Hamas-organized mass wedding of adult men and little girls

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Her post seemed considerably less hateful than the posts directed at those who practice the Islamic faith.

Her posts are the same usual bullshit as ever.

She talks about respecting other religions while constantly slandering Judaiam.

At least those who slander Islam has the dignity to admit of disliking the religion. But talk about respect and tolerance and the peaceful way of Jesus and at the same breath slandering Jesus' religion speaks volumes about her hypocrisy.

Lest we forget, the opening post was about a rather notorious hoax slandering Islam and it snowballed from there.

SO...her post, the one to which you referred, seemed considerably less hateful than those directed at practitioners of the Islamic faith.

If I am not mistaken, this thread is about bigoted lies and deceit and hatred directed towards Muslims and not about child brides. And people are bringing this hatred to the shores of my country. I find it hard to believe that Jews, who always complain about anti-Semitism would condone and mitigate the same kind and worse hatred directed at others, but I have not seen one single Jewish poster say anything negative about this hoax.

You, and they, are no different than those who defend The Protocols of Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion as the truth.

And if that is being anti-Semitic, than the truth is anti-Semitic.

I remember what the topic was about. I even made a civilized respond to the point, and with Coyote we disagreed but still have a healthy discussion.

Then this troll came along and started bashing my customs and religions, even though I didn't say anything bad about Islam in this thread.

She constantly takes this off topic and after some serious provocation has the nerve to tell others to not forget the issue of debate. Now, seriously?!:cuckoo::doubt:

Well, it was a hoax, ok, good to know; what else do you expect, us to tear our shirts in grief? not gonna happen. So this time it was a lie, does it make Hamas any more respectful? Hardly.

And considering the fact that they tell constant lies about us, you'll get indifference from me. Apparently, when you invent a method you should take to mind it'll be used against you at some point.

Nonetheless, the truth is always appreciated.
Have you read and fully understood the Koran and the hadiths, do you fully understand the abrogation in the Koran. If you do then you will know beyond a shadow of doubt that all muslims are commanded by their religion to emulate the "most perfect muslim" in thought and deed. Who is this "most perfect muslim" why it is Mohamed the known child rapist who commanded his band of thieving MASS MURDERING scum to test every girl they captured to see if they had any pubic hair. Those that did not were reserved for Mohamed as his sex slaves, those that did were passed around his gang for their sexual pleasure. He raped a girl in the blood of her murdered father because he was a psychopathic killer, he married a 6 year old girl and consummated his marriage with her when she was 9. One of irans ayotollahs wrote a book describing how to have sex with a baby, and the practise is widespread in Islamic nations. So widespread that girls as young as 10 are made infertile by being forced to have sex and babies at that age
.....................^^ LOL....funny stuff ... :cuckoo: :badgrin: :badgrin:

Thank you. I had this up to respond three times and couldn't so I just closed the window.

I think though, I can now rest the case I was making to Lipush in defense of Sherri with this post by Phoenall.

Sherri has no case and neither do you:eusa_whistle:
Unfortunately it undermines the exposure of the tragedy so many women (and young girls) suffer under Arab/Muslim culture. A 16 year old rape victim was forced BY HER FAMILY to marry the rapist, saving the family face and sparing the rapist prison time. She subsequently killed herself. Child brides and forced clitoral circumcision are indicative of how females are viewed and abused in tribal Arab societies where ignorance - particularly among females - is strictly enforced.


I sure am glad we live in America where we know how to deal with these damn Arab kafirs in a civilized manner...

Charge: Man attacked Arab students on Seattle bus - seattlepi.com

Your deflections are a lame attempt at both moral equivocation and obfuscation. For reasons unknown you seem determined to defend in Arab/Muslim culture that which even moral Arab/Muslims decry.
Your "concern" for the females who live under such conditions - the subject of this thread - extends only as far as you can toss mud on the Jews.
Despite your plaintiff rants you are a disgusting individual.

