Hamas-organized mass wedding of adult men and little girls

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I remember what the topic was about. I even made a civilized respond to the point, and with Coyote we disagreed but still have a healthy discussion.

Then this troll came along and started bashing my customs and religions, even though I didn't say anything bad about Islam in this thread.

She constantly takes this off topic and after some serious provocation has the nerve to tell others to not forget the issue of debate. Now, seriously?!:cuckoo::doubt:

Well, it was a hoax, ok, good to know; what else do you expect, us to tear our shirts in grief? not gonna happen. So this time it was a lie, does it make Hamas any more respectful? Hardly.

And considering the fact that they tell constant lies about us, you'll get indifference from me. Apparently, when you invent a method you should take to mind it'll be used against you at some point.

Nonetheless, the truth is always appreciated.

This "troll" came along and mildly responded to all the anti-Muslim posts made by people of your faith.

Do you really actually think those on my side of the fence could not go to town on Jews in matters like this but for the most part we have eercised restraint. I have tried to remain on topic.

What the heck do you think Phoenall is doing right now with his diatribe about the Holy Quran. He is opening the door wide open and laying out a red carpet for people to discuss the Torah and the Talmud but people have restrained themselves.

Uh-huh. So the Quran is "the Holy Quran" and the Torah is just the Torah. Got it.

LOL...you are grasping at whatever straw in a windstorm. Muslims refer to the Quran as the Holu Quran. I have never seen the Torah reerred to as the Holy Torah.Fine, I will refer to it as the Holy Torah if that is what Jewish people prefer. It would be nice though if they did so themselves as well.

Will you? My very sincerest apologies for trying to respect other religions. I think y'all are trying to bait me to go after Jews. It isn't working and won't work. I will go after asses and if they nhappen to be Jewish, well, then they should behave better as, to many people, they cast a bad light in Jews everywhere and that is what promotes anti-Semitism, like it or not.
I am a bit spooked on searching for the ORIGINAL thing ----the little girls and
the grown men walking together------WHO IS RESPONSIBLE for claiming that it
was a MASS WEDDING? did it appear in a publication?

I traced it back to the beginning and I would rather not tell because at this point, telling what happened would be regarded as anti-Semitic...so find out for yourself or better yet, just make up a lurid, licentious, and pornographic story about Islam or Muhammad and give the people what they want.
This "troll" came along and mildly responded to all the anti-Muslim posts made by people of your faith.

Do you really actually think those on my side of the fence could not go to town on Jews in matters like this but for the most part we have eercised restraint. I have tried to remain on topic.

What the heck do you think Phoenall is doing right now with his diatribe about the Holy Quran. He is opening the door wide open and laying out a red carpet for people to discuss the Torah and the Talmud but people have restrained themselves.

Uh-huh. So the Quran is "the Holy Quran" and the Torah is just the Torah. Got it.

LOL...you are grasping at whatever straw in a windstorm. Muslims refer to the Quran as the Holu Quran. I have never seen the Torah reerred to as the Holy Torah.Fine, I will refer to it as the Holy Torah if that is what Jewish people prefer. It would be nice though if they did so themselves as well.

Will you? My very sincerest apologies for trying to respect other religions. I think y'all are trying to bait me to go after Jews. It isn't working and won't work. I will go after asses and if they nhappen to be Jewish, well, then they should behave better as, to many people, they cast a bad light in Jews everywhere and that is what promotes anti-Semitism, like it or not.

More drivel from the drivel king LOL.
Here is a true story of a forced child marriage, among the Jewish Haredi.

Haredi parents marry off 13-year-old daughter as 'penance' for flirtationsRabbi in West Bank town of Modi'in convinced parents that Kabbalist text prescribed matrimony to atone for 'misconduct'.

A 13-year-old girl from the ultra-Orthodox town of Modi'in Ilit was married to a 16-year-old this week, after religious activists in the town told the girls' parents it would be penance for her romantic involvement with the boy.

