Guns or Drugs?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Guns and drugs have become two of the leading causes of death in the US. In fact, drugs out pace gun deaths in the US, yet political figures seem only concerned with gun violence.

On average, about a 100 people die of drug overdoses in the US, and close to that many die every day of gun violence. These illicit drugs are illegal, yet they run rampant in the US, so how would making guns illegal make that situation any better?

Out of all the threads about the Vegas shooting, I have yet to hear how any legislation could have prevented the tragedy. For me, the political "answers" to societal problems are often hollow with alternative goals. For example, the answer to global warming seems to be raising taxes. That's right, just tax people more so they have less to spend. That means they don't travel as much or live in houses that are too big, thus reducing carbon emissions. In reality, that is no answer at all and seems nothing more than just another money making scheme. In fact, any scientist will tell you that the Paris Agreement Trump withdrew from would have done next to nothing about global warming.

That is the same kind of vibe I get from the whole gun issue. As soon as there is a tragedy, you get talking heads in there demanding "action" even before they know all of the details of the tragedy or even knowing if the laws in place should have prevented it.

It seems to me that the gun and drug issue are intimately linked. After all, gun violence is often associated with the drug issue. The odd thing is though, liberals seem to want to reverse their legal status. They want to legalize drugs and ban guns. How this will change anything I have no idea. Additionally, people are killing themselves by overdosing. In correlation, about 62% of gun deaths are from suicide.

What I do know is that I'm sick of politicizing each and every tragedy involving guns, unless, of course, it is some angry Muslim in California shooting people in the streets. Then all of a sudden you hear nothing about gun control measures.

Very odd.
Just like last week when a guy shot up some churchgoers in Tennessee and was quickly shoved under the rug.

The only politicized story about someone shooting up a church will be when a whitey shoots up a darky church. Then all of a sudden they need to ban flags and bring down statues.

However, when the darky shoots up a whitey church, crickets.
Just like last week when a guy shot up some churchgoers in Tennessee and was quickly shoved under the rug.
I had to go to some off the wall news site to get a update on that. So sad..
I will go ahead and say that guy did ti for retaliation for dillon roof, apparently.
More guns. More drugs. We'll fix that overpopulation/climate change problem the way nature intended.

Indeed. Left wingers are all about euthanasia and suicide I thought. If so, they should be in favor of both drugs and guns, but it only seems they want to legalize drugs.
No law will stop someone from killing. He could have used a truck bomb like McVeigh instead of firearms that look like he modified to fire automatically and not semi-automatic which is Illegal.

So those calling for stricter laws need to realize there are already laws and criminals do not care!
Just like last week when a guy shot up some churchgoers in Tennessee and was quickly shoved under the rug.
I had to go to some off the wall news site to get a update on that. So sad..
I will go ahead and say that guy did ti for retaliation for dillon roof, apparently.

No worries, I'm sure whitey will send their children out into the streets to blow themselves up in retaliation for that....or is that Palestine I'm thinking of?

I get so confused sometimes.
No law will stop someone from killing. He could have used a truck bomb like McVeigh instead of firearms that look like he modified to fire automatically and not semi-automatic which is Illegal.

So those calling for stricter laws need to realize there are already laws and criminals do not care!

The terrorist in France killed over a 100 people with a fast moving truck.

No one says we should ban trucks.

In fact, think of all the people who die in auto accidents. Why not just ban them all? Think of the lives we could save.
No law will stop someone from killing. He could have used a truck bomb like McVeigh instead of firearms that look like he modified to fire automatically and not semi-automatic which is Illegal.

So those calling for stricter laws need to realize there are already laws and criminals do not care!

The terrorist in France killed over a 100 people with a fast moving truck.

No one says we should ban trucks.

In fact, think of all the people who die in auto accidents. Why not just ban them all? Think of the lives we could save.

The reality is banning firearms is just another stupid idea from the left.

Terrorists and criminals do not obey the law but hey let have that false security that some dream of...
What I do know is that I'm sick of politicizing each and every tragedy involving guns, unless, of course, it is some angry Muslim in California shooting people in the streets. Then all of a sudden you hear nothing about gun control measures.
Very true
Just like last week when a guy shot up some churchgoers in Tennessee and was quickly shoved under the rug.
I had to go to some off the wall news site to get a update on that. So sad..
I will go ahead and say that guy did ti for retaliation for dillon roof, apparently.

I just got 2 million results; the sad thing is.....this DB had a lower "death toll". One MSM article that is comprehensive.

Suspect in Tennessee church shooting may have sought revenge for Charleston massacre
Guns and drugs have become two of the leading causes of death in the US. In fact, drugs out pace gun deaths in the US, yet political figures seem only concerned with gun violence.

On average, about a 100 people die of drug overdoses in the US, and close to that many die every day of gun violence. These illicit drugs are illegal, yet they run rampant in the US, so how would making guns illegal make that situation any better?