My deflection is no different at all from your deflection and is a response to it. This thread became an attempt at moral equivalence and obfuscarion from the fourth post on.

I have not and will not defend any sect or group of any faith that conducts itself in teprehensible manners but when npeople like you dig up obscure little articles in discussions about groups of people, in this case those who practice Islam, then the result will be Arab students getting beat up on public transportation and cab drivers being assaulted and etc.

Imagine this as an illustration and analogy. Suppose there was a thread about The Protocols, a hoax, and people kept interjecting obscure incideents to substantiate it, and believe me, their are plenty. Do those obscure incidents make it any less of a hoax? No, but the damage would have been done.

The subject of this thread, I believe and Coyote can certainly correct me if I am wrong, was about a hoax. it was aris2chat who took it off that topic. You read my posts. Do you actually think I am incapable of digging up many articles from very legitimate sources about incidents of Jewish people and clergy engaging in sexual misconducts and abuse of children in all kinds of ways. I could but haven't, which may indeed fuel your and others attempts to label me an anti-Semite...because I expose your own bigotry and this is a tit for tat forum.

I am sick and tired of my Muslim neighbors being afraid to go grocery shopping. I am sick and tired of of the Muslim children in my neighborhood being afraid to walk to school because they wear a head covering. I sometimes walk them to their school and you wouldn't believe the vile things that are screamed from passing cars about them, their culture, their parents. And stuff like this occurs all over the country and I can totally understand how a small portion of these kids grow up to become alienated.

And it is the same behavior that is exhibited in your post that, in part, reflects the same hateful attitude. And you may actually want to consider this as you hurl your ridiculous slurs in my direction. If you don't think this hatefest directed at Muslim society today is not going to spill over on you tomorrow, think again. Your next, make no mistake about it...and you are making a lot of enemies that would normally be your friends along the way.
I think tossing around demeaning, 1400 yr old facts about Mohammed isn't just dicey and counter-productive but plain wrong. What Arab Muslim culture is in the 21st Century is not solely driven by what happened then just as other cultures have evolved since. Many of their traditions pre-date the 7th Century.

Study islam as I have and you see that it is still embroiled in the 7c mind-set. Most are at best semi literate so cant read for themselves what is written in the Koran. They are forced to pray in a dead language that barely 12 muslims can begin to understand, and they are taught the Koran parrot fashion without understanding what they are saying. Then when it is pointed out to them what they are practising they become angry and violent claiming that it is a lie. islam has not evolved, it cant without denying the whole of its beliefs. It is written that the Koran is the immutable word of god and no part of it can be taken away or changed, they access the 21c while still invoking evil spirits. They stone women for the crime of "maybe adultery" in other words hubby has got sick of his old hag and fancies a new young girl so he claims she has looked at another man. The whole religion was based on one mans psychopathic lust for wealth, women, power and sex with children. He changed the rules as often as it suited him which is why he married his brothers 6 year old daughter, but refused to marry his other brothers elderly widow.

So you see telling the truth about islam and the muslims isn't demeaning it is setting the story straight so that more people look closer at islam.
Judaism permit child betrothals, but child marriage was abolished long ago.
The bride must be old enough to consent to the marriage even though betrothed since childhood. Theoretically a girl is not eligible to wed till at least three years after she begin her cycle. People who don't understand how to read the talmud think it is permitting a child to be married at three. It is referring to the years after becoming a woman as a limitation.

November, 2013 was two months ago.

"The proposal to raise the marriage age was first mooted in 2004, by the National Council for the Child. Since then, a number of MKs, including Zuabi, have tried to promote the amendment, but under pressure from the ultra-Orthodox the cabinet has repeatedly decided not to support it.

A study carried out by ACRI indicated that for years the state did not even enforce the law to prevent minors under 17 from marrying: In 2004, no criminal cases were opened for underage marriage, even though the practice is widespread in certain communities in Israel. Only four such cases were investigated in 2003."