"About a month ago, the girl, an eighth-grader at the Netivot Da'at school in the West Bank town of Modi'in Ilit, told other girls in her class that she had become engaged to a 16-year-old boy from Rehovot, and that the two intended to get married soon. She also showed the girls clips of the engagement on her cellular phone......"

Haredi parents marry off 13-year-old daughter as 'penance' for flirtationsIsrael News - Haaretz Israeli News source

doesn't sound like she was forced but rather happy about being engaged to to her boyfriend.
I am a bit spooked on searching for the ORIGINAL thing ----the little girls and
the grown men walking together------WHO IS RESPONSIBLE for claiming that it
was a MASS WEDDING? did it appear in a publication?
snopes.com: Hamas Mass Wedding for 450 Little Girls

Mahmoud al-Zahar, Hamas’ chief in Gaza and Ahmed Jarbour, the Hamas official in Gaza responsible for social activity staged the event.

the heading for the video was put in by the poster.

This video is from Live Leak but it also aired on Al Jazeera. Al Jazeera spoke of the wedding staged by Hamas but nowhere in their report did it mention who the brides were, only showing the young girls with the grooms and that couples got paid by Hamas.

There is also a copy with an Imam speaking about how there is no minimum age but that Mohammed is the example and how young Aisha was.
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So, why do you keep pimping the lie?

It's a hoax and you keep pushing it as true.

Certainly, you expose Zionist morality for us all to see so very clearly.

And this is not the first thread started on this hoax, and the hoax was debunked then too.
I'm presenting the original version and who was involved in organizing it. I'm not pimping anything.
I'm simply presenting the facts.
I expect this hoax is pushed on Israeli shills in Hasbara school.

Sherri's responses is the true portrayal of someone who cannot handle the truth.
This is a common trait we see among most, if not all pro - Palestinians here (and globally I would imagine)

Palestinian shills like Sherri need to understand that refusing to accept the truth, DOES NOT CHANGE THE TRUTH
I am a bit spooked on searching for the ORIGINAL thing ----the little girls and
the grown men walking together------WHO IS RESPONSIBLE for claiming that it
was a MASS WEDDING? did it appear in a publication?
snopes.com: Hamas Mass Wedding for 450 Little Girls

Mahmoud al-Zahar, Hamas’ chief in Gaza and Ahmed Jarbour, the Hamas official in Gaza responsible for social activity staged the event.

the heading for the video was put in by the poster.

This video is from Live Leak but it also aired on Al Jazeera. Al Jazeera spoke of the wedding staged by Hamas but nowhere in their report did it mention who the brides were, only showing the young girls with the grooms and that couples got paid by Hamas.

There is also a copy with an Imam speaking about how there is no minimum age but that Mohammed is the example and how young Aisha was.

Wow! So let's get this straight. Hamas STAGES a fake wedding with dozens of little girls to entice other Pali animals into being terrorists, and Israel is blamed for it?

What kind of depraved subhuman people do this?

I am glad we cleared up this case of "Israeli false propoganda". Ha ha ha.
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Forced marriages are a serious problem in many parts of the world, including Gaza.

Meanwhile, the deliberate spreading of a hoax like this, who's sole purpose is to inflame anti-Islamic bigotry does nothing to help the real issue.

The mass marriage and picture were real, just the captions were misleading. To people who are not familiar might easily assume the girls were the brides.

That is true but it was deliberately spread in a misleading way designed to demonize - the article the pictures were taken from made it clear what the event was and what the pictures were of.

Massages are no unusual from South Africa to Syria. Temporary marriages are also quite frequent unfortunately.
Underage marriage is common enough. Girls as young as 8 have been married off to men 40 and older. 10 million young girls a year are married to men old enough to be their fathers or grandfathers. The idea of a man having had more than 80 wives is also bothersome to many. So to assume that the young girls might be the brides in a mass wedding is not out of the realm of possibilities, especially such a public display.
Hoax? No. Misinformation, that particular time, yes.
I see how it could be a "misinformation" but, that implies benign intent. People who believed it and spread it - might be guilty of "misinformation". However, the person who originated it, created a hoax. When you read the articles that the photos came from - and you read the hoax email - I think it's easy to see the intent was to mislead.

