Hamas Gets Rich as People of Gaza Starve


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
These Muslim crazies sure know how to get rich. I was once reading that the fanatical Ayatollahs have sent out billions of dollar in gold for safekeeping in the West. I imagine that the leaders of Hamas have fat bank accounts too. They really are not interested in the welfare of their people.

Hamas Gets Rich as People of Gaza Starve

By Lea Speyer July 23, 2014

The Gaza Strip is infamously known as one of the most densely populated areas in the world. While majority of people in Gaza live close to or below the poverty line, the unemployment rate in the Strip stands near 40 percent.

According to the World Bank, a report released in November ranks the Gaza Strip as third in the Arab world in terms of poverty, coming above Sudan and Yemen. Gaza also ranks the 44th poorest region in the world, with most African countries having a higher poverty rate than Gaza.

With such bleak economic conditions, a not so startling report on Ynet revealed that while millions of Gazan’s struggle to make ends meet and put food in their mouths, Hamas leaders and their associates have been wheeling and dealing in multi-million dollar deals, lining their already fattened pockets.


Hamas Gets Rich as People of Gaza Starve - Israel News
Don't compare them with African countries , Gaza is what has United States economy booming. You will be exiled, if you're a pioneer you should hush Gaza is jehovah god work and their is no fellow workers I am him. Don't call jehovah or Allah Hamas, it's mockery because they don't even praise their master or president in Gaza , those people shall be afflicted on Israel land and even outside Jerusalem but never trampled on they bear witness with bars of gold and a Supreme Court.
Don't compare them with African countries , Gaza is what has United States economy booming. You will be exiled, if you're a pioneer you should hush Gaza is jehovah god work and their is no fellow workers I am him. Don't call jehovah or Allah Hamas, it's mockery because they don't even praise their master or president in Gaza , those people shall be afflicted on Israel land and even outside Jerusalem but never trampled on they bear witness with bars of gold and a Supreme Court.

Can you repeat yourself -- but this time in easy-to-understand English so that we can figure out what you are trying to say?

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