This pretty much confirms what Coyote said, albeit in circumtuitive way. Child marriages do not occur in European cultures so much Israel is essentially a European state in a Mideastern worldm but the Haredim are, for the most part, remnants from more ancient Jewish world in the Mideast.

This thread is about a hoax meant to discredit Muslims. When I first read it, I nknew it was a hoax. As I said, the enemies of America could make hay about the incestuous courtships between fathers and their daughters at the familial orgiastic bacchanalia (sure, someone sneaks a nip or two) known to us as Father Daughter Dances.

A good example of how these hateful and bigoted stories propagate is by word of mouth. My God, I just read yesterday about a Lebanese baby who had joined Hizballah (before y'all jump on Sunn Man, Hizballah is Shia) which is preposturous and, dare I say it, I bet if we trace this hoax back to a source, Jews, Evangelicals, or Israelis are involved in distorting what really happened. Some people just seem to allow their hatred distort their reality.

In some part of the US 14 yrs can marry, but this is not arranged or forced marriage, it is consensual. Judaism too marriage must be consensual, only betrothals are still arranged but either person can ask out at any time. Divorce is also permitted in Judaism.
Even within marriage there are all kinds of protections and right for wives and children built into the laws, both religious and civil.
Unlike in areas where child marriage are common, education is important for both boys and girls. There are meets and instruction that is encourage before marriage. It is not something that should be rushed into.

You actually think that 14 y.o. girls can consent to marry?

Well, that oughta flush some statutory rapes down the toilet, at least in your eyes. Can't believe no one has objected to this.
.....................^^ LOL....funny stuff ... :cuckoo: :badgrin: :badgrin:

Thank you. I had this up to respond three times and couldn't so I just closed the window.

I think though, I can now rest the case I was making to Lipush in defense of Sherri with this post by Phoenall.

Sherri has no case and neither do you:eusa_whistle:

My sole case was that you accused Sherri of Jew hatred for one of her posts, it wasn't clear which one, and I said her post in no way compared with the posts by Jewish posters epressing Muslim hatred or defending the denigration of the Islamic faith.
November, 2013 was two months ago.

"The proposal to raise the marriage age was first mooted in 2004, by the National Council for the Child. Since then, a number of MKs, including Zuabi, have tried to promote the amendment, but under pressure from the ultra-Orthodox the cabinet has repeatedly decided not to support it.

A study carried out by ACRI indicated that for years the state did not even enforce the law to prevent minors under 17 from marrying: In 2004, no criminal cases were opened for underage marriage, even though the practice is widespread in certain communities in Israel. Only four such cases were investigated in 2003."


This pretty much confirms what Coyote said, albeit in circumtuitive way. Child marriages do not occur in European cultures so much Israel is essentially a European state in a Mideastern worldm but the Haredim are, for the most part, remnants from more ancient Jewish world in the Mideast.

This thread is about a hoax meant to discredit Muslims. When I first read it, I nknew it was a hoax. As I said, the enemies of America could make hay about the incestuous courtships between fathers and their daughters at the familial orgiastic bacchanalia (sure, someone sneaks a nip or two) known to us as Father Daughter Dances.

A good example of how these hateful and bigoted stories propagate is by word of mouth. My God, I just read yesterday about a Lebanese baby who had joined Hizballah (before y'all jump on Sunn Man, Hizballah is Shia) which is preposturous and, dare I say it, I bet if we trace this hoax back to a source, Jews, Evangelicals, or Israelis are involved in distorting what really happened. Some people just seem to allow their hatred distort their reality.

In some part of the US 14 yrs can marry, but this is not arranged or forced marriage, it is consensual. Judaism too marriage must be consensual, only betrothals are still arranged but either person can ask out at any time. Divorce is also permitted in Judaism.
Even within marriage there are all kinds of protections and right for wives and children built into the laws, both religious and civil.
Unlike in areas where child marriage are common, education is important for both boys and girls. There are meets and instruction that is encourage before marriage. It is not something that should be rushed into.

You actually think that 14 y.o. girls can consent to marry?