Hoaxes are defined as "deliberately fabricated falsehoods made to masquerade as truth".

The original email was titled: HAMAS PLAYS HOST TO PEDOPHILIA

The text of the hoax was as follows.

Muhammed married a six year old bride. But Islam has evolved in 1500 years. In Hamas land, in 2009, the brides are almost seven.

Mass Muslim Marriage

450 Grooms Wed GIRLS Under Ten In Gaza

A gala event has occurred in Gaza.

Hamas sponsored a mass wedding for four hundred and fifty couples. Most of the grooms were in their mid to late twenties; most of brides were under ten.

Muslim dignitaries including Mahmud Zahar, a leader of Hamas, were on hand to congratulate the couples who took part in the carefully staged celebration.

"We are saying to the world and to America that you cannot deny us joy and happiness," Zahar told the grooms, all of whom were dressed in identical black suits and hailed from the nearby Jabalia refugee camp.

Each groom received a gift of 500 dollars from Hamas.

The pre-pubescent girls, dressed in white gowns and adorned with garish make-up, received bridal bouquets.

"We are presenting this wedding as a gift to our people who stood firm in the face of the siege and the war," local Hamas strongman Ibrahim Salaf said in a speech.

The wedding photos tell the rest of the sordid tale.
Read more at snopes.com: Hamas Mass Wedding for 450 Little Girls
It's pretty clear that the author took information out of the articles, added his own invention (about children) and then spread it. People were willing to believe because it fed their own prejudices.

I should add - forced marriages and underage marriages are a real problem, but even in those countries where they occur - the marriages of children this young are relatively uncommon. And mass marriage of children - where has anytbhing remotely like that occurred? People are unwilling beyond the surface.

It isn't BIGOTRY if it's actually happening.

And what is wrong with demonizing the practice of marrying female children to adult males?

What does "relatively" uncommon mean? That you haven't been invited to one of these weddings?
So, why do you keep pimping the lie?

It's a hoax and you keep pushing it as true.

Certainly, you expose Zionist morality for us all to see so very clearly.

And this is not the first thread started on this hoax, and the hoax was debunked then too.
What lie is that? Hamas stages an event to honor it's terrorists with pedophilic fantasies, and Israel is to be blamed for the behavior of these animals?
Except...it's a hoax.snopes.com: Hamas Mass Wedding for 450 Little Girls
Pictures of a line of men holding hands with little girls in white have circulated widely in support of a hoax that is little more than anti-Islamic and anti-Palestinian hate mongering.
Poor hamas fell victim to a lie! That's hilarious, indeed. Any fresh lies about that innocent humanitarian outfit lately?
Reading hate sites is not studying Islam.

And all you are doing is spewing lies and hate .

I think tossing around demeaning, 1400 yr old facts about Mohammed isn't just dicey and counter-productive but plain wrong. What Arab Muslim culture is in the 21st Century is not solely driven by what happened then just as other cultures have evolved since. Many of their traditions pre-date the 7th Century.

Study islam as I have and you see that it is still embroiled in the 7c mind-set. Most are at best semi literate so cant read for themselves what is written in the Koran. They are forced to pray in a dead language that barely 12 muslims can begin to understand, and they are taught the Koran parrot fashion without understanding what they are saying. Then when it is pointed out to them what they are practising they become angry and violent claiming that it is a lie. islam has not evolved, it cant without denying the whole of its beliefs. It is written that the Koran is the immutable word of god and no part of it can be taken away or changed, they access the 21c while still invoking evil spirits. They stone women for the crime of "maybe adultery" in other words hubby has got sick of his old hag and fancies a new young girl so he claims she has looked at another man. The whole religion was based on one mans psychopathic lust for wealth, women, power and sex with children. He changed the rules as often as it suited him which is why he married his brothers 6 year old daughter, but refused to marry his other brothers elderly widow.

