Had Hillary Won


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Take a moment to consider just the following 2 things:

  1. 5th gun grabber appointed to SCOTUS. The 2A would have been vaporized. It might still exist on paper, but there would be no individual "right" to own firearms
  2. The owners of the democrat Party would have had free, full, unfettered access and ability to turn the US intelligence agencies against their domestic "enemies" i.e. Conservatives. They used it against Trump, there would have been absolutely nothing stopping them from turning it against anyone. The CIA, FBI and NSA remain fully weaponized agencies working against the American people; they were only exposed as such because Hillary lost.
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And anyone who's not a prog would be banned from the interwebs.
Take a moment to consider the just following 2 things:

  1. 5th gun grabber appointed to SCOTUS. The 2A would have been vaporized. It might still exist on paper, but there would be no individual "right" to own firearms
  2. The owners of the democrat Party would have had free, full, unfettered access and ability to turn the US intelligence agencies against their domestic "enemies" i.e. Conservatives. They used it against Trump, there would have been absolutely nothing stopping them from turning it against anyone. The CIA, FBI and NSA remain fully weaponized agencies working against the American people; they were only exposed as such because Hillary lost.
TPP would have been signed,We would still be getting ripped off via the Paris Climate crap,NAFTA would NOT have been fixed,borders would have been flung open,ICE would have been destroyed.
The Russians would now have control of 50% of our Uraniums instead of just the 25% Obabble and hiLIARy gave them.
Take a moment to consider the just following 2 things:

  1. 5th gun grabber appointed to SCOTUS. The 2A would have been vaporized. It might still exist on paper, but there would be no individual "right" to own firearms
  2. The owners of the democrat Party would have had free, full, unfettered access and ability to turn the US intelligence agencies against their domestic "enemies" i.e. Conservatives. They used it against Trump, there would have been absolutely nothing stopping them from turning it against anyone. The CIA, FBI and NSA remain fully weaponized agencies working against the American people; they were only exposed as such because Hillary lost.

I agree, but would reverse the order of importance.
We would not be the laughing stock of the world
Take a moment to consider the just following 2 things:

  1. 5th gun grabber appointed to SCOTUS. The 2A would have been vaporized. It might still exist on paper, but there would be no individual "right" to own firearms
  2. The owners of the democrat Party would have had free, full, unfettered access and ability to turn the US intelligence agencies against their domestic "enemies" i.e. Conservatives. They used it against Trump, there would have been absolutely nothing stopping them from turning it against anyone. The CIA, FBI and NSA remain fully weaponized agencies working against the American people; they were only exposed as such because Hillary lost.

Actually it would be the 6th gun grabber, are you forgetting this is Trumps second nomination?

Russia would be our best friend now after Putin personally delivered the White House to her for a mere $15 Million Dollars and a fake Dossier.
We'd probably already be in a recession or maybe a depression by now. Many companies would have already gone offshore or out of business, corp and individual taxes would not be lower, and more regs instead of fewer. IOW, we'd be fucked. OTOH, we wouldn't know anything about the skullduggery going on in the deep state, all those rats that left the FBI and DOJ would still be working.
And anyone who's not a prog would be banned from the interwebs.

And you think that won't happen eventually anyway? It is coming. They have conservatives on board, the way that deep state works, they put up issues to get them to agree on things.

They have them on board with a national ID, which in the past they would otherwise disagree with. This FAKE NEWS thing will soon have them on board with controlling the internet more tightly. Just wait.

It never really mattered who won.

Just like they framed Nixon and took him down when he didn't do what they wanted him to, they will do the same to Trump.

The policies will be implemented, nothing will be different.
Take a moment to consider the just following 2 things:

  1. 5th gun grabber appointed to SCOTUS. The 2A would have been vaporized. It might still exist on paper, but there would be no individual "right" to own firearms
  2. The owners of the democrat Party would have had free, full, unfettered access and ability to turn the US intelligence agencies against their domestic "enemies" i.e. Conservatives. They used it against Trump, there would have been absolutely nothing stopping them from turning it against anyone. The CIA, FBI and NSA remain fully weaponized agencies working against the American people; they were only exposed as such because Hillary lost.

If more folks don't wake up a lot quicker, in the end, next to nothing will change.

What I am seeing on FB, YouTube and twitter? What I am seeing on the MSM? Folks are eating this shit up, not all of them, but enough.

The intelligence agencies are embedded in the establishment, and eventually they will do something extra-legal or down right illegal or evil, and trip the current administration up. It is only a matter of time.

