Guys, please educate me on this 2nd Amendment Issue, I'm trying to understand


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
As someone who has never grown up with weapons, outside of video games; I need to understand the issue some have with the Second Amendment and automatics.

I appreciate your Constitution, and really I envy it in fact being from Canada as I think it's an amazing document, but far more important, a cherished document defended by so many. So, even those who I may disagree with in general on certain issues, I certainly respect your position on this.

Now I'd like to be educated by those who know alot more than I do about this issue as all I hear in Canada is "gun control gun control. gun control". Many left wing Americans going to CBC and other Canadian networks and promoting this idea, basically criminalizing anyone who supports the Second Amendment in some cases, and I instinctively know there are two sides to this issue.

Is there any practical reason for someone to have a full automatic, and/or these modifiers other than mass murder?

If these weapons are being legally sold, and from I understand the modifiers are a work around to the law; unless there is a good argument why they should be allowed, there has to be a way to stop legal store owners from selling this modifier.

Thoughts on this? Should it be banned? Should ownership of fully automatics come with legal consequences or is there a logical argument for ownership of this weapon?

Thanks in advance.
Is there any practical reason for someone to have a full automatic, and/or these modifiers other than mass murder?

The main reason for the 2nd is to be able to defend ourselves from the government. GB tried to confiscate everyones weapons before our Revolution.

If these weapons are being legally sold, and from I understand the modifiers are a work around to the law; unless there is a good argument why they should be allowed, there has to be a way to stop legal store owners from selling this modifier.

We didn't stop the sale of booze, drugs, prostitution....
Full autos are legal to own if they were made before May 19, 1986 and paperwork was submitted.
  1. Fill out an ATF Form 4 application to transfer an NFA firearm. This application will include a $200 check for your tax, your fingerprints, a passport-style photograph, and information about you and the firearm.
  2. Wait 9-12 months for the ATF to approve and return your paperwork.
As someone who has never grown up with weapons, outside of video games; I need to understand the issue some have with the Second Amendment and automatics.

I appreciate your Constitution, and really I envy it in fact being from Canada as I think it's an amazing document, but far more important, a cherished document defended by so many. So, even those who I may disagree with in general on certain issues, I certainly respect your position on this.

Now I'd like to be educated by those who know alot more than I do about this issue as all I hear in Canada is "gun control gun control. gun control". Many left wing Americans going to CBC and other Canadian networks and promoting this idea, basically criminalizing anyone who supports the Second Amendment in some cases, and I instinctively know there are two sides to this issue.

Is there any practical reason for someone to have a full automatic, and/or these modifiers other than mass murder?

If these weapons are being legally sold, and from I understand the modifiers are a work around to the law; unless there is a good argument why they should be allowed, there has to be a way to stop legal store owners from selling this modifier.

Thoughts on this? Should it be banned? Should ownership of fully automatics come with legal consequences or is there a logical argument for ownership of this weapon?

Thanks in advance.

first off the firearms the shooter used are not "full auto" firearms
As someone who has never grown up with weapons, outside of video games; I need to understand the issue some have with the Second Amendment and automatics.

I appreciate your Constitution, and really I envy it in fact being from Canada as I think it's an amazing document, but far more important, a cherished document defended by so many. So, even those who I may disagree with in general on certain issues, I certainly respect your position on this.

Now I'd like to be educated by those who know alot more than I do about this issue as all I hear in Canada is "gun control gun control. gun control". Many left wing Americans going to CBC and other Canadian networks and promoting this idea, basically criminalizing anyone who supports the Second Amendment in some cases, and I instinctively know there are two sides to this issue.

Is there any practical reason for someone to have a full automatic, and/or these modifiers other than mass murder?

If these weapons are being legally sold, and from I understand the modifiers are a work around to the law; unless there is a good argument why they should be allowed, there has to be a way to stop legal store owners from selling this modifier.