Well, that oughta flush some statutory rapes down the toilet, at least in your eyes. Can't believe no one has objected to this.

Regardless of what you and I think of girls marrying so young, in the Southern states you will find many women in the past marrying at a very young age because they wanted to. I don't know what goes on now, but I was acquainted with two women from Mississippi who were married at 14 because they wanted to be married; and by the time they were 16, already had two children. In fact, even out here I was once reading an article where a woman was interviewed because she became a grandmother at 29. I was totally shocked at that, but you can guess how young she and her daughter were when they married. Today many young women don't jump at the chance to be married because they don't want to be tied down so young for various reasons like getting ahead in a career. However, I am sure you must have been acquainted in your time of young women just getting out of high school becoming married right away. In fact, if a female reached her mid 20's and was not married, she was considered by some as an Old Maid.
The thread title remains a Zionist lie.

YOU have no case to keep repeating it.

.....................^^ LOL....funny stuff ... :cuckoo: :badgrin: :badgrin:

Thank you. I had this up to respond three times and couldn't so I just closed the window.

I think though, I can now rest the case I was making to Lipush in defense of Sherri with this post by Phoenall.

Sherri has no case and neither do you:eusa_whistle:
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The thread title remains a Zionist lie.

Thank you. I had this up to respond three times and couldn't so I just closed the window.

I think though, I can now rest the case I was making to Lipush in defense of Sherri with this post by Phoenall.

Sherri has no case and neither do you:eusa_whistle:

Are you in Australia by any chance because what is the truth you say is a lie and vice versa. Your views are arse about face.
Her posts are the same usual bullshit as ever.

She talks about respecting other religions while constantly slandering Judaiam.

At least those who slander Islam has the dignity to admit of disliking the religion. But talk about respect and tolerance and the peaceful way of Jesus and at the same breath slandering Jesus' religion speaks volumes about her hypocrisy.

Lest we forget, the opening post was about a rather notorious hoax slandering Islam and it snowballed from there.

SO...her post, the one to which you referred, seemed considerably less hateful than those directed at practitioners of the Islamic faith.

If I am not mistaken, this thread is about bigoted lies and deceit and hatred directed towards Muslims and not about child brides. And people are bringing this hatred to the shores of my country. I find it hard to believe that Jews, who always complain about anti-Semitism would condone and mitigate the same kind and worse hatred directed at others, but I have not seen one single Jewish poster say anything negative about this hoax.

You, and they, are no different than those who defend The Protocols of Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion as the truth.

And if that is being anti-Semitic, than the truth is anti-Semitic.

I remember what the topic was about. I even made a civilized respond to the point, and with Coyote we disagreed but still have a healthy discussion.

Then this troll came along and started bashing my customs and religions, even though I didn't say anything bad about Islam in this thread.

She constantly takes this off topic and after some serious provocation has the nerve to tell others to not forget the issue of debate. Now, seriously?!:cuckoo::doubt:

Well, it was a hoax, ok, good to know; what else do you expect, us to tear our shirts in grief? not gonna happen. So this time it was a lie, does it make Hamas any more respectful? Hardly.

And considering the fact that they tell constant lies about us, you'll get indifference from me. Apparently, when you invent a method you should take to mind it'll be used against you at some point.

Nonetheless, the truth is always appreciated.

This "troll" came along and mildly responded to all the anti-Muslim posts made by people of your faith.

Do you really actually think those on my side of the fence could not go to town on Jews in matters like this but for the most part we have eercised restraint. I have tried to remain on topic.

What the heck do you think Phoenall is doing right now with his diatribe about the Holy Quran. He is opening the door wide open and laying out a red carpet for people to discuss the Torah and the Talmud but people have restrained themselves.
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Reading hate sites is not studying Islam.

And all you are doing is spewing lies and hate .

I think tossing around demeaning, 1400 yr old facts about Mohammed isn't just dicey and counter-productive but plain wrong. What Arab Muslim culture is in the 21st Century is not solely driven by what happened then just as other cultures have evolved since. Many of their traditions pre-date the 7th Century.

