"Gun show" "loophole"? Please explain.

Federal law applies everywhere.
Federal law specifies background checks.
It is impossible to legally avoid the background checks specified by federal law.
No loophole.
Enough with you asshole. You called me a liar a few post back after I pointed out that a loophole was a subjective term. In case your dumb ass doesn't understand what that means, it means both opinions and interpretations can be correct, or wrong, according to the person voicing the opinion. You just happen to be one of those jerks who think only your opinion can be correct and anyone who disagrees must be a liar.
You obviously are not bright enough to understand the link I provided. It was updated in August of this year, just a few months ago. You are just blowing it off like the facts in it are meaningless because they show you to be totally wrong. You are misinterpreting the federal law you keep ranting about and so providing definitions and factual links is useless. You are stuck on stupid.
Anyone with doubts of M14 Shooter being what was just written about him is free to read the posted link to confirm the asshole is an asshole.
in other words, there is no loophole correct? no one is doing anything illegally or outside of law. So the comment gun show loophole is a liberal attempt at some form of someone doing something illegal. To which you just verified doesn't happen. So the liberals who make this statement are liars?
No, the term loophole means something is being done legally. It does not imply an illegal activity. I will say again, it is a subjective term. One side believes it misrepresents the intent of the law. The other side believes it accurately represents the intent. Neither side is right or wrong. It is a matter of opinion. The fact that the laws intent is in dispute is one of the qualifiers for it being a loophole. As seen in the link I provided, some states have taken it upon themselves to "close" the loophole with state laws.
then what is the point of saying it?

Again for me it is an attempt by a liberal to state gun enthusiasts are doing something illegal. And..........it is a lie!!!!!!!! So again proof liberals are liars.
Proof you're an idiot is more accurate
Federal law applies everywhere.
Federal law specifies background checks.
It is impossible to legally avoid the background checks specified by federal law.
No loophole.
Enough with you asshole. You called me a liar a few post back after I pointed out that a loophole was a subjective term. In case your dumb ass doesn't understand what that means, it means both opinions and interpretations can be correct, or wrong, according to the person voicing the opinion. You just happen to be one of those jerks who think only your opinion can be correct and anyone who disagrees must be a liar.
You obviously are not bright enough to understand the link I provided. It was updated in August of this year, just a few months ago. You are just blowing it off like the facts in it are meaningless because they show you to be totally wrong. You are misinterpreting the federal law you keep ranting about and so providing definitions and factual links is useless. You are stuck on stupid.
Anyone with doubts of M14 Shooter being what was just written about him is free to read the posted link to confirm the asshole is an asshole.
in other words, there is no loophole correct? no one is doing anything illegally or outside of law. So the comment gun show loophole is a liberal attempt at some form of someone doing something illegal. To which you just verified doesn't happen. So the liberals who make this statement are liars?
No, the term loophole means something is being done legally. It does not imply an illegal activity. I will say again, it is a subjective term. One side believes it misrepresents the intent of the law. The other side believes it accurately represents the intent. Neither side is right or wrong. It is a matter of opinion. The fact that the laws intent is in dispute is one of the qualifiers for it being a loophole. As seen in the link I provided, some states have taken it upon themselves to "close" the loophole with state laws.
then what is the point of saying it?