Thoughts on this? Should it be banned? Should ownership of fully automatics come with legal consequences or is there a logical argument for ownership of this weapon?

Thanks in advance.

full autos work good for suppression fire

>>to keep the enemy heads down<<< while your group maneuver into better fighting positions
Full autos are legal to own if they were made before May 19, 1986 and paperwork was submitted.
  1. Fill out an ATF Form 4 application to transfer an NFA firearm. This application will include a $200 check for your tax, your fingerprints, a passport-style photograph, and information about you and the firearm.
  2. Wait 9-12 months for the ATF to approve and return your paperwork.
we have to pay to use our right and wait for the governments permission.

if that's not blatant, BLATANT, infringement, nothing is.
As someone who has never grown up with weapons, outside of video games; I need to understand the issue some have with the Second Amendment and automatics.

I appreciate your Constitution, and really I envy it in fact being from Canada as I think it's an amazing document, but far more important, a cherished document defended by so many. So, even those who I may disagree with in general on certain issues, I certainly respect your position on this.

Now I'd like to be educated by those who know alot more than I do about this issue as all I hear in Canada is "gun control gun control. gun control". Many left wing Americans going to CBC and other Canadian networks and promoting this idea, basically criminalizing anyone who supports the Second Amendment in some cases, and I instinctively know there are two sides to this issue.

Is there any practical reason for someone to have a full automatic, and/or these modifiers other than mass murder?

If these weapons are being legally sold, and from I understand the modifiers are a work around to the law; unless there is a good argument why they should be allowed, there has to be a way to stop legal store owners from selling this modifier.

Thoughts on this? Should it be banned? Should ownership of fully automatics come with legal consequences or is there a logical argument for ownership of this weapon?

Thanks in advance.
Personally, I think every man, except me, should have his penis removed, because all they are good for is raping people.
Should ownership of fully automatics come with legal consequences

Possession (one cannot legally 'own' and illegal item) of an automatic firearm already comes with serious legal consequences including lengthy prison sentences for those who don't have the proper permits and pay the outrages taxes.
<wink> <wink>

This is not legally considered an automatic weapon.....but it can fire at 600 rounds per minute
As someone who has never grown up with weapons, outside of video games; I need to understand the issue some have with the Second Amendment and automatics.

I appreciate your Constitution, and really I envy it in fact being from Canada as I think it's an amazing document, but far more important, a cherished document defended by so many. So, even those who I may disagree with in general on certain issues, I certainly respect your position on this.

Now I'd like to be educated by those who know alot more than I do about this issue as all I hear in Canada is "gun control gun control. gun control". Many left wing Americans going to CBC and other Canadian networks and promoting this idea, basically criminalizing anyone who supports the Second Amendment in some cases, and I instinctively know there are two sides to this issue.

Is there any practical reason for someone to have a full automatic, and/or these modifiers other than mass murder?

If these weapons are being legally sold, and from I understand the modifiers are a work around to the law; unless there is a good argument why they should be allowed, there has to be a way to stop legal store owners from selling this modifier.

Thoughts on this? Should it be banned? Should ownership of fully automatics come with legal consequences or is there a logical argument for ownership of this weapon?

Thanks in advance.
Probably the worst sticking point here (among a few) is that it's pretty easy to understand that the Founding Fathers didn't/couldn't foresee the massive improvements in weaponry.

If the "arms" covered by the 2nd were muskets, we probably wouldn't be having this conversation.

But the REAL problem is that, now that the issue is politicized, it's necessarily dumbed down to bumper-sticker sloganeering and intellectual dishonesty.

Because that's how we roll.
My Canadian friend I'll explain to you very simply - here in United States we have many gun nuts, people who love guns not for any practical reason, but out of emotional attachment. Guns feel so damn cool, they satisfy control and fear impulses and feeds into the whole freedom fighter ideological thing...and of course all that gets slightly spoiled if you can't have the biggest, baddest gun around.

