took him out of the union.

Whoever said that unions don't allow people to move up in their jobs is full of garbage.

Unions give the workers a contract with the company they work for. Just like the ceo and executives have. Why do you believe that ceos and executives have the right to have a contract with their employer but the workers can't?

I will post one of many, many experiences I've had with the union. My dad and husband were in the SPEEA union.

I had to have surgery in 2010. The insurance company first denied coverage for the surgery so my doctors resent documentation to the insurance company again. That time it worked. In November 2010 I received a letter from the insurance company saying that the surgery was approved and covered 100%. That the approval was good for a year. I didn't want to have to go through recovery from the surgery during the holiday season so I had the surgery in January 2011.

A couple months after the surgery I got a letter from the insurance company saying they weren't going to pay for the surgery. Even though months before they sent me a letter saying they approved it. I called the insurance company. I read them the letter they sent me. They said that didn't matter they weren't going to pay for that surgery.

That was on a Thursday. That same day I called the SPEEA union and told them about my problem. They have union reps that do nothing but work with the insurance companies for the union members. I read them the original letter and they told me to come to their office with both letters. I did. They scanned the letters and told me they would work on the problem. After the weekend, on Tuesday, I got a call from the union telling me that the insurance company will pay the bills.

If my husband had not been in the union we would still be in legal hell trying to get the insurance company to pay those bills. We would have had to pay thousands in legal fees because we would have had to hire a lawyer to get the insurance company to keep their word. We would have won but it would have taken years and thousands of dollars we didn't have to spend on a lawyer.

That is just one situation out of many that I've experienced with a union. I'm not in a union now but was when I was in college. It was the hospitality/restaurant union. I was paid more, I had benefits, vacations, holidays off, my uniform was cleaned and pressed by the company I worked for at their expense unlike most in the restaurant industry. When I was laid off, the union found me another job quickly.

Those who don't want to be in a union, don't get a job that's a union job. But stop trying to destroy unions for those who want to be in one. I will never understand why you people believe you have the right to tell everyone how to live. You can't be happy to have the freedom to live as you choose, you need to force your way of life on everyone.

You only seem to believe you and those who agree with you have any freedom to choose how to live.
Unions have destroyed themselves....... notice nobody answered why they are so unpopular......
Those who don't want to be in a union, don't get a job that's a union job. But stop trying to destroy unions for those who want to be in one. I will never understand why you people believe you have the right to tell everyone how to live. You can't be happy to have the freedom to live as you choose, you need to force your way of life on everyone.

You only seem to believe you and those who agree with you have any freedom to choose how to live.
You have it exactly backwards. Unions try to force themselves onto those that don't even want them, even fighting right to work laws. They embed themselves into the public sector and work against those that employ them. The main problem with that is that we can't do business elsewhere. And they use your dues to promote Democrat candidates, perhaps also against your wishes.

I also fail to see how the union made your contract with insurance right. It should be spelled out what they cover an don't cover. If you needed a lawyer you would have been reimbursed if you were in the right.
Yeah, by all means happy 59-bucks-an-hour-for-puttin'-on-lug-nuts day.
There was a legitimate reason for unions at one point. No doubt.
But a funny thing happened: Fucking organized crime fucked the whole deal up for everyone but the Mafia.
Jimmy Hoffa?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Mafia tried to run the unions like they ran their own business model.
Worked for a while.
59 bucks an hour. Full lifelong family medical/dental. You fucking name it the car companies had to basically pay 'protection' just like the Mafia was charging ever business in places like Chicago and Detroit.
Then the Mafia is busted and they fucked off. Who's left holding the bag?
Dim wits who had been making 59 bucks an hour with a grade ten education.
Now Jimmy's son wants you to believe unions are what's going to help BOBO's cluster-fuck Presidency become a success after all.
Pretty fucking stupid.

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