So you see telling the truth about islam and the muslims isn't demeaning it is setting the story straight so that more people look closer at islam.

Unlike you sharia I don't use hate sites, I study the subject in depth. As for the Koran I use the online Pickthall translation along with many of the Islamic sponsored translations. Strange thing is the translations are almost word for word exact. Couple this with readily available reports of Islamic brutality and atrocities and a picture starts to emerge of the real islam.
Just as reading your posts and looking at your sources produces the picture of a muslim fundamentalist still living with HIS parents and wanting to fight the infidel in the name of allah, but is scared of getting hurt.
You actually think that 14 y.o. girls can consent to marry?

Well, that oughta flush some statutory rapes down the toilet, at least in your eyes. Can't believe no one has objected to this.

Regardless of what you and I think of girls marrying so young, in the Southern states you will find many women in the past marrying at a very young age because they wanted to. I don't know what goes on now, but I was acquainted with two women from Mississippi who were married at 14 because they wanted to be married; and by the time they were 16, already had two children. In fact, even out here I was once reading an article where a woman was interviewed because she became a grandmother at 29. I was totally shocked at that, but you can guess how young she and her daughter were when they married. Today many young women don't jump at the chance to be married because they don't want to be tied down so young for various reasons like getting ahead in a career. However, I am sure you must have been acquainted in your time of young women just getting out of high school becoming married right away. In fact, if a female reached her mid 20's and was not married, she was considered by some as an Old Maid.

What I think is exactly this. The thread morphed into a discussion about chilod marriages and people began condemning islamic society for doing it, and then began justifying it in other cultures, as aris2chat did.

And apparently I am an anti-Semite because I for the most part hold people to the same standards, with consideration towards their culture and the economic conditions in which they grow up and live.

It is beyond me to condemn other people who eke out a living and struggle to survive when I, who lives a simple life and well within my means with very little self indulgent behavior, live in the lap of luxury and would be the envy of 95% of the world. I mean, I can listen to George Clinton and Parliament Funk any time I want and and buy art and good whiskey and the occasional errant cheeseburger so how am I gonna judge some guy on a rocky mountainside with a plow, six kids, and no horse.

I am going to try to understand him and his life so maybe I can help him to better help himself.

There is a big difference between a 6 year old child being forced into marrying a 50 year old man and a 14 year old girl consenting to marrying her 15 year old boyfriend. Wasn't there a scandal in the US over a famous singer getting married to his cousin who was 15 at the time ?
In the UK we had a law passed making it illegal for parents to take their children out of the country and force them to get married, the groups it was aimed at ignored the law and found them selves facing prison and having their children placed in care. The marriages were annulled under UK law and the spouses informed that they could not get a British passport on the back of the marriage. This caused a lot of problems for the fathers of the brides who had been paid extremely large sums of money to get around immigration laws. In some cases it led to murders of family members abroad, and honour killings in the UK.
I remember what the topic was about. I even made a civilized respond to the point, and with Coyote we disagreed but still have a healthy discussion.

Then this troll came along and started bashing my customs and religions, even though I didn't say anything bad about Islam in this thread.

She constantly takes this off topic and after some serious provocation has the nerve to tell others to not forget the issue of debate. Now, seriously?!:cuckoo::doubt:

Well, it was a hoax, ok, good to know; what else do you expect, us to tear our shirts in grief? not gonna happen. So this time it was a lie, does it make Hamas any more respectful? Hardly.

And considering the fact that they tell constant lies about us, you'll get indifference from me. Apparently, when you invent a method you should take to mind it'll be used against you at some point.

Nonetheless, the truth is always appreciated.

This "troll" came along and mildly responded to all the anti-Muslim posts made by people of your faith.

Do you really actually think those on my side of the fence could not go to town on Jews in matters like this but for the most part we have eercised restraint. I have tried to remain on topic.