Again for me it is an attempt by a liberal to state gun enthusiasts are doing something illegal. And..........it is a lie!!!!!!!! So again proof liberals are liars.
That is your interpretation. I believe it is a misinterpretation. I do not think people are saying that a loophole means something is illegal. They are calling for new laws that will better regulate private gun sales. There may be a belief that the current private firearms sales are being abused to the point of illegality or without ethical and moral standards being applied, but that is not the same as making an outright claim that all private sales are somehow illegal. I suspect most people interested in this topic know what a loophole is and is not. The term is most often used when someone wins a criminal case because of a "loophole". The term obviously implies what the person may have been wrong, but factually legal.
This discussion seems like nothing more that gun show proponents whining and playing victim.
it is what the liberals want the uneducated to think. I'll stand by that any day any hour, any year.
Enough with you asshole. You called me a liar a few post back after I pointed out that a loophole was a subjective term. In case your dumb ass doesn't understand what that means, it means both opinions and interpretations can be correct, or wrong, according to the person voicing the opinion. You just happen to be one of those jerks who think only your opinion can be correct and anyone who disagrees must be a liar.
You obviously are not bright enough to understand the link I provided. It was updated in August of this year, just a few months ago. You are just blowing it off like the facts in it are meaningless because they show you to be totally wrong. You are misinterpreting the federal law you keep ranting about and so providing definitions and factual links is useless. You are stuck on stupid.
Anyone with doubts of M14 Shooter being what was just written about him is free to read the posted link to confirm the asshole is an asshole.
in other words, there is no loophole correct? no one is doing anything illegally or outside of law. So the comment gun show loophole is a liberal attempt at some form of someone doing something illegal. To which you just verified doesn't happen. So the liberals who make this statement are liars?
No, the term loophole means something is being done legally. It does not imply an illegal activity. I will say again, it is a subjective term. One side believes it misrepresents the intent of the law. The other side believes it accurately represents the intent. Neither side is right or wrong. It is a matter of opinion. The fact that the laws intent is in dispute is one of the qualifiers for it being a loophole. As seen in the link I provided, some states have taken it upon themselves to "close" the loophole with state laws.
then what is the point of saying it?

Again for me it is an attempt by a liberal to state gun enthusiasts are doing something illegal. And..........it is a lie!!!!!!!! So again proof liberals are liars.
That is your interpretation. I believe it is a misinterpretation. I do not think people are saying that a loophole means something is illegal. They are calling for new laws that will better regulate private gun sales. There may be a belief that the current private firearms sales are being abused to the point of illegality or without ethical and moral standards being applied, but that is not the same as making an outright claim that all private sales are somehow illegal. I suspect most people interested in this topic know what a loophole is and is not. The term is most often used when someone wins a criminal case because of a "loophole". The term obviously implies what the person may have been wrong, but factually legal.
This discussion seems like nothing more that gun show proponents whining and playing victim.
it is what the liberals want the uneducated to think. I'll stand by that any day any hour, any year.
OK, you are calling "the liberals" as uneducated in a thread were the OP and some of his supporters are spending page after page needing common definitions of words explained, misinterpreting laws and regulation, not comprehending links with simple articles (one of them had a color coded map) and a lack of knowledge about the very topic of the thread. 80 pages into the thread the question is being asked about what a loophole is. Who is the uneducated here? Of course you know the answer. You just called you side the uneducated that liberals are influencing to think a certain way.
in other words, there is no loophole correct? no one is doing anything illegally or outside of law. So the comment gun show loophole is a liberal attempt at some form of someone doing something illegal. To which you just verified doesn't happen. So the liberals who make this statement are liars?
No, the term loophole means something is being done legally. It does not imply an illegal activity. I will say again, it is a subjective term. One side believes it misrepresents the intent of the law. The other side believes it accurately represents the intent. Neither side is right or wrong. It is a matter of opinion. The fact that the laws intent is in dispute is one of the qualifiers for it being a loophole. As seen in the link I provided, some states have taken it upon themselves to "close" the loophole with state laws.
then what is the point of saying it?

Again for me it is an attempt by a liberal to state gun enthusiasts are doing something illegal. And..........it is a lie!!!!!!!! So again proof liberals are liars.
That is your interpretation. I believe it is a misinterpretation. I do not think people are saying that a loophole means something is illegal. They are calling for new laws that will better regulate private gun sales. There may be a belief that the current private firearms sales are being abused to the point of illegality or without ethical and moral standards being applied, but that is not the same as making an outright claim that all private sales are somehow illegal. I suspect most people interested in this topic know what a loophole is and is not. The term is most often used when someone wins a criminal case because of a "loophole". The term obviously implies what the person may have been wrong, but factually legal.
This discussion seems like nothing more that gun show proponents whining and playing victim.
it is what the liberals want the uneducated to think. I'll stand by that any day any hour, any year.
OK, you are calling "the liberals" as uneducated in a thread were the OP and some of his supporters are spending page after page needing common definitions of words explained, misinterpreting laws and regulation, not comprehending links with simple articles (one of them had a color coded map) and a lack of knowledge about the very topic of the thread. 80 pages into the thread the question is being asked about what a loophole is. Who is the uneducated here?
Who is the uneducated here?
well since you asked, you!!!
Very few grandpa's will spend the funds needed to travel to all these shows and rent tables. They are not the problem anyhow. The problem is the guys who have used the loophole to operate as gun dealers under the outdated rules and laws designed for "grandpa collectors". It is a lucrative business.
There is no loophole that allows anyone, anywhere, to legally avoid the background checks specified by the relevant federal laws.