I am willing to bet, if you held a poll, most folks would believe that Nixon ordered the break in. THAT is how ignorant folks are. The only things he was ever guilty of, was covering up the crime after it happened.

The same thing might happen to Trump. He might be guilty of something, but more than likely, he won't know until someone tells him, then he'll play dumb or lie about it.

People don't care. They just believe with their feelings, not with facts.

These agencies are deadly in the ability to make folks look guilty or be guilty when they want them to be. It is these agencies that have been in control since JFK was murdered.

I once saw a John Stossel video about how there are so many laws now, that everyone is guilty of something, EVERYONE. They just have to find something that someone is willing to prosecute, and have it get traction where the public will care enough to throw the current administration out of office.

The public state is NOT in control anymore. It hasn't been for a long time.

If people think that Trump is going to solve this, they are pretty dumb. Not until there is a law that bars these agencies and our government from getting involved in our media are we ever going to be safe. They should probably stop sub-contracting out to private intel. contracting agencies like Booz Allen Hamilton. Put that shit out of business. And revoke clearance to ex-spies as well.
And anyone who's not a prog would be banned from the interwebs.

And you think that won't happen eventually anyway? It is coming. They have conservatives on board, the way that deep state works, they put up issues to get them to agree on things.

They have them on board with a national ID, which in the past they would otherwise disagree with. This FAKE NEWS thing will soon have them on board with controlling the internet more tightly. Just wait.

It never really mattered who won.

Just like they framed Nixon and took him down when he didn't do what they wanted him to, they will do the same to Trump.

The policies will be implemented, nothing will be different.

Kennedy and Reagan too
If more folks don't wake up a lot quicker, in the end, next to nothing will change.

What I am seeing on FB, YouTube and twitter? What I am seeing on the MSM? Folks are eating this shit up, not all of them, but enough.

The intelligence agencies are embedded in the establishment, and eventually they will do something extra-legal or down right illegal or evil, and trip the current administration up. It is only a matter of time.

I am willing to bet, if you held a poll, most folks would believe that Nixon ordered the break in. THAT is how ignorant folks are. The only things he was ever guilty of, was covering up the crime after it happened.

The same thing might happen to Trump. He might be guilty of something, but more than likely, he won't know until someone tells him, then he'll play dumb or lie about it.

People don't care. They just believe with their feelings, not with facts.

These agencies are deadly in the ability to make folks look guilty or be guilty when they want them to be. It is these agencies that have been in control since JFK was murdered.

I once saw a John Stossel video about how there are so many laws now, that everyone is guilty of something, EVERYONE. They just have to find something that someone is willing to prosecute, and have it get traction where the public will care enough to throw the current administration out of office.

The public state is NOT in control anymore. It hasn't been for a long time.

If people think that Trump is going to solve this, they are pretty dumb. Not until there is a law that bars these agencies and our government from getting involved in our media are we ever going to be safe. They should probably stop sub-contracting out to private intel. contracting agencies like Booz Allen Hamilton. Put that shit out of business. And revoke clearance to ex-spies as well.

Unfortunately, you are above and beyond most people.
The entire Left thinks it's a joke because they've been so easily manipulated to believe the elitists horseshit. The elite don't give a shit about them.
Most on the right are too old or have too much at risk to go drawing attention to themselves.
That leaves the henhouse wide open for the wolves.

We're so much closer to real problems than the vast majority are aware of. You seem to get it. I wish more did.
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If Hillary Clinton Had Won:

  1. The world would know peace. North Korea would have abandon their Nuclear Program, ISIS would put down it firearms, China would only want to do takeout orders, Russia would stop it proxy wars in countries like Mexico.
  2. Everyone would have health insurance and no elderly would be shoved off a cliff.
  3. No more sex slaves.
  4. Transgenders would be able to pee in any bathroom.
  5. Trump would have return to being a reality star.



I believe President Trump is the last independent president not controlled by The Deep State "Globalist Establishment" and that is why they have gone after him so hard. They just can't find a crime after turning over every rock with 7 investigations, and pre dawn raids worthy of a crack house or mafia king pin.

This always was an Investigation in search of a crime. An impeachment proceeding in search of some way to impeach him.

Impeach 45 was being chanted by the most corrupt individuals in politics immediately after the election results were verified and that is all you need to know about what is really going on.

Once President Trump is moved out of the way, or if he can hold on 8 years, this country is going immediately straight down the tubes with a manufactured crisis, and then we are going to be absorbed in to the Globalist Government.

Remember I said this. Burn it in to your memories. It will come to pass. A dark cloud of Evil and Oppression will cover the Earth on that day.

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