There is only one reason assault conversion kits exist - to convert guns into those of illegal sort. There is not a single rational reason that those kits should remain legal while assault weapons are illegal...but it's not about rationality, it's about wanting that big gun and preserving the loophole to be able to get it.
Is there any practical reason for someone to have a full automatic, and/or these modifiers other than mass murder?

Yes, because the 2nd isn't about duck hunting. It's about the natural right to defend oneself from tyranny, from wherever it may come. They'll have such weapons and so shall we. Why in the world would you purposefully put yourself at a tactical disadvantage?
As someone who has never grown up with weapons, outside of video games; I need to understand the issue some have with the Second Amendment and automatics.

I appreciate your Constitution, and really I envy it in fact being from Canada as I think it's an amazing document, but far more important, a cherished document defended by so many. So, even those who I may disagree with in general on certain issues, I certainly respect your position on this.

Now I'd like to be educated by those who know alot more than I do about this issue as all I hear in Canada is "gun control gun control. gun control". Many left wing Americans going to CBC and other Canadian networks and promoting this idea, basically criminalizing anyone who supports the Second Amendment in some cases, and I instinctively know there are two sides to this issue.

Is there any practical reason for someone to have a full automatic, and/or these modifiers other than mass murder?

If these weapons are being legally sold, and from I understand the modifiers are a work around to the law; unless there is a good argument why they should be allowed, there has to be a way to stop legal store owners from selling this modifier.

Thoughts on this? Should it be banned? Should ownership of fully automatics come with legal consequences or is there a logical argument for ownership of this weapon?

Thanks in advance.
Any LIBs on this forum are encouraged to not bother reading my reply. (It's only for people who have an IQ higher than 110.)
When Canada was being settled the 'law' in the form of the RCMP ALWAYS preceded the settlers.
When the USA was being settled the 'law' was always in the form of a sheriff' elected from within/by the settlers. So the Second Amendment was necessary so the average settler could have their own protection from indians and criminals.
The US is generally a LOT more a violent place to live then Canada.
Canada's inner cities are not yet violent negro run/populated shit holes like virtually every US city is. But they are working on it.
The CBC has been a radical LIB, Government funded news outlet since it's inception.
Everyone knows it.
Everyone working at the CBC is a fucking Socialist/Communist/LIB POS!
My Canadian friend I'll explain to you very simply - here in United States we have many gun nuts, people who love guns not for any practical reason, but out of emotional attachment. Guns feel so damn cool, they satisfy control and fear impulses and feeds into the whole freedom fighter ideological thing...and of course all that gets slightly spoiled if you can't have the biggest, baddest gun around.

There is only one reason assault conversion kits exist - to convert guns into those of illegal sort. There is not a single rational reason that those kits should remain legal while assault weapons are illegal...but it's not about rationality, it's about wanting that big gun and preserving the loophole to be able to get it.
Complete falsehood.
full autos work good for suppression fire
Winner, winner. Chicken dinner.

From the 32nd floor in Vegas, that shooter could have killed much more efficiently employing one shot, one kill. He instead wanted to terrify more than kill or he just didn't understand or care about the best way to use the weapons he had.

They call the M249 S.A.W. (Below) a "support" weapon. Its purpose is to provide cover for riflemen to advance on a position, or to defend a position from one side.


Our Government is in control of the most powerful military ever to have existed. We have a responsibility to keep that government in check. Our government military has automatic weapons. We don't. That is a severe disadvantage. Our government has the power to lay down suppressive fire, where we don't. That should not be.

If you think about it, the only people keeping the US military in check are its citizens.

One universal truth that all must accept is that people in power want more power, and will do whatever they can to gain it. There is never enough power for people who lust for power. No one, I repeat none of our political leaders are immune from this power lust. They must be kept in control.

