Hamas turns 25!

اللعنة حماس مجموعة من الحيوانات مسلم إرهابي


KUL KHARA! :cool:

thanks "because" you are teaching me a bit more ARABIC
for those interested----I think "because' said

Ya, so now even a nazi kosher piece of scraggly bacon like you can move to Israel and talk to everyone!
KUL KHARA! :cool:

thanks "because" you are teaching me a bit more ARABIC
for those interested----I think "because' said

Ya, so now even a nazi kosher piece of scraggly bacon like you can move to Israel and talk to everyone!

Ima ---even you can do better than "kosher piece of scraggly bacon"
I could move to Israel and simply speak english and learn hebrew----
----as to the filth of arabic----I probably hear more of that shit
in my own town when I encounter the stink of the black rag
covered bitches ---than I would in Israel

اللعنة حماس مجموعة من الحيوانات مسلم إرهابي


KUL KHARA! :cool:
What, you wanna kill yourself, heywan zmal? Mus zebi. Ha ha ha!
Ok, that must be why the IDF ran back to Israel and then Hamas held a huge open air rally to celebrate their 25th. :cuckoo:
Hamas stands because the international community will not let Israel smash it, due to the high risk of civilian casualties. Hiding behind their own women and children is how they fight the Israelis and survive. Such brave warriors.


So the IDF is incapable of winning in an urban warfare situation. Gotcha.:up:
As long as Hamas coward animals get to use their own women and children as shields....
thanks "because" you are teaching me a bit more ARABIC
for those interested----I think "because' said

Ya, so now even a nazi kosher piece of scraggly bacon like you can move to Israel and talk to everyone!

Ima ---even you can do better than "kosher piece of scraggly bacon"
I could move to Israel and simply speak english and learn hebrew----
----as to the filth of arabic----I probably hear more of that shit
in my own town when I encounter the stink of the black rag
covered bitches ---than I would in Israel

How about nazi hebrewo pig? C'mon admit it, you thought Yasser Arafat was HOT!!!
KUL KHARA! :cool:

thanks "because" you are teaching me a bit more ARABIC
for those interested----I think "because' said

Ya, so now even a nazi kosher piece of scraggly bacon like you can move to Israel and talk to everyone!
What is it with you Nazis? You're always busy trying to kick everybody out, as if your ancestry is any better. Unless you're a native American Indian, you should also be on the first boat out, ahole. So, what's your Indian name? Sucking with the dicks? LOL
yeah BURNT MEAT ------well-----I have to go now and burn some chicken for hubby------the burnt chicken is not so bad-----but that BURNT STEAK turns me off he gets pale at the sight of a tinge of pink

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