Hamas: It’s Not Our Responsibility to Protect Gazans

Painting all Pally's as Hamas is akin to painting all Jews Zionists, even all Americans maga FF

This, imho, is the root bigotry justifying the actions we're witness to

It is being fueled by western media's penchant for subscribing to that narrative, as well as simultaneously protested by those same 'normal people' here.

Exactly. Though I certainly hope you aren't saying that those of us who share a MAGA vision of a strong, free, secure, prosperous America with liberty, options, choices, opportunities for all are extremists. There certainly are some extremists who identify as MAGA but they are in a tiny minority. It's a rare organization of large numbers of people who don't harbor a few bad actors.

And even organizations organized to be bad actors such as Hamas might have some good people in them. Oskar Schindler for instance gave everything he had of his wealth and risked his life to protect as many Jews as he could from the Nazis and in the process sabotage their war effort. And yet he himself was a member of the Nazi Party. Can he be used to mitigate the sins of the Nazis? Not at all. But neither can he be tarred with that brush.

Is there a 'Schindler' among Hamas, a group just as evil and genocidal as the Nazis? I have no idea. I like to think maybe there is.

Are there Israelis capable of doing evil? Almost certainly there are but the the huge majority defending themselves, their fellow citizens, their country are not evil in any sense. And certainly it is evil to attack and terrorize all the Jewish students et al here in America, or the Muslim people here in America for that matter, because of what is going on in the middle East.

Are there Palestinians capable of rational thought and rejecting evil? I would like to think there are. We just don't see those on our television screens every day and night.


bon appetit!

Hamas is a political and terrorist entity, with no concern whatsoever for the people of Palestine or the people of Israel be they Jew or muslim. They care about wiping out the Jewish state and then setting up a state of their own. Having a state will give them the ability to purchase military equipment.

Once they are in charge of a state, they can get all kinds of aid from the UN and other dumbasses that they will immediately convert into arms. Then they will start fucking with their Muslim neighbors.

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