Haley trails Trump in her HOME STATE by 29 points! OUCH


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
However you feel about Nikki Haley, trailing Trump in her home state by 29 points looks really, really bad.

Trump may be old but he still sounds fairly cognizant, unlike our current POTUS in name only. With president Biden @ a whopping 81 yrs. of age & Donald Trump trailing Joe in age by only four years both are top contenders for the title of "Super Fogey of America". A younger 3rd party or TRUE independent constitutionally based candidate say 40-50 years of age would certainly be refreshing. Unfortunately with the RNC/DNC corporations picking or rejecting the POTUS candidates Americans get to vote for, not to mention the career bureaucrats that scandalize ANY candidate NOT in their DNC/RNC fold any new blood is almost if not impossible to get.
How odd that all of these threads about Nikki Haley are popping up today from Cult 45 members. You guys must be getting concerned.
She will not close the border in fact she wants to bring Palestinian refugees to our country... she is too close to the military industrial complex and she will not finish the wall...
She talks about the debt but won't promise to cut spending and not raise taxes... she is a media wet dream... a republican that is really a democrat policy wise...
Memo to republican voters... Romney wants her to win....
Trump may be old but he still sounds fairly cognizant, unlike our current POTUS in name only. With president Biden @ a whopping 81 yrs. of age & Donald Trump trailing Joe in age by only four years both are top contenders for the title of "Super Fogey of America". A younger 3rd party or TRUE independent constitutionally based candidate say 40-50 years of age would certainly be refreshing. Unfortunately with the RNC/DNC corporations picking or rejecting the POTUS candidates Americans get to vote for, not to mention the career bureaucrats that scandalize ANY candidate NOT in their DNC/RNC fold any new blood is almost if not impossible to get.
I can't disagree with anything you said, but in 2024 we have what we have. And as I have often posted this upcoming election isn't about a person it is about removing a anti-American regime from power.

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