You (and many others) are victims of the premise that if someone tells a lie often enough, people will believe it.

You're saying that if the the law allows something,it can't be a loophole. The law allowing someone to get away with something like that is the definition of a loop hole... idiot.

The " gun show loophole" is a myth; fabricated to frighten the weak minded.
Very few grandpa's will spend the funds needed to travel to all these shows and rent tables. They are not the problem anyhow. The problem is the guys who have used the loophole to operate as gun dealers under the outdated rules and laws designed for "grandpa collectors". It is a lucrative business.
There is no loophole that allows anyone, anywhere, to legally avoid the background checks specified by the relevant federal laws.

You (and many others) are victims of the premise that if someone tells a lie often enough, people will believe it.

You're saying that if the the law allows something,it can't be a loophole. The law allowing someone to get away with something like that is the definition of a loop hole... idiot.

No, idiot...not making something illegal that has ALWAYS BEEN LEGAL, is not a loophole.

Using your wacky logic, since we've pretty much outlawed smoking in public buildings, that fact that people can still smoke in their own homes is a loophole. The idiot is staring back at you in your mirror.
There is an actual dictionary meaning to what a loophole is. It is defined as an ambiguity or inadequacy in a law. That makes the law or "loophole" subjective.

The "gun show loophole" is a myth; fabricated to frighten the weak minded.
The most intellectually, constitutionally, and morally valid (and effective!) way to close the LUPEHOWAL, is to eliminate the ridiculous regulatory requirement to perform background checks.
There is no need for universal background checks...gun grabbers only want them because they give them gun registration....once universal background checks come on line, criminals and mass shooters will still get guns......more normal people will get caught up in felonies for clerical errors and crime and mass shootings will continue.

Once it is known that universal background checks have failed like we told them they would, they will next say....well obviously for universal background checks to work we need to register all guns.......

It has always been the plan of anti gun extremists and they are simpy using the ignorance of regular Americans to conduct their jihad against guns...
There is an easy way to keep felons out of gun stores, gun shows and to prevent private direct sales to felons……when they are convicted of their crimes and can no longer own guns…put a tattoo on their shoulder that states this.

Oh the scarlet letter. That wreaks of Hitler. What if their conviction is later overturned? What if they were falsely accused? You do know that thousands of innocent people are convicted each year right? What about those?

This is one example of why I'm a libertarian and not a conservative. I believe EVERYONE not in prison should be able to own a gun. If they are that dangerous lock them up. Don't let them out and then force them to be a victim. Conservatives aren't real conservatives anymore.
There is an easy way to keep felons out of gun stores, gun shows and to prevent private direct sales to felons……when they are convicted of their crimes and can no longer own guns…put a tattoo on their shoulder that states this.

Oh the scarlet letter. That wreaks of Hitler. What if their conviction is later overturned? What if they were falsely accused? You do know that thousands of innocent people are convicted each year right? What about those?

Of course some would bring up the socialists in Europe...they were anti gun too....

What we are talking about here are people who commit a felony, get caught by the police, go to trial with a lawyer and have 12 people determine their guilt. They are then found guilty, sentenced to prison...and only then would they get the tattoo, since they can never own a gun again...at least for violent felonies...

If their conviction is overturned they can get paperwork to show that they are no longer a felon, so when they go to a gun store or a gun show they can explain the situation and then go through a regular background check to show they are able to own and carry guns.

In the case of someone falsely accused...they would have to go through the entire criminals justice system and actually be sentenced before they get the tattoo....and if they go through that and are found innocent...they get the paperwork.....

If you guys really, really want to end the ability of felons to walk into a gun store or a gun show or buy guns in person.....this is the only way that will only target actual criminals....

Every single other way targets normal gun owners while doing absolutely nothing to stop felons.....

We are talking about violent, convicted sociopaths who have used weapons, including guns, to commit crimes against innocent men, women and children...and been convicted and sentenced for it.....

We are not talking about targeting people just because socialists don't like them.
There is an easy way to keep felons out of gun stores, gun shows and to prevent private direct sales to felons……when they are convicted of their crimes and can no longer own guns…put a tattoo on their shoulder that states this.

