Happy Confederate Memorial Day!!!


Gold Member
Apr 22, 2014

Happy Confederate Memorial Day to Florida, Georgia, and Texas! And slightly early salutations for Alabama, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and (for some reason) Pennsylvania! :clap2::clap2::clap2:



Sherman did just that.

After Atlanta, the CSA Army of the Tennessee was affected with tens of thousands of desertions.
Sherman was a great General

"If they want eternal war, well and good; we accept the issue, and will dispossess them and put our friends in their place. I know thousands and millions of good people who at simple notice would come to North Alabama and accept the elegant houses and plantations there. If the people of Huntsville think different, let them persist in war three years longer, and then they will not be consulted. Three years ago by a little reflection and patience they could have had a hundred years of peace and prosperity, but they preferred war; very well. Last year they could have saved their slaves, but now it is too late.
All the powers of earth cannot restore to them their slaves, any more than their dead grandfathers. Next year their lands will be taken, for in war we can take them, and rightfully, too, and in another year they may beg in vain for their lives. A people who will persevere in war beyond a certain limit ought to know the consequences. Many, many peoples with less pertinacity have been wiped out of national existence".
Sherman was a great General

"If they want eternal war, well and good; we accept the issue, and will dispossess them and put our friends in their place. I know thousands and millions of good people who at simple notice would come to North Alabama and accept the elegant houses and plantations there. If the people of Huntsville think different, let them persist in war three years longer, and then they will not be consulted. Three years ago by a little reflection and patience they could have had a hundred years of peace and prosperity, but they preferred war; very well. Last year they could have saved their slaves, but now it is too late.
All the powers of earth cannot restore to them their slaves, any more than their dead grandfathers. Next year their lands will be taken, for in war we can take them, and rightfully, too, and in another year they may beg in vain for their lives. A people who will persevere in war beyond a certain limit ought to know the consequences. Many, many peoples with less pertinacity have been wiped out of national existence".

"My aim, then, was to whip the rebels, to humble their pride, to follow them to their inmost recesses, and make them fear and dread us".

"I would make this war as severe as possible, and show no symptoms of tiring till the South begs for mercy".

And that the Great General did!
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Confederate Memorial Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Happy Confederate Memorial Day to Florida, Georgia, and Texas! And slightly early salutations for Alabama, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and (for some reason) Pennsylvania! :clap2::clap2::clap2:




Laughing about a war criminal, really cute, you know Sherman targeted civilians, the SOB should have been hung.

Nope the southern generals should have been drawn and quartered ,But Lincoln wanted national reconciliation. Little did he know what would come for the south since the 1980's
Confederate Memorial Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Happy Confederate Memorial Day to Florida, Georgia, and Texas! And slightly early salutations for Alabama, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and (for some reason) Pennsylvania! :clap2::clap2::clap2:




Laughing about a war criminal, really cute, you know Sherman targeted civilians, the SOB should have been hung.

Nope the southern generals should have been drawn and quartered ,But Lincoln wanted national reconciliation. Little did he know what would come for the south since the 1980's

A great day for America!

The defeat of the treasonous bastards

Laughing about a war criminal, really cute, you know Sherman targeted civilians, the SOB should have been hung.

Nope the southern generals should have been drawn and quartered ,But Lincoln wanted national reconciliation. Little did he know what would come for the south since the 1980's

A great day for America!

The defeat of the treasonous bastards


For more than a week, Lee had tried to outrun Grant to the west of Richmond and Petersburg in Virginia. After a ten-month siege of the two cities, the Union forces broke through the defenses and forced Lee to retreat. The Confederates moved along the Appomattox River, with Union General Phillip Sheridan shadowing them to the south. Lee's army had little food, and they began to desert in large numbers on the retreat. When Lee arrived at Appomattox, he found that his path was blocked. He had no choice but to request a meeting with Grant.
Nope the southern generals should have been drawn and quartered ,But Lincoln wanted national reconciliation. Little did he know what would come for the south since the 1980's

A great day for America!

The defeat of the treasonous bastards


For more than a week, Lee had tried to outrun Grant to the west of Richmond and Petersburg in Virginia. After a ten-month siege of the two cities, the Union forces broke through the defenses and forced Lee to retreat. The Confederates moved along the Appomattox River, with Union General Phillip Sheridan shadowing them to the south. Lee's army had little food, and they began to desert in large numbers on the retreat. When Lee arrived at Appomattox, he found that his path was blocked. He had no choice but to request a meeting with Grant.

A great day!!

On April 26, 1865, Confederate General Joseph E. Johnston would surrender his forces to William T. Sherman in North Carolina.

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