Out of all the threads about the Vegas shooting, I have yet to hear how any legislation could have prevented the tragedy. For me, the political "answers" to societal problems are often hollow with alternative goals. For example, the answer to global warming seems to be raising taxes. That's right, just tax people more so they have less to spend. That means they don't travel as much or live in houses that are too big, thus reducing carbon emissions. In reality, that is no answer at all and seems nothing more than just another money making scheme. In fact, any scientist will tell you that the Paris Agreement Trump withdrew from would have done next to nothing about global warming.

That is the same kind of vibe I get from the whole gun issue. As soon as there is a tragedy, you get talking heads in there demanding "action" even before they know all of the details of the tragedy or even knowing if the laws in place should have prevented it.

It seems to me that the gun and drug issue are intimately linked. After all, gun violence is often associated with the drug issue. The odd thing is though, liberals seem to want to reverse their legal status. They want to legalize drugs and ban guns. How this will change anything I have no idea. Additionally, people are killing themselves by overdosing. In correlation, about 62% of gun deaths are from suicide.

What I do know is that I'm sick of politicizing each and every tragedy involving guns, unless, of course, it is some angry Muslim in California shooting people in the streets. Then all of a sudden you hear nothing about gun control measures.

Very odd.

Laws are much stricter on controlled substances; no more opiates unless a Physician has special training, some CSs cannot be prescribed together, at least in my state (example hydrocodone, Xanax). There are now more stringent regs, but big pharma is as powerful as big guns.
Of course, criminality is driven largely by the drug trade, because prohibition means huge profits for the players. Remember Al Capone?
But these crims mostly only need a hand-gun, Capone was a big-time player, and he needed a machine-gun, the exception that proves the rule.
Big Pharma should get on this: legalize, regulate, tax, make a healthy profit, and there would be no accidental overdoses.
And the huge profits of prohibition would dry up, the crims would all become model citizens, and gun deaths would plummet...
Tell me when has prohibition of anything resulted in less crime?

Prohibition of alcohol increased crime, cost the governemnt more and did nothing to stop the use of alcohol.
Prohibition of drugs increases crime, does not affect the availability or rate of use of drugs and costs the government billions a year

Tell me why you think prohibition works?
Just like last week when a guy shot up some churchgoers in Tennessee and was quickly shoved under the rug.
I had to go to some off the wall news site to get a update on that. So sad..
I will go ahead and say that guy did ti for retaliation for dillon roof, apparently.

I just got 2 million results; the sad thing is.....this DB had a lower "death toll". One MSM article that is comprehensive.

Suspect in Tennessee church shooting may have sought revenge for Charleston massacre
Plenty of results nothing from msm
Guns and drugs have become two of the leading causes of death in the US. In fact, drugs out pace gun deaths in the US, yet political figures seem only concerned with gun violence.

On average, about a 100 people die of drug overdoses in the US, and close to that many die every day of gun violence. These illicit drugs are illegal, yet they run rampant in the US, so how would making guns illegal make that situation any better?

Out of all the threads about the Vegas shooting, I have yet to hear how any legislation could have prevented the tragedy. For me, the political "answers" to societal problems are often hollow with alternative goals. For example, the answer to global warming seems to be raising taxes. That's right, just tax people more so they have less to spend. That means they don't travel as much or live in houses that are too big, thus reducing carbon emissions. In reality, that is no answer at all and seems nothing more than just another money making scheme. In fact, any scientist will tell you that the Paris Agreement Trump withdrew from would have done next to nothing about global warming.

That is the same kind of vibe I get from the whole gun issue. As soon as there is a tragedy, you get talking heads in there demanding "action" even before they know all of the details of the tragedy or even knowing if the laws in place should have prevented it.

It seems to me that the gun and drug issue are intimately linked. After all, gun violence is often associated with the drug issue. The odd thing is though, liberals seem to want to reverse their legal status. They want to legalize drugs and ban guns. How this will change anything I have no idea. Additionally, people are killing themselves by overdosing. In correlation, about 62% of gun deaths are from suicide.

What I do know is that I'm sick of politicizing each and every tragedy involving guns, unless, of course, it is some angry Muslim in California shooting people in the streets. Then all of a sudden you hear nothing about gun control measures.

Very odd.

Hmmm.. your nom de plume is Votto; is "Very odd" you real name or your nick name?
Just like last week when a guy shot up some churchgoers in Tennessee and was quickly shoved under the rug.
I had to go to some off the wall news site to get a update on that. So sad..
I will go ahead and say that guy did ti for retaliation for dillon roof, apparently.

I just got 2 million results; the sad thing is.....this DB had a lower "death toll". One MSM article that is comprehensive.

Suspect in Tennessee church shooting may have sought revenge for Charleston massacre
Plenty of results nothing from msm

The article I posted was from the Chicago Tribune, here is one from the Washington Post:

Tennessee church-shooting suspect had note referencing Dylann Roof attack

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