Oh the scarlet letter. That wreaks of Hitler. What if their conviction is later overturned? What if they were falsely accused? You do know that thousands of innocent people are convicted each year right? What about those?

This is one example of why I'm a libertarian and not a conservative. I believe EVERYONE not in prison should be able to own a gun. If they are that dangerous lock them up. Don't let them out and then force them to be a victim. Conservatives aren't real conservatives anymore.

Did you think about this? Do you see how it would stop the call for universal background checks...which are just the precursor to gun registration.....

If you tattoo the shoulder of violent felons, you deny them access to gun shows and gun stores in a way that no other technique can match. If a felon walks in with a straw purchaser to get a gun, the gun store simply has to ask to see their shoulders....if a buyer is in the company of a felon...as can easily be seen from his shoulder tattoo, then they can both be told to leave and not come back, or they can call the police and have them deal with it.....

Without the tattoo, there is no way to tell if someone in the store or the gun show is a felon....

In a private sale....it is immediate and obvious if the buyer can actually buy the gun...without resorting to a background check....

What is not to like......

It targets the actual convicted criminal....it is immediate....it prevents felons from walking into guns stores and gun shows since these sites could have a check the shoulder policy to gain entrance....there is no paper trail....and it negates the need for universal background checks.

again....what is not to like.....

We are talking about violent, convicted sociopaths who have used weapons, including guns, to commit crimes against innocent men, women and children...and been convicted and sentenced for it.....

Well, that's not what you said. You said felons, and not all felons are violent sociopaths. Writing a bad check would get you that tattoo.

So let me ask you, why is someone convicted of a non violent crime subject to violence and unable to defend themselves?

We are talking about violent, convicted sociopaths who have used weapons, including guns, to commit crimes against innocent men, women and children...and been convicted and sentenced for it.....

Well, that's not what you said. You said felons, and not all felons are violent sociopaths. Writing a bad check would get you that tattoo.

So let me ask you, why is someone convicted of a non violent crime subject to violence and unable to defend themselves?

It wouldn't need to.....non violent felons wouldn't need to get the tattoo.....I care about the violent criminals....

I also think that some felons should get their gun rights back after a period of time...but not violent ones....

See....I can be reasonable as well.....

We are talking about violent, convicted sociopaths who have used weapons, including guns, to commit crimes against innocent men, women and children...and been convicted and sentenced for it.....

Well, that's not what you said. You said felons, and not all felons are violent sociopaths. Writing a bad check would get you that tattoo.

So let me ask you, why is someone convicted of a non violent crime subject to violence and unable to defend themselves?

And I don't always remember to post every little detail...that is why I like feedback....thanks.
Federal law applies everywhere.
Federal law specifies background checks.
It is impossible to legally avoid the background checks specified by federal law.
No loophole.
Enough with you asshole. You called me a liar a few post back....
False. I said you lied.
after I pointed out that a loophole was a subjective term.
It's not. There's is a specific meaning.
There's no loophole.
No, the term loophole means something is being done legally.
Allow me to remove your ignorance.
Compare and contrast these terms:

Loophole - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Non liquet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tell us which term actually applies to to the situation.
Your own links confirm my comment as being correct.
You are just desperate to make your point, which happens to based on your lack of knowledge and unwillingness to use the common definition of words. You do not know the meaning of the word loophole and stubbornly refuse to learn it. So, be happy and stay stupid.
No, the term loophole means something is being done legally.
Allow me to remove your ignorance.
Compare and contrast these terms:

Loophole - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Non liquet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tell us which term actually applies to to the situation.
Your own links confirm my comment as being correct.
You believe there is a loophole in federal background check laws.
The links I provided prove that you are wrong.
I hate to say it M14, but camp is right. A "loophole" is a "hole" in the law that allows something to be done legally.
No, the term loophole means something is being done legally.
Allow me to remove your ignorance.
Compare and contrast these terms:

Loophole - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Non liquet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tell us which term actually applies to to the situation.
Your own links confirm my comment as being correct.
You are just desperate to make your point, which happens to based on your lack of knowledge and unwillingness to use the common definition of words. You do not know the meaning of the word loophole and stubbornly refuse to learn it. So, be happy and stay stupid.
This is nonsense. There is OBVIOUSLY no loophole. Read the law.

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