Study islam as I have and you see that it is still embroiled in the 7c mind-set. Most are at best semi literate so cant read for themselves what is written in the Koran. They are forced to pray in a dead language that barely 12 muslims can begin to understand, and they are taught the Koran parrot fashion without understanding what they are saying. Then when it is pointed out to them what they are practising they become angry and violent claiming that it is a lie. islam has not evolved, it cant without denying the whole of its beliefs. It is written that the Koran is the immutable word of god and no part of it can be taken away or changed, they access the 21c while still invoking evil spirits. They stone women for the crime of "maybe adultery" in other words hubby has got sick of his old hag and fancies a new young girl so he claims she has looked at another man. The whole religion was based on one mans psychopathic lust for wealth, women, power and sex with children. He changed the rules as often as it suited him which is why he married his brothers 6 year old daughter, but refused to marry his other brothers elderly widow.

So you see telling the truth about islam and the muslims isn't demeaning it is setting the story straight so that more people look closer at islam.
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In some part of the US 14 yrs can marry, but this is not arranged or forced marriage, it is consensual. Judaism too marriage must be consensual, only betrothals are still arranged but either person can ask out at any time. Divorce is also permitted in Judaism.
Even within marriage there are all kinds of protections and right for wives and children built into the laws, both religious and civil.
Unlike in areas where child marriage are common, education is important for both boys and girls. There are meets and instruction that is encourage before marriage. It is not something that should be rushed into.

You actually think that 14 y.o. girls can consent to marry?

Well, that oughta flush some statutory rapes down the toilet, at least in your eyes. Can't believe no one has objected to this.

Regardless of what you and I think of girls marrying so young, in the Southern states you will find many women in the past marrying at a very young age because they wanted to. I don't know what goes on now, but I was acquainted with two women from Mississippi who were married at 14 because they wanted to be married; and by the time they were 16, already had two children. In fact, even out here I was once reading an article where a woman was interviewed because she became a grandmother at 29. I was totally shocked at that, but you can guess how young she and her daughter were when they married. Today many young women don't jump at the chance to be married because they don't want to be tied down so young for various reasons like getting ahead in a career. However, I am sure you must have been acquainted in your time of young women just getting out of high school becoming married right away. In fact, if a female reached her mid 20's and was not married, she was considered by some as an Old Maid.

What I think is exactly this. The thread morphed into a discussion about chilod marriages and people began condemning islamic society for doing it, and then began justifying it in other cultures, as aris2chat did.

And apparently I am an anti-Semite because I for the most part hold people to the same standards, with consideration towards their culture and the economic conditions in which they grow up and live.

It is beyond me to condemn other people who eke out a living and struggle to survive when I, who lives a simple life and well within my means with very little self indulgent behavior, live in the lap of luxury and would be the envy of 95% of the world. I mean, I can listen to George Clinton and Parliament Funk any time I want and and buy art and good whiskey and the occasional errant cheeseburger so how am I gonna judge some guy on a rocky mountainside with a plow, six kids, and no horse.

I am going to try to understand him and his life so maybe I can help him to better help himself.
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You actually think that 14 y.o. girls can consent to marry?

Well, that oughta flush some statutory rapes down the toilet, at least in your eyes. Can't believe no one has objected to this.

Regardless of what you and I think of girls marrying so young, in the Southern states you will find many women in the past marrying at a very young age because they wanted to. I don't know what goes on now, but I was acquainted with two women from Mississippi who were married at 14 because they wanted to be married; and by the time they were 16, already had two children. In fact, even out here I was once reading an article where a woman was interviewed because she became a grandmother at 29. I was totally shocked at that, but you can guess how young she and her daughter were when they married. Today many young women don't jump at the chance to be married because they don't want to be tied down so young for various reasons like getting ahead in a career. However, I am sure you must have been acquainted in your time of young women just getting out of high school becoming married right away. In fact, if a female reached her mid 20's and was not married, she was considered by some as an Old Maid.

