Guns walking across america by right to bear arms.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

After the incident in Colorado and other cities in this country, guns are killing innocent people. Guns to kill. If the Colorado gunman were not able to buy these guns and massive amounts of ammunition he could not have killed 12 people and injured 58. The answer is not having every one armed. We need a data base system to track guns and ammunition. We cannot keep track of gun here, how can we expect to keep them from being smuggled into Mexico? Whomever approved of Operation Wide Receiver and Fast and Furious need to have their heads examined. Too many children are being killed on the streets of our inner cities because guns are walking because of gun rights. 500 kids a year are accidentally killed by guns in their homes. Guns walking by gun rights.
The difference between Fast and Furious and Operation Wide Receive is none that matters. We do not know how many innocent people Operation Wide Receiver killed but it is alleged that a gun from Fast and Furious killed one agent. Is that really a big difference? Most ridiculous article ever written excusing Operation Wide Receiver.

The 5 Biggest Differences Between Operation Fast and Furious and Operation Wide Receiver

The total number of confirmed deaths so far from Wide Receiver: Zero
The 5 Biggest Differences Between Operations Fast and Furious and Wide Receiver | Video |

Both operations were approved by AFT agents. Then why were the same surveillance tactics not used in both?
What were the guns used for in Operation Wide Receiver? If not to kill?
ATF agents involved in Fast and Furious have previously testified that they were ordered to stand down and not track them…By whom?

Guns linked to Fast and Furious were found at the murder scene of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry in 2010. Read more:
'Wide Receiver' gun-walking records released by Justice Department - Tim Mak -

Why was they left at the scene? And how do we know one of them were used to kill the agent? Sound way to convenient.
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I'm sorry, but accidental gun deaths don't sway my opinion on this matter in the slightest. I absolutely refuse to give up my self defense capacity in order to compensate for the fact that there's a lot of idiots out there who can't handle the responsibilities that come with their's.

I also refuse to trade in my right to that capacity on the argument that we might end up with less overall homicide victims if we all just surrendered that right to the police. The police get there just in time to clean shit up after the incident's finished, and I'd prefer not to be the corpse in a homicide case.
I'm sorry, but accidental gun deaths don't sway my opinion on this matter in the slightest. I absolutely refuse to give up my self defense capacity in order to compensate for the fact that there's a lot of idiots out there who can't handle the responsibilities that come with their's.

I also refuse to trade in my right to that capacity on the argument that we might end up with less overall homicide victims if we all just surrendered that right to the police. The police get there just in time to clean shit up after the incident's finished, and I'd prefer not to be the corpse in a homicide case.

AMEN brother!!!!!! Preach the word!!!!!!!!
It is REAL simple. You don't like my right as protected by the 2nd Amendment? You have recourse. Get enough votes in Congress to create an amendment removing the 2nd and then get enough voters in 37 States to agree with you.

Banning supposed assault weapons is a violation of the 2nd Amendment. Limiting magazine capacity is a violation of the 2nd Amendment. Banning firearms is a violation of the 2nd Amendment.

You have no legal recourse other then an amendment to get what you want. So get to work.
What is wrong with this picture. Three guns tracked back to Fast and Furious were accidently left at the scene of a murdered Agent. Why would drug cartel leave guns that they bought to use would conveniently leave them at the scene of a dead agent? Were they disposible guns that cannot be used but one. How many of the guns were used to shoot the agent? One of the three disappeared while in the hands of officers. Sound like those guns were planted near the agent to place the blame on Obama,etc. How many of Fast and Furious gun has been found near victims?
What is wrong with this picture. Three guns tracked back to Fast and Furious were accidently left at the scene of a murdered Agent. Why would drug cartel leave guns that they bought to use would conveniently leave them at the scene of a dead agent? Were they disposible guns that cannot be used but one. How many of the guns were used to shoot the agent? One of the three disappeared while in the hands of officers. Sound like those guns were planted near the agent to place the blame on Obama,etc. How many of Fast and Furious gun has been found near victims?


Infringe on the rights of the mentally ill to keep their murderous conditions privileged.

Holmes' doctor could have stopped this before it started.
Infringe on the rights of the mentally ill to keep their murderous conditions privileged.

Holmes' doctor could have stopped this before it started.

yep, I'm really interested in seeing what's in that patient record. If it is released of course. And if the shrink documented their sessions as required. She sounds lazy and incompetent to me.
I always wonder how infringing on the rights of law abiding citizens is going to stop inter-city youth from dying.

I've already met the government in the middle and gave up my right to own tanks, AT-4s, grenades, and stealth bombers. They should do their part and let me keep, bear, and maintain all the firearms I care to as the current laws allow.
...guns are killing innocent people.

Oh those pesky inanimate objects, out there causing all kinds of trouble. :eusa_eh:

People, please don't feed the troll, lest it breed. Lil is fond of dropping stinking piles of unsubstantiated and illogical shit in the middle of the room. When others catch the smell, the troll is nowhere to be found.
Infringe on the rights of the mentally ill to keep their murderous conditions privileged.

Holmes' doctor could have stopped this before it started.

yep, I'm really interested in seeing what's in that patient record. If it is released of course. And if the shrink documented their sessions as required. She sounds lazy and incompetent to me.

I know lets remove Doctor Patient Privilege all together... lol Fucking Reactionaries.

The Privilege Exists so people are not afraid to seek help, for fear of what they tell the Doctor becoming Public.

Fucking Hate Reactionary people, from Either side. People like you gave us the Patriot Act, People like you come out and demand government by Emotion every time something happens.

Some Freak Kills a Bunch of People in Colorado and the Smoke isn't even cleared before assholes are calling for Banning This or that on the Internet.

Unless you fucktards find a way to ban Mental Illness you will never stop Tragedies like what happened in Colorado from Happening.

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