We the people of the United States of America are the last line of defense keeping our power-hungry political leaders from taking unilateral control of our Government and using the most powerful military the world has ever known, to attack Canada, Mexico, or any other place to satisfy that power lust.

So, in essence, automatic weapons in the hands of Americans saves Canada. Canada should advocate for Americans having full auto weapons.
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As someone who has never grown up with weapons, outside of video games; I need to understand the issue some have with the Second Amendment and automatics.

I appreciate your Constitution, and really I envy it in fact being from Canada as I think it's an amazing document, but far more important, a cherished document defended by so many. So, even those who I may disagree with in general on certain issues, I certainly respect your position on this.

Now I'd like to be educated by those who know alot more than I do about this issue as all I hear in Canada is "gun control gun control. gun control". Many left wing Americans going to CBC and other Canadian networks and promoting this idea, basically criminalizing anyone who supports the Second Amendment in some cases, and I instinctively know there are two sides to this issue.

Is there any practical reason for someone to have a full automatic, and/or these modifiers other than mass murder?

If these weapons are being legally sold, and from I understand the modifiers are a work around to the law; unless there is a good argument why they should be allowed, there has to be a way to stop legal store owners from selling this modifier.

Thoughts on this? Should it be banned? Should ownership of fully automatics come with legal consequences or is there a logical argument for ownership of this weapon?

Thanks in advance.
it's not so much about the "weapon of choice" in as much as no one trusts the other side.

however, i don't see many people arguing FOR automatic weapons. they are already heavily regulated and you simply can't own one w/o serious background checks and frequent visits from the FBI.

however, gun/rights activists balk for no other reason than it's never enough. whatever they "succeed" in getting regulated they soon find their broad definitions can apply to a revolver, so they push it. and the NRA and other side fights it to just the other stupid extreme. meanwhile people focus on things that won't change and wouldn't matter if they did because hey - more laws.

we need a new approach to this, not another band aid.
Is there any practical reason for someone to have a full automatic, and/or these modifiers other than mass murder?

The main reason for the 2nd is to be able to defend ourselves from the government. GB tried to confiscate everyones weapons before our Revolution.

If these weapons are being legally sold, and from I understand the modifiers are a work around to the law; unless there is a good argument why they should be allowed, there has to be a way to stop legal store owners from selling this modifier.

We didn't stop the sale of booze, drugs, prostitution....

What utter nonsense.

The Founding Fathers when creating a new government did not envision people defending themselves against the government they were creating.

The 2nd amendment was written so states could form militias to defend themselves against Indians and foreign invasions. It was written before the U.S. had a standing army. The 2nd amendment is now obsolete and is being misinterpreted by a bunch of guntards.
Bottom line. Every nation who has ever been able to oppress its citizens, at one time or another, has done just that ! Coming to you soon...or at least they'll try. An idiocracy of over medicated video game playing assholes will be an easy take once us old guys are dead.The Nazis were cupcakes compared to what your modern brainwashed flag waving Nazi regime is capable of.
Operation Paperclip - Wikipedia
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Is there any practical reason for someone to have a full automatic, and/or these modifiers other than mass murder?

The main reason for the 2nd is to be able to defend ourselves from the government. GB tried to confiscate everyones weapons before our Revolution.

If these weapons are being legally sold, and from I understand the modifiers are a work around to the law; unless there is a good argument why they should be allowed, there has to be a way to stop legal store owners from selling this modifier.

We didn't stop the sale of booze, drugs, prostitution....

What utter nonsense.

The Founding Fathers when creating a new government did not envision people defending themselves against the government they were creating.

The 2nd amendment was written so states could form militias to defend themselves against Indians and foreign invasions. It was written before the U.S. had a standing army. The 2nd amendment is now obsolete and is being misinterpreted by a bunch of guntards.
Second Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia

um, maybe not exactly as you'd hope it would be.

when people disagree, this "you're full of shit, i'm right" is why we can't have nice things anymore.

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