What the heck do you think Phoenall is doing right now with his diatribe about the Holy Quran. He is opening the door wide open and laying out a red carpet for people to discuss the Torah and the Talmud but people have restrained themselves.

Uh-huh. So the Quran is "the Holy Quran" and the Torah is just the Torah. Got it.

The Koran is interesting if you want to learn about islam and the muslim mindset, but you need to read it in the order it was spoken to get that true feel of how Mohamed was affected by his mental condition. Nothing holy about it as it is just re-hashed parts of the Torah and Bible with a lot of violence thrown in to attract certain elements from the arab world.
Regardless of what you and I think of girls marrying so young, in the Southern states you will find many women in the past marrying at a very young age because they wanted to. I don't know what goes on now, but I was acquainted with two women from Mississippi who were married at 14 because they wanted to be married; and by the time they were 16, already had two children. In fact, even out here I was once reading an article where a woman was interviewed because she became a grandmother at 29. I was totally shocked at that, but you can guess how young she and her daughter were when they married. Today many young women don't jump at the chance to be married because they don't want to be tied down so young for various reasons like getting ahead in a career. However, I am sure you must have been acquainted in your time of young women just getting out of high school becoming married right away. In fact, if a female reached her mid 20's and was not married, she was considered by some as an Old Maid.

What I think is exactly this. The thread morphed into a discussion about chilod marriages and people began condemning islamic society for doing it, and then began justifying it in other cultures, as aris2chat did.

And apparently I am an anti-Semite because I for the most part hold people to the same standards, with consideration towards their culture and the economic conditions in which they grow up and live.

It is beyond me to condemn other people who eke out a living and struggle to survive when I, who lives a simple life and well within my means with very little self indulgent behavior, live in the lap of luxury and would be the envy of 95% of the world. I mean, I can listen to George Clinton and Parliament Funk any time I want and and buy art and good whiskey and the occasional errant cheeseburger so how am I gonna judge some guy on a rocky mountainside with a plow, six kids, and no horse.

I am going to try to understand him and his life so maybe I can help him to better help himself.

There is a big difference between a 6 year old child being forced into marrying a 50 year old man and a 14 year old girl consenting to marrying her 15 year old boyfriend. Wasn't there a scandal in the US over a famous singer getting married to his cousin who was 15 at the time ?
In the UK we had a law passed making it illegal for parents to take their children out of the country and force them to get married, the groups it was aimed at ignored the law and found them selves facing prison and having their children placed in care. The marriages were annulled under UK law and the spouses informed that they could not get a British passport on the back of the marriage. This caused a lot of problems for the fathers of the brides who had been paid extremely large sums of money to get around immigration laws. In some cases it led to murders of family members abroad, and honour killings in the UK.

There are also mosques in the UK who will agree to marry girls who are underage.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLpVbQdWEwY]LiveLeak com 18 UK mosques 'agree to perform underage marriages - YouTube[/ame]
The thread title remains a Zionist lie.

YOU have no case to keep repeating it.

Thank you. I had this up to respond three times and couldn't so I just closed the window.

I think though, I can now rest the case I was making to Lipush in defense of Sherri with this post by Phoenall.

Sherri has no case and neither do you:eusa_whistle:

The thread is Coyote pointing out journalist unprofessionalism.

Nobody says those inventing it are Zionists.

That is your own personal bullcrap.
Thank you. I had this up to respond three times and couldn't so I just closed the window.

I think though, I can now rest the case I was making to Lipush in defense of Sherri with this post by Phoenall.

Sherri has no case and neither do you:eusa_whistle:

My sole case was that you accused Sherri of Jew hatred for one of her posts, it wasn't clear which one, and I said her post in no way compared with the posts by Jewish posters epressing Muslim hatred or defending the denigration of the Islamic faith.

Her Jew hatred is just another reason for my disliking of her. The main reason is pure prsonal so please stay out of it. As long as she doesn't apologize I'll keep pointing out just what a bitch she is.

And who put YOU as the lawyer of Islam, anyway? Are you a LAWYER for Judaism, too?!
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