What I think is exactly this. The thread morphed into a discussion about chilod marriages and people began condemning islamic society for doing it, and then began justifying it in other cultures, as aris2chat did.

And apparently I am an anti-Semite because I for the most part hold people to the same standards, with consideration towards their culture and the economic conditions in which they grow up and live.

It is beyond me to condemn other people who eke out a living and struggle to survive when I, who lives a simple life and well within my means with very little self indulgent behavior, live in the lap of luxury and would be the envy of 95% of the world. I mean, I can listen to George Clinton and Parliament Funk any time I want and and buy art and good whiskey and the occasional errant cheeseburger so how am I gonna judge some guy on a rocky mountainside with a plow, six kids, and no horse.

I am going to try to understand him and his life so maybe I can help him to better help himself.

That is a whole lot of words without saying anything !

Impressive ! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
Reading hate sites is not studying Islam.

And all you are doing is spewing lies and hate .

I think tossing around demeaning, 1400 yr old facts about Mohammed isn't just dicey and counter-productive but plain wrong. What Arab Muslim culture is in the 21st Century is not solely driven by what happened then just as other cultures have evolved since. Many of their traditions pre-date the 7th Century.

Study islam as I have and you see that it is still embroiled in the 7c mind-set. Most are at best semi literate so cant read for themselves what is written in the Koran. They are forced to pray in a dead language that barely 12 muslims can begin to understand, and they are taught the Koran parrot fashion without understanding what they are saying. Then when it is pointed out to them what they are practising they become angry and violent claiming that it is a lie. islam has not evolved, it cant without denying the whole of its beliefs. It is written that the Koran is the immutable word of god and no part of it can be taken away or changed, they access the 21c while still invoking evil spirits. They stone women for the crime of "maybe adultery" in other words hubby has got sick of his old hag and fancies a new young girl so he claims she has looked at another man. The whole religion was based on one mans psychopathic lust for wealth, women, power and sex with children. He changed the rules as often as it suited him which is why he married his brothers 6 year old daughter, but refused to marry his other brothers elderly widow.

So you see telling the truth about islam and the muslims isn't demeaning it is setting the story straight so that more people look closer at islam.

What 'hate site' are you talking about ?
I think tossing around demeaning, 1400 yr old facts about Mohammed isn't just dicey and counter-productive but plain wrong. What Arab Muslim culture is in the 21st Century is not solely driven by what happened then just as other cultures have evolved since. Many of their traditions pre-date the 7th Century.

The PARTICULAR issue regarding the marriage of muhummad to aisha is, IMO,
not a real issue------which is why I never mention it Some of us have actually
read the koran-----AISHA's own account was that she was given over to the house
of muhummad for marriage at age six and the marriage was consumated when she
was nine. I do not see any reason for her to lie. She was a prominent person
in that society. ---------HOWEVER that which islam is is what islam is. Justification of
continued barbarity with "oh ---its tribal custom"----is kinda dumb. Of course
the culture is driven by the modern world-----a fact in itself which disqualifies the
"we can't help it----we inherited barbarity"
Reading hate sites is not studying Islam.

And all you are doing is spewing lies and hate .

I do not recall anyone saying "I study islam by reading hate sites" I have noticed
that their are isa-respecters on this board who QUOTE standard nazi libels ---easily found
for centuries in the nazi filth propaganda and in the writings of nazi war criminals and
claim EXPERTISE on the topic of jews and zionism----however---the best I could do to counter their filth would be only "from where did you learn that" I cannot assume I
KNOW the sites they visit. Only an idiot expresses to broad and non specifc
an evaluation as "all you are doing is spewing lies and hate" ---without even noting '
that the idiot is called a "lie" and "hate"
Regardless of what you and I think of girls marrying so young, in the Southern states you will find many women in the past marrying at a very young age because they wanted to. I don't know what goes on now, but I was acquainted with two women from Mississippi who were married at 14 because they wanted to be married; and by the time they were 16, already had two children. In fact, even out here I was once reading an article where a woman was interviewed because she became a grandmother at 29. I was totally shocked at that, but you can guess how young she and her daughter were when they married. Today many young women don't jump at the chance to be married because they don't want to be tied down so young for various reasons like getting ahead in a career. However, I am sure you must have been acquainted in your time of young women just getting out of high school becoming married right away. In fact, if a female reached her mid 20's and was not married, she was considered by some as an Old Maid.

What I think is exactly this. The thread morphed into a discussion about chilod marriages and people began condemning islamic society for doing it, and then began justifying it in other cultures, as aris2chat did.

And apparently I am an anti-Semite because I for the most part hold people to the same standards, with consideration towards their culture and the economic conditions in which they grow up and live.

It is beyond me to condemn other people who eke out a living and struggle to survive when I, who lives a simple life and well within my means with very little self indulgent behavior, live in the lap of luxury and would be the envy of 95% of the world. I mean, I can listen to George Clinton and Parliament Funk any time I want and and buy art and good whiskey and the occasional errant cheeseburger so how am I gonna judge some guy on a rocky mountainside with a plow, six kids, and no horse.

I am going to try to understand him and his life so maybe I can help him to better help himself.

That is a whole lot of words without saying anything !

Impressive ! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

To me, it is the "Drama King" still at it, but he is always good for a laugh or two. Nobody likes to see anyone in need, and that is why people give to charity to help those here in the States and the rest of the world, including his Muslim friends. The sad thing is that conditions are going to get worse and worse for so many in the world.

Population - Beyond 7 Billion - latimes.com
Lest we forget, the opening post was about a rather notorious hoax slandering Islam and it snowballed from there.

SO...her post, the one to which you referred, seemed considerably less hateful than those directed at practitioners of the Islamic faith.

If I am not mistaken, this thread is about bigoted lies and deceit and hatred directed towards Muslims and not about child brides. And people are bringing this hatred to the shores of my country. I find it hard to believe that Jews, who always complain about anti-Semitism would condone and mitigate the same kind and worse hatred directed at others, but I have not seen one single Jewish poster say anything negative about this hoax.

You, and they, are no different than those who defend The Protocols of Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion as the truth.

And if that is being anti-Semitic, than the truth is anti-Semitic.

I remember what the topic was about. I even made a civilized respond to the point, and with Coyote we disagreed but still have a healthy discussion.

Then this troll came along and started bashing my customs and religions, even though I didn't say anything bad about Islam in this thread.

She constantly takes this off topic and after some serious provocation has the nerve to tell others to not forget the issue of debate. Now, seriously?!:cuckoo::doubt:

Well, it was a hoax, ok, good to know; what else do you expect, us to tear our shirts in grief? not gonna happen. So this time it was a lie, does it make Hamas any more respectful? Hardly.

And considering the fact that they tell constant lies about us, you'll get indifference from me. Apparently, when you invent a method you should take to mind it'll be used against you at some point.

Nonetheless, the truth is always appreciated.

This "troll" came along and mildly responded to all the anti-Muslim posts made by people of your faith.

Do you really actually think those on my side of the fence could not go to town on Jews in matters like this but for the most part we have eercised restraint. I have tried to remain on topic.

What the heck do you think Phoenall is doing right now with his diatribe about the Holy Quran. He is opening the door wide open and laying out a red carpet for people to discuss the Torah and the Talmud but people have restrained themselves.

Uh-huh. So the Quran is "the Holy Quran" and the Torah is just the Torah. Got it.

Don't click that link because it came up in my Avast as a threat detected. It could be a photo from that link was on a suspect site.

Indeed, the suspect site is a place called the US Message Board. Thanks for the warning but I didn't read it until after I clicked. These US Message Board places are obviously run by Muslim terrorists or linked to them somehow, doncha think?
I am a bit spooked on searching for the ORIGINAL thing ----the little girls and
the grown men walking together------WHO IS RESPONSIBLE for claiming that it
was a MASS WEDDING? did it appear in a publication?
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