"Gun show" "loophole"? Please explain.

Very few grandpa's will spend the funds needed to travel to all these shows and rent tables. They are not the problem anyhow. The problem is the guys who have used the loophole to operate as gun dealers under the outdated rules and laws designed for "grandpa collectors". It is a lucrative business.
There is no loophole that allows anyone, anywhere, to legally avoid the background checks specified by the relevant federal laws.

You (and many others) are victims of the premise that if someone tells a lie often enough, people will believe it.

You're saying that if the the law allows something,it can't be a loophole. The law allowing someone to get away with something like that is the definition of a loop hole... idiot.

No, idiot...not making something illegal that has ALWAYS BEEN LEGAL, is not a loophole.

Using your wacky logic, since we've pretty much outlawed smoking in public buildings, that fact that people can still smoke in their own homes is a loophole. The idiot is staring back at you in your mirror.
There is an actual dictionary meaning to what a loophole is. It is defined as an ambiguity or inadequacy in a law. That makes the law or "loophole" subjective.
You may call it retreat. I call it quietly walking away from a crazy guy. Believe what you want, but don't be surprised when it happens.

If you had even attempted to come up with something to refute what I said, someone might believe your bluff and bluster...run along now before you do further damage to whatever credibility you think you have on this issue.
None of these LIB pussies will EVER clearly state what the "loophole" AKA unicorn is.
They can't because it does not exist period.
Put the Loophole into words. Let's all read what the definition is.
You're all full of the same bullshit as your Trayvon Martin and Big Mike claims were.
Very few grandpa's will spend the funds needed to travel to all these shows and rent tables. They are not the problem anyhow. The problem is the guys who have used the loophole to operate as gun dealers under the outdated rules and laws designed for "grandpa collectors". It is a lucrative business.
There is no loophole that allows anyone, anywhere, to legally avoid the background checks specified by the relevant federal laws.

You (and many others) are victims of the premise that if someone tells a lie often enough, people will believe it.

You're saying that if the the law allows something,it can't be a loophole. The law allowing someone to get away with something like that is the definition of a loop hole... idiot.

No, idiot...not making something illegal that has ALWAYS BEEN LEGAL, is not a loophole.

Using your wacky logic, since we've pretty much outlawed smoking in public buildings, that fact that people can still smoke in their own homes is a loophole. The idiot is staring back at you in your mirror.
There is an actual dictionary meaning to what a loophole is. It is defined as an ambiguity or inadequacy in a law. That makes the law or "loophole" subjective.

But the law isn't ambiguous, and in the case of private gun sales, is hardly inadequate, since it wasn't designed to address private gun sales. Thanks for playing...Johnny, do we have any booby prizes for him?
Very few grandpa's will spend the funds needed to travel to all these shows and rent tables. They are not the problem anyhow. The problem is the guys who have used the loophole to operate as gun dealers under the outdated rules and laws designed for "grandpa collectors". It is a lucrative business.
There is no loophole that allows anyone, anywhere, to legally avoid the background checks specified by the relevant federal laws.

You (and many others) are victims of the premise that if someone tells a lie often enough, people will believe it.

You're saying that if the the law allows something,it can't be a loophole. The law allowing someone to get away with something like that is the definition of a loop hole... idiot.

No, idiot...not making something illegal that has ALWAYS BEEN LEGAL, is not a loophole.

Using your wacky logic, since we've pretty much outlawed smoking in public buildings, that fact that people can still smoke in their own homes is a loophole. The idiot is staring back at you in your mirror.
There is an actual dictionary meaning to what a loophole is. It is defined as an ambiguity or inadequacy in a law. That makes the law or "loophole" subjective.
and it is why we're asking what law has the loophole?
Very few grandpa's will spend the funds needed to travel to all these shows and rent tables. They are not the problem anyhow. The problem is the guys who have used the loophole to operate as gun dealers under the outdated rules and laws designed for "grandpa collectors". It is a lucrative business.
There is no loophole that allows anyone, anywhere, to legally avoid the background checks specified by the relevant federal laws.
You (and many others) are victims of the premise that if someone tells a lie often enough, people will believe it.
You're saying that if the the law allows something,it can't be a loophole. The law allowing someone to get away with something like that is the definition of a loop hole... idiot.
No, idiot...not making something illegal that has ALWAYS BEEN LEGAL, is not a loophole.
Using your wacky logic, since we've pretty much outlawed smoking in public buildings, that fact that people can still smoke in their own homes is a loophole. The idiot is staring back at you in your mirror.
There is an actual dictionary meaning to what a loophole is. It is defined as an ambiguity or inadequacy in a law. That makes the law or "loophole" subjective.
Yours is a lie of omission:

A loophole is an ambiguity or inadequacy in a system, such as a law or security, which can be used to circumvent or otherwise avoid the intent, implied or explicitly stated...In a loophole, a law addressing a certain issue exists, but the law can be legally circumvented due to a technical defect in the said law....a loophole in a law often contravenes the intent of the law without technically breaking it.
Loophole - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is no provision in the federal laws requiring background checks that allow you to legally avoid those background checks.
Very few grandpa's will spend the funds needed to travel to all these shows and rent tables. They are not the problem anyhow. The problem is the guys who have used the loophole to operate as gun dealers under the outdated rules and laws designed for "grandpa collectors". It is a lucrative business.
There is no loophole that allows anyone, anywhere, to legally avoid the background checks specified by the relevant federal laws.

You (and many others) are victims of the premise that if someone tells a lie often enough, people will believe it.

You're saying that if the the law allows something,it can't be a loophole. The law allowing someone to get away with something like that is the definition of a loop hole... idiot.

No, idiot...not making something illegal that has ALWAYS BEEN LEGAL, is not a loophole.

Using your wacky logic, since we've pretty much outlawed smoking in public buildings, that fact that people can still smoke in their own homes is a loophole. The idiot is staring back at you in your mirror.
There is an actual dictionary meaning to what a loophole is. It is defined as an ambiguity or inadequacy in a law. That makes the law or "loophole" subjective.

But the law isn't ambiguous, and in the case of private gun sales, is hardly inadequate, since it wasn't designed to address private gun sales. Thanks for playing...Johnny, do we have any booby prizes for him?
Loopholes are created when laws are written with exceptions and caveats for specified purposes and discovered to be applicable for other purposes that they were not designed for or anticipated. Laws that gave caveats to firearm background checks and registrations for private sales were designed for people to be able to sell their firearms privately without the hindrance of the requirements being imposed on licensed dealers. The were designed to allow bartering, trading and individual private sales to the private citizen. When people took advantage of the caveats and began small businesses and making profits from buying and selling firearms without a license the law became inadequate to fulfill the intent of the law. Hence, the loophole was created.
Loopholes are created when laws are written with exceptions and caveats for specified purposes and discovered to be applicable for other purposes that they were not designed for or anticipated. Laws that gave caveats to firearm background checks and registrations for private sales....
There are no such caveats in the federal background check laws.
There is no loophole.
There is no loophole that allows anyone, anywhere, to legally avoid the background checks specified by the relevant federal laws.

You (and many others) are victims of the premise that if someone tells a lie often enough, people will believe it.

You're saying that if the the law allows something,it can't be a loophole. The law allowing someone to get away with something like that is the definition of a loop hole... idiot.

No, idiot...not making something illegal that has ALWAYS BEEN LEGAL, is not a loophole.

Using your wacky logic, since we've pretty much outlawed smoking in public buildings, that fact that people can still smoke in their own homes is a loophole. The idiot is staring back at you in your mirror.
There is an actual dictionary meaning to what a loophole is. It is defined as an ambiguity or inadequacy in a law. That makes the law or "loophole" subjective.

But the law isn't ambiguous, and in the case of private gun sales, is hardly inadequate, since it wasn't designed to address private gun sales. Thanks for playing...Johnny, do we have any booby prizes for him?
Loopholes are created when laws are written with exceptions and caveats for specified purposes and discovered to be applicable for other purposes that they were not designed for or anticipated. Laws that gave caveats to firearm background checks and registrations for private sales were designed for people to be able to sell their firearms privately without the hindrance of the requirements being imposed on licensed dealers. The were designed to allow bartering, trading and individual private sales to the private citizen. When people took advantage of the caveats and began small businesses and making profits from buying and selling firearms without a license the law became inadequate to fulfill the intent of the law. Hence, the loophole was created.

Psst, it has ALWAYS been legal for law-abiding, private citizens to buy and sell firearms....there wasn't some law that made it legal, its never, ever, been illegal in this country. It's hardly a loophole when no laws were ever intended to prevent it.

Or are you trying to say that, despite decades, if not centuries, of claims otherwise, that you and your forebears have always been trying to ban law-abiding citizens from buying, selling and trading firearms among themselves and laws that you swore were not intended to achieve such a goal actually were intended for just that? Are you trying to confirm that the anti-gun crowd has been lying all these years?
I am saying that profiteers are using the freedom we had to freely buy and sell our firearms are being abused for personal profit. The exact law being abused is the 1986 Firearms Owners Protection Act that changed the definition of private sales from four per year to unlimited as long as the sales were not the principal source of income. Since the sales are not required to be registered and include cash a carry sales, it is difficult if not impossible to determine income derived.
Everyone knows everyone at gun shows. NO licensed dealer is going to fly all over the country setting up in old Moose Halls trying to make a living selling old or new guns. It doesn't make economic sense!
!00% of licensed dealers sell within their own state.
These dealers KNOW EVERY OTHER DEALER BY NAME!!!!!!!!!!
They trade. They socialise.
Some stranger walks in with a hundred shit cheap hand guns to sell made in Romania and the licensed dealers are on the phone to their FRIENDS at the police station.
You dimwit LIB pussy gun grabbers literally have no clue about what really goes on at gun shows.
You can count 'Cankles' in also. The bitch is 100% about getting her feet up on the Oval office desk while Bill sexually assaults little interns.
Fucking disgusting.
Licensed dealer are not the problem. The gun dealers can call all the cops they want. If my guns are legally purchased and not on a stolen gun list the cops have no case. The dealers know that and so do the cops.
Federal law applies everywhere.
Federal law specifies background checks.
It is impossible to legally avoid the background checks specified by federal law.
No loophole.
Enough with you asshole. You called me a liar a few post back after I pointed out that a loophole was a subjective term. In case your dumb ass doesn't understand what that means, it means both opinions and interpretations can be correct, or wrong, according to the person voicing the opinion. You just happen to be one of those jerks who think only your opinion can be correct and anyone who disagrees must be a liar.
You obviously are not bright enough to understand the link I provided. It was updated in August of this year, just a few months ago. You are just blowing it off like the facts in it are meaningless because they show you to be totally wrong. You are misinterpreting the federal law you keep ranting about and so providing definitions and factual links is useless. You are stuck on stupid.
Anyone with doubts of M14 Shooter being what was just written about him is free to read the posted link to confirm the asshole is an asshole.
I am saying that profiteers are using the freedom we had to freely buy and sell our firearms are being abused for personal profit. The exact law being abused is the 1986 Firearms Owners Protection Act that changed the definition of private sales from four per year to unlimited as long as the sales were not the principal source of income. Since the sales are not required to be registered and include cash a carry sales, it is difficult if not impossible to determine income derived.
so where is anyone violating it?
Federal law applies everywhere.
Federal law specifies background checks.
It is impossible to legally avoid the background checks specified by federal law.
No loophole.
Enough with you asshole. You called me a liar a few post back after I pointed out that a loophole was a subjective term. In case your dumb ass doesn't understand what that means, it means both opinions and interpretations can be correct, or wrong, according to the person voicing the opinion. You just happen to be one of those jerks who think only your opinion can be correct and anyone who disagrees must be a liar.
You obviously are not bright enough to understand the link I provided. It was updated in August of this year, just a few months ago. You are just blowing it off like the facts in it are meaningless because they show you to be totally wrong. You are misinterpreting the federal law you keep ranting about and so providing definitions and factual links is useless. You are stuck on stupid.
Anyone with doubts of M14 Shooter being what was just written about him is free to read the posted link to confirm the asshole is an asshole.
in other words, there is no loophole correct? no one is doing anything illegally or outside of law. So the comment gun show loophole is a liberal attempt at some form of someone doing something illegal. To which you just verified doesn't happen. So the liberals who make this statement are liars?
Federal law applies everywhere.
Federal law specifies background checks.
It is impossible to legally avoid the background checks specified by federal law.
No loophole.
Enough with you asshole. You called me a liar a few post back after I pointed out that a loophole was a subjective term. In case your dumb ass doesn't understand what that means, it means both opinions and interpretations can be correct, or wrong, according to the person voicing the opinion. You just happen to be one of those jerks who think only your opinion can be correct and anyone who disagrees must be a liar.
You obviously are not bright enough to understand the link I provided. It was updated in August of this year, just a few months ago. You are just blowing it off like the facts in it are meaningless because they show you to be totally wrong. You are misinterpreting the federal law you keep ranting about and so providing definitions and factual links is useless. You are stuck on stupid.
Anyone with doubts of M14 Shooter being what was just written about him is free to read the posted link to confirm the asshole is an asshole.
in other words, there is no loophole correct? no one is doing anything illegally or outside of law. So the comment gun show loophole is a liberal attempt at some form of someone doing something illegal. To which you just verified doesn't happen. So the liberals who make this statement are liars?
No, the term loophole means something is being done legally. It does not imply an illegal activity. I will say again, it is a subjective term. One side believes it misrepresents the intent of the law. The other side believes it accurately represents the intent. Neither side is right or wrong. It is a matter of opinion. The fact that the laws intent is in dispute is one of the qualifiers for it being a loophole. As seen in the link I provided, some states have taken it upon themselves to "close" the loophole with state laws.
Federal law applies everywhere.
Federal law specifies background checks.
It is impossible to legally avoid the background checks specified by federal law.
No loophole.
Enough with you asshole. You called me a liar a few post back after I pointed out that a loophole was a subjective term. In case your dumb ass doesn't understand what that means, it means both opinions and interpretations can be correct, or wrong, according to the person voicing the opinion. You just happen to be one of those jerks who think only your opinion can be correct and anyone who disagrees must be a liar.
You obviously are not bright enough to understand the link I provided. It was updated in August of this year, just a few months ago. You are just blowing it off like the facts in it are meaningless because they show you to be totally wrong. You are misinterpreting the federal law you keep ranting about and so providing definitions and factual links is useless. You are stuck on stupid.
Anyone with doubts of M14 Shooter being what was just written about him is free to read the posted link to confirm the asshole is an asshole.
in other words, there is no loophole correct? no one is doing anything illegally or outside of law. So the comment gun show loophole is a liberal attempt at some form of someone doing something illegal. To which you just verified doesn't happen. So the liberals who make this statement are liars?
No, the term loophole means something is being done legally. It does not imply an illegal activity. I will say again, it is a subjective term. One side believes it misrepresents the intent of the law. The other side believes it accurately represents the intent. Neither side is right or wrong. It is a matter of opinion. The fact that the laws intent is in dispute is one of the qualifiers for it being a loophole. As seen in the link I provided, some states have taken it upon themselves to "close" the loophole with state laws.
then what is the point of saying it?

Again for me it is an attempt by a liberal to state gun enthusiasts are doing something illegal. And..........it is a lie!!!!!!!! So again proof liberals are liars.
Federal law applies everywhere.
Federal law specifies background checks.
It is impossible to legally avoid the background checks specified by federal law.
No loophole.
Enough with you asshole. You called me a liar a few post back after I pointed out that a loophole was a subjective term. In case your dumb ass doesn't understand what that means, it means both opinions and interpretations can be correct, or wrong, according to the person voicing the opinion. You just happen to be one of those jerks who think only your opinion can be correct and anyone who disagrees must be a liar.
You obviously are not bright enough to understand the link I provided. It was updated in August of this year, just a few months ago. You are just blowing it off like the facts in it are meaningless because they show you to be totally wrong. You are misinterpreting the federal law you keep ranting about and so providing definitions and factual links is useless. You are stuck on stupid.
Anyone with doubts of M14 Shooter being what was just written about him is free to read the posted link to confirm the asshole is an asshole.
in other words, there is no loophole correct? no one is doing anything illegally or outside of law. So the comment gun show loophole is a liberal attempt at some form of someone doing something illegal. To which you just verified doesn't happen. So the liberals who make this statement are liars?
No, the term loophole means something is being done legally. It does not imply an illegal activity. I will say again, it is a subjective term. One side believes it misrepresents the intent of the law. The other side believes it accurately represents the intent. Neither side is right or wrong. It is a matter of opinion. The fact that the laws intent is in dispute is one of the qualifiers for it being a loophole. As seen in the link I provided, some states have taken it upon themselves to "close" the loophole with state laws.
then what is the point of saying it?

Again for me it is an attempt by a liberal to state gun enthusiasts are doing something illegal. And..........it is a lie!!!!!!!! So again proof liberals are liars.
That is your interpretation. I believe it is a misinterpretation. I do not think people are saying that a loophole means something is illegal. They are calling for new laws that will better regulate private gun sales. There may be a belief that the current private firearms sales are being abused to the point of illegality or without ethical and moral standards being applied, but that is not the same as making an outright claim that all private sales are somehow illegal. I suspect most people interested in this topic know what a loophole is and is not. The term is most often used when someone wins a criminal case because of a "loophole". The term obviously implies what the person may have been wrong, but factually legal.
This discussion seems like nothing more that gun show proponents